The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 27, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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try wboro hands will be outstrotchod to
greet him from all sides. But when
Irishmen get buck to Ireland a longing
seizes them for America and they return,
bo barring accidents, Fathor Nugent will
bo back again before long.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall gave a large
and brilliant reception to tho Haydon
Art Club, Thursday evening in honor of
Mibb Com Parker, who has for several
years been at tho head of tho art depart'
mont in tho Stato University, and will
leave soon to open a studio in Now York
City. The hundsomo homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Hall was beautifully decorated.
The dining room was artistic indeed. A
tablo in tho shape of a palotto, tho
brushes tipped with flowers, was used
from which to serve tho punch; besido
the table was an easel, and back of it
was an umbrolla festooned with smilaz
under which Miss Jean Hamilton diese-
ed to represent Mrs. Siddons in a Gains
borough costume, stood to serve, she
waB assisted by Mrs. Tibbies (Bright
Eyes), dressed to represent a painting of
Longfellow's Hiawatha; Mrs. Greenlee
who represented C. Y, Turner's Priscilla;
Miss Edna Hyatt as a character from
one of Ricci's paintings, Miss Lilly
Yont as La Bernoise by Dagnan Bou
vorot, Mies Lisle Wilkinson, in a charac
ter from "The Gossips" by Karl Mbj;
Miss Margaret Whedon, in a character
fiom Lefevbre's "Reading Girl"; Mies
Katharine Hughes, in "The Girl With
the Muff," by Romney; Miss Helen Tut
tie as Angelica, by M'llo Romani; Mies
Jean Dutton as Jaan of Arc, Miss
Beulah Elson, after an old portrait of
Mary Stuart; Miss Lida Alexander and
Mies Tucker represented the quaint lit
tle figures so often painted by Percy
Moran; Mr. Frederick Burt dressed as a
Cardinal, and Messrs William F.Sawyer
and Camille DeVriendl dressed as
monks, after paintings by Farsky, assist
ed in tho hall. All of those who assisted
are members of Miss Parker's art class.
The floral decorations were all garden
blooms fuschlas, bridal-wreath, and the
most magnificent petunias. Tho largo
verandah was enclosed with canvas and
flags, and hung witn pictures. Rugs
were scattered over the floor; chairs,
settees, and tables strewn with art books
were there, and an orchestra played
sweot music during the evening. About
two hundred people called and many re
grets for the departure of Miss Parker
were expressed.
Miss Bertha Mickey of Osceola, and
Mr. H. O. Smith of Lincoln, were mar
ried on Wednesday evening at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
H, Mickey of Osceola. The decorations
were ferns, smiiax and cut flowers.
The bride and groom preceded by their
attendants, Miss Nellie McPherrin of
University Place, and Mr. Warren Ab
bott of Hastings, entered the parlor to
tho strains of "Lo Matin," by Chami
nad, played by Miss Mario Mickey.
Rev. G. A. Smith, father of tho groom,
assisted by Rev. L. F, Smith, performed
tho ceremony. The bride was attired in
white mouseelin de soie and carried
bride's rosoB. The bridesmaid wore
white Bwiss mull and carried Marechel
Niel roses. About sixty persons, most
of them relatives, witnessed the mar
riage. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside
at 1G32 B streot, in this city.
Mesdames A. S. Raymond and Wil
lard Kimball, two of the patronesses of
Pi Beta Phi, entertained the members of
the fraternity and their friends, at cards
on Tuesday evening at Mrs. Raymond's
residence. Prizes were won by MisBes
Wirt and Hazelwood, and Messrs. Reed,
aud Turpin. Light refreshments wore
served. Those present were: Misses
LanBiug, Dutton, Reynolds, WattleB,
Sedgwick, Hnzelood, Shaw, West, Wirt,
Snow, Thomas, Woodward, McGahey,
Andrews, Haskel, Waugb, Barber,
Robinson and Custer; Messrs. Bischoff,
Riesor, Rickets, Turpin, Tootors, Mans
flold, Edmiston, Saunders, Mudgo,
Rood, Stratton, Fishor, Blackman, Hub
tio, Mansleldo, Henry and Chapin.
On Wednesday evening Professor and
Mrs. F. W. Taj lor wore at homo In
formally to all their friend, and very
many availed thomsolvos of tho oppor
tunity to say au rovoir to Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor before their doparturo on Mon
day for thoir new homo in Buffalo.
