The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 03, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    wBzugnBl2rt&3tit9SnBEBXB!IIBXB&Bmawmm " uliK-'" WBM
and woro prottily decorated. Mr. Ralph
JO. Johnson presided hh toastmastor, and
Introduced oauh Hpuakur with an original
poom. Tho program, "Tho Board o
Education," Dr. F. 8. Stoic; "Farewell,"
Superintendent Salor; "Our ToaeherH,"
MIhh Ena Rickotta; "Tho Clusa of '!)."
MIhb Mary Dunlin; "Ono Docudo Ago,'
Mr. O. C. Marlay; "A Year Ago," Mr
Ed Robertson; "Our Coeds," Mr. Paul
Hunger; "Tho High School,'' rrincipal
Watoi house.
Mm. 10. LowIh Baker gavo a delightful
luiiHicalo on Thureday afternoon. A
program of ballad music whh presented
by Mrn. Bakor assisted by MIhh Licschon
Bianoa Wobor, vocaliat and MIhh Har
riot MoBBinnn Cooko accompanist. MiB3
Wobur Ih tho daughter of Madaino
Wt'bor, formorly a favorito Lincoln ro
prano, and Judging from her playing
Iiiih inherited hor mother's muHicnl tal
ent. MisR Cooko's accompaniments
woro very BntiBfactory. Mra. Bakor'e
versatility wau onco moro shown in her
select iotiB for this program, which whh
nude up of Italian, German, Spanhh
and English songB. Her porfoct familiar
ity with tho different languages whb ap
parent, and eho pursed easily from grave
to gay. All of tho numbers woro given
with Biich regard to expression that oven
whero tho wotdB woro not understood by
tho listeners tho sontimont was easily
grasped, and thoso who had boforo con
sidered operatic and dramatic music to
bo Mrs. Baker's specialty folt thut in
tbia program eho had proved horself
mistress of ballad muBic iib well. After
tho program cooling refreshments woro
sorvod in tho dining room and dolicious
Porto Rican colToo with small cakes up
Tho program follows:
Italian Ballads
a. L'Eroraita Mililotti
b. Molodia Fillipi
c. Visiono (violin obliguto) Tosti
Oorman Ballads
a. Ich liobe dich Oreig
b. Traumo und liebo auch du. . . . Abt
c. Lobo v ohl Grabon-Hoffman
Violion Adagio Pathotiquo (Jodard
Old Spanish Songs
a. HuBta hi Mannna )
b. La Boca do Popitu )
English ballads
a. Blow.Thou Winter Wind. Surgoant
b. 'Twiib in a Lund Ohaminado
Tho annual bunquotnnd conferoncoof
tho Biblo Bchool of fao First Presbyter
ian church occurred Monday evening.
Invitations woro extended to all officers
and toachors of tho Sabbath Bcliool and
to tho officors of the church and their
wives. About soventy llvo persons woro
seated at tho dining tables for tho ban
quet and at the conclusion of tho moal
tho following program of toasts was
presented, Mrs. F. M. Hall presiding.
"Tho Musical Question," Dr. II. B.
Ward; "Tho Primary Department From
a Parent's Point of Viow," Mr. T. O.
Mungor; "Tho School From tho Pastor's
Point of Viow," Dr. W. M. Hindman;
Impromptu addrosB, Profnesor T. M.
Hodgman; "Looking Forward," Supor
intoiidont J. II. Miller.
Tho ladies of No. 0, A. O. U. WM J)e
groo of Honor, gavo an ontortainmont
and social Friduy night at A. O. U. W.
hall. An interesting program was given.
Refreshments woro sorved. Tho pro
gram wbb autoharp trio, Misses GiiBkoll
and Doyo, und Mr. Gaskoll; address of
wolcome, Mrs. Chapman; piuno roIo,
Miss Nova Alwyn; recitation, Miss How
ard; mnndolin and autoharp duot. Mi6B
Doyo and Mr. Kimeoy; vocal solo, Miss
Slead; song, Mr. Howard; autoharp se
lection, Misses GaBkoll and Doyo nnd
Mr. GaskolL,
At tho graduating oxorcisoa of the
StrouiBburg high Bchool last weok Mtb.
