VOL XIV. NO. XXII. BSTABLISHBD IN 188(1 PRICE FIVE CENT LINCOLN. NRBR.. SATURDAY. JUNE 3, 180!). KNTEREDIN THE P08TOFFICB AT LINCOLN AS SECOND CLASS MATTEtt. PUBLISHED EVKRY SATCRDAY BT THE COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO Oflico 1132 N Btroot, Up Stairs Telephone 384. 6ARAH D. HARRIS. Editor Subscription Katep Id Advance. Per annum 9100 Six months 75 Three months 50 One month 20 Single copies 05 Tub Courier will not bo responsible for vol. untary communications unless accompanied by roturn postage Communications, to rocoive attention, must bo signed by tho full name of tbo writer, not moroly as a guarantee of good faith, but for publication if advisablo, s 1, woo' OBSERVATIONS. 8 Justice to the Living. On this Decoration Day the graves of the nation's heros are strewn with the Mowers of May. Eloquent words recount to listening thousands the noble deeds of those who risked and those who (lost their lives' in their country's service. What day more appropriate for justice to the living? On the 12th day of last January, there was Introduced In. the state senate by Senator Crow of Douglas county, a resolution preceded by a preamble which recited that It was common report to the parents of Ne braska sons serving in the Fil pines, that Colonel Stotsenburg had been guilty of unjust and unsoldierly treatment of the men in the First Nebraska then under his command; and that tho charges had been oltlo ially Hied with the secretary of war. The resolution demanded that our senators and representatives in con gress request the secretary of war to detach Colonel Stotsenburg from the Kirst Nebraska and return him to duty in the regular army. In re presentative Fisher of Dawes county, was found a man who possessed those qualifications which enabled him to introduce and champion a similar resolution in tho house. Cadet Taylor of Omaha was the active coward outside tho legislature who led this dastardly attack upon an absent soldier then maintaining the Hag of his country on the opposite sido of tho globe. At the time fixed for consideration Representative Fisher who intro duced tho resolution called it up and the resulting legislative action is without paralell in tho history of this state. Charges of cruelty and ill treatment of tho men under his com mand which if true would have com pelled the discharge from the service of the commanding officer of the Ne braska regiment were made and re peated upon the Moor of the house. Not a witness was called, not a word of testimony produced. It was charged that parents of members of the regiment had letters which de tailed acts of cruelty on the parlor the commanding officer, which letters had been exhibited to members of the house. As an excuse for not pro ducing these letters, it was said that to make them public would in juriously effect the writers who were still under the command of the offi cer upon whose head the maledic tions of these legislators were laid. At the same time a proposition to refer the matter to a committee where an investigation could be made and if necessary the names of the writers of the letters be concealed, was rejected. Men drawing pensions from the government sneaked about legislative halls claiming to have letters from relatives which formed the basis of the charges made, but who had not the manhood to exhibit the documents they claimed to pos sess. Representative Fisher had been an officer in the second Nebraska and bore the title of Captain. A brave man who was worthy to bear such a title would have stood in the breach in defense of an absent officer then in service. On the contrary this man led the attack from a legislative am bush which he knew protected him from accountability for anything he then and tiiere said. Possessing no personal knowledge of the facts, he proceeded to serve Cadet Taylor by denouncing Colonel Stotsenburg as a tyrant. Representative Burns followed Re presentative Fisher in the attack upon the gallant soldier whose body now takes its place among the hon ored dead at Arlington, in a lachry mose manner he declared that boys who had been playmates of his boys were subject to the tyranny of tho commanding officer of the regiment, yet lie produced nothing in support of his charges. He had not the man hood to demand that an investiga tion be made; that Cadet Taylor who for weeks had pestered tho war de partment witli attempts to secure the removal of this officer, should be re quired to substantiate the charges he had uttered, and that at least an opportunity to be heard in his own defense be offered the officer. He is reported to have said lie favored an investigation when the colonel was back. Is he aware that the colonel Is is back? Representatives Wilcox of Lincoln, Sturges of Douglas. Mann of Saline, and others followed tho lead of Fisher and Burns in their cowardly attack, upon a man ten thousand miles away. To the credit of the state there were a few members of the house who stood against the cry, "crucify him. crucify him," and had the manhood to denounce condemnation without a hearing. Prominent among these were Representatives Haller of Wash ington, .lansen of .Jefferson, Weaver or Ilicliardson, Hurc'y of