The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 10, 1899, Image 1

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Oflico 1132 N Btreot, Up Stairs
Telephone 384.
Subscription Katen In Advance.
For annum $1 00
Six monthB 75
Three months 50
Ono month 20
Singlo copies 05
The Courier will not bo responsible for vol
untary communications unless accompanied by
return postuRO.
Communications, to rocolvo nttontion, must
bo sienod by tno full nnmo of tlio wrltor. not
moroly as a Rtinrantoo of Rood faith, but for
publication if advisable,
The County Convention.
Sheriff Troinpcn is working for the
nomination of Bud Lindsay for
sherilT. It would bo an irony too
severe for the well being of the re
publican party if it should nominate
a man to execute the laws who has
been repeatedly arrested for breaking
them himself. Such a nomination
would invite defeat. This com
munity lias repudiated notoriously
unworthy republican nominations
before and it will again. There are
enough free men in this district to
prevent any saloon and dive keepers
or notoriously dishonest politician
from being elected sheriff, And this
fact, with others, which have been
fully demonstrated will restrain the
members of the county convention
from nominating such a man. When
the voters of this district are aroused
by the publication of a criminal
record and are convinced of its truth
no candidate, however closely con
nected with the machine, can be
Two great universities bring thous
ands of young men into this district
every year. It is of the greatest Im
portance that the sheriff should bo a
man with respect for law, with a
respectable community standing and
against whom there can be no sus
picion of collusion with gamblers and
other law breakers. No other kind of
a man can bo electee', whoever is
nominated by the approaching con
vention. For if a man who does not
hold the respect of this community
should be nominated the democrats
would be encouraged to select an ir
"proachablo candidate and demo
cratic and republican voters would
e'ect him.
Business Women.
Women, even those of taste and the
ability called executive, who are sud
denly left without the accustomed
support of a husband or an income
are apt to be overwhelmed with dls
pair when they lind that they must
take their places at the end of a long
line of applicants for every Job. The
popular society woman is given to
thinking well of herself. If her hus
band be a man of inlluence of wealth
or power of any kind she shares in
the deference and distinction ills
attributes compel. Very naturally,
unless she be an unusually discerning
woman she comes to believe that her
opinion is requested so often because
of Its intrinsic value, and that if
there were any reason for offering
them, her services on a paper or as
conlidential adviser of large firms
would have a high market value.
The disillusion is complete when her
husband dies and she finds that all
the newspapers have editors with
wliom the publishers are more or less
satisfied, that all the railroads have
attorneys and that she In reality owed
all her prestige to the little, plain
man whose name she bears, who is
dead and whom she lias been in the
habit of bullying and advising to her
heart's content. If lie might only
come back again and put these other
curt business men again in their for
mer respectful and flattering attitude
she would, in turn, give him the
credit he never demanded nor got.
Very frequently the society woman,
newly poor, gives up in dispair and
accepts a life of dependance, starves,
takes her own life or assassinates her
But the taste, unerring knowledge
of the ways of the fashionable world
and of what It Is likely to wear and
of what wares It will reject,! which
many society women possess, would
be of priceless value to manufacturers
and to large drygoods houses. Manu
facturers and drygoods store keepers
are constantly making costly mis
takes which are set down to unavoid
able loss. Tuerd is little doubt that
the loss might be avoided by the em
ployment of a woman whose subtle
Instinct for style, color and elegance
have made her a leader whose gowns
have been copied by uninspired mem
bers of her set. Shopkeepers have be
gun to realize that Just the sort of tal
ent required to buy the sort of things
society wants lis not In the market
and the services of a brilliant leader
In society are no longer rejected with
scorn. Two tremendously smart
Philadelphia women, both in ap
pearance and social connection, have
found a refuge in Wanaraaker's vast
emporium, where their brains as well
as their beauty are put to paying
advantage. Mrs. Frank Ralston flits
about the French room that Is de
voted to choice lingerie and will go
abroad next season to do the buying
of these goods. iMrh. .lack Marie, who
has proved herself the truest sort of a
woman since her husband's liuanciai
troubles, is employed as a sort of
critic and, 1 am told, Is of great value
to the firm.
Yellow Journalism.
