r;T7.i;iiS "w. THE COURIER. granted. Books will bo Ruld at auction to tho highest bidder at tho nnnual mooting. Special meetings may bo called by tho oxecutivo comniittoo. Eight momborH ehall constitute a quorum, Tho ofllccrn of this society aro ub fol Iowh: Prosidunt, MIhh Lizzio Irwin; 6oc rotary and troamiror, Miss Ilowland. Comniittoo to Boloot books: MIbb Irwin, Mrs. Sawyer and MrB. L. A. Bhorman. ThiBCommittoo with thoprosidont and Bocrotary constitute tho oxneutivo comniittoo. precautions hnvo boon taken to provont unauthorized persons gaining admission to tho IJuIb Ton Bosch, whoro tho ses sions of tho conforonco aro to bo hold, Tho following from a doctor connected with an institution in which thoro aro many children ia bo obviously truo that wo wiflh it might como under tho oyo of ovory mother in tho land: Thoro i nothing moro irritablo to a cough than coughing. For Bomo timo 1 had beon bo fully aseurod of this that I determined for ono minuto at loaBt to loBBon tho numbor of coughs hoard in a certain wurd in a hoBpital of tho institu tion. By tho protniBO of rowardB and puniehmontB 1 succeeded in inducing thorn to flimply hold thoir broath whon atomptcd to cough, and in a littlo whilo J wnB myself surprised to boo how Bomo of tho children ontiroly recovered from tho disease Constant coughing is pro cifloly like scratching a wound on tho outside of tho body; so long as it is dono tho wound will not hoal. Lot a porson whon tomptod to cough draw a long breath and hold it until it warms and Boothefl ovory air coli, and somo bonotit will soon bo rocoivod from this procosa. Tho nitrogon which is thus roilnod acta as an anodyuo to tho mucous membrane, allaying tho desire to cough and giving tho throat and lungs a chance to hoal. At tho samo timo a suitable modicino will aid naturo in hor elTorts to rocupor-ato. Last Friday ovoning tho Hall in tho Grovo mot with Mrs. M. (1. Garten with a full attondanco of members. Tho symposium, "What HaB Holland Dono for tho World? In Scionce.Agriculturo, Commorco, Theology, and MuHoums," was capably lid by Mrs. Mob lor, and tho varied topics as presented woro in terestingly discussed by oach tnombor. All agreed that much kuowlodgo hud boon gained through tlo study of bravo littlo Holland and felt a rcgrot in tho closing of tbeBO pociul and profitablo mootingB of tho year. A called meoting with no program will bo hold in about two woeka to docido upon plane for noxt soaBon. Olub wonion aro showing a vory gon oral intoreBt in tho coming "Peace Con foronco" to bo oponod this weok at tho Haguo. At a recent "Poaco" mooting held in Tromont Temple, Boston, tho vonorablo Julia Ward Howo presided. Among tho stirring addroBsos made waB ono by MrB. Alice Freeman Palmor, tho distinguished ex-prosident of Wellesloy collogo. In roplying to tho question "What shall wo do?" sho urged tho fol lowing: "Educato tho children; givo timo, effort, and money as much aa you can; and think, and talk, and hopo, and boliovo in tho possibility of arbitration and tho coining of tho reign of tho Princo of Pouco." Tho last meeting of tho History do partmont of tho woman's club waB hold at tho homo of Mrs. Hattiold, 1327 E stroot, whon Miss Mary Tromuino, head of tho dopartmont, lectured upon ''Will iam and Mary Collego" and "Tho Vicissi tudes of Maryland.'' ThiB was followed by a gonoral discussion of tho subjoct aftor which light rofroshtnontb woro Borvod by tho hoBtoss. Miss Christine Bradloy, daughter of Governor Bradley of Kontucky, who christonod tho battleship Kontucky with wator last Bummor, iB studying law with hor father and may eood bo hoard of as his law partner. Alies Caroline Hazard, of Poacedale, R. I., has beon olocted president of Wel lesloy Collego to succeed Mrs. Julia J. Irvine. TO SPEND THE DAY. Hf.lkx C. ILuiwood. Mrs. Viola Prico Franklin will load at tho noxt mooting of the Art dopartmont of tho Woman's Club on "English and Spanish Art." All mombors aro urged to bo present, aa at this mooting tl.o de partment will reorganize for noxt years work. Tho W. II. P. C. club held a very pleasant mooting Friday, May 5, with Mrs. L. W. Pickens. After the business sosBion and arrangements had beon mado for the reception of Second Assist ant Postmaster Gonoral Shallenberger and wife, who wore to visit Lincoln tho following Monday, the program waB rondorod. It oponod with tho hymn, "BleBt Bo tho Tio That Binds," and consisted of papers and a reading given by Mcsdames Wilson, Kompton and Hush. Aftor discussing tho problem of housocloaning over Iho dainty refresh