THE COURIEh whore euppor was Borvod. Tho com pany consisted ot Mr. and Mrs. Jumoa Manahan; Misses Wilson, Don noil and Bonnoll, Millar, Wilson, Mansfoldo, Anies, Sallo, Vore, Koda, Cady, Thomp Eon, Loech and Losch, Hazlott, Whito and Whito, Stoolo, Gund; Messrs. Keod, Mansfoldo, Rainoy, Davidson, Sherman, Hill, Lohmer, Lewis, Henry, Sumner, Longloy, Crarab, WillianiB, Haockor, Adams, Smith, Van Valin and Mudgo. Mrs. W. II. Fry was tho recipient or a birthday eupriso on Friday evening. Her daughters, Misses Carrio and Nellio Packard, sorvod rofroshmentB. ThoBo present woro: Mesdames, Watt, Davy, Shanahan, Moore, Meyers, Townsond, Eagor, Blackmeyer, Cleveland, IJorky, JenkinB, Crumpton, Warrick; Misses Meyers, Von Doran, Thomas, Cleveland, Meyers, JenkinB, Shanahan, Townsond, Packard and Packard; Messra. Moyore, Borky, Mooro, Carter, Trumbull, Krum mick, Jenkins, Robinson, Shanahan, White, Jenkins, Mnorc, Packard and Jones from Manila. Mrs. E. II. Barbour entertained tho active mombors of tho young ladies' fraternities at a musicald Thursday af tornoon. Tho guests woro received by Mrs. Barbour, Madamo J. H. MauLoan and Mrb. Goorgo E. MacLean. Ices woro served by Miss Emily Porkina. Tho young ladios woro received at tho door by Miss Eleanor Barbour who woro a whito frock and scarlot sash and rib bons. Mra. Barbour was further assist ed by Mrs. Clark Ansley, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Fling and Miss Goro. Tho houso was decorated with scarlet roses and carnations, and tho lottors of all frater nities were suspended in the windows. The program which follows was given by two representatives from each of tho live fraternities, the Delta Gamma, Kap pa Kappa Gamma, Delta, Delta, Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Pi Phi. IMiOdKAM. Soptuor Beethoven Miss Stella Rice, Miss Nelia Cochran. Thy Beaming Eyes McDowell Mattinata Tosti Mibs Eleanor Raymond. Dio Jago Rhoinbergor Mi?B Blanche Losch. Sketch- Saint JoBeph Miss llolon Harwood. Preludo in E minor Mondolseobn Mies Charlotte Clark. Ave Maria Mascagni Miss Eugenia Gotnor. The Laboratory Robert Browning Doujc Temps Nora Perry Miss Margaret Custer. Piano Solo Mies Mao Colson. Venetian Boat Song Blumontbal Misses Turner and Reynolds. Tho Beta Tnota Pi fraternity pave a notably successful dancing pfrty last evening at tho homo of Mr. Lowo Rick otts. The houBo was decorated with spring bloB-om?. Ices were served throughout tho evening. Those pres ent were: Messrs. and MesdamoB Cor nell, Woods, Stout. Braco, Dr. and Mrs. Lees; Misses Whiting, Holbrook, La Sello, Wetzel, Rickett, Hayes, Broady, Raymond, Houtz, Hammond, Tukey, JackBon, Colo, Douglas, Wirt, Millar, Thomas, Custer, Andrews, Woodward, Richards, Huntor, Fuller, Quick, Gil leBpio, Colson of Fremont, and Wilkins of Omaha; Messrs AdaraB, Musser, Mc Killip, Schick, Rain, Williams, Boghtol, Gillespie, Webster, Robinson, Black man, Sims, GrolT, Barber, Broady, Fol som, Rickotts, Hondy, WaUh, Marloy, Everett, Hondy, Marquette, Ransom, Cramb, Lau and Dr. Whito. Mesdames T. M. Hodgman and C. E. Bessey have given two dolightful rauei caloB this week at tho homo of tho for mor. On Wednesday aftornoon tho hosteBBBB wero aeBiBtod in tho drawing room by MeBdaraeB Foselor, Summers and MncLoan, Uofroshmonts woro sorved in tho dining room by Missos Polk, WobBtor, Ghumbore, McGahey and King. On Ihursday Mrs. McGahey presided in tho dining room and was assisted by tho sumo young ladies, while MissoB Wing and Goro did duty in tho drawing room. Tho latter wns de coratod with scarlot and croam roBOB, tho dining room with Bpring MoworB. Tho programs woro as follows: WKDNKMDAY AI'TRRNOON. Tho Walnut Troo Tho Hat of Groen Schumann Mrs. Ilolyoko. Bird Ruptures Cowon Miss Roynolds. La Rondo des Lutins (violin solo) Huz.'mi Miss Silonco Dales. To Arcadio DdKovon Florabel Bartlott Mrs. Holyokc, Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond, accompanist. THURSDAY ATTKHNOON . As tho Hoart Desireth Allittson Mrs. Maron Troat Taylor, Miss Eiche. Romanco Spohr BorcouBo IlauEor Spring Song Mondclssohn MiBs Eicho. Doll Songs. Flower's Lullaby Tho Rich Littlo Dolly Sugar Dolly JoruBha Firollys JeBsio Guynor Mrs. Marion T.oat Taylor Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond accompanist. On Saturday evening tho Cotilliou