THE COURIER. Profenaional Directory. Phono. Ofllco HourB Ofllco o.vt 'Dr. O. 0. Reynolds (Ofllen rooms 18-19,. Hurr lllock Ros. nisi) dt 1 10 h to 1 n. m Rr.... Jto .).m 8ui ' 6 onico a7BlW. L. Dayton, M. D. ionic, mo street mo to 1 I DiipflResof Eyo, Km, v-"i ntnl Thront ( Rob. 1821 C Stroot J2:30 toftpm ! Dr. 8. E. Cook I I Eyo, Eur, Nobo and Throat j 1215 O St. (DiUO-lU:.') ai 1 2-5 p m Jlllco 0181 bo 018 . I Ofllco, Zoli rung Hlock llltolOnin ioa 671. J " " Koflliloncp, 13111 0 stroot j 2 to i p m KvonliiRH, by nppolntmont. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. in, ntul liy uppoliitiuont. IDr. J. B. Triokey, I RofractioniBt only J-Ofllco, 1035 O stroot. j 0 to 12 n. m I to 4 p. m. DENTISTS. .. 4Louis N. Wente,D.D.S.TI2i1lo2c7k,,,i'!rt J ( bo 11th stroot. ) Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. The Courier would recommend that you see the If you want the best coal for domestic use. 009 O St. Tel 105 uunincno XXXXW9XX04 fr&XWfrXCHfrOC k, JUST KlliUJUlVlfiD a fresh line of Gunther's famous Chicago CHOCALATES AND BON BONS. I? 1 crCTC Eh a fin anr Under Funke v a tiwiumvj, mb L. .Opera House o " """ f tffritftftini)(in(KoiMioooumuuuuu aaoi f imtttirttftflirn(iM(nMOMM(niniiii iniuinotuiu 1 .Hyatt & Hvjatt (Successors to Sutton & Hollowbush.) Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681 I LWo have the only oyster parlor in tho city. Call and see for yourself. I MMMMtMIMIMM mfJItlMMMMOOUUUU Ut COMMlUt f 1 1 H 1 0 a 1 0 ufl II 0 MiooMMMMMiooooiooMotmo ""fttrrmniittiitMKUHnogmn ; Ladies' ; Dress ! Skirts Wo have just received large lines of LadioB Drees Skirts in up-to-date Bhapos and styleo all well mado and finished; values unBurpassod. BROCADED MOHAIRS-82, 82.50, 82 75, 83.00, 83 50, 83.75 and 84 00 each. STORM SERGES- 85.00, $0 00, $0.50, $7.50, 88.00 and 80.00 each. NOVELTY CLOTHS -In check, stripes, plaids, etc., all wool, a large lot your choice $3.00 each. SATIN AND SILK-Plan or trim-med-87.00, 88.00, $9.00, 810, 811, 812, 813, 815 and up to 82G each. MlbbER & PAINE " tlt"Ufl"mn''"MMHniMMllHOHHinnuntul)i 4 4 m m Social and Pergonal 4 m m On Friday and Saturday, tho closing dayB of tho Lonton season, many small and informal companies were given, and Easter wcok has been filled with pleas ant eventp both groat and small. Mu sic, heavenly Maid, has had her Bhare of attention. Mr9. Jones' piano recital on Tuesday evening was such a feast as is rarely given to Lincolnites, and the twilight musicale given on Wednesday evening by Mrs. Lambertson and Mra. Campbell was a delight to the eye as well as to the ear, for Mrs. La tnbort son's home was mado more than usually beautiful by the decorations, and the music was dovine. There was muBic, exquisite music too, at tho reception given by the Art department at Mrs. Hall's, and tho reception was an artis tic success. The Merrill-Rector wed ding was beautiful, the bride lovely. The Phi Kappa Psi party at the Lin coln on Wednesday evening waB a bril liant affair aB was the closing party given Friday evening by the Cotillion club. So all in all, Easter week has been filled with social successes which augurs well for tho past Lenten season. PHI KAPPA PSI CONVENTION. Tho district convention of Phi Kap pa Psi in session here this week, has been of interest to fraternity people. Two business meetings were held on Wednesday, ant1 two on Thursday, pre sided over by Mr. George Shedd, who is also Archon of the diptrict. The dele gates to tho convention were Messrs. Frank Sumner Porter, C. D. Luso, L. Page Jr., ot tho university of Min nesota; Smith of tho university of Wis consin; R. W. Childs and Larking of Beloit college; Woods of the university of Kansas; White and Flynn of the Iowa university; Rauer of Leland Stan ford; Bert Christie, Bert Wilson and A. L. Haeckerot the university of Ne braska. Alumni membra of Nebraska Alpha chapters who wore visitors were: Mes srs. H. L. Kimball of Wayne, C. S. Nor ton and A. E. Wiggenhorn of Ashland, Carl Fricke of Platt6mouth, Frank Brown of Omaha, Rudolphus Strassman of