Punch was served through tho evening
by Mrs. A. S. Raymond. Mrs. Taylor
will stop in Chicago to visit her mothor,
then after seeing Mr. Taylor settled in
Buffalo eho will sail for Europe, goiug
direct to Paris wboro she will placo her
self under tho tuition of ono of the many
flno vocalists thoro. It is with sincore
regret that tho musicians and music
lovjrs will part with this accomplished
The ladies of tho First Congregational
church gave a reception on Tuesday
evening in the church parlors to the
members of tho church ahd congrega
tion. Tho guests were received by Miss
Kingsley, president of tho ladies' aid
society, and Rov. and Mrs. Manas. Tho
parlors wero mado cosoy and pretty by
the lavish use of rugs, draperies and
palmB. Refreshments wore served. A
large number of persons responded to
the special invitations which were sent
Miss Louiso Burnham entertained a
comsany of young friends very pleas
antly last evening. A guessing game
afforded amusement and refreshments
were eerved. Thoso present were: Mis
sbs Louise Brace, Gladys Hargreaves,
Elsie Fawell, Helen Wileon,Leah Meyer,
Edith Robins, and Ruth Raymond; Mas.
tore Wilson Muir, Willard Kimball,
Reed Fawell, Hayes Tompson and Jack
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoover gave a din
ner Friday evening. The decorations
were pink and white. Those invited
woro Chancellor and Mis. McLean, Mrs.
J. H. McLean, Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Gar
ten. Judgo and Mrs. M. B. Reese, Dr.
and Mrs. W. M. Hindman, Dr. and Mrs.
E. P. Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark,
Mrs. L. M. Knotts and Miss Louise
Mibb Harris gave a dinner party on
Saturday evening in compliment to Miss
Tompkinson, the general secretary of
Ihe Young Women's Christian Associa
tion, who has recently r signed her
work here. Those present were: Mis
ses Tompkinson, Bouton, Pierce, Parker
Palmer and Walker; Mesdames Manas,
Lyon and Parker.
Miss Bessie Turner will entertain
this afternoon from four to six o'clock,
in honor of Pi Beta Phi. Her guests
will be the patronesses of the fraternity:
Mesdames A. S. Raymond, Willard
Kimball and O. H. Morrill; Mrs. George
E. MacLean, Madame MacLoan, Mrs.
W. S. Summers, the young ladies of
Pi Beta Phi and their mothers.
Mrs. E. F. Pettis gave a farewell lunch
eon on Fridsy, for Mies Florence Tomp
kinson, tho general secretary of the
Young Women's Christian Association,
who is soon to leavo the city. The in
vited guests were Misses Tompkinson
and A. L. Miller, Mesdames L. T. M.
Wade, J. B. Horton, Ellery, J?. Davie,
and W. 0. Miller.
On Wednesday at one o'clock Mrs,
S. H. Burnham gave an informal lunch
eon for Mas. D. L. Brace. Beside tho
guest of honor Mrs. Buroham'a hospi
tality was enjoyed by Mesdames A. S.
Raymond, Henry Lewis and Richard
Dr. and Mrs, F. B. Righter have is
sued invitations to the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Alice Laura Righter, to
Mr. Arthur Ray Edmiston. The cere
mony will occur on Thursday Juno 1 at
7 o'clock at tho homo of Dr. and Mrs.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. S. D.
Hydo entertained tho ladies of tho First
BaptiBt church at a Konsington. Each
guest was givon two words and asked to
wrlto n poem concerning them. A de
licious luncheon was served. About
lifty wero presont.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Owen Jones went to
Omaha Monday to hoar Rosonthal.
Thia was tho great pianist's last nppoar
anco in this country for thie Houson, and
the ono hundred and twentieth concert
givon by bim.
Mrs. C. T. Mungor ontortaincd about
sixty ladies at a Kensington Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. R. A. Ilolyoko sang
some protty Bongs and Miss Curtis en
tertained tho gueBtB with readings.
The house was decorated with roseB and
Professor and Mrs. Caldwell gave a
high tea' on Friday evening, Thoir
gueBtB were Professors and MosdamoB
Henry Eames, E. H. Barbour, Willard
Kimball, and W. G. L. Taylor.
Mrs. R. M. LeGoro haB iesuod invita
tions for two parties next week. She
will give a card party Wednesday after
noon May .11, and Kensington Thursday
afternoon, Juno 1.
The commencement concert cf the
Nebraska Wesleyan conservatory will
be hold on June the fifth. For par
ticulars see the advertisement on page
Electric wiring, gas and electric 'fix
tures and lamps a speciality. Kors
raeyer Plumbing and Heating Co., 215
South Eleventh street.
The members of the Phi Delta Theta
entertained tho members of Kappa
Alpha Theta on Tuesday evening at the
chapter house on S street.
Dentist Hill, over Miller & Paino'B.
Dr. and Mrs. Dorris wore called to
Michigan this week by the very perious
illnesB of tho doctor's sister. They will
probably be absent several weeks.
The annual banquet of Company A
university cadets, occurred Saturday
evening at the Lindell hotel.
Miss Rose Carson entertained eight
members of Kappa Alpha Thota, at
luncheon Friday at tho Lincoln.
The marriage of Misa Lucy Gri tilth
to Mr. Harry Roese will occur June 21st.
Mrs. W. J. Turner entertained the L.
A. Kensington club yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. M. I. Aitken will entertain at
cards this afternoon.
Died. On Tuesday, May 24, at the
bomeof his parent?, 1501 R street, Frauk
Kettering, of injuries received from
jumping from a moving car on May 5th.
