THE COURIER 11 - FIRST OF AERONAUTS. tjlamctmrtl Salted In Air llefore IlnUoeafi Were Mitde. Eighty-five years ago there died In Parte, Blanchard, the first man to galo celebrity as a balloonist, says the New York Mail and Express. Ho was born In 1738 and before the balloon was In vented ho had navigated the air in an atmospheric machine of his own inven tion, which was propelled with oars and which attained a height above ground of about eighty feet. Blanch ard mndo his first ascent in a balloon at Paris, March 2, 1784. On January 7, 1785, ho crossed the English channel in a balloon, accompanied by Dr. Jef fries. Under the circumstances it wna feat of great daring. The aeronauts the trip ended cast away everything but the basket under the balloon, and were about to out It away when they were carried over the town of Calais and finally dropped in u forest. The officials of Calais gave Blanchard a dinner, presented to him papers of citi zenship In a gold box, gave him $1,200 for his balloon and a pension of 125 yearly. The king of France also pen sioned him. Blanchard boasted that he had risen 13,000 feet higher than any aeronaut of his time. He made sixty ascensions, the last one causing his death. His wife continued the business after him and was killed by a fall from a balloon in 1819. Albert of Saxony, a Dominican monk, is credited with having formed tho first correct Idea of building balloons curly in the fourteenth century, but his ideas never took practical shape. While the scien tists were working on the question in 1783 tho brothers Montgolfk'r, paper makers, near Lyons, made ano sent up tho first balloon on June 5. This bal loon was made of linen, was 315 feet in circumference and rose 1,600 feet. It was filled with heated air. About three months later Prof. Charles sent up hit balloon, called a "Charllere." It trav eled some miles from the starting anfl fell in a village. The peasants re garded it as a living .nonster, and fall upon it with pitchforks and flails and tore it to pieces, to the loss and disgust of its owner. The first living things to leave the earth in a balloon were a sheep, a hen and a duck. They landed safely ana the sheep was found grazing. Tho first ascent In a hydrogen balloon was made by Prof. Charles in Paris, Dec. 1, 1783. Lincoln unit "Our Amcrtritti funftlti." Gen. I. N. Wallicr, commander-in-chief of the Ornnd Army of tho Repub lic, whlk zi ;lie Tacomn hotel on April 29, rolafcra tho following rather strik ing coincidence. He wiib In Chicago at the time Mr. Lincoln received his first nomination. On the evening of May 18, 18G0, the dny the nomination was made, Hen. Walker was at tho old Mc Vicker's theater and witnessed a per formance of "Our American Cousin with Laura keeno na the leading lady in tho ciiHt. During tho performance the rugged, kindly face of Mr. Lincoln vas Hashed by limelight upon the cur tain, with tho nnnoiinc-mcnt of the nomination of "Honest Abe Lincoln" as tho republican nominee for presi dent. Tho audience went wild with enthusiasm for several mlnuto.i before tho play could be resumed. Within a fow dnys of Ave years afterward tho same play waB being given nt Ford's theater in Washington, with Laura Keene as leading lady. On the even ing of April 14, 1863, 1'iesldent Lincoln went to tho theater, where ho was killed by the assassin Booth. Tacoma Electric wiring, gas and electric fix tures and lamps a specialty. Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heating Co., 215 South Eleventh street. A Stylish Turu-out. The Kuralm Jew. The Karalm Jews number 3,000 or 4,000 and live principally in the Crimea. They speak a Tartar dialect among themselves, and ethnological ly are much more like Tartars than Semites. Their own legends, In fact, permit the assumption that they were Khazara and were converted to Judaism In the eighth century. Their form of Judaism differs from that of the 5,000,000 or more orthodox Russian Jews in reject ing the talmud and traditional theol ogy altogether and confining itself strictly to the Mosaic revelation. It 4 fras been a favorite amusement with the flussians for generations to pretend the greatest admiration and affection for this obscure little tribe. Mme. Novlkoff had her Joke on tho subject here In London when Bho gravely as sured an Interviewer some yearB ago that there never had been a law of any kind Issued in Russia against the Jews. When this amazing assertion was ques tioned she coolly explained that she referred to the Karalm Jews, as in Rus sia they die not consider tho disciples of the talciud wero Jews at all. Inas much as the Karaites constitute only a two-thousandth part of tho Jewisb race If, Indeed, it be conceded that they belong to it at all tho Insolence of the Russian attitude toward them is peculiarly exasperating to Hebrews in general and the spectacle of theli being brought forward nt Moscow aa the solo representnl'veB of Israel will T smart and rankle just as the genial Slavonic character delres it should. Saturday Review. ' ' '' "Wr-? At Abued Wtfev Married Daughter Oh, dear, sue a time as I do bavo