"T7" THE COURIER. Profeseiional Directory. mono. Ofllcolloura Olllco OMJI y K. .CM isiiiuuiitiurH ,j;i (t. r n td..,,i,3 iOHIco rooniB 18-10, JlOtol n .w fDr. O. u. Reynolds nurr mock.... v :h' ,.m itf onico nvftiW L Dayton, M. D. iomco.iaosostrooi notoi l)gpnHQgif Kyo, Km, v-i umlTliront ) Hen. 1821 U Btroot j 2:110 to 5 p in ! Dr. S. E. Cook I j Eye, Eur, Nobo and Throat f lair, o St. IO::iO-1'J::j in i 2-5 p in Jlllco 018 Dr. Benj. F. Bailey O,,,c,"zo"""" '" &W, , , . Mloslilotico, Htm (3 BtrcotJ2to4iii mh 071. KvoiiIiikh, by nppoliitinntit. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. in. mill hy appointment. in :to p in !Dr. J. B. Triokey, J UofructioniBt only OfTico, 10:ir O stroot. DENTISTS. ico ruo.lLouis N. Wente,D.D.S.r"" k.aS!- J I bo lltli Btreot. Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. The Courier would recommend that you see the If you want the best coal for domestic use. 1OO0 O St. Tlone 105 HHRfc'S FINE STATIONARY AT 5 KiftrtC Pkap rr r i There is none to equal it in elegance. 2 rUSSb UCXr ,,XACy The line is complete in everything. 5 v9MW4tttt9Mtte4e4tet4 Jivjatt & Hyatt (Successor to Sutton it IIollowbuBh.) 1 Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681 Wn llllVIl tlm nhlll Allntn. nn.l... !. 1U !... -l-ll 1 . .. ,.w uu.u uu wuij u;on-i iuiun in i,uu uity, oiiu uiju ecu lor yourself. j COiO00O0frW O0 0WfrO p BUCKSTAFF BROS. r iVf Ul? ACT UR EJ . . . THE BTO'W WNCOIN Tl315Iv RAXGB . . . Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used, that one item alone being economy. These Ranges would be a comfort in any home. For what they are They are the cheapest you can buy. At least give one a trial. We warrant you complete satisfaction. Write us for full particulars. t:z o St., ryXivcoiyiv, Nob, Awfully ead about chappie. What? Bighead Dr. Briggs cannot swallow tho Btorv 'if Jonah and tho wlm'iv Ho tries to bo horsey and is simply Giglamps-Well, there aro lots of UB'n',10 people Unit can't swallow Briggs. Whut would peoplo Bay if, I were to Tinker I wondor why CarneBio do appear in tights, John? uided to becomo a philanthropist They would probably sny I married Tuckor-I Bucbb tho iron must havo you for your monoy. ontored his soul. in to 12 n. in 1 to 4 p. in. S 0 40 (SHr fa gocial and getonal " sv WW" k it WW A very protty wedding which united Matinee Musioalo saying that its aimB tho destinies of Miss Lou Diana ('cobles had boon high although its ideals had and Mr. Otis Herbert Hair, occurred not always boon roachod. After tho re Wednesday at 5 o'clock at tin homo of porta punch and small cakos wero served tho brido's mother, Mrs. Mary PeobloB. from a lilac docked tnblo by Mrs. E. H. Tho ceremony whb performed beneath a Barbour, assistod by Misses Ruth Ray largo bell of pink roses in a bay window, mond, Gladys Hargreavep, Elsie Fawoll, banked with palms. Ilov. It. T. Chip- Helen Wilson, and Louise Burnhatn. porliold, brother-in-law of tho bride olli- Sinco tho war upon hafg hfl(, boeQ e.ated, and was aBBistcd by Rev. L. T. rlea ihto noarIy a of tho thealrefl of Guild aod Rov. O. W. Ishani, tho sor- the country and some of the churches, yico of tho Mothodiet Episcopal church iadloB havo como to renzo thp adyant- being used. Tnobrido was sweet and age to tboso Bitting behind them and the protty in a gown of white organdie. The tnujorlty of w at CODCOrtfl d Moral decorations throughout tht, largo plays, remove their chapeaux during the house wore pink and white and wore un- performance. The same should be done usually profuse. In the reception hall nt n,usicales in private homos of which wero groat masses of pink and white B0 many aro now given. There is oven carnations. 1 ho drawing room was re- grontor need of it in tho houses, than in splendent w.th American beauties ho tho opora h bocaUBO ' Betting room had bride ro.ee and tho that tho floors are level making it im- dining room bridesmaid rose, while po8BlbIo for tboBe , fc g tho fragrant pink .and white blooms throURh a ,ob ,nth Qf wore scattered with prod.ga ,ty through of briIliant flo J ST8' " W , d0rWIiy8' f a,so that hatB M b removed at which there aro a numbor, wero our- ,,: .. m, , "" a tained with ropes of smilax. After the ZZ L " T m mniriago a supper was served on round aZBZ Tu7 T ??"