The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 01, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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THE GOURlfeft.
Lottio Wbodon bavo gone to Fairbury
to spend the Easter tacatlon with MIfb
Mr. E. L. RIchoBon is assisted by Miss
Mattio Mundorf in teaching fancy steps,
stage dancing, fencing, otc. Children's
class, 2 to 4 o'clock, 12 for eight Iobbodb.
RlchoBon'fl dancing academy, 141 South
Twelfth street.
CtJT rau A
Miss Martha Pierce, a teacher and one
of tho most valued contributors to Tick
Coukiek has gone to Chicago for a
short vacation of a week.
Mrs. O. M. Lambortson and MrB. D.
A. Campboll will give a twilight musi
cale next Wedneday at the home of
Mm. LambortBon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDonald will
give a 5 o'clock tea on Thursday in
honor of Mrs. Helen HolmeB.
Electric wiring, gae and electric fix
tures and lampB a specialty. Korsmeyer
Plumbing and Heating Co., 215 South
Eleventh street.
Mrs. Will Owen Jones will give a
piano recital Tucslay evening, April
4th, at tho university chapel.
Mrs. S. K. Ripley of Hastings, iB the
guest of tor neices Mrs. J. F. Hutchins
and Mrs. W. E. Morse.
Mrs. A. B. Coffroth entertained the
Wednesday club on Wednesday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Thompson spent
the week in Chicago.
Dentist Hill, over Miller & Paine.
.MiBB Bessie Turner sang last Satur
day at the Butler county educational
association at David Oity.
Miss Tibbetts and her nephew, master
Frank Hill, spent the week with friends
in Hastings.
Mies Kittie A. Baldwin went to St.
Louis on TueBday, for a week's visit
with friends.
Tho Cotillion club will give its closinp
party next Friday evening at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BuckstatF.
Died on Wednesday March 29th in
Topeka, Kans., Mr. E. J. Cartlidge,
who for several years was employed in
ths B & M office of this city, and. sinro
his removal in 1882 has been with the
Santa Fe office at Topeka. During his
residence in Lincoln he was a faithful
and valued member of the First Con
gregational church, where he and his
family are affectionately remembered.
In his last days his entire family were
with him, bis two sons, Edward C. uud
Harold, being residents of Topeka. His
eldest daughter, I re. W. W. Peet, was
summoned by cable from Constanti
nople last autumn and has since re
mained with her father and mother.
Mrs. W. N. Hawley of Herrington,
Kans., and Mrs. W, Weymouth of New
Mexico were also present.
News has been recoived of the death
of Mr. J. C. Gregory at bis home in New
York. Mr. Gregory owned considerable
property in Lincoln, wbb known by
many Lincoln citizens and has relatives
Mr. C. B. Gregory has gone to New
York to attend tm uncle's funeral.
Lady Jonquil, tell me pray
Where you got your fine array,
Surely, surely, you never found
That handsome dress in the ugly ground?
I think some fairy wJve for you
With woof of sunshine, warp of aew,
The yellow robe you wear
With such a queenly air.
There you stand all hedged about
With many a growing tender sprout
Like some well guarded queen of old
Gowned in royal robes of gold
Haughty Jonquil, tell me pray
Where you got your fine array
The yellow robe you wear
With such a queenly air.
St. Francis do Sale3 (Gcraan Catbo
lie). Morning service: Leanard's Mbbs
in F, choir.
Sopranos Mias Susie Giessr, Miss
Anna Gieeer, MIbb Forger.
Altoa Miss Emma Whitman, Mrs.
Clemens Moviue.
Bassos Mr. Gebhardt, Mr. Forger,
Organist Miss Emma Whittman.
Loador Mr. Clemens MovIub.
St. Theresa's Pro-Cathedrai. Morn
mg service: Ciinarosa's Grand Military
Mass. Choir:
Sopranos MIbb Heler Dority, Mies
Josephine Finigen, Miss Stella Smith.
Altos MIbb Tilla Weckbach, Miss
Lydia Weckbuch.
Tenors Mr. Emil Boetram, Mr. John
Bassos Mr. Nicholas Lawlor, Mr.
Clemens Moviue.
Organist Mrs. Nicholas Lawlor.
Leader Mr. Clemoas Moviue.
Evening Service Millard's Vesper's.
Plymouth Congregational church, Re v.
John Doane pastor. Morning service:
"Songs of PraiBe," Hosmer; Mrs. John
Doane and Mr. C. E. Iladley.
Anthem "They Have Taken Away
My Lord," Harrington; Choir.
Subject of Sermon, "The Resurrection
Evening Service:
Anthem 'TiB Night, a Sabbath Calm,
Trowbridge; Choir.
Violin Obligato Mr. Robert Burky.
Offertory, Violin Solo, "Gondoliere,"
Litt; Mr. Burky.
Subject of Sermcn "The Broken Ro
man Seal."
Soprano Solo "Hozanna," Miss An
nette Abbott. ru
Organist Miss A. J. Jackson. fil
Sopranos Mrs. John Doane, MiBB
Annette Abbott.
Altos Miss Nelpon, Mias Griswold.
Tenors Mr. W. B, Matloon, Mr.
Bassos-Mr. 0. E. Hadley, Mr. Hill.
First Presbyterian cliurch, Dr. W. M.
Hindman, pastor. Morning service: "I
Waited for the Lord," Mrs. Carpenter,
Mrs. E. Lewis Baker, Miss Oakley. Mrs.
D. A. Campbell. -
Scripture Reading.
"O Glorious King," Rossini; Mrs. F.
W. Taylor, Mrs. Baker, Miss Oakley,
Mrs. Campbell.
Solo "The RUen Lord,' Klein; Mrs.