ments, which woro served by tho hostesn tho ladies disporBod to moot noxt Friday afternoon with Mrs. I. M. llecklor, 1820 G stroot. Quotations from Popo. Thoso aro busy days at tho Haguo. Tho townepeoplo as woll as tho govern motit havo mado great preparations to tittingly entertain their guests. Thoro ie i'lrcady a great intlux of visitors and ovory available room in tho hotels, as woll as residonces, aro engaged at greatly enhancod prices. Several Russian dele gates arrived on tho 13th, tho tlrst of tho official representatives to put in an ap pearance Tho first Amorican dolegato arrivod on the 15th. Quarters for the dolegatos havo boon engaged for b'ix weeks, indicating that tho conference be prolonged. Thoro will bo about 120 del egates entitlsd to vote. Extraordinary Gormaino regarded hor bat nonchal antly. It was a sailor, and of all things abhorred in Franco,! know of none moro abhored than this Anglo-American spocicB of houd-goar. "Why! Gormaino, you aro not going to wear that? I exclaimed. "I thought that you preferred dying." "Oh, ono novor knows to what they aro coming," she replied. "Dopocho toi. Hurry up. Depocho toi, raon petit chou, Hurry up, my dear, called hor mother.'' Gormaino slowly put on her tiat, push ing in tho hat pinB with utter oblivion as to thoir future reappearance or disap pearance. Then with a last scowl at herself in the glass. "1 am ready maman," sho said wearily. While tho porter unlocked the garden gato a tall bonding roso bush touched Gormaino upon tho forehead. Sho looked up and a half blown rose looked down at her, and then Gormaino and that roso came on together, slowly, hand-in-hand. I am not quite positive whether that was a moditativo roso or not, but it so, it must have had a cortain fooling of kinship for its now found com panion. On roaching tho station door a gontlo, poacoful snort welcomed us, Europoan engines boing over too polite to shriek. Downstairs, upstairs we ran, until tho guard grabbed us all in a bundlo, ub it were, and put us into a compartmont, grumbling something about "dangerous" as he locked the door. "Gormaino," began Madame, "if you hadn't been so fearfully slow we" then sho looked at Germaino and was silent. Tho journey from Argontouil to Pon- toiBe is, considering its shortness, tho moBt fortile of all, if oxorciso bo tho chio requirement. Wo woro barely located. Indood wo had only half discussed tho prospects of sun, or clouds, or raindrops for tho day, whon tho guard began un locking tho door and crying: "Tout lo mondo descend ici. All cbango here," and ovory ono got out. "Mademoiselle," said Madame, as wo eottlod ourselves onco moro, "Monsieur Roquet is an old friend of my husband They woro boys together. Ho has a beautiful gardon. Quantities, simply quantities of chrysanthemums. Thrco children. Elino, who iB about thirteen and Nanquet is eleven it bcoidb to mo. Thoy havo just married thoir eldoBt son, Edouard." Gormaino began pulling tho roao to pieces. "Maman 1 don't boo why I had to como today? You know as well ub I do -" "On doBCond ici pour " Chango hero for . I have forgotten tho namo of tho towns. Wo climbed out. Noxt wo found our selves in a crowded cairiago. An Eng lish woman with numerous boxes was taking moro than hor share of space. "Mad a mo, pardonoz-moi," suida port ly dame, "muis, but," and then looking Bovoroly at tho profuse luggage. Tho English woman gazed blankly about hor. Sho evidently did not under stand a word of French, at least French in Franco. Hero was a glorious oppor tunity ibat must not be loBt. Tho French havo no lovo for tho English aud thoy do not bide thoir sentiments, over undor bushel baskets. 'English people aro always liko that," said a protty women with chiffons and a parasol." "O'eBt ca, o'est ca. That's it, that's it. I agree with you perfectly, madamo." said an airy, impertinent looking mon sieur, with a long cane, which ho held between two rubied Angers. "They insist, too, on having tho win dows open. It is positively shameful,'' continued a largo woman in mourning. Though from this eido of tho Atlantic, and a lone distance from this side, there is a littlo rill of Anglo Suxonism cours ing through mo. Even in spito of tho fact that I havo a fondnoES for that awful word "Britisher," that I do suy "1 guess," that dimly porcoiving the force of "beastly" Ub boauty and pontry havo not yot inspired me, and that 1 am hard hearted in regard to that appeal ing, magniticent exclamation "fancy!" Madame Beemed to divino my feolings. "Ah but you aro American neu'est pas Mademoisollo? Is