? tables by tho four brothers of tho brido tZZi V "' S?' to tho following: Mr. and Mrs. Barr, r WKU I BZ be Rev. and Mrs. Ohipporlleld, Rev. and wr; wh,loafnoon receptions demand Mrs.lsham.Rov. Guild, Mr. and Mrs. nZJ7B rT M aftei" A. L. Hughes of David City, Mrs. N. J. "T cafrd P868 'fc considered in Ronin.sietor of Mrs. Peebles, of Aurora, botter ta8to omove tho bonnet al- Mr. White, Mr. Lane, MIbb Gertrude thouSh neater latitude is available here. Barr, Mr. Browno Barr, all of Hastings, Tho window of curioB arranged by MiEsosWycoir, Polts, Boecher; Mrs. A. Mr. Ed Franklin who has just returned I. Hadley, of Beaver City, MisseplBham, from tho Filipinos is very interesting Hughes; Masters Chipporfiold and Tho rain coat made of loosely woven Ishnm. From 8 until 10 a wedding re- cocoanut flbro hangs in tho centre of coption was givon, about 500 porsons one window. Below aro the uncom- calling to greet tho brido and groom, fortablo looking shoos worn by Filipino the guests wero received by Mrs. Pee- ladies divided into two parts, one for bles, Mr. .and Mrs. Barr, Rev. and Mrs. tho big too and the other for the Chipporflod, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. four of lesser rank, and with the eole Hughes, of David City. RefreshmontB set up two inches from the ground on were served by Miss Pearl Wycoir as. two pieces of wood; tho small silve, and Bitted by Misses Moore, Folts, McFall bone tobacco pipes, carved sword and end Anderson, The brido has spent all sheaths, beautiful swords eabros aSd of her "grownup" life in Lincoln, and scimitars, carved boxes and embroid ho esteem ,n which she ,s held was at- ered bannore. In the other window are tes ed by tho many lovely gifts she re- guns, Filipino uniforms, hand I wovon ceivod The groom ,s a prominent banners, scarfs and more swords The young bualneaa man of Hastings, being collector, Mr. Ed Franklin was a mem manager o the Howard Lumber Com- bor of the famous and I giLPiratX pany. After a short sojourn in tho braskannrl H,n n- .i Rocky Mountains, M, and Mrs. Barr will "Z s tdlXS" V bogin housekeeping in Hastings. Franklin BayB t J"he I was n Mrs. A. S.Raymond, tho newly elected fnged In fl8htlnB many of the rarest president of the Matinee Musical was treaBUrCB of th0 cotion wore ttolen. at home to tho mambors of tha club on Tho mombora of Kappa Kappa Monday afternoon that thoy might hoar Gdmi"a colobratod tho birthday of the tho roports of tho delegates to tho St. locnl c"apter by a sumptuous banquet Louis convention. Mrs. Raymond spoke Pivon ,a8t evening at 7 o'clock at tho in a gonoral way of tho Biennial, of tho llomo of Mr "! Mrs. O. O. Whedon. thoughtful and comploto arrangomontB Tho table was decorated with American madoforthoploasuroandcomfoitof tho be"t'ea. Many gifts of (lowers and visitors, of tho beautiful homos which cnfectionory wore rocoivod from other wero thrown opon, tho rocoptions and frfttitieB. Tho activo members pros, concerts given for tho delectation of tho ont woro MIbbdb Richards, Hargroavos club women atd of tho lavish hospital- "nd, Whiting, Holbrook, Outcalt ity manifested in every possible way. LiSollo, Broady, Wetzel, Hayes Ray-' Mrs. l. v. M. Raymond told of tho mo,u1' "outz, and Mrs. II. H Wilson beautiful choral work which thoy heard, Alumnae MosdamoB Miller. 'Abbott' and omphMlzod tho fact that tho best ""dy, Hall; MIbbob Lindloy, Collins of solo yo.cos were in tho chorue, remind- Wftuo. Kirker, Cropsy, 0f Fairbury JDg the club that this Bhould be tho case Ellon Gere, Frances Gere, GrigKB Gem here. Mrs E. Lewis Baker gave the Whiting, RiBfi0r, LaU( Whedon,' Marl humorous s.do of tho convention, for Baret Whedon and Helena Lau thoro is a humoroiiB sido to ovon tho 'Pl, ni. t-w ., 'H'otings of dignilicd club women Ms J !S Delta Delta fraternity J. W. Winger, the retiring p sick Z f hole o M' m'y r evening - "vo year, of ZT'vLt "S ta r vWfi f .