with that husband of mine! I don't have a mbaate'a paoa When he's in the house. He is always calling mo to help do something or other. Mother What does he want now? Daughter He wants me to traipse way up stairs just to thread a needle for him, so he can mend his clothes. Out of Observation. Miss De Fashion I've been having a perfectly lovely time; teas and parties, and music and dancing, and private theatricals, and everything you can think of. Haven't had so much fun for S year. Friend (shocked) What? During Lent? Miss De Fashion Oh, It's all right, i ear. We were in the country. Kftpettln? I'lhr.. The king of Denmark's "sort of new Invented guns, which bcliia but once charged will discharge many times, one after another," in 1657, would seem to have had rivals about the same period. Pepys twice refers to such. On July 3, 1662, when "at the Dolphin -with the officers of the ordnance, after dinner was brought t.o Sir. W. Compton a gun to discharge seven times, the best of all devices that ever 1 saw and very serviceable, and not a bawble, for It if much approved of, and many thereof made." And on March 4, 1663-4, he mentioned "a new fashion gun to shoot often, one after another." Notes and Queries. The Baiebull 1M teller. The famous base ball pitcher had walked the floor with the youngest of his family for an hour or so. "Mary," said he, "If the manager saw me now, I bet I'd get soaked with a fine." "Why?" asked the wife, sleepily. "I don't seem to hnve any control of he bawl at all. I don'." MH7sLsBsfl fiHrf :l ;.,lnsBBsHs! i"7 5 Xt H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68 News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SlH Alone Contains Both. Daily, by mail $6 a yeai Daily and Sunday by mail $8 a year Personally Conducted Excur sions to Weekly to ivLLHIb Weekly to CHICAGO AND Eastern Points Accompany these Excursions and SAVE MONEY for the lowest rate tickets are available are these Tiik Coukikh is for sale atthe lead ing newEBtand. Subscription price for ono year is 91. 'Phono 384. TE SYJflDM SV1U is the greatest Sunday newspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun, New York. First publication April 8. 3. NOTICE. Notion Is hereby given that on tho 20th dny of April, 1899. ut tho east door of tho County Court Houso, in tho city of Lincoln, county of Lancsstor, stnto of Nebraska, at 2 o clock p. in. standard time, tho uudorsignod willolTor for salo nt publio miction, to tho highest bidder for cash, or upon such crodlt as is provided by law, tho following describod roalestato lying in said county of Lancaster, stnto of Nobraska, to-wltt 1, Tho west ono-half, w. 1-2, of lot fourteon. 14, in block forty-four. 44. In tho city of Lincoln. '. Lot twolvo, 12, in block two hun dred and twonty-llvo, 23, in tho city of Lincoln, ii. Lot Uvo, l.ln block six. U, in Troster's addi tion to tho city of Lincoln, 4. Lot twenty, 20, in block two, 2, in Englosldo addition to tho city of Lincoln. 5. Lot ono, J, in block two, 2, in East Park addition to tho city of Lincoln. (1. Lots ono, two, three and four. I, , It, 4, in block two, 2, in Alonzo Hamos' subdivision in tho city of Lincoln. Hnld salo will bo mndo undor and by virtuo of a HconBO of sale mudo oy the Dis trict Court of Lancnstor county, Nebraska, in nn action therein ponding by tho undersigned for liconso to sell thosamo, Said salo will ro mnin opon for ono, I, hour, beginning at tho timo ubovo stated. CJkohoe E. Clark. As executor of tho last will and testament of Alonzo Barnes, doccasod. For full descripfion of this service and the benefits given its patrons, see your local ticket agent or address JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A. Ch'-ngo, III. FRANK H. Barnes. G. P. A., Uth and O Streets, Lincoln, Nebr. Steamship tickets to Europe sold. Steamship tickots from Europe sold. If you are going to the old country or intend bringing friends from there to this country, ploaeo call on mo for figures, information, etc. Best lineB re presented, A. S. Fikldino, C. T. A., Northwestern lino, First publication April i5, 6 Laud Oftlco at Lincoln, Nebr. I x- ., , . . , AVriI I:t W- I Notice is hereby givon that tho following nnmod settlor tins filed notice of his intontion to mnko Dual proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo made boforo tho Kcgistor of tho United States Lnnd Olllco at Lincoln, Nebr., on May Stall , 1699, viz, : Frank Juricok, for tho no 1-4 of tho nw 1-4 and tho nw 1-4 of tho no 1-4 of section 17, tp 8, range 5, e. Ho namoi tho following wltnossos to iirovu ills continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Felix Haumgart, John Kuna. Frank Krltgi, Fnwik Hind, all of Berks, Nobr. Any porson whodosires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial roasou, under tho law and tho regu lations of tho Interior Dopurtmont, why nucli proof should not bo allowed, will be given an opportunity at tho abovo mentioned tlmo and placo to cross-examine tho wltnossos of said claimant, and to offer ovidonco in robuttal of that submitted by claimant. J. W. JOHNSON, Regis tor. I .t.'&ii