Stoutonborough of Plattsmouth, de
livered an inspiring addross to tho sovon
young girls who woro given diplomas-
Thoir names aro May P. Neugont, Han
nah C. Backlund, Solum N. Rydborg,
FannioJ Kiietolbach, Lulu G. Bixlor,
Slgno O. Norman, and Annie C. Boberg.
All but one of tho class wero daughters
of Swodiah parontB. Thoy have tho
yellow hair and exquisite complexion of
a northern raco iib wll as its iidniirublo
composure. During tho commencement
oxorciseB a rain and hail storm raged,
and tho noiso on Iho tin roof wbb suffi
cient to drown any human voice, but
this graduating class delivered orntions
without betraying any consciousness of
tho diBturbanco. A class of American
giila would havo giggled and whispored,
and taken tho uudionco into Ub confi
dence. But theso young ladies wore no
such amateurs. At tho closo of tho ox
orcises tho principal announced that tho
StromBburg high Bchool had just boon
placed on tho accredited list by tho uni
versity authorities. Tho announcement
was rocoivod with applause. After tho
presentation of diplomas and medalB to
tho clasB by Mrs. Buckley, secretary of
the board, Mrs. Stoutonborough deliv
ered a felicitous address, and tho class
presented hor with flowers and a souvenir
gift. A lurgo part of tho nudienco wus
invited to a racoption nt tho homo of
Mr. O. H, Morrill, given by tho merabors
of tho Mary M. Ford club to Mrs.
Stoutonborough and Mrs. II. II. Wilson',
Dean of Womon at tho university. Tho
very beautiful grounds had boon lav
ishly doeoiatcd with Chinese lanterns
and wero a fairy sight until tho rain put
out tho lights. 'But insido tho guests
woro sorved to ico cream, cako and cof
fco. nnd a Boft toned string orchestra
played an nccompanimont to tho con
versation. A company of peoplo gathered Mon
day night at the homo of Mr. J. E.
Krunimack, 735 North Elovonth street,
to surpriBO Mr. John Krunimack on his
ninotoonth birthday, and for u farewell
to Miss Clara Mueller, who loft this
weok for an extended visit to St. LouIb,
Tho evening was spout in tho enjoy
mont of games, music, and refresh men ts,
ThoBO proBont woro: Misses Gotman,
Cleveland, Myers, Mueller, Thomas,
Meyers. Thomas, Packard, Pulse, Black
mar, Krunimack, Jenkins, Boyco, and
Packard; Moesre. Robinson, Sweur
ingor, Packard, Ledwith. Carter. Krnm.
mack, Fritz, Ynnow, Larson, Trumbull,
Jonkins, Mooro; Messrs. and Mesdamos
Rolfsmoyor, Mooro and WilBon, and
Mesdamos Blackmar, Myers, and Jon.
Alombt-rs of tho Kappa Alpha Thota,
who are momborB of tho senior class at
tho university, gavo a luucheon Friday
afternoon to those of tho junior class, at
tho homo of Mies Vancil. A mirror
surrounded with smihix extended
through tbo contro of tho tablo and on
it wero scattered pansios. Candles
shaded with gas light groon lightod tho
dining room. Tho 6onior members are:
MUsos Vancil, Wook?, Millan, Randall,
Macfarland and McMillur; tho junior
merabors are: Miesos Macfarland, Wig
gonhorn and Wilson.
MiB3 Alma Quinn gavo a crokinolo
party on Friday ovoning. A supper
was sorved. Invitod guests woro: MiB
bob Tate, Fiehor, Stono, Ilomrig, Tate,
Howe, Barrott, Couser, Ingraham, Gray,
Sharpnack, Kaar, Fuust, Bischop, Horn
rig, Smith, Ohittondon, Gray, JamoB
and Kauirman; Messrs. Stonor, Tate,
Smith, Mills, Tato, JohnBon, Ingruham,
CVlwoll, Charlee, Fishor, Tato, CharloB,
WillianiB, Ames, Kaar, Parker, Unthank,
Fishor, Fraloy, Thorn, and Tat man of
Hamilton, Nobr.; Mesdamea Routzahn,
Emory und James.