it not so Madem oiselle T Sho tried to say soothingly. A few feelings', however, were ruffled. "On descend ici four Pontoiso," shriek ed tho guard. "ChaDgo horo for Pon toiso." Still another train and tho spires of PontoiBo gradually began to appoar. Monsieur Roguot mot us at tho depot and was most effusive in his wolcomo Madame came out to tho gardon to greet us, and though startled at htho appear ance of an Amorican was gruciouB, and said that sho had beon in England several times. Sho attempted good morning in English, but instead mado a slight difforonco and said "gud nito." "Wo will havo luncheon out of-doors,'' she continuod. "It is such fino weathor. Such splondid Bunehino. Porhaps my huBbaud will show you hie ilowors. Ho is dovoted to them." MonBuior marshalled ub through his gardon, stopping lovingly beforo Bomo pet buBhor shrub; and I could not help wondering if ho wbb as good a father as ho was guardian to these gardon pots. Lunch was announced. Wo seated ourselves around a table shaded by a great umbrellu-liko treo which barricad ed tho vigorous sun. Only occasionally did somo bold ray rubh in daringly. "Thoro aro boiiio interesting buildings in Pontoiso, Madomoisollo," said Mon Biour, "though thoy aro not woll known outsido of Franco. How is it, do you say in English? Will zoo pleso pass zoo pain, no zoo broad? lean spoko Eng lish zoo voyez, Madomoizello. 'Thoro wus un old monastery horo, whoro Saint Louis was ill for a long timo. Aftor ono of his pilgrimages to tho Holy Land, I think that it was. Only a bit of tho chapel which he built in commemoration of hiB rocovory, is remaining. What, MademoiBolle! You would liko somo wator to drink. Comment? O'eBt dangoroux ca. "Mon ami," said Madamo eovoroly to her husband, "peoplo often drink water in America." "Truo, my dear, I had forgotten about it, but it scorns to mo a very reckless habit." Thero aro some churcheo hero, too, Madomoisollo. Old ones. "Monsiour Roguot," said hiB wifo, "I wish that you would loavo thoso churches ulono. Thoy are vory ugly. Why. Madamo Rubore," sho said to Germaino'B mother, "you havo not beon hero einco wo married Edouard. Father LeBeau said that he novor Baw a handsomer wedding. But you havo no idea, Mado moisello" turning to me, "tho tremendous amount of work that it ia to marry a son." "No, I havo not, Madamo," I answered retlocting. "I wouldn't go through it again for a groat deal. Not for somo timo that is, regarding Elino and Nanni. So many arrangements, so many things to look after," "Everything was satisfactory, Mad amo?" inquired Madame Rubr re. "Yes, vory, Madamo." "How hungry 1 am!" exclaimed Ger maino. "Famished. Monsieur Edouard is living in Paris Madame?" "Yes, they havo a lovely apaitment thoro, But, Germ'iine, you look very tired. Is it possible that you aro grow ing old?" "Yep, Madamo. Lot mo soe, why you aro just twico as old as I am plus iivo years. How large multiplication does mako numbers! When I was a littlo girl I remember your telling maman your ago, and I have always remembered. Wo can grow old together ne e'est pas, Madame?" "Tho sun is bo warm today. It makes my face burn fearfully." Monsiour Ro guet came from tho garden, just then, with a great bunch of chrysanthemum6, "Monsieur," said Madame, "perhaps you could twUt a few branches so the sun wouldn't bo quito bo hot." "My dear, what is tho matter with you? Tho sun !b undor a cloud.'' "Madomoisello" pursued madatne, ad dressing tho Americaine. "I am bo glad that my son is married. If you only understood what a relief it is to me you would truly sympathize with me. Con sultations morning, noon, and night with his iianco's poople. There was the masB to arrange about. High mass. Think of it! Four priostB to oiliciate. O'etait boau ca. Then thoro was the wedding breakfast to look after. Wo didn't always quits agree, Madamo Sy mondo, Edouard'e mother-in-law, and I. and always, always some discussion. Wo furnished tho apartment, too, you know, that is Monsieur Symonde and my hus band. Then, too, I must needs look aftor tho corbeillo." "Thore I don't understand about tho corbeillo? Ploaso do tell mo about it, Madamo." "Commtnt. You don't know about that. How Btrango! What marvelous affairs marriage aro in America! No corboillo. and I don't quito boo the use of fathers and mothors? Thoy don't seem to havo much to Bay about affaire of tho heart. Ugh! I shouldn't liko that. No, indood." "But you woro just complaining about tho responsibility and tho work, Mad amo." "Oh, woll, I don't exactly dislike it you know." Y