10 THE COURIER. THE THEATRE Hubert B. Mantoll'H appearance horo tonight nt tho Oliver in MonbarB will inovitably bring together n largo con coutfo of this favorito actor's admiroiB in this city. Tho play Iiuh ovorywhoro taken a doop hold, on tho funny of tho thoatro goers, and it provides Air. Man toll with a character in overy way worthy of his splendid ability as tho foromoBt exponent of the romantic drama Hards tempi) dilfer conBidorablj from those mado classical by the teaching and examplo of Madam Schumann, it is full of individuality and high intelli gence. Next Tuesday, April 18, nt tho Olivor. Pricoa HOc, 75c, $1, $1.00, 12.00 and $'2 fiO. obbbbbbV1 ' jbbbbbbbbbbV aY w' IbbbbbbbbM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbL . IbbbbbbbB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl ' bbbbbbbbbbbbim bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb .abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW Tho Georgia ininBtrola will be seen at tho Funko next Monday and Tuesday, April 17 and 18. This season they cotno hotter and larger than ever, with Muttering notices from tho leading daily papers throughout tho sta'oa, and so ciety in overy locality where tho com puny has appoarod has cot only been gonorouB in its patronage, but bus digni fied ono of its most enjoyable Bugo feat ures, tho "cako walk," by introducing or imitating it at social functions. Julius Glenn, ono of the loading comedians, will eing many new coon songs in addi tion to his over popular old man imper sonation. Harry Gillam, another come dian, will bo seen in bis original acro batic act. Thero are thirty live others and each oxcoIIb in some branch. Prices 25j, .'15c and 50c. Seats now on salo. B m - . UNDER TUB niRECTION OF F OlllMun L. M. CRAWFORD AND F. Z. ZEHRUN6. Corner Thirtoonth nnd P. Phono 746 TONIGHT in this country. Mr. Mantoll is this Foaeon undor tho porsonal munagemout of popular Mart W. Hanloy, who has Biirrounded his Btar with a supporting company of exceptional oxcollenco. Mon bnrs tells an exciting Btory of Franco in s7S)'J. Tho hero, Louis Do Beaumont, is impersonated by Mr. Mantoll. He is unquestionably an actor of great natural gifts. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and 81. Seats now on sale. HOW THACKERAY WROTE OF DEATH. Tho following is taken from a lettor of condolonco written by Thackeray to Mrs. Proctor on tho death of her mother shortly before Thackeray's death. The lettor is found in tho biographical intro duction to Denis Dural, the twelfth in the valuable biographical edition of Thackeray's complete works.publiehed in tho United StateB by Harper & Broth ers, and shows the great novelist as he was at heart, earnest and sublime; not tho cynic, the satirist that bo many have considered h'm- The introductions to the thirteen volumes of this new edition asbbbbbbbbbbkbSH' liVq -bbbbbbbbV. '-'bbbbIbbbbbbbbbby', 3BBBBBBBBBBk BBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBLt' JLbbbbbbbbbbV bTbbbbbbbbK "LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK '1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK l jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW bbbbbbbbbu ' -''bbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbV bbbbk ;bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV. Pr ! THE EMINENT ROMANTIC ACTOR ROBERT B . JlMEii Ann his select company of artists undei the management of M. W. Hauley, presenting" for the first time in Lincoln a Loui Nathal adaptation of D'Emery's A romance of 1792, in which Mr. Mantell has appeared over 1.000 times. Interesting, exciting and historical. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c ahd $1 . Seats now on sale. TUESDAY EVE),, APRII, The World's Greatest Pianist Prices Gallery 50 cents; balcony 75 cents and $1. Lower floor $1.50 and $2, Box seats $2.50. Seats on sale Monday morning at 9 o'clock. the fvlflKE Ii03r.KTllAL. Thero aro now fo many pianists pos sessing executive- powers wh'th, twenty years ago, would have been regarded as phenomenal, that it ie-, perhaps, danger ous to single out any ono of these key board knights for special praiso with re gard to technique; but after hearing Horr Rosenthal play Liszt's fantasia on Don Juan wo foel inclinod to risk tho Btuiomont that this artist stands abso lutely alono. This pieco, as mest pian ists know, is so difficult that to play it at all is a feat on which, when they achieve it, oven good players have a right to plumo themselves; but to master its ditliculties so that thoy becomo FCircely noticeable is miraculous. An other satisfying performance is that of Schumann's Etudes Symphoniques, Here, again, tho beauties of tho piece are greatly enhanced by tho oaso with which tha executant surmounts his formidable tusk, and, though his reading of some of tho variations (notably as re constitute the only biography in exist ence of Thackeray. "Thinking of death,'' says Thackeray, "is thinking of God inscrutable, im measurable, endlesB, beginninglesB, su premo, awfully solitary. Little children step on this earth into the infinite and we tear our hearts out over their sweet, cold hands and emiling faces, that drop inditTeront when you cease holding thorn, and smile us the lid isclosingover thorn. 1 don't think wo deplore the old, who have had enough of living and striving and have buried bo many others and muBt bo woary of living it seems time for them to go for where's the pleasure of staying wbon tho feast ib over, and the ilowere withered, and the guests gone? Isn't it batter to blow the light out than sit on among the broken moats, and collapsed jellies, and vapid heoltaps? I go to what I don't know but to God's next world, which ie His and He mado it. Ono paces up and UNDER THE DIRECTION OF L. 1 CRAWFORD AND F. G. ZEHRUN6. COR. O AND TWELFTH PHONE 35G. Mond'y ciiad Tiaessd'y GEORGE E. JAME'S Operatic Colored Minstrels in the Latest Southern Skit GEORGIA UP TO DATE 35-COLORED STARS-35 Introducing- their latest songs, dances and specialties. See the grand cake walk contest. Street parade and operatic band concert at 2 p. m. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. Seats now on sale. down tho shoro yet awhile, and looks towards tho unknown ocean, and thinks of the traveller whoso boat sailed yes terday. Those we love can but walk down to the pier with us the voyage we muBt make alone. Except for tho young or very happy, 1 can't say I am very sorry for anyone who dieB. " HEART i)XSBA And nervous ailments are am rnlit other diseases. I treat nothing ele J. Lreonlardt) Ad.D. Office 1427 O Sr., Lincoln, Nebr, H. W. BROWN f Druggist and 3 Bookseller. Pine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. DUnuc on 'iwnt VI o 9JKMMMM Arftc . 5 tw 8ubacribe for The Courier II V V- r' a year. fm