THE COURIER. VJJJiJsJiJ vf K ?YlGtflKitt WW GOOlS GO. VI ) ' ? 4 I 102-1029 (f).gt. I 2 Lincoln SJebr jjtjj'jjrfjrfjrfjvjjjtf K i i t t i t t t t i i i A Continuance of Our May Sale For One More Week! Dress Goods and Silks COLORED DRESS GOODS Read these items carefully. All of our imported high grade novelties, French popline, German suitings, solid color crepon, choice of any piece of fine spring dross goods in the store, worth to 81.09 a yard at 98c 47 inch imported coverts, a beautiful, fine cloth for spring and fall, blue, brown, tan, and blue gray, worh 91.25 a yard 88c 52 inch Venetian suiting, the latest cloth for tailor made suits brown and grey, black and white, worth 91.25 a yard 11 inch French poplin, in all colors, Bplendid to wear, worth 81.10 a jard. 46 inch silk warp novelties, they are all new, worth $1.25 and 81.35. Your choice of any of the above qualities per yard 88c 45 inch English covorts in gray, brown, green, tan, blue, etc., wortn 81 00 a yard; 45 inch French poplins, flno qualities, all colors, worth 81.00 a yard. 38 inch silk warp novelties, splendid for spring and summer wear. 45 inch all woll novelties, worth 81.00 a yard. Your choice of any per yard 66c 20 iuch all wool chocks and novelties, a big lot, some are worth 98 cents per yard and the rest at 75 cents. Your choice per yard J9c 38 inch all wool noveltieB. sold for 55 centB a yard. Seven Days More of Unheard of Bargains. 37 iuch all wool serge, all colorB, sold for 35 conta a yard, 37 inch covorts, all colors, worth 29 cents a yard. Your c'aoico of those per j ard 22c WASH DRESS GOODS. JueI recoivod onocasa of new summer lawns, and they will go with a rush at Z 50 pieces of dimitieB, corded lawns, etc , regular 10c qualities. May sale price 5c Fine zephyr ginghams, corded laws in Moral designs, black ground with white figures, fancy piques, your cboico for Jo Imported Scotch dimities, tbo most complete, assortment in the city, Bilk striped linens, Anderson's zephyr gingham, satin etripe chaHies; your choice of these at 25c A beautiful assortment of summer goods, during May sale at, 35c, 43c, 49c, 50c BARGAINS IN FANCY SILKS. All waiBt Filks woi th 82.0' a yard at 9gc All fancv silks, plaids, corded, striped, etc., worth up to 81.10 a yard at 75c A new lino of fancy waBh silk at 29c, 39c, 49c Children's Jackets For this sale we offer 200 children's light weight reefer jackets at an astonishingly low price. They consist of solid color and fancy color cloths and plain and braided All sixes from 2 to 12 years. This is our regular stock and not a job lot. We are going to close out the entire stock this week. These jackets are worth up to $5.00 each. You may have your choice during this sale for $1.00 each Ladies' Shirt Waists. 50 dozen ladies shirt waists will go on sale. All are new styles, new in materials and the best fitting waists to be found. This lot is our $1.25 waists. Your choice for 08c eaoli Ladies' Underskirts Black and solid color petticoats of extra Hue quality Mercerized cloth, which looks like silk, wears much better, and costs but half us much, our 84 00 grade on sale thiB week at ' $2.08 each Ladieg (Tlotl? guits, We offer the best line of suits ever displayed in Lincoln at about 1 ft. less than the regular price. We guarantee a (It in every instance as all alterations are made by experienced suit makers without extra charges. Special priceB during thifc sale 0S to &St eaon Fanq? parasols, The largest line of parasols ever displayed in Liucoln at one time. ONE HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. 81.00 parasol for J 75 82.00 parasol for oo $.1,00 parasol for 50 85 00 parasol for 2 50 87,50 parueol for 3 75 810.00 parasol for 5 00 A tine line of 6un umbrellas during the May sale 98 Ladies' Silk Waists During this week we offer ladies' silk waists in black andsolid col ors, with corded front and pleat ed back. Regular price of this waist is $4.00. sole price i2,08 each Ladies' taffeta silk waists in black and solid colors, taffeta silk waists iu stripes and plaids, sat in waists in black and solid col ors, all styles in tncked, corded, andfpleated waists. There are 200 of these worth up to $8.00 your choice for Dress Skirts Ladies' all wool black storm and cheviot serge dress skirts, all this season's style, well made and good finish, all sizes, each skirt is worth $4.00, sale price 9.49 each V y i h tTR irrir