club gave a brilliant party and tho lust of tho season, at ttio homo of Mr. and MrB. J. A. Buckstatf. Tho ball room wis elaborately decorated. Tho dancors wero lod by Mr. and Mrs. Olivor Rod gsrs. Tho following woro present: Messrs. and Mesdames Hargroavcs, Boo Bon, Rodgors, Woods. Dorgan, Marshall, Funko, WilBon, Wright, Mallaliou, Ir vine, Leonard and Burr; Mrs. T. II. Grillith; Misses Hollowbush, Marshall, Burr and Norman of St. Josoph; Mcb ers. Lioutonant Raymond, Cluudo Roed, Joyco, Dixon of Nebraska City, and Paxton ot Omaha. Tho Inglosido Literary club of tho Plymouth Congregational church, hold itB last meeting for tho season on Mon day ovoning at tho homo of Mr. Harold Green, 1815 Prospect avenue. A pro gram of music and readings wat givon by Misses Hoagland, Loorais, Bothuno McGraw, Walton and a quartot of littlo girls. Ollicors for next year wero electod. President, Miss Anna Both uno; vice president, Mr. Harold Greon; secretary and treasurer, Mr. Joel Loom is. Ices and cakes wero sorvod. Tho Literary Society Club of tho Uni versity gave a dancing party Tuesday night at Walsh's ball. Those prosont woro Missos "Dysart, Nelson, Stratton, McDill, Ropor, Stratton, Lonoyor, Mc Dill, Reaves, HonBol, Saults, Aldorman Hall, Druco, Van Valin, Gregory, Haber Ian; Messrs. Edgerton, Warner, Plow head, Hanson, Alexander, Benedict, Klino, Ilarmor, Brooks, Morris, Foster. Thorno, Swain, Saults, Baker, Griflln and Hewitt. Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Thompson ot Now York City, will arrivo in Liucoln noxt Wednesday, and will bo tho guests of Professor and Mrs. E. H. Barbour. Thoy como from Minneapolis whoro thoy havo been attending tho Presbyterian Genoral Assembly, and aro now on thoir way to AhiBka. Dr. Thompson was for mpny years pastor of tho Madison Av onuo Presbyterian church in Now York, and was at ono timo moderator of tho General Assembly. Mra. 0. H. Eubank ontortained tho mombors ot tho Tuesday morningShaks pero club at bor homo 1134 L stroot, Thursday aftornoon. Tho rooms woro niado beautiful by largo jam of La Franco roBOB and wood violots. Tho colors, violet and pink, woro 'jurriod out in tho refreshments Borvod. Thoso pres ent woro: McsdaineB Tohiaa CiiBtor, E, F. Smith, John Dnano, O. J. King, O. N. Humphrey, Lawronco Brunor, P. Smith, Frank BUsh, W. II. Manss. A imiBlcalo under tho direction of Mrs. 13. L. Hinman was given Saturday after noon at tho homo of Mrs. A. S. Ray mond. Tho proceeds will help dofray tho expense of educating an American child orphaned by tho recont muBbaeros. Boforo the music Mrs. Hinman tulkod feelingly ot tho Bad condition of tho Amoricun orphans. Tho program con sisted ot rollicking collego songs sung by eight young ladies, and boIos by MisBOB Turnor and Roynolds. Tho mombors ot Company D, univor eity cudet9, woro ontcrtainod at Delta Tau Delta houso on Monday ovoning. Music by a mandolin club, songs, ro froshmontB and agonoralgood timo woro enjoyed. Tho ollicofB of tho company aro Captain, O. G. Whipple; jioutonant Doran, Liout. Loibmau, Liout. Hanson; Sergeants Woodland, Hall, Thorno, Plow hoiicl, Grimiii; Corporals Barnes, Burt, Marsh, Howitt, Carter. Miss Louiso Pound of tho English do partmont at tho university, has boon grantod a yoar's loavo of absonco, Sho will loavo on tho 'JOth for Now York, and will Bail June 3 for Europe, going direct to Hcidelborg whoro sho will study dur ing tho summor. Sho will spend tho winter in Berlin or Lcipsic, and will go to PariB noxt spring to attend tho expo sition. Tho C. C C. C. C. was ontortainod on Friday evening at tho homo ot Mr, V. K. Blanoy, Thirtieth and L Btroots. Toobo present woro: Missos McFall, Jones, Rogors, Blanoy, Klock, Halo, MorriB, Brown, McMastors, Eva, Laura and Grotta McGillick; Mesdames Rush Blanoy; Messrs. Rush, McMastors, Good, Rogors, Davidson, Sidney, Bronson, Foltz, Richardson and Blaney. Mr. Maltson Baldwin entertained a company of young pcoplo at Biippor at Meadow Brook lodgo on Friday ovoning in honor of Miss Norman of St. Josoph. Thoso present wore: Misses Norman, Burr, Hollowbush, Harrieon, Hoovor, Mulry, Hoovor and Loland; Messrs, Got tings, Thatcher, Fitzgerald, Joyco, Chapman, Cowdcy, and Lieutenant Raymond. Misa Graoo Hildobrand inritod a number of young friends to help her celebrate her eighteenth birthday