T?!5??PW 8 THE COURIER. therefore, that Mr. DiivIb now regards hie murk iih ho indolilily tiiiulo that a wifo will bo unnhlo to olTaeo it, and hav ing oxporioncodtho montaboxaltation ro Aultnnt upon a llfo of Bolfdonylng coll baoy ho vonturta to risk a descent to common placo mediocrity for tho novolty of hymonoal bliHO. Thono that know Mr. Davh beet, hownvor, nro a little surprised that ho should have choBon to wed a young woman aB aggressively assertive an Ib liia bride of today rather than Homo bwco. slip of femininity of tho clinging vino description. MIbb Clurk is the oppoBilo of feininino, and a elap on thn back with a "Oivo uh a eiga rotto, old chap!" appears to bo much moto charnctoriBlic of hor than love pata and labial earoHsos. Arrayod in modish attiro and seated on tho box of her high cart, bIio has for several sea eons boon a moHt attractive llguro on tho Ohicngo boulevards and at tho Bovoral Buburban olubB of tho Western MetropollB. Conlldont in hor improRtiu bio position, tho conventions havo been of Binall momonl to Miss Clark. Upon Mr. Davis sho lioapod invitationa to drive, to dino and to Bup in Biich Matter ing multiplicity that ho had scant opportunity to rcciprocato. For tho Hako of old friendship Mr. Davis invari ably accoptod, and this constant com panionship roaultod in tho attachment that now llnds its natural sequel at tho altar. I understand that Mr. DnviB and Mrs. Clark aro simply devoted to each other, and tho alToctionato admiration of tho mother Ib second only to that of tho daughter. MisB Clark's beauty ia in her iiguro, which ia tall, Blonder and very erect. An abundanco of curling hair and a froeh color aro other charms. Town Topics. IN THE SCHOOL ROOM. MAKTHA 1'IEltUi:. Tho straight and narrow way trodden by tho roligiouB instructor of tho infant mind, Iuib also its pitfalls. Wo ofton hoar of ludicrous occurences arising from attompts to force on a baby mind loBsons which will stun an adult unloss moat carofully presented. Unfortunate ly it cannot bo claimed that our primary Sunday bcIiooIb, generally, havo kept up with modern educational thought. Not bo long ago tho writer happonod to bo in a primary Sunday school, num bering perhapB a hundred ranging in ago from four to ton yoars. Tho Inter national sorios presented tho martyrdom of John tho Daptiat for tho delectation of tho innocent, that morning. Oeforo the Bchool wub a thing purporting to bo a picturo, in which a murdorous looking man in flamboyant rod flourished a drip ping eword in tho near vicinity of a body whoso grues groon draperies could not compensate for tho loss of its rather undesirable looking head, now in tho possession of a third atrocious croaturo in abhorrent bluo. If tho toachcr who "explained" tho picturo to tho school would havo takon tho troublo to explain to tho critic, its probablo elToct, and as surod her that tho admiration depicted on certain fucoa whb certainly for John tho BaptiBt, it would havo contributed largoly to my comfort. Tho samo misguided .oal which porpo trated tnings of this sort upon tho child ia responBiblo for cramming his mind with hap-huzard toxts, with reward cardB alluring in tho dim perspective of tho future A school which semi-occasionally al lows itself a diversion, rccontly recited quotations aB a morning exorcise. A shock headed boy with wide solemn gray eyes, took breath enough to last him through tho performance and favored us thus, "In thoso dnB came John tho Daptiat preaching in tho wildorneEs of Judea saying Ropont ye fop tho Kingdom of heaven is at hand, for this ib ho that was Bpokon of by tho prophet Eeaina aayirg the vok'o of ono crying in tho wilder ncsB, that ain't all of it but its all I know, and when I got it learned aB far as tho lift' vorso my Sunday school teacher's going to givo mo a card about so big with all protty pictures on it and a nothot vorBO." ho finished breathless, ly. "Llttlo