i Ki''W nqnyyai , 10 THE GOURIBR. FOREOLOSUKIO SALE. Notlco ie hereby givon, thut by virtu,, of an ordor of biiIo !hbiicc1 by tho Clerk of tho Dlfitrict Court of tho rhinl Judi cial Difltrlct of Nobriifckii, within and for Lancaster County, in an notion wherein Edward A. StophonB ot al., aro plain tltfe and Tho WcBtflido Iinproveinont Association, ot al., aro defendants and by virtuo of tho docroo thoroin rondorod on tho .'Kith day of Docombor, 18!).'i, I will at 2 o'clock p. At., on Wednesday, Juno iilet, 1899, at tho cast door of tho Court ho u ho, in tho City of Lincoln, LancaHlor County, Nebraska, otTor for salo at public auction tho following de scribed lands and tonomontB, to-wit: All of blocks 1, 2, :i, 1, B, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 and all of block l.'l except loin 1, fi, 0, 7, and 8: All of block M and all of block 15, oxcopt lot 1: All of blocks 10. 17 and and all of block 18, oxcopt 8, 9 and 10: All of block 19, oxcopt lot 8 and all of block 20 oxcopt lots 1, 2, G, and 8; all or tho north half of block 21; tho west half of block 22; all of blocks 211, 21, 23, 20, 27, 28, 29, IK), HI; all of block .'12 ox copt lot 0: All ot blocks .'Kl and .'11 and tho wost half of block .'15; all of block .'17, oxcopt lots 0, 7, and 10; all of block .'18, oxcopt lots 0, 7, 8, 9, and 10; ail ot block .'(9 oxcopt lot 8; all of block 10 ox copt lot 5; all of block -11 and all of block 42, oxcopt lotB 5 and 0; all ot block l.'l oxcopt lots!, G und 7; a'lof block 11 ox copt lots 8, 9 and 10; tho west half of block 40; all of blocks 47. 18, 19, HO, HI, 52, 53, 54, 55, 50, 57, 58 aud 59 and all of block 00 oxcopt lots 9 and 10; all of block 01 oxcopt lotg 2, .'I, 4 and 5; nil of block 02, and all of block 0.'), oxcopt lot 5; al of blocks 01, 05, 00, 07, 08, G9 and 70; and all of block 71, oxcopt lots 0, 7, 8, 9, and 10; all of block 72, oxcopt lot 10, and all of block 73 oxcopt lot 7; all of blocks 74, 75, 70, 77, 78, and all of block 79, oxcopt lots 1 and 2, 7 and 9; all of block 80 oxcopt lots 0 and 10, all of blocks 81, 82, 83 and 84. Tho cast half of block 80; all of block 87 and 88 and all of block 89 oxcopt lot 9; all of block 90, excopt lot 2; all of block 91, oxcopt lots 0 and 7 and all of block 92; all in tho villago of Hawthorne, LnncnHtor County, Nobraska. Also tho following doscribod lauds to wit: Tho northeast quarter of tho southwoHt qunrtor of soction twonty Bovan (27) town ton (10; north of range bIx (0) oast of tho Gth i at.; also com mencing at tho southwest corner of tho east halt (E.)) of tho uorthwost quar ter of section twonty-oight (28) town ton (10) north of range six (0) oaBt of tho 0th i'. at., running thonco north twenty eight rods, thence oaBt forty rods, thence south twonty-oight rods, thonco west forty rods to tho place of beginning: AIbo, the wost halt of tho woBt half of tho southwest quarter of tho southeast quarter of soction twonty-tivo (25) town ten (10) north of rango iivo (5) oast of tho Gth t. at.; oIbo commenc ing at tho northwo3t corner of ;ho south west quarter of soction thirty-two (32) town ton (10) north of rango six (0) oaBt of tho 0th p. at., running thonco south fifty rods, thonco oaBt eighty rodB, thonco north tlfty roJs, thonco wost eight rods, containing twonty-tivo acres; also com mencing at the northwest corner of tho oast halt of tho southeast quarter of soction six (0) town nino(9) rango six (0) east of tho 0th t at., running thonco oast sixty rods, thonco south to tho south lino of said quarter, thonco wost Bixty rods, thonco north to tho placo of beginning; also, tho oast fifteen acroB out of tho northwest quarter of tho northwest quarter of section four (4) town nine (9) rango six (G) in Lancaster County, Ne braska; also, tho eouthouBtquartor ot tho southeast quarter of tho northwest quar ter of Boctlon thirty-four (34) town ton (10) rango six (0) in Lancaster County, Nobraska; also, lots 2, 3, and 4 of block 10 of 8. M. Benedict's First Addition to Mancboator, Lancaster County, Ne braska, according to tho rocorJed plat thereof; also, lot 15 in block 2 of Hlod gott's Park Addition to Lincoln, No hntBka, according to tho recorded plat thoroof; also, tho northeast quarter of tho northcaHt quarter of tho northwest qunrtor of soction four (I) town nine (9) rango nix (0) in Lancaster County, Ne braska. Givon under my liuntl this 19th iday of May, 1899, A. (I. Gunr.Nr.Ki:, Soocial MaBtor Commiwonor. DIED LIKE HEROES. Ilo Didn't Yc.iru Tor Wealth. "But a man kin mako money very fast in this town If lie likes," romnikcd the Oklahoma man, in a casual sort of manner. "1 stipposo bo," put In tho BtranROr nt once, with nn earnestness) thut showed ho was eager to be lot Into tho secret of It. "Yer.." rejoined tho other; "I saw man hero tho other day make a thou Band dollars almost at onco, ye miivl'' Bay." "Indeed!" "Fac', sir; he wns a stranger, j'.isv like