THE COURIER. inciite wore served. M'ibb Ilictor of Chi eago socurod Iho prizo. Mrs. V. C. UriMlth ontortainod a company of hull oh informally yesterday afternoon for MrB. (Joorgo Cook of Chicago. M!hb Agnes Kuwlings formorly at tho Palace Beautiful will meet hor frionds untl patrons at tho hair dressing parlors of MiB3 Anno Rivott, H3 South 12th. Mies Esthor Clark, toaohorof art and litoraturo in tho Stato normal Bchool at Peru, !b tho guest of Mrs. V. E. KirUor. Electric wiring, gus nnd oloctric lix turcB and lamps a specialty. Korsmoyor Plumbing and Heating Co., i!15 South Elovonth stroot. Miss Ilolotiu Lau ontortainod tho alumni chaptor of Kappa Kappa Gam ma at a sumptuous luncheon. Born, on Wednesday morning, April 12, to Mr. and MrB. E. P. Brown, a daughter. Mrs. L. J. Ilor.og and daughter, re turned hiBt week from Omaha whero thoy woro visiting rolativts. Dontist Hill, over Miller & Paino. Miss Wolch wont to Omaha today to spond Sunday with MrB. II. Porcy Silver. Mrs. N. C. Abbott entertained junior Sorosisoii Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. S. M. Truo ifl tho guest of Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Wingor. Tho 6onior promenade will occur on noxt Friday evening. Died, on Monday ovoning, April 10, of spinal meningitis, Margaret Earlo Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Honry E. Lowis. Miss Marjory was a wholosomo, happy littlo girl, fond of all out door lifo, of animais and growing things. Hor parents aro dearly lovod hore, and sympathy for thorn and personal regret for tho Ioeb of bo bright and lovable a child is keenly felt. CLUBS. Continued from page 5. factor to this ocd should bo divided us nearly equally as possible among club mombors. Tnero is no doubt that tho women who have hold oflico in the club either ub tho presiding ollicor, or tho secretary, or chairman of some responsi ble committoo mako stronger and more helpful members, orgo, each member of ovory club. Bhould in turn, bo responsi bio for Bomo part of tho oflicial work of that club. This is ono of tho instances whero tho benefit is also rotroa-activo. Tho broadening and strengthening of tho individual broadens and strength ens tho club This yearly rotation of olllco would hardly hold truo in regard to Stato or National federations; horo an exporionco and training uro nocessar) that aro not demanded in small clubs; an exporionco and training which it takes tho good part of tho tlrst year to acquiro, that tho results may bo of tho highest or der. But in tho avorago club whero tho greatest good to tho greatest num. bor should bo tho watchword, thoro is no question that th& oillces should rotuto each year. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. Notice iB horoby given that tho total indobtodnesaof tho Sulpho-Salino Bath Co . a corporation, on the first day of April, 18U9, is as follows: Bills payablo, secured by mortgage 810,000.00. Sulpho Salino Bath Company, by M. H. Evkkktt, Pros. M.H. Evkkktt, J. O. Evkkktt, Ohab. O. Wukdon, Directors. A DAY IN ROME. C. Hkwooi). It wiib lato. Mrs. Chatsworth, a vigorous English woman of a goodly number of yours, and tho proprietor of our present nbodo, usually sat in hor small olllco which faced tho breakfast room. Sho would presB hor lips tightly together, nnd then groot each lato oirondor with a dubious, awful "good morning." Wo dnrtod by tho door way, in order to avoid if possible, the invasion of tho English climato upon tho Bunny Itulian almosphoro, but a voico called aftor lis: "Buono giorno signora. Buona giorno signorinu. Good Morning." Thank heaven. It whs only Giovanni Mrs. Chatsworth was interviewing now arrivals. "You go Beo Bovon church today signorina?" inquired GiovunDi as he ro turned with mullins and marmalade, and a prolitic smile. "Yob," chimoJ in tho English curate who sat oppoBito. "It's tho proper thing to do. You know that it's Holy Thursday today. Well I'm off. I am going to do twelve, myself. By tho way I leavo tonight," and ho bowod a mourn ful nurovoir to tho feminine cohort of the tablo. Tho room vvhb woll tilled with English white-cups and representatives of American maidondom. "Did ho ask you to write to him?', demanded