childish voico crjingin tho wildornoBB." "U-ni-in!" said tho toacher. not feeling equally to anything more explicit. Tho hurried rapid enunciation recalled to momory a timo when a little girl oppres sed with a sensoof duty roso up to "tako part" in a mooting. Sho strovo to re pent a favorito pansugo Biiccoodlng thus, "Tho Lord in my Bhophord, I shall not want. Ho loadeth mo besido still pas tures, ho makoth mo to lio down in green wators." Suddonly over como sho sat dovn and wept. To somo such bu. miliating early blunder might bo traced tho aversion some peoplo entertain to tho idea of roligiouB meetings for chil dren, in which they aro encouraged to baro thoii great small souls for tho ad vancement of religion generally, and taught to bo both self conscious and priggish. Fortunately a groat deal of tho aeri oUBnosB which is poured upon thorn iB shed oir as lightly as tho water from tho back of tho proverbial water.fowl. A little girl who "learnB a verso every week" came homo ono day with tho usual announcement, "l'vo learned an other ono." Being urged to air hor new knowledgo sho rattled on glibly, "A good name is rather to bo Joseph than gray broechos." If thiB gem of wisdom contained any moaning for her, inquiry failed to elicit tho fact, Liko tho littlo boy in tho following Btory tho moaning wbb ratbor provorterl by a slight misapprehension. This littlo boy, aged live, gave such Borious and round oyod attention whilo tho morning lesson waB being road, that ho called particular attention to hiruBelf. Tho lesson was concoriug tho hand writ ing on tho wall, and tho minister who was tho fortunate fathor of tho livo-yoar-old, ilattorod by hia unu&ual alort intoreat, oxplaino 1 tho lesson carefully. "1 boliovo ho understands every word of it" ho said fondly and enthusiastically to tho child's mothor, Thut evening when ho unfolded tho paper, tho boy's oyo was caught by the picturo of a hen scratching by a stono wall. 'Papa,' ho Bald excitodly "Is that the lion writing on tho wall?" It is aafo to guess that tlio father has not since made any serious attempts to explain tho prophets to a juvonilo audi enco of one Children have such funny notions. A patriotic school insists after repeat ed correction upon singing with groat unction, "Our father's God to Thoo Arthur of liberty, otc" What, in tho infant consciousness is an Arthur of liberty? Perhaps tho in fant niiud does not troublo itself sutllci ontlyto onquiro? A class of maturor ago, learned a song from tho blackboard. In this song somo reforonce is made to "angel chores.'' Tho united efforts of teachor and school mates havo not suf ficed to deter ono littlo girl from warb ling Joyfully of "angol chores." What ever in hor mind tho chores of thoangelB may bo, sho evidently takes genuino satisfaction In tho thought that thoy aro omployod. A woman who can still romombor her Binall perplexed thoughts pursuod whilo sno Bat upon her father's knoo in church and listoned solemnly with half under standing ears to all the quoor proceed inge, says she thought for somo years that tho congregation sang. "Was it for crimes that I had dono Ho growed upon the tree?" Her littlo head was perplexed to know how anybody's sins could causo a porson to do a thing so extraordinary Ifli. OUWW UNDER TUB DIltnCTION OK L. A. CRAWFORD AND F. I ZEHRUNG. Corner tilth and P. Phono lid. One Night Only Monday May WGHMtfi MHSFEYifc Will Positively Present Promptly at 7:45 . . Cyrano De Bergerac By Edmond Rostand. Seats now on sale . Prices Lower box seats $3.00. Up per, $2.50. Parquet and first four rows in dress circle, $2.50. balance lower floor $2.00. Balcony, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00, Gallery, 75 cents. POSITIVELY NO FREE LIST. THE FAMOUS ORIGINAL 'BOSTONIANS' America's Greatest Light Opera Company. H. C. Barna bee, Jessie Bartlett Davis, W. H. 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