Ohicago, Bert Wilson of Columbia university, Edward O. Elliott of Lead ville and O. L.Spencer of Dakota City. During the convention the fraternity was generously remembered by lady friends and by tho sororities. Thero aro five districts of Phi Kappa Psi in tho United States and all of the conven tions are in session at the same time. This iB the fifth district and is the largest in area of the Ave, extending from lake Michigan weBt to tho Pacific coabt. Nebraska Alpha chapter of Phi Kap pa Psi gavo its annual ootillion on Wed nesday evening at the Lincoln hotel. Elaborate decorations, beautiful coBtum ing, careful attection to detail in tho arrangements, and good music, com bined to mako this ono of the prettiest and moBt brilliant fraternity affaire of the season. Tho dancing hall was gay with American and Phi Kappa Psi col ors in flags and bunting. Tho ordinary where the luncheon was served, was beautiful with delicate fernB and glob ing meteor roses. Miss Blanche Har groavesand Mr. Harry Shedd led the dancers through a Bories of intricate and pretty figures. Those present were: Misses Raymond, Jaynes, Robinson, Bonnell, Lohmer, Lehmor, Bridge, Mc Menomy, Welsh, Cunningham, Robin son, Hammond, Macombor, Macomber, Wetzel, La Sollo, Jackson, Andrews, Weeks, Hayes, Gere, Winger, Burnham, Gere, Macfarlaud, Thompson, Wiggen horn, Polk, Vancil, Millar, Sedgwick, Lansing, Wood, Crandall, Fricke, Gar ton, Woods, Allen of Dixon, III., Tu key, Douglas, Deweese, Hargreavos, Haecker, Woods, Webster and Hol brook. Members of chapter ware: Messrs. Korsmeyer, Reed, Fricke, Col lett, Shedd, Clarke, Christie, Brown, Shedd, Haecker, Hartt, Chapin, Weeks, Pearse, Korsmeyer, Lehmer, Reed, Man cheater, Cuecaden, Campbell, Hayes, Richards, Crandall, Benedict, Engel, Deweeao, Kimball, Williams, Norton, Barber and Wiggenhorn. Visiting dele gates were: Messrs. Childs, Porter, Luse, Pae, Smith, Flynn, White, Bauer, Green, Hamilton and Wood. Tho invited guests were: Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd; Messrs. and Meedames Gere, Burnham, Imhoff, Deweese, Oberlies, Campbell, Clark, Weeks, Hayei, Lansing and Mrs. Tuttle. The district convention banquet of Phi Kappa Psi was given at the Lin coln Thursday night. Covers wsre laid for sixty members of the local chapter and visiting delegates. Wednesday evening at seven o'clock occurred the marriage of Misa Frances Mae Rector, to Mr. Elmer Calvin Mer ril at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rector. Rev. Ea son, rector of Holy Trinity church offi ciated using the full Episcopal service. The ceremony was performed in an alcove draped with curtaina of emilax and pink carnations and banked with palms. The bride wore a gown of white organdie over white silk and car ried a white prayer book and a bouquet of bride's roses. The bridal march from Lohengrin was played by Miss Bernice Merrill. After the ceremony the bride and groom received congratulations in the parlors upstairs. A supper was served to the bridal party and the families of the bride and groom from the dining table which wbb draped with smilax and pink carnations and to the other gueBts on four round tables in tho parlors. Tho bride's boquet tossed from the stairs as she deBconded to the carriage, wbb caught by Miss Jessie Leland. Mr. and Mrs. Murrill left at eleven o'clock for a visit to St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago. They will reside at 1212 K street. Guests from outoffown who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merrill of Omaha, and Mr. and MrB. T. J. Hickey of St. Joseph. Tho "twilight musicale" given on Wednesday by Mrs. G. M. Lambertson and Mrs. D A. Campbell at the home of the former, was a pretty idea sue cossfully carried out. Much of the muBic was tender and caressing, ap propriate for the gloaming. The eub dued light from a red ehaded lamp standing by tho grand piano gave a sunset glow to the hall. The parlors were not lighted except by the light that found its way through tho drawn curtains. Mrs. Lambertson received V r