you I don't know whar he eorr.Pi from or nnythin' about him tnor't; i know about you; hut anyhow he comes hero, sir, nn' he gits in with some o" them thar insurance agents over to the station yonder, nn' gits his life insured to onc't, d'yo see?" "I see." "Yes, glis his Ufa insured an' then, sir, out he comes and begins shoutin' his politics around right straight. Oh, ho wns business, he wns, I tell ye! Well, sir, 'twaren't mor'n half nn hour from tho tlmo that fellow landed nt the stmion n poor man till the Insur ance company was wrltin" out a chcU for n thousand dollnrs fer his widder. It was tho sharpest thing I over sea Deng if I ever seo such a plan! ditl you?" The stranger ngreed most cordially thrt it was a sharp trick, Indeed, but added as ho roso to seo when the next train would .envo there tNit. u.iforti nntely for nim, ho dldnt li.iv any politics at all, and, what wns more, ho had no wife. "Besides." said he anxiously, "I'll I'll tell you straight, I don't crave vclMi "t oil tt now." dY A TURiM OF THE HEAD. Mined Ills Wlfo mid tho Tho.Uur tm Dot IIIh Dinner. A city official, who supposes the epl ode is a closo family secret, arranged with his wife to meet her at tho office last Friday night at 7 o'clock, says tho Now York Herald. They wero then to have dinner at a hotel, aud attend tho theater. Ho was prompt, but his wlfo had not yet arrived, bo ho patiently waited on tho sidewalk with his eyes on tho door that she mlfeht not come without his knowledge. Ho paced back and forth, reading the bulletins, ob serving the direction of the wind and looking at the clock as it marked the passing minutes; but he saw nil who entered the building. He heard a loud clanging el gongs, as a firo engine dashed down Gth avenue, and turned his head for not rnoro than five seconds to look after It. His wlfo was only a few minutes late, aa sne hurried from a Broadway car and rushed into tho office, during tho five seconds his head was turned. Sho hnd not seen him, and was pleased to think hat ho would be the one to bo blamed for being late, as sho sat down to wait his coming. Ho continued to wait and pace, as the clock ticked off the minutes. Eight o'clock was near nnd ho became very Impatient, ns ho realized that It meant to either miss dinner or tho first act of the play. When 8 o'clock wns pnBscd ho saw another act slip away. In a few minutes more ho had given up the theater, and feared for tho dinner. In another ten minutes all of tho plcis wero changed, and ho determined to go homo. Sho was also discouraged and hurried to tho street to tnko a northbound cable car. They met, and well; tho theater was given up, but they bad a dinner and each promised to say ootbing about lw STOHY OFTHE FOUNDERINGOF A GERMAN GUNBOAT. Tliy Wont llovn Chcoring Tliolr Hnjy, uml Kinging tho Commit National Anthem Ono ol tho .Most KciitiirluihU' ICvcntN of Naval I.lfo. "How do you liko your now cook?" "First rato. My wifo sajb she w never bottor treatod.' as HE crew of tho German gunboat lllls havo givon tho world a lesson in how to dlo well With their ship on the bring of Inevit able destruction, they joined hands and sang the na tional military - """-eO hymn, "The Flag- ftenlicd." Singing that song they went to their death cheerfully. The lllls be gan her last voyage on July 23 last, when she left Chcfoo, In China, for Nagasaki, in Japan. Sho was a gun boat of 2500 tons, a small vessel of tho clhss which is maintained by European powers in Asiatic waters for the pur pose of punishing natives, protecting citizens, nnd so forth. It docs not ap pear that sho had any ono particular defect, but she was too weak to face the terrible storm which overtook her. Before nightfall the ship wns over tnken by ono of those terrible .storms which rage with such fury on the east era const of Asia. When darkness came the storm was still increasing in fury. Tho crow were helpless and crouched under tho bulwarks holding on to ropes nnd mils for their lives. Great seas broko over the deck, drown ing nnd Injuring many men. The ship wns beyond control of helm or engines nnd incapable of making a course in ho direction in which safety lay. Un til nearly midnight the storm flung the helpless ship aboi.i. Then, having been lifted on the crest of an enormous wave, sho fell with a crai'i which shook her from stem to stern. She had struck on a reef, which proved to bo ono off tho southeast promontory on tho Chinese coast. 