WWHMWWil THE COURIEh, U 1 l hi? to bo im elderly lady of charming manners hut entirely without, h knowledge of parliamentary usage and or a continued dilatory habit. Business sessions were delayed in coin morning because the president was not present and they were prolonged beyond the time of closing because the president was ignorant of the methods of expediting and closing discussions. Yet so strong Is the In lluence of position this good and pleasant, but itnossiblc lady, who is the wife of a former ambassador to Germany, was reelected to the oftlce of president. Many women are un accustomed to consider the lltness of a feminine candidate for the ollicc she desires to ornament herself with, and contrariwise are so in the habit of voting for or against a candidate because the woman has held the office 0:10 term and expects it again, or because she is a lady of rank and wealth or for some other irrelevant reason, that these few remarks on Mrs. Ulil's iinlitness, will probably be considered impertinent, though no body who was present at the St. Louis meeting can deny their truth. One of the most important results of club life Is the pover of dlserlinlna tion that women are gaining. A president of a large society requires executive ability. She must have habits of promptness, of quick deci sion and of accurate discernment. She may have wealth, position and a gracious presence but a president can get along without these latter orna ments and the former are absolutely necessary. The musical clubs are of more recent formation than the literary clubs and musicians are said to be artlsti'j and dreamy rather than businesslike and prompt or exlgeaut in any way. Wherefore the Amateur club's Irresponsible president may do no more than mildly irritate the per formers whose numbers arc set for ward an hour or so because she Is un avoidably detained at dinner. Hut the time will come and Is fast approach ing when no woman who does not pos sess the prerequisites of knowledge, promptness and perfect comprehen sion of the specltlc duties of her posi tion can be elected to the presidency of any federation of cluds musical or otherwise. The Bridal Tour. The custom which many of the Spring brides have inaugurated of not going on a journey is a wise one. It outvvlts the rice throwers and trunk decorators, for where Is the use of tilling a bride's hair with rice if she Is to stay at home whero everybody knows she is a bride without the rice. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harding Davis were married In the house they were to remain in for a few weeks after the wedding and they on Joyed the triumph of bidding the wedding guests farewell. Though thinking on the poor little brides and the badgered bridegrooms who have been pelted from the brldo's parents' home by liandfulls of rice and dissolute old shoes, It was magnanimous in Mr. and Mrs. Davis not to throw things at the departing guests. The Sheriff. The number of candidates for county oftlces Is Increasing. Every day a now candidate for sheriff or clerk of the district court confidently announces himself with the salutatory that he could not help, it his friends were so insistent and the supply of really good men so short. Sheriff Trompen expects to bo renominated for a third term. 1 hope the members of the convention will consider Mr. Trompeu's character and disqualifica tions for tlie position before making so palpable an error as his nomina tion. A sheriff should have a Judicial temperament. He has, if not finally absolute, at least immediate and temporarily despotic authority over helpless prisoners. If the sheriff bo a spiteful, vindictive man who will use his position to punish prisoners who before their incarceration or after it, may have offended him, he is eminently disqualified from any authority over Ills fellow men how ever the latter may have offended. There is more than one Instance In which Sheriff Troiiipcu has used his office to punish those who have of fended him. For Instance, more than a year ago The Courier, in response to many letters from mothers and fath ers, began an attack on the gamb ling rooms which in spite of the law were run openly and apparently with out fear of the police or of the sheriff who are employed for tho enforcement of the laws regulating vIcc.Thn sheriff replied to tho effect that gambling inside the town was not his business but that of the mayor, chief of police and of the policemen. Later tho G. A. It. encampment was held at the fair grounds and gambling booths were run as openly as cigar or pop corn stands. The sheriff was on the grounds but until his attention was called to the open violation of tho law again and again by theCourier gambl ers were not molcsted.The real trouble was. I have heard, that a gambling concession had been sold to them by the local managers of the assembly. Such a bargain could have had no influence upon a con scientious sheriff, for a concession to cheat or steal can not be sold even by a cliurch warden. Martin Luther knocked out indulgences a long time ago. The reluctance with which tho Sheriff finally advised tho proprietors of the gambling booth that they must stop business created a suspicion that he had had an understanding with the director referred to and it was this growing suspicion that finally forced him to order the gamblers off. Since that time the sheriff who Is paid u salary to see that law and order Is enforced In this county and not for idlng or winking ,11 crime nas re fused to deliver to The Courier those legal publications marked for The Courier by the attorneys who send them to tho sheriff's office, thus ad mitting that he did not approve of an influence which drove the gamblers out of business and was willing to use the power vested in him as sheriff to punish a publisher who insisted that the law be enforced. Secondly a sheriff should have suffi cient education to make him com prehend the affairs and business of men. Mr. Trompen is grossly igno rant, with an Ignorance which nar rows and deepens his prejudices. There are also facts in regard to the acceptance of Illegal fees in his ad ministration of the sheriff's office, not generally known to the public but which should be carefully considered. The City Improvement Society. In view of the number of inquiries concerning tho origin and work of the City Improvement society of Lincoln from women in other towns, who wish to do something to clean and improve them the president of the Lincoln society has asked me to print an account of it, that future correspondents may be answered in less time. Tho Lincoln City Improvement association was organized about two years ago by Mrs. Matilda R. McCon nell,Mrs. M. D. Welch, Mrs. II. h Wheeler and others. They were in duced to form such a society by the successor similar ones In other places and by the dirty, weed-grown, spit covered city of Lincoln. The society organized and elected Mrs. McConucll