Polk, Wheel er or Furnas, and Easterllng or Buf falo There was a member- of the Lancaster delegalation who by rea son of the position he occupied could have prevented legislative action which embittered the brief remain ing period or the lire or as brave a soldier as ever saluted tho flag or drew a sword In Its derense. That man was Paul F. Clark, Speaker or the house. A graduate of the State uni versity at which Colonel Stotsenburg 'was stationed when the volunteer army was created; a lawyer by pro fession and presumably familiar witli the principle that every man is en titled to a hearing before condemna tion; in duty bound to see that the house took no action which should not remain a matter of public record, he raised not his voice against this attack, but when the roll was called voted for the adoption of the resolu lion. In the house not a member of tho Lancaster delegation voted against this action. Anderson, Lane, Burns, Clark and Harkson, in the absence of a line or a word which warranted such action voted for the condemnation of the soldier whose body lay in state at the capitol build ing last Sunday. Such pusillanimity was not exhibited by either of the senators for this county, both of whom opposed the adoption of and voted against the resolution in the senate. What followed? Without investl gallon to show that the charges made in legislative halls were false; the officer attacked not removed from his command; the apparent purpose of the resolutions not accomplished the entire record of this proceeding is expunged. Why? No resolutions was offered reciting that the legislature had Acted upon misinformation. No anology was offered to the one in jured. Like a criminal the legisla ture proceeded to destroy the evidence of the crime. It is said that on that fatal Sunday when the colonel of the First Nebraska fell at the head of his troops, after the battle was over men of his regiment sat down in tho road and cried. For what? At the loss of an officer condemned without a hear ing by the Nebraska legislature. With the burial or Colonel Stotsen burg the incident is closed save as it shall affect tho future political career of those who accomplished his con demnation. Justice requires that they be not forgotten. w m William the Mighty Emperor William has a new visit ing card. It is seven incites long, flvo inches wide and in great, fat letters in the centre is engraved the word, "Wllholm.'' If the Emperor was a private gentleman such a card would make him the jest of chilis and fasten upon him a suspicion or vulgarity hard to dispel. Because lie is the emperor tho Berlin bloods will begin to deposite pasteboards the size or a cabinet photograph at the homes or the young ladles they honor by a call. They will have to cany the cards in portfolios and the width of pockets must be increased. A gentlemen with a large visiting list would really need something like a caddie to carry his cards of an afternoon. Since Wil liam the funny ascended the throne of Germany lie has been playing a game of follow your leader. .There is evidence that lie recognizes the ab surdity of some or tno pranks ho amuses hlmscir with, but he accom plishes them quickly and turns to watch tho courtiers come tumbling arter. Two Men. In a speech at Danville, Illinois, on the Twenty-sixth of this month, Mr. Bryan, according to tho newspapers, devoted his attention to the farmers. He told them they were taxed beyond their just proportions, that they could not conceal a foot of ground or a head of stock, that there were few or no farmers, who were stockholders in large corporations and trusts, and the capitalists interested in trusts entirely escaped taxation under re publican rule and would continue to do so. This last statement is direct, those preceding Imply that the farmer is unfortunate because he can not hide his farm and his stock when the assessor, who is gen erally a farmer himself, visits him, that stockholders in banks, corpora tions and trusts, do conceal their stocks from ttie assessor and that the farmer has no chance to get even with stockholders because there are 'few are no farmers who are stock holders and directors in large cor porations and trusts.' Most success ful farmers, and the proportion of farmers who succeed is larger than In any other business, succeed by virtue of attending to their business and keeping out or tliLt to which they are not bred. The farmers who can buy bank stock rarely do so, not because It is not offered them but because they know their own business has fewer risks and surer rewards than any other. As to farmers being assessed higher than stocks, the tax assessor's book can be offered as an exhibit In rebuttal to Mr. Bryan's statement. It takes a brave political! to ad vocate doing simple justice to a cor poration. It is more popular as well as cheaper and safer to appeal to a mob's prejudices, to mouth its catch words, and to inflame Its passions. Governor Roosevelt does none of these things, yet he is a clover politician. He has won recognition by sheer force of honesty and energy, and he has never broken faith with himself. More than any other soldier in poll tics he represents the now politician,