on Saturday aftornoon. Music and games woro enjoyed and an olaborato dinner was served by Miss Hildobrand's sister, Mrs. E. J. Schmitt. Thoso present woro: MiBacs Griggs, Emoriek, Tylor, Thorpe, Borkeon, Powers, Joary, bolt and Milnor. Pago loft for tho EaBt. On thoir ro. turn thoy will bo at homo at 1018 South Thirteenth Btroot. MIbs Mary Coatollo was ploasantly surprisod on Friday ovoning by tho fob lowing friends: Misses Dinoon, Gilllck, Vifqimin, Dinoon, Clark, Swoonoy, Lod with, Clark, O'Shoa, Tannoy, Krono, Sullivan, DulTy, Brown and Brown, Donahuo, McManaman, Costollo and Costollo. Throo hundred young ladios of tho high school assistod by Missos Towno, Rickotts, Kirkor and Loomis havo or ganized a walking club. Tho first tramp of a milo and a half or two milos has i)oon taken and longor walkB will folio as tho mombors bocomo accustomed to tho oxorclsc. Mrs. A. G. Boeson guvo a chafing dlBh Biippor for MIbb Norman after tho Cotil liou Saturday ovoning. 1 lor guests woro Mr. and MrB. J. A, BuckstafT, Miss Nor man, MIbb Burr, Mr. Joyco and Mr. Paxton, of Omaha. Miss Ida Hochno and Mr. F. W. Hor polslioimor woro married at tho German Lutheran parsonage on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, Rov. Goorgo Al lonbach olllciating. Mr. and Mrs. Hor polshoimor will rosido at Donton. Mrs. Fanuio J. Tofft and Mr. John Milburn of Nodorland, Colorado, woro married on Wodnosday ovoning at tho bomo ot tho bride's sistor, Mrs. G. Fur naco, 1CU8 M stroot. Tho coromony was porformod by Dr. W. M. Hindman. On Thursday ovoning at tho Gorman Lutheran church occurred tho marriage of Mips Annio Doorr and Mr. Henry F. Vosb. Tho ceromony was performed by Rev. Goorgo Allonbach. On Wednesday evening in the German Lutheran church the marriage ot Mrs. Matilda Sommor to Mr. August C. II. Noitzol was colobratod, Rov. George Allonbach ofllciating. Tho juniors of the High school gavo a rocoption to tho Bonior cIubs on Wed nesday ovoning at tho homo of Prin cipal and Mrs. Watorhouso. Phi Delta Thota fraternity ontertalned tho young ladios of tho Delta Delta Dolta on Friday ovoning at tho chapter houso on S stroot. Miss Norman of St. Joseph, who has boon tho guost or Miss Mae Burr for several wooke, left on Tuesday for her homo. Electric wiring, gas and electric fixtures and lamps a speciality. Korsmeyer Plumb ing and Heating Co., 215 South Eleventh street. MIeb Price entertained the Wednesday aftornoon club this week at the hothe of Mrs. W. M. Leonard. Mrs. Jamos Tylor entertained the D. Loj- A. Y. P. Kensington club at a luncheon yesterday aftornoon. Mrs. Garoutto ontortainod tho Floral Mrs. D. A. Campbell has been on Konsington on Friday aftornoon. gngod to Bing in a concert at Wvmore on May 24th. Thorn preriont woro: Mesdames Clark, Lawronco, Woodruff, Slattory, Wixon, Rymal, Campbell, Whito, Taylor, Jewell, ShioldB, Ensoy, Lichty, Jones, Groon, Davoy, Lewis, Sponcor, Tylor and Tylor. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Campbell gavo a dinuor on Wednesday ovoning in honor of Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Rodgors of Wy moro. Tho tablo was decorated with forns and whito roses. Tho guests woro: Mossrs. nnd Mefldames C. B. RodgorB, Olivor Rodgors and M. F. Kolley. At four o'clock on Thursday after noon occurred the marriago of Miss Luca Clara Wittio to Mr. W. T.'Pago. Rev. W. D. Pago of Wollfleot, Nobr., father of tho groom porformed tho coro mony. Tho houso was decorated with American flags, emilax and cut flowers, After tho wedding supper Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Adna Dobson has issuod invita tions for two companies noxt week. Tho wedding today at Marion, Mans., that quaint littlo summer resort on Buzzard's Bay, of Mr. Richard Harding DavlB, "ox-Philadolphian," and Miss Cecilo Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Clark of Chicago, has not unnaturally given rise to no incon s'derable gossip anent both bridegroom and brido. Mr. Davis delayed his en trance into matrimony until this, rather late day, it I am to believe his own statement, not because of any lack o? excellent chances but because he be. liovod that for a young and ambitious man, desiriouB of making his mark in literature, marriage served as a more or leas deterring influence. It is evident, 'Wat-M.-a-A.-.i --'