Mr. F. W. Taylor, who has gone to
Bulittlo to Ittko charge of tho concessions
of tho Pun Amoricnn Exposition, will bo
very much missed. Mr. and Mrs. Toy
or have played important parts in the
life of this community, tho former by
hie executive ubility und public spirit
helping along tho church and ovory
public irBti'ution with which ho is con
nected, and tholattor by her pure, strong
voice in song redeeming innumorablo
occasions from dulnosB. Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor will indeed bo greatly miesod.
Mrs. E. Fleming ontorlainod on Fr
day afternoon for MrB. J. C. Williams of
Hastings. Mupicand conversation oc
cupied tho timo until 5 o'clock when
dinner was announced. Invitations
wero extended to MoBdamcs WillianiB of
Hastings, Farnsworth of Iowa, Brooks,
Parker, Stino, Lnwlor, Drake, Barth.
Aloxandcr. Hopkins, Grot-r, Hoagy, Mc
Dill, Dillworth, Floming, Brooks, Voung
and Miss Mao Habnrlan. .
MisBAnna Gertrude Childs of Wor
cester, MassschusottB, who Bang bo
acceptably last Sabbath at tho First
PrcBbytorian church, will sing there
again tomorrow. Miss ChildB has a
romarkably puro and beautiful eopiano
voice, und interprets with tasto and
procoption. Whilo in Lincoln she will
bo thoguoatof Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Jones.
Miss Anna Tibbolts entertained in
formally on Monday evening. Dancing
was tho principal amusemnnt, supple
mented by games and music. Refresh
ments woro sorved, Thoso presont woro:
Mesdamos Hill and Motcalf; Miesos Mc
Pheo, Odoll, Shuto, Kirkor, Cole, Millor
and Snivoly.
Tho Mary M. Ford club of Stroms
burg, welcomed Mrs. Stoutonborough
last Friday afternoon, and tbo latter
spoke for a fow minutoB about tbo club
woman, hor character, and mission,
Mrs. Stoutonborough was givon tho closo
attention that Bho always commands.
After the speaking delicious refresh
ments were sorved by the ladiep.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McMurtry enter
tained a small company informally on
Saturday ovenicg. Miss Shute and
Dr. Webster of Omaha, rendered charm
ing music. Mr. Dunroy road from his
poems, Refreshments woro sorvod.
Thoso proEont woro: Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Iloagland, Misses Josophino
Shuto and Mao Follmor, Mr. William
Reed Dunroy and Dr. Ralph French
Mrs. J. F. Stevens of 841 North
Twonty-sixth street, gave a high tea on
Tuesday ovoning in honor of Mies
Florence Tompkin6on, tho former sec
retary of the Young Women's Chris
tian Association. The guestB were:
Miss Tcmpkinson, MiBs Hoagland, Mrs.
L. F. Corey and Mr. W. H. Wallace.
The sonior class of tho high school
gave a lawn party Thursday night at tho.
homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Honey
well. Tho grounis wero lighted and
hammocks und Boats placed in attractive
nooks. Songs and refreshments woro
enjoyed. Several of tho high school
teachers woro proeont.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rudy of Sioux
City, Iowa, havo issued invitations to
tho marriago uf thoir daughter, Mies
Margarot Core, to Mr. Harry Harding
Everett. The wedding will occur on
Wednesday, June 14th, at St. Thomas
Episcopal church in Sioux City.
Mrs. Sigournoyand Mr. S. D. Sigour
noy gavo a musicalo on Friday evening
at thoir homo at 803 G street. Tho per
formors woro: Misses Gulick and Maud
Sigournoy; MeBdamoB Wilkinson, Car
pender and Cotton, and Mr. Sigournoy.
Light refreshments wero sorved.
Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean will
givo thoir annual reception to tbo
faculty of tho university and members
of the senior class on Monday evening.
