?" k1 " "i the coir;c. Phono. Ofllce OM ItON. .6.15 ProfeMalonal Directory Dr. O. 0. Reynolds on,??SKS!SSaR.1.9::::::: I W ?,. jf J Mim. ?M8Qdt f Bui 3 to 9 S - uiNcoilours Olllco 37bW. L. DaytOn, M. D. JOI!lco,1205 0Btreot JlOtol MIbpbh of Kyo, Km. v-'-"t nnd Tliront j Ron. 1831 0 Btroot (2:30 to 9:30.1 ) 2-5 p i to 5pm IDr. S. E. Cook j Eyo, Eur, Nobo and Throat I 1315 O Bt. c I? Dr. Benj. F.Bailey Evo'il'W. y mumlntinont. 3umlny'n 12 to 1 Vi "nil'liy npitolnttnont 3:3 am m OHIco, ZoliruiiK lilock 1 9 to 10 n in OHidoncp, 1313 0 Btroot I 2 to 4 tun tDr. J. B. Triokey, I KofructioniBt only i OITico, 1035 O stroot. 0 to 12r.hi . VI to 4 p. in. 'LA 4Nm d -6 -" -rrr-r Social and Personal - MW DENTISTS. LouiB N. Wente.D.D.S.ri'Hr.SSaSMkrai. J f bo Uth Btroot. j Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. The Courier would recommend that you see the Tho popularity of konBingtonB io wan ing in Lincoln notwithstanding tho fuct that eoverul vory charming ones have boon given rocontly. If by tho word "Koneington," iB mount a party to which tho guests tuko their towing tho word is a misnomer, for work is roroly taken. Tho fow oxcoptions appear to bo in tho case of and Poarl WycoiF. Tho brido roceivod many bouutiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Bell left at six o'clock for Denver and othor western points and aftor throo weeks will bo at homo to their friends in David City, whoro Mr. Boll is a well known business man, being engaged in the grain business and is a member of mo electric litrht mmmmu n... CIARK ooivr. If you want the best coal for domestic use. lOOO O St. 'Fhone lOS i HHRB'S FINE STATKDNARr i. L , , , 5 HlCJCJ rKAr rrv Arl There is none to e9uaI t in elegance. 8 ' '5 ' ' Xaf ' ' XcACy The line is complete in everything. Et,ft 'tUftttlHUOdflflUMMODIOQnotOOMOOOOOutiQii JHvjatt & Hyatt (Successors to Sutton & Hollowbush.) Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681 j Wo huvo tho only oyater parlor in tho city. Call and boo for yourself. i : ( LWo huvo tl )0H(iMMOM i rr ' i ii oouuniuMMmttonot-oMooiout MKOM00HHnMMej "nttir tllUlflOOMMOIHOHcumft Ladies' Dress Shirts Wo have just received largo lines of Ladies' Drees Skirts in up-to-duto shapes and styles all well made and finished; vhIuob unsurpassed. BROCADED MOtlAIRS-82, 82 50 82 75, 93 . 00, 83 GO, $3.75 and 81.00 oach. STORM SERGES- 8'.00,$G 00, $0.50, $7.50, 88.00 and 80.00 each. NOVELTY CLOTHS -In check, BtripeB, plaids, etc., all wool, a lurgo lot your choice $3.00 each. SATIN AND SILK-Plun or trim med 97.00, 88.00, $0.00, 810, 811, 812, 13, 815 and up to 82G oach. MlbbER & PAIN I i08tMOMM ' "'' emntuft Attt1HMWttoO0Oot Clergyman Do you know whoro bud boys go that ploy ball on Sunday?" Small boy Yes thoy go in all direc tions whon tbo cop comes. Tom Edna and May appear to be in separable, Carrie Yob; each is afraid to truBt the other out of her sight. The Rock Island playing cards aro tho slickest you evor handled. Ono pack will bo sent by mail on recoipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money ordor or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs. Thoy will bo Bent by oxpress, charges prepaid. Address, John Sehastian, G. P. A., ' Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicgao. tho owners of nrottv sowimr fan mA . e e,.e.c,n? J,Kht . cpany. Guest, of handsome material and possessing , 'ZZ o "J " tho wed" joweled top., or somo othor attraction J .l,06?? S' Gou,d' MrB' for tho fair possessor to toy with while f0B GTuld. Miss Roberta Gould, Miss sho chats away tho afternoon. No one "0t? m ' l"00?' MrB' thinks of sowing and why Bhould ono? cZi, m"' ? rank SdW' MIbb Ladies go to parties for relaxation why 5 ' i M,B80Et.t,DS. Mr. and Mrs. not have it? A pleasant game of cards puT m' BUDtiDff Mrs' rests ono. sowing has the reverse effect, ?i I r nT " Meye'B' MrB then why not the former? Hughes, Mr. Boll aud Mr. Rox Bell of Somo ono says cardB aro demoralizing, HVld lty' IhVfV rlPl ? 