MiBs C of Stratford, of Miss Wimpolo of CheBtor. "Yes, ho did." Both question and answer were given in a low tono, but intent was the ear of tho tablo. "Ho did me too," roported a little woman from a far corner. "And rr.o, and mo, und me," came from ull quarters, until Katish whispered, "ho tmiBt bo preparing a work on ferni nino uutograpby." "Tho signorinas will visit seven churches today? Ib it not so?'' pur sued Giovanni. "But why, Giovanni?" insisted Kat ish. "It will be woll for your souls," he responded. "The signoras will be par donod many sins if thoy do bo." "Lot's go. let's go," I exclaimed. "Quick, Giovanni, a carriage," and in a few momenta we were whirling off toward Santa Maggiore. As wo ontered, the procession of choir boys with their red robes, white lace over-flounces, and huge candles, the scientific name of which I have forgot ton; of priests, of bishops, and a cardinal woro juBt going up to tho altar, sing ing as they wont. Suddenly there rang out so high, and sweet, and clear, a voice. "Ah," cried Katish. "It is tho 'angel singer.' I heard of him in America. Did you over hear anything bo beauti ful? Come, come!" and dragging her aunt und me with her she drew us up to tho very choir screen. Wo staid until the last note had died away, nnd tho pillars and tho groat wuIIb that thoy supported, had again sunk back into their silent upathy. Then we made fly ing visits to St. John Latoran, St. Maria dolla Puce, St. Maria in Aracooli, where resides tho precious bambino, to St. Androu dolla Vallo, and to tho Gosu church,. Here, mass was just ovor and the procession loaving. As tho priests and tho young boya of tho Jesuit school passed down tho niBle, two by two, wo sought, wo searched each faco to find tho cunning, tho docoit, tho magnetism, tho brains of tho JoBuit of tho past. But wo found not tho Jesuit-typo of history. "Anu now for St. Potor in Vincolo." said I. Miss Boman gritted hor tooth. but Buid nothing. "Why don't you go homo and roBt?" History m Spanish War By Dr. ALBERT SHAW, Editor of the RliVIUNV OP REVIEWS, AND A LONG LIST OF NOTABLE CONTRIBUTORS. Over 1,200 Pages and 500 Valuable Illustrations. Three Beautiful Volumes in Half Morocco. See icclal offer at bottom of thin mh'crUtcmcnt. This Magnificent Edition for only ONE DOLLAR DOWN. Tothori'iulrrnof this iiuiht wo miiku tho following iirnposltlon to beeomo mem bers of tho KevlfW of Reviews History Club, and obtain the three volumes of Our War in Two Hemispheres, By ALBERT SHAW, Editor 0 the "American Monthly lltrlrwaf lltvlewn" and author of "Municipal Government n tlnat llrltaln, ttc, iiml u number oj prominent contributors. eVKUY Atnerleiui toucher iossesslmj it library, unit niiuiy that do not possess 0110, will bo Interested In tin; lUinoiiiH'tMiiuiit of the history of the liitu war with Spain, now published by the Kk.vikw ov ItKVIt'.w.s Com pan V. .Much of tin-narrative was written by Dr. Albert Shaw (Itirlnu'tbu actual lluhtlm; of the Mitniner. This has been revised 11ml amplified by him In the llulit of the olllclal reports anil documents, which have only become available after hostilities cen-eil. A free quotation from the critical 0(ni:relntial debates anil other public utterances at ciuclal periods aids In niaklm; this work what It Is, the standard reference history of this decisive and succesfuUtriiKKli'. Hut It Is much more than u llxely und comprehensive narrative. 1 1 tree hack to the years of utrim-ulo In Cuba which prepared tho way for the war; It dlciisses energetically ull problems which confronted the Culled States after the war us to tho Philippines, Cuba, und l'orto Itlcoj and us u whole It forms a broadly conceived picture of the year which has seen America brought face to faco with new world duties. The Important special und technical matters of the war period, ijenernlly dismissed by the historian with only slight nnd often Insiiillclent discussion, are fully and authentically dealt with In contributed chapters, written by men who hail unusual opportunities for studying their siibects. Thus, tlielcsMius which the war has for nsus to the relative eltlclency of rllles und machine mnis are In a cnrofully written