as president. She appointed committees on cleaning streets and alleys, on waste paper and refuse, 011 sidewalks, on sanitation, on weeds and still another, on school grounds. Even persons most jealous of what they arc pleased to call the intrusion of women Into public affairs admit that the appearance of the city is much Improved by the patient and persistent work of these com mittees. Especially has the work of the committee on school grounds been valuable. It has made sightly play grounds of squalid yards, it has taught the little children tnat the grounds are theirs and that papers and rub bish are a disgrace and offense. This committee had the easiest and picas an test work to do because children are natural reformers and propagan dists. They believe in a millennium and when we become as little child ren, they and we will accomplish it. The children picked up the papers, stopped making chalk pictures on dead walls and became judges of nicely kept grounds. The total en rollment of public school children in Lincoln is G.4UH and when 12,992 hands went to work picking up the fragments of letters which the stupid brutal, grown people continued to scatter to the winds the city Improved Immediately so that even the stupid, selfish, grown people who had scat tered papers and refuse with the re mark that the women and children would be pleased to have something to do, were ashamed and especially when the stupid people's own child ren endeavored to show them the enormity of the offenue they were committing against the community. In this work Mrs. Seamark who lives in the neighborhood of the Park school has been especially successful and that school yard is one of the prettiest nnd neatest in the city. The Patron's Association has grown out of these efforts to impress the children and their parents with tho importance and potential value of their relation to the material city. I he patron's association has become a permanent institution in every school district. The meetings bring parents, teachers and children together and sympathy, knowledge and love arc fostered. The school grounds com mittee with the help of the Patron's association by means of school enter tainments raised sixty dollars at the Eliot and ono hundred and fifty dol lars ut the Park school for the pur chase of trjes and employment of la bor. At the Patron's association meet ings, refreshments are served and the social feature of the entertainment brings the parents of the children in a neighborhood together and unites them by a common bond the solic itudo for their children. In the meet ings the little child is in the centre and he teaches the fathers and moth ers the silliness and artificiality of caste and tlie little barriers they have chosen to erect against their poorer or richer neighbors. For the poor a -c often more tenacious of Irrelevant distinctions than the rich. In the department of street and alley supervision the most marked improvement has been made In tho matter of paper. The bill-posters, who formerly tore off tlie paper from the boards, and thrust what would go Into their push carts, and left the rest to blow about the streets, have re sponded after many appeals and some threatening of the penalty made for such offenses, to the society's efforts. This reform of the bill-posters and tho children's crusade has effected tho most important changes In the aspect of the city. During these two years of city cleaning, the members of the society have had the cordial and cheerful co-operation of the street commissioner and health officer. If the street commissioner, mayor and city council had been even passively opposed to the object and efforts of the society very little could have been accomplished except with the angelic children. Tlie side walk com mittee was early discouraged and accomplished little because the law compelling lot owners to keep their side walks in repair Is defective and renders the ordinance inoperative. Two years :go in response to the re presentations of the weeds committee the council spent five hundred dollars cutting them down. Last summer the council ordered the construction of cans for waste paper and refuse. These were placed on the busiest cor ners and are of great service as re- ceptacles of banana peeling, envelopes and things that the stupid, selfish and slovenly still throw on the walks. However, their usefulness would be increased if they were emptied oftener. Not tlie most apparent effect of the efforts of the Bociety, but one of the deepest importance is the under standing of the hitherto not full appreciated efforts of the city officials to do the duties they were elected to perform, but which can never be ac complished without the co-operation of the citizens. Heretofore the city officials have been strangers to tho housekeepers of the city. But tho keeping a city clean and restraining the disorderly from breaking tlie ordinances is much like tlie duties or a housekeeper and the mother of a family. The spring elections resulted In the election of a mayor who was the choice of most of the housekeepers of the city. The City Improvement society invited him to talk to the mem- ? bers at u recent Besaion, about the city. Tho mayor accepted tho invitation and talked bo sensibly and raodeBtly that every member went homo with a now idea of tho duties and difficulties of a mayor and a great deal of respect for tho dignity and powor of the office. Thiseummor members of the council, and exciso board, tho chief of police, the street commiBsioner and Mayor Winnott are to bo invited to address the socioty. All of these men aro un usually able and honest. It may en courage them to know they are being observed by tho housekeepers of tho city and it will be of educational advant age to the women to become acquainted with those upon whose faithful per formance tho suppression of vice, the regulation of saloons aud tho protec tion of minor boys depend. If the City Improvement Society had ac complished nothing moro than such an entente cordial betwoon tho officials and tho households of the city there would be reason for congratulation. y Mrs. Taylor, tho present president, of tho society is a student of economics and a teacher of economics in the State university. Under her inspiration tho society will begin tho study of city charters and a comparative examina tion of American and European munici pal government including tho relative power poBBOBBod by council and mayor, the latter suggested by the American tendency to centralize more and more powor, appointiyo and executive, in the mayor, and by the growing power or the council in Europe. Tho members of the City Improve ment society feel that they have only made a beginning. Tho city is still very dirty, littered with papers, dis figured by weeds, and the side walks, public buildings and street cars are filthy with spit. But the council is ' composed of clean, intelligent, conscien I