On next Wednesday evening the Chan
cellor will recievo tho public at tbo
library building.
Mies Helen Howlatid ontortainod on
Friday ovoning for Miss Alico Whito of
Seward. Tho guests wero: Misses Do-
witt, Morrill and Whito; Messrs. Burt,
WoodruH and Pattorson.
On Tuesday oveniug MieB Edna Hyatt
gavo a chafing dish party in her studio.
TIiobo present wore: MiescB Smith and
Roosa; Mos&rs. Burt and Gregory of tho
Atlantic Coast Survey.
Whilo tho university cadots wero on
campod at Ashland this week Mrs. 11. II.
Shodd ontortainod twenty members of
Phi Kappa Psi at dinuer at hor homo
in that city.
Mrs. M. II Evcrott ppont tho week in
Chicngo rutuming yesterday accom
panied by hor pon.Mr. Harry II. Eveiott
who huB boon attending tho Northwest
ern Medical collego.
Tho class of 81), university of Ne
braska, will entertain at luncheon June,
8th, at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. S.
Allon. the classes of '83. '87 and "8G.
Mrs. Smith, of Washington, D. C,
and hor siBter, Miss May Werner, uro
tho guoBts of MisB Jonnio Smith, of
Seventeenth aad B stroote.
Mrs. I. N. Baker will entertain tho
teachers of tho Capitol school and tho
mothors who huvo boon actively inter
ested in tho Patron's mooting this after
noon. Mrs. E. L. Holjoko and Mrs. R. A.
Hol)oko will givo a musicalo on next
Tuoaduy afternoon at tho homo of the
Tho marriago of Mies Lydia Tukey,
of Omaha, and Mr. William Grant Mor
rison of this city, will occur or. Wednes
day, Juno 7.
Tho Kappa Alpha Thota fraternity
will givo a garden party next Monday
night at tho homo of Miss Charlotte
The annual Pan-Hellenic party given
by tho university fraternities occurred
last night at Burlington Boach.
MieB Lieschen Bianca Weber, of Chi
cago, is tho guest of her grundmothor,
Mrs. Cooko.
Mies Hunnoh Lowo of Michigan, is
tho guest of hor cousin, Mies Ena
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kirby went to
Chicago tho first of tho week fot u short
Miep Loujbo Pound loft on Sunday for
Now York, uud sails today for Europe
Mrs. E F. Pettis gavo a tea on Wodnes
day afternoon.
Mies Lucinda Loomie gavo a luncheon
on Saturday.
DDentiBl Hill, over Millor & Paino'e.
An important business meeting of tho
Matinee Musicalo wes hold Monday
Alrn,ADBatTth0hon,10or lho P'ident,
Mrs. A. S. Raymond. A chungo in the
bylaws some weeks ago increaBing ihn
associate membership feo to fivo dollars
was pubsed, but as this will include all
concerts and artist recitals tho expense
t associate members will bo no greater"
as thoy huvo heretofore paid extra for
May festival tickote. An amend mont
providing for tho admission of S Ss
associate member was read and will bo
acted upon next Monday at a meotine
nVWUb0,MUt rMr8' Ry'ond's a 'io
o clock. Miss Hoover, chairmun of tho
program Committee read a proposed o ?
lino for tho year which was iccented
o wPEdewillr "ft00n """" ttt
or which will bo open raeotincs and
three ariBt recitals. The progSe aro
n tho hands of three divisions twS
VTi U,piuniBt Hml atoBor S'g ap
pointed for ouch. Mrs. Will 6 "on
Jones and Mrs. E. Lewis Bil or huvo
charge of tho first division: M Us Hav
wood and Mrs. C. E. Lai borron tlS
second, and Miss Hoover und m n a
Campbell tho third. Tho feo for chart
membership was raised to e00 ruA8
committee whb appointed to examine hd
phcantB for chorus moinberslip TtX
vo ces and their ability to roa , t thrht
will bo tested. It is proposed to raiao
tho standard of chorus work iiinkC it
g?aPmBr1,y nttmCtiV0 'tu of1h