chapter by blent. John II. Parker, of the Putted States army: the military movements of the Santiago and Porto lilcan campaigns are analyzed by 1 ne editor or me Army anil xnvu Journal: tne name witn rervera is Ue-erineii ny too novelist, Winston Churchill, who Isn graduate of the United StatesN'aval Academy; theactual condition of Cuba before the war and the facts which caused tho war are described by eye-witnesses, Murat llal-tead and Stephen Honnl. The Illustration of the book Is especially valuable In the hundreds of portraits, pictures of tho navies, photographed scenes of t lie war, and the entertaining cartoons reproduced from tho Spanish, French, (lerman, and Kngllsh papers, as well as from the American. How to obtain the handsome edition by a payment of only ONE DOLLAR DOWN. The three henuttf ully hound large octavo volumes and 11 year's sub-crlptlnn to the AMERICA V Monthly Hkvikw op Hkvikwx can be obtained by any of the readers of this paper by Joining tho Review of Reviews Club and paying one dollar. Tho volumes will be sent us soon us ready to thoso who remit tho sum, and the purchase will bo completed by the payment of ono dollar per month for twelve months. The llrst volume will be readv early In December. Thu subscription to tho tuugazlue which goes with tho olTer can bo dated from any month. Address , THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY, 13 Astor Place, New York City. asked Katish of hor aunt, "and we'll meet you heroin an hour and then wo will go to St. Peters Tor tho afternoon's service." She loft us willingly, and unhesitat ingly. Katish and I elatnbered up tho stoop road-way to the height, whero stands St. Potor in Vincoli. After lingering somo timo, for here abides tho famous Moses of Michael Angelo, wo wandered out behind the church where rested a horny rock. Even this ap pealed to our weariness. Wo wore silent Bomo timo, when Kat ish said: "I am so glad that wo don't have to talk every minute. When we first knew each other the pnrlez-vous waB scat tered all through the day and all through the night. Tho preliminaries of friendship aro such a bore." "Truo, but some way thoy aro among the have to-be's. Katish do you ro member that Miss Cullins that wo mot in Paris?" "Yes, I do. Sho said some very Btnsi bio things, J think." "Do you lomomber hor discourso on Americans abroad? Sho said that she was continually mooting Americans that sho wished weren't Americans. If they would only behave as thoy did in their own country sbo would bo sat isfied. Aud of all horrible things the adopting of the French bourgeoiB habit of eating something on top of an omnibus or in a carriugo waB positively the most horrible." "I agroo with hor," said Katish de cidedly. "So do I," I responded promptly. "Tho very day that sho was talking about it wo wont to a picturo gallery. You staid at homo, but wo woro nearly famished. Well, 1 mounted up on top of an omnibus, and sat mysolf down besido a mothorly-looking bourgooiso and ate two, two Katish, two whole croiesons. It was not tho first timo that I had con.mittod the crimo either. I thought, though, if America waB othor wIbo thoro roprosontod on hauto, on top, that she might not approvo, and bo I triod to look belongingly to tho French MANY HOURS QUICKER Via S PICTO To the Pacific coast than by any other line. "The Over land Limited" carries the g-ohernment fast mail. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND. Only 60 hours to San Fran cisco. 58 hours to Portland from Missouri river. For time tables, folders, illustrated books pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra versed,callonE.B. Slosson, Gener. Agent. SWIFTEST RACING EAST AND WEST If you would travel rapidly, and with comfort and oaso, please note that tho North Western lino and its connections provide tho fastest Bervico to eastern cities, and many hours tho fasteat to westorn points named below- To Buf faloa:i hours Now York 40, Boston 48, Ogdon.'U, Salt Lake 33, San Francis 02 Porfland CO. Why not savo yr. Bolf weary hours of traveling by Kotlinir tickets via tho North Western? A. S. Fikldino, O. T. A., 117 South 10th stroot. Ir1' 31 fc l Eh I A V"!, L - - r "jmtj h (tJl