'J, ho boats wero washed away, tho men were powerless to save the ship, and thoir u:ily chanco of life lay in clinging io a ship that was fast breaking up. After nearly twelvo hours of battle with tho stor.a It only romnined for theiu to die. Cap. tain Braun, who had neor for a mo ment relaxed his efforts to save the ship, saw that his work wa3 over. His stalwart form and his calm, but strong German face will live in the memory of tho few survivors until their last hour. He called all the officers and men around him on deck, and, taking each ono by tho hand bade him fare well. Then ho told the whole crew that they had done their duty like men, and would do well to end by giving three cheers for tho Kaiser aij.t for Germany. These wore ghen with a strength that struggled with tht roar of tho wind and waves. The ship was then fast breaking up. A chasm had opened abaft tho foremast, and tho waves breaking orer the doc'.c threatened overy moment to tear away the greater part of tho ship and sink in under the lolling sea. Then Gunner Kaehm yelled to tho men to sing tho national military hymn, tho "Flaggonlled." B that tlmo a sort of intoxication bom of contempt for death had como over thorn. Joining hands for good 'ellow- ship nnd also, to save one anotL fow moments more from the of the waves, officers and men on tho dock of tho lllls as the sang tho hymn, the refrain of which Is: "Tho Kaiser nnd our standard, Hoch' "The flag, black, white and red." They hnd barely concluded the hynu. when tho ship broke up und tho aftei part of her was engulfed in tho sea A very few managed to reach tho small part fast on tho reef not ono officer among thorn. Of tho thirteen men who succeeded in clinging to tho wreck, eleven wero eventually saved. They Bpent a terrible night, during which several of them wero washed off nnd two drowned. The wholo of tho next day tho storm continued with consid trablo violence, and thoy remained in .heir misornblo position. At the end of tblrtsiBix hours', tj Ughthousa v for u iitches anced keeper at rtotitneaiti timiniimjiy wus able to reach thorn in n boat nnd then taken off. Mosluhuer, boatswain of tho wrecked ship, has written a letter to a friend describing that terrible night. In the course of hl3 letter, tho boats wain says: "It almost made my heart 6iok, though, when, as tho lllls lay pounding on tho rooks, almost on her beam end, ('apt. Braun came down from the bridge and shook each of us by tho hand. I could have cried liko an infant, but ho wacd his hand to ward the Hag, and bofcf ws knew It wo wero singing at the toy -d our voices our dear old national hym.i Our voices sounded weird and strange above the Btorm. I can't describe the scene it was so unlike anything you can imag inc. There wo wero dancing around tho deck liko school boys, while every flne of us knew our time had como. It is said that one conjures up everything '.hat has passed when death comes, but I thought of nothing but the grand words of that song and the cheers we gave thi) flag. In fact, before I had much lime to think of anything else, Bhe went to pieces, nnd I found myself guzzling the briny water. Phew, but it was rough! I was caught in tho crest of a wave and carried toward it, and by ood fortune managed to clutch a rope that wns dangling from tho bowsprit. I scrambled up on tho top of the wreck, and in a few minutes others as fortu nate as I Joined me." t'ttrloim ltorllu Custom. A curious custom is made known by a correspondent In Berlin. Th j buteh en? or that town aro in the habit of In forming their customers of the days on which fresh sausages are made by placing a chair, covered with a large, clean apron, at the Hide of the nhop door. 3 'VfJ - L4f.1 Trrpr r' I i - V I Hibernian (with dignity) O'Rafferty, f It's convnnient, me colored frlnd. I don't think. Texas Sittings. Natural riillotnpliy. A farmer walked up and down a block on Grlswold street, a day or two ago, wl Istllng a whistle that was apparently meant for a dog. When he hnd looked up and down and aiound for ten min utes a newsboy came along and queried: "Whlstlln' fur your dorg?" "Yes, but 1 guess the critter has got too fur off. I knowed he'd git lost if I brung him In," "Your dorg ain't lost," continued the boy. "Can't nobody lose a dorg. It's you that's lost, and If you'll stand still u few minutes he'll And you." Tho farmer smiled at the boy's phi losophy, but decided to heed It, and It wasn't Ave minutes before his dog turned In from Fort street and camo up to him. "Didn't I tell ye?" said tho boy, as he moved on. "I don't mnke any charge fur tho plnter, but next tlmo you git lost Just take a lean ngln a lnmppost and gin ycr dog a fair show to And ye." -Detroit Free Press. Determined Not to be Ittmtcn. Dawson I've neon divers go down And stuy under water an hour. Jawbon Pooh! I've been em' go down nd stay an hour and a half and smoke all the time. Dawson I 8av one go down a year .go and ho has not come up since! Inteprotluer n 1'rovorb. "Do you boliovo that whistling in licates that a man has an empty head'.1" asked tho affable dovotoo to "Sweut Mario." "It indicates that tie will havo ono if I can roach his head with a club," replied tho person who can't bo industrious without ba ng lrritu'ole. Thk Couiukk is for ing nowsstand. Subscription prico for ono yoar iB $1. 'Phono 381. r V ""jTnrirT n Hi mi i