V i 1 THE COU'i.wt. I it I. O P TUB Lenten period, With h o f 1 1 y downcast eyes, Have you prayed off thu surplus fnice Tliut In your na ture Huh? Have you evolved a litany To which your HlupH h a 1 1 dance? Qlrl of the Lenten period, Thorc'H mlHchlef In your KlauccI You're thinking not of litanies With penitent refrahiH, Hut of your lovo'H aiithmette, And counting op your khIiih Of poeniH wrought In needle-work, Of symphonies In gowns, Of honnctH that at KaHter-tlde Shall hanlHh Lenten frowiiH. Qlrl of tho Lenten period, In royal purple clad! Pair penitent In violet, Your coining makes me glad! I love you, pretty devotee, Whoso hIiih art small and few, And when I to devotions go, I'll ask to kneel hy you. M. L. Hayne, In Truth. The Nebraska Sanitarium. Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following- inducements to the tired and suffering" public who are seeking" Health, Rest and Comfort: Diseases of tho Stomach and Digestive System. Diseases of tho Eyo, Ear, Nose, Throat, and LuniB. Diseases peculiar to women. THE institution i'h Hituatcd on an olo- Scientifically classified dietary, vatcd fiito, overlooking tho city of Laboratory of hygiene for bactoriologi Lincoln, which lies throo miles to Cal and microscopical investigation, the northwest, and with which it stomach Huid8 nnayZOj for dyspop is connected by an electric stroot rail- ti ' J l v way. ' i i BeBt of advantages for tho treatment Ono of tho moBt healthy locations bo- Aseptic operating roomB and surgical of n formR or chronjc disouses. Incur- twoon tho Miesiesippi River and tho wards. ablo and oironsivo pationtB not received. Rocky Mountains. Four physicians, woll-trainod, with Thj inBtittion aFO has recently op. A well regulated institution for tho 1W oxpononco in eanitarium medical oned a city l)ranch Oni00 and troattnent troatmont of all chronic difloaBOB. work. rooms in tho Halter block, southeast Water of unuBUul purity. Trained nurses of both soxeB. corner 13th and P BtreotB, Lincoln. linttiB of every dosciiption, including Skillful attention givon to tho treat- A ftao now electric light bath cabinet ho Electric-light bath. mont of in city olllco rooms. For circulurs giving rntos and further information, address, NEBRASKA SANITARIUM, Collkoe View, Nebraska. IMxere las Only One... Overlnd Rout" POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Youth paints tho circus bill for old ago to tear down. When a woman gets croaa, alio gets cross ut everybody. Actors, draughtsmen, dentists and mustard plaster ought to hu able to draw well. Spring should bo represented us a young niun with an ulster and tho rheumatism. Tolerance does not mark the progress of religion. It Is the fatal sign of Its decline. A New York paper has i headline, "Opium Joints winked at." Yes, they nre sleepy places. Prohibition will never flourish ns long ns the price of a glasB of lemonade will buy two beers. Thorn Is nothing llko prosperity to cover faults, and It may bo said that money covers moro than charity. Language falls to paint a women as the eyes of u lover sees her. Pearl rouge Is more apt to hit tho charmer. The pickpocket is a living example of the truth that In order to succeed In life one should keep In touch with his follows. Tho world owes us all a living, yot no man collect the debt unlcm he pulls off his coat and takes It from tho world's hide. No wonder hlghwnymon aro so num erous In this country, when every nchoolboy on declamation day Is taught o "stand and deliver." fli 'n 3ulfcJ"i ill & DIRECT LINE for all Points in Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Padific Coast, and Puget Sound. Hewitt I don't boliovo in putting oil until to-morrow what yon can do to-day. Jowitt Pay mo that 83 then. Howitt Tho rulo doosn't apply; that's Bomothing I can't do to-day. r BUCKSTAFF BROS. MANUFACTURE . . . THE NEJW JL,IIVOOJL,:iV STlSJSXy RANGE . . . Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used, that one item alone being economy. These Ranges would be a comfort in any home. For what they are They are the cheapest you can buy. At least give one a trial. We warrant you complete satisfaction. Write us for full particulars. 550 O St., WNCOLX, Neb, z SXsXl)Xs)S 0,000 UVlCK GROCHft s. m. SEITZ I Tel, fw; - - The Very Finest There Is In - - nmost GROCERIES can be bought HERE. Everything in Season. For FRUIT and VEGETABLES Try US. $)(ixiv'SStXA)5) XiXI)(9 A Little Deal in Wheat Palace Sleeping Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Buffet Smoking and Library Cars Free Reding Chair Cars Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte. For time tables, folders, and illustrated pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra verse , call on E. B. Slosson, General Agent. 823.00 823.00 Tho Union Pacific has made tho Great ly Reduced Rato of $23.00 to Portland and other PuRot Sound points, also to Helena and Montana pointB, Salt Lake City and Utah points. For tickets and full information call on U. B- Slosson, General Agent. vtlnt I' "Ti .,-,',", , v,s May have vast fortunes at stake, but what we value more is our KEPUTATION to furnish the BEST GOODS CHEAP, but NEVER to SELL CHEAP GOODS. This is why we always say '"" "YOUH MONY BACK: II? YOU WAJVX IT" and a dissatisfied patron is unknown with us. H. Wittmann & Co. Establish STQRE QpEN EVERy EVENNG IgJJBoog. BICYCIvRS PHONOGRAPHS Pine and difficult repairing- is a specialty with us. r vm v - j .