'fty ?r th PriZGB and Th0 Ci,y Improwment Society hold cheat but they do not as a rule; this is Hb regular fortnightly mooting on a mistake. And then prizes aro given Thursday morning at ton o'clock in tho for guMBing games at tho meetings of parlors of tho commercial club rooms church crcles, and at kensingtons too, The president, Mrs. Langwortny-TaX' whoro garneB arc introduced for amuse, was io tho chair. Tho secretary ffi ment, and everybody knows that ideas absent, Miss Harris was made eocWy and answers aro exchanged. Therefore The president suggested that he work while kensingtons are nice and guess- of the summer be diversified by ?he .ng games Bbarpen the wits, card parties addition of an educational department Zsw U aCt0ri6tC8 Dd ar reBt" Th0Btud'"y barters, anTorThe relative power of tho mayor and council Married at St. Paul's Mothod!Bt Epis- in this country and Europe, was rec copal Church Thursday at throe o'clock, commoi"Ied. Ono of tho chief objects Miss Hannah Gertrude Culbertson to of the improvement societies is tho Mr. Samuel James Boll, Dr. Fletcher L. cultiv'tion "' acquaintance between tho Whaiton performing tho ceremony. re8k'ent8 ' tho city and. tho city offl Promptly at tho hour appointed six lit- cial8, Tho women boliovo that this tlo girls in white svvisa frocks emerged ocquwtance and sympathy can not from a sido door and passed down tho fuil to increaE0 the interest of the citi aislo to meet tho brido. Thev were zonB in tho work and aims of all faith Alico Brooks, tho ring bearer, Florence fuI and abln onicials. For this purpose" Woods, carrying tho bride's bouquet of and othorB kin to it tho excisemen brido roseB, Roberta Gould of Bollwood counciimen, hoalth ofllcor and chief of Both Munger of PiattBmouth, Dorothy poIice are to be respectfully invited to Bakor and Fnnnin Wrt,l -wti ii Visit thn nnfiAv u.,.1 .. , ; - "" "u"u mey . ' ouswer tno ques- neared the door they separated and t,0D9 of the women whoso earnest de allowed the matron of honor, Mrs. B,re 1b to aid thef nfforts to make Lin George Krawl of David City, to pass co1d a cleanor and better city botwoen them, then closed ranks again T and followed her to tho altar, preceding V,'?w of the fact th Mies Florence tho bride who ontered upon the arm of TomPkmBOn has resi-ned as General her father, and tho procession passed Becretary of the Young Womans Chris slowly down tho -aisle to the wedding Apsociation of this city. The music from Lohengrin played by Prof yUDC women IJving in the Y. W O A Hadloy. The party was mot at the altar bu!,dinB who have known her' m'oBt by tho groom and his best man Mr. 'ntlmat'y d have highly appreciated George Krawl of David City. The W?rth and work. havo passed the Episcopal service was used, tho brido ro,lowlDS resolutions: being given away by hor father. Aftor .l?680'?11' That afto- oloae association tho service was over MondolBsohn'B wed- w.ltb M'BB TomPktoBon for the nast ding march was played as tho party pro- 'Rht T.atliB we hvo recognized in her eeeded to their carriages. The church f" admjrabIe Ohrhtlan woman a was decorated with many palma. The thorouhy competent secretary, 'and usherB were Mr. Jesse Culbertson and no wh haB won the esteem and I oonfl Mr. Rex Bell. After the wedding . do p those who have come in con reception to seventy five guests was tactwithber. Con' Sn'.m'u0 brid6'B paronlB' Mr. and J01' That wo deeply regret that Mrs. Griffith J. Culbertson. The guests BhhaB Boen tlt to Bvor hor cooHon wore received by Mr. and Mrs. cSber t J."? tb. nBBOuiaon and we aro 8uro Jon, Mr. and Mra. Boll and Mr. and Mrs ?80cition will feel a great loJE Krawl. Mrs. Culbertson wore a to let' her dePartu". 8 'D BCk.'i,k,,..Tlle brid0B gown was of , RfeE!TJ' Tbt we extend to her our ory wh.to , berty BaUn en best wiehes for her future success ?n Bheworoa tulle veil. Mrs. Krawl, who "Dy ,io,d to whb God, in hfanl,.! , a brido of but a day, wore her wed" VT M hor' and b re Lr that r:ri0 ---horiD horllfo w- Belwood and MiM Snow 01. d Qit? H PK ?" A,mlra Gi ' -wereaseisted by Misses Eva ffi J y