Mr. Kettering was a young and success
ful grocer. Ho had onergy, honesty,
and ability and was firmly established
in the affections of his friends and his
loss is sharply felt. The funeral wa9
held on Thursday.
First Publication May 20
Notice is horeby given, that by virtue
of an order of Bale issued by the Clerk
of the District Court or the Third Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within and for
Lancaster County, in an action wherein
Edward A. Stephens et ah, are plain
tiffs and The Westside Improvement
Association, et al., are defendants, and
by virtue of the decree therein rendered
on the 30th day of December, 18), I
will at 2 o'clock p. m.. on Wednesday,
June2let, 1899, at the east door of the
Court house, in the City of Lincoln,
Lancaster Couuty, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction tho following de
scribed lands and tenements, to-wit: All
of blocks 1, 2, :i, 4, ft, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12 nnd all of block 13 except lots 4, ft, 0,
7, and 8: All of block 14 and all of block
IB, except lot 4 : All of blocks 10, 17 and
and all of block 18, oxcopt 8, I) and 10:
All of block 19, oxcopt lot 8 and all of
block 20 except lots 1, 2, C, and 8; all of
tho north half of block 21; tho west
half of block 22; all of blocks 23, 24, 25,
20, 27, 28, 20, U0, 31; all of block 32 ox
copt lot 0: All of blocks 33 and 31 and
tho west half of block 35; all of block
37, oxcopt lots 0, 7, nnd 10; all or block
38, oxcopt lots 0, 7, 8, 0, and 10; ail of
block 30 oxisopt lot 8; all of block 40 ex
cept lot ft; all of block 41 and all of block
42, oxcopt lots ft and 0; all of block 43
oxcopt Io!h4,0 und 7; a'lor block 44 ox
copt lotB 8, 9 an 1 10; tho west hair of
block 40; all of blocks 47, 48, 19, ftO, fil,
ft2, ft3, 51, ft5, B0, ft7, ft8 and ftO and all or
block 00 oxcopt lots 9 and 10; all of block
01 oxcopt lots 2, 3, 4 and 0; all of block
02, and all of block (53, oxcopt lot ft; al
of blocks 01, Oft, 00, 07, 08, 09 and 70;
and all of block 71, oxcopt lots 0, 7, 8, 0,
and 10; all or block 72, oxcopt lot 10,
and all or block 73 oxcopt lot 7; all of
blocks 74, 75, 70, 77, 78, and all of block
79, except lots 1 and 2, 7 and 9; all of
block 80 oxcopt lotB 0 and 10, all of
blocka 81, 82, 83 and 84. Tho east halt
of block 80; all of block 87 and 88 and
all of block 89 oxcopt lot 9; all of block
90, except lot 2; all of block 91, oxcopt
lots 0 and 7 and all of block 92; all in
the village of Hawtborno, Lancaster
County, NobraBka.
Also tho following described lands to.
wit: Tha northeast quarter of the
south wont quarter or section twonty
eevan (27) town ton ( 10; north or range
six (G) east of the 0th i m.; also com
mencing at tho southwest corner of tho
east hair (E.) or the uorthwoat quar
ter or section twenty-eight (28) town
ten (10) north or range six (0) oast or the
Gth i. m., running thenco north twenty,
eight rods, thence east forty rods, thence
south twenty-oight rods, thenco west
forty rods to tho place or beginning:
Also, the wost hair of tho west half of
tho southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section twenty-tivo (25)
town ton (10) north of range five
(ft) oast of the Gth i. m ; also commenc
ing at the northwest corner of :ho south
west quarter or section thirty-two (32)
town ton (L0) north or range six (0) eaat
of the Gth i. m., running thence south
fifty rods, thenco east eighty rods, thence
north fifty rods, thence west eight rods,
containing twenty-five acres; also com
mencing at the northwest corner of the
east halt or the southeast quarter of
section six (0) town nine (9) range six (G)
east of the Gth p. m., running thence east
sixty rods, thenco south to the south line
of said quarter, thenco west sixty rods,
thence north to the place of beginning;
Bis.), the east fifteen acroB out of the
northwest quarter or the northwest
quarter or section rour (4) town nine (9)
range six (0) in Lancaster County, Ne
braska; also, the southaaBt quarter of tho
southeast quartet of the northwest quar
ter of section thirty four (34) town ten
(10) range six (0) in Lancaster County,
Nebraska; also, lotB 2, 3, and 4 of block
10 of 8. M. Benedict's First Addition
to Manchester, LincaBtar County, Nd
braska, according to tho recorded plat
thereof; also, lot 45 in block 2 of Blod
gett'e Park Addition to Lincoln, Ne
braska, according to tho recorded plat
thereof; also, the northeast quarter or
tho,northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section'four (4) town nine (9)
range Bix(O) in Lancaster County, Ne
braska. Given under my hand this 19thday of
May, 1899, A. G. Gkke.vujk,
Special Master Commissioner.
Pastor-My doar Mrs. Mucbwed,
where do you expect to go when you die?
Mrs. M.-Oh, 1 don't know, I have
husbands in both places.