If it were not for newspapers the
ministry would have scant attrac
tions for the Ilov. Byron Hoall whoso
sermons arc addressed to such small
audiences that without the notice of
the newspapers Ills name would be
familiar to very few. Unsuccessful
in attracting attention as a preacher
and exhortcr,it is Ills custom to choose
sensational titles for his common
place sermons and request the news
papers to publish them. In conse
quence his name has a certain
notoriety in a small part of Nebraska.
The whole police court incident was
doubtless worked up by him for the
very object which he hs.s achieved
liis name in the headlines in a daily
paper and serious editorials discuss
lnghis remarks on yellow Journalism.
For when lie had finally got his neigh
bor against whom he complained,
into court lie bore him no grudge and
seemed pleased to settle his dispute
amicably. When the police reporter
included Mr Bcall's scrap In the
usual daily police report of disagree
ments and misdemeanors, Mr. Beall
announced that yellow Journalism
like the Russian or the Buffalo moth
had arrived In Lincoln; that it would
destroy families instead of carpets
and wheat fields and that he would
preach a sermon on a certain date
which the guileless dailies freely
advertised, on the nature, repulsive
ness, danger and best method of sup
pressing the yellow journal. There is
no yellow journal in Nebraska. Ex
istence is too colorless here, in the first
place, to supply yellow enough for a
permanent tint. Even Chicago is too
provincial and rural for a real yellow
journal. New York and Boston sup
port papers whose Sunday editions
are filled with pictures of monsters
from birth, of mis-shapen, cripples,
of horrible crimes and criminals.
The sheets illustrate the ugliness of
the world and they pander to the
morbid tastes still inherent in the
larger part of.the world. It is ques
tionable if they do much harm ex
copt to the very young or the weak.
These newspapers are the essence of
vulgarity. They gape at the rich or
famous and report, as servants do the
doings of what they call the -3EOO
and cackle and gloat ovor it, as ser
vants do. The pictures are in shock
ing bad taste, but-it is the truth that
most of us are childishly pleased with
bloody stories still and till we tire of
them the newspapers will continue to
relate them.
Universal Education.
Most of the work of the world must
be done by hands. The machine
which accomplishes the work of
hundreds of hands is set in motion ??y
a pair or educated ones. At th
slightest break or unintelligible click,
detected by the grimy ear, the hands
stop the machine and repair the
break. Between the parts of the
machine there is no closer or more
essential connection than between It
and the man who controls It. Yet
this man in control of a thousand or
more hand power, capable of Instantly
quelling a mutiny or Insurrection of
one part against another Is called a
machinist or an engineer and his
very Important economic function Is
underestimated by parents who Insist
that their sons be prepared for life by
a college course. A largo proportion
of the college graduates take clerk
ships after commencement and many
never get anything hotter. Doubt
less the clerk's own capacity for re
fined enjoyment is deepened, but his
service to the community Is no more
valuable than that performed by the
ordinary accountant. If the educa
tion, in question is a gift from the
state, the state will not get an equiv
alent back again.
Every spring thousands of young
men and women leave college for
ever. The object of education Is
frequently stated by educators to lie
the development of the faculties to
their highest degree of usefulness and
responsiveness but these graduates
search for a place to be useful in and
frequently fall. The man with a
grammar school education Is ahead
of him by so many years as he spent
in college and the only places unfilled
are those upon tho farm or on rail
road tracks, on streets or buildings,
where only the muscle and endurance
of a horse arc required. The annual
spring college output depresses the
labor market instead of stimulating
it. It is a well dressed, anxious,
ready-to-work, but fastidious and
critical body of laborers who must
take the place of men already cm
ployed or start new enterprises. The
latter requires experience and self
confidence and although the college
graduate has both, college life fur
nishes no very reliable precedents for
business and the self confidence of a
college man is based upon his ability
to accept some other man's Ideas and
recite them, rather than upon any
energetic and creative originality of
his own.
Tho fathecs who are anxiously pon
dering over what these sons shall do
who have Just brought home from
college, a pair of well developed
biceps, a more or less well filled brain
covered with glossy hair, some brll
llant golf stockings and sweaters, and
a self-conscious vocabulary, admit
that this period immediately sue
ceeding graduation is a trying and
uncertain one. And the fathers ad
mit a doubt, that the idolatora of
education call heresy that education
is all that scholars claim It Is. An
education prepares and predisposes
the student for brain labor, yet most
of the work of the world is not done
at a desk. Only ono thinker is re