Sermon "The Larget Resurrection of
Quartette "Hoeanna," Granier; Mrs.
Taylor, Mrs. Carpenter, Miss Oakley,
Mrs, Baker, Mrs. Campbell.
Organist Miss Ella Givens.
Evening Servio:
"Hosauna," Granier; Cnoir.
"The Lord is My Shepherd," Schu
bert; Choir.
Solo Selected, Mrs. E, Lewis Baker.
Sermon "Tho jghtff on Heaven."
"I Know that My Redeemer Liveth,"
Mendelssohn; Mrs. Taylor and Mrs.
St. Paul's M. E. Church, Dr. Whar
ton. pastor. Morning service:
Soprano Solo "Hosanna," Granier;
Mrs. Mark Woods.
Alto Solo "Immortality," Shepherd;
Mies Lora Holmes.
Hkta 100 alltt af Cklttft, wt will tea yta this TOr BCttuT B ffBlioHT CO. . V KbBbI
BIIUKT TO BXABINAT10M, m eta citato II M TMrfnUkt mmI aad If fcaaf V' SaVJ
laeMgat acta OUR SPECIAL Pftl0sT.ft38.00. 5? fNtW
and freight chanrw.'leM the 11.00 sent with order.
wtwaat im iurpuuuTfm btt materU, than moit
makera put In fit. 00 buggies. LBtBSt tlFOr W99
him from the Beit seat onea wooa. wear, ueii Tnat ac
Buna. Ba Bertae,
lllmtrated. or Brewiter Bide Bar. wattla.
rewed Rim Barren' Patent. Tta, M ounce, Dally
oner Can
Utah tirade Rcrewed Rim flarven'a Patent. Tea. W
Rubber Heavily Lined, full tide and back curtalm. ralatlat .Ouaran.
teed equal to any $160.00 durst work, Body black. Gear dark greta
teed equal to any $160.00 buggy work, Body black, Dear dark g
or Red. trpkelt ttriat, ktavj arttaTrtaek ktcj tfttk er Btta't Lttlktr.
38.0O II HI SPECIAL Mill ? H!J'.H
prta. cirpti, wrt.. uu-reiutraiM !.
Address. SEARS. ROEBUCK ft CO.
tmw Irttk, h itatth alee aa4 tack fartalat. rttra
will Utt a lifetime. rarBaMltaatSll.tSaa.
OO.Thla Tear Belllac OTjm S3S.SO
Cross Alone," Havens; Misses Perkins
and Trigg, Messrs. Williams and Wil
liams. In the evening an Easter Cantata
will be given by the Sabbath school.
First Congregational church, Rev.
W. H. Manss, pastor. Morningservices:
Organ Offertoi re, Batiste.
Chorus Unfold ye Portals, Gounod;
(cornet obligato), From the Redemp
tion. Duet Power Eternal, Rossini; From
Staoat Mater.
OITertory - In the Morning, Grieg.
Quartet The Magdalene, Warren.
Postludc Hallelujah, Handel.
Evening Beethoven service.
Chorus Creations Hymn.
Quartet-0 Lord Veil Not Thy Face.
Solo Christ Is King,
Trio Mine Inmost Heart (Mount of
Solo Praise the Redeemer's Good
ness (Mount of Olives.)
Chorus-Hallelujali(Mount of Olives.)
Trio Andante from Fifth Sym
phony; Miss Silence Dales, Miss Llllie
Eiche, Mrs. Raymond.
Postlude Triumphal March from
Third Symphony.
jQuartettCr-'Mrs. R. A. Holyoke,
Miss Grace0 Reynolds, Mr. John R.
Martin, Mr. C. W. Kettering.
Organist Mrs. P. V. M.Raymond.
Trinity M. E. Church; Rev. Chipper.
Held, pastor. Morning service:
' O Heart Bowed Down, Arise," Mar
tin Roeder; Mrs. C. 0. Jerome.
Anthem aHe is Risen," Simper.
The Sunday school has prepared an
appropriate program, consisting of selec
tions from the choir and the children of
the school.
At the evening service the sacred can
tata, "The Ten Virgins," by Gaul, will
be given by the choir, which is com
posed of the following members:
Soprano Mrs. 0. 0. Jerome, Mss. Ida
Beck, Mrs. 0. G. Cone, Mrs. H. B. Trigg,
Mies Louise Fowler, Mrs. W. J. Robin
son. Alto Miss Flora Hartley, Miss Flor
ence Robinson, Miss Jessie White, Miss
Nellie Trigg, Miss Leta Trigg.
Tenor Dr. E. L, Holyoke, Mr. S. D.
D. Sigourney, Mr. H. H. Look, Mr. Ern
est Bivens, Mr. O. E. Sanderson.
Bass G. W. Walters, E. C. Miller, B.
B. Gillespie, 0. W. Finlayson, O. J. Fee,
Narrator Mr. G. W. Walters.
Director Mrs. C. E. Sanderson.
Organist Miss Ida Coder.
SEND US ONE DOLLAR "ni you tii'uki. m".
a lsltB aitUra klfk-irad KKHBKVOIK DIAL AND MOOO
took HTOYB, by freight 0 O.K., tubject to examination.
r.xaimntt it ai
your freight
deK)t and If
found perfect
ly ButlBftctory
ul tk trttleit
Hlott BAK
UAIN you
ever raw
or heard
of, pay tho
AUKVr aar
run K,
First Baptist Cliurch, Dr. II O.Row
lands, pastor. Morning service:
Organ Voluntary Prof. D. F.East.
Anthem 'Angels Roll the Stone
Away," Havens.
Tenor Solo uHosanna,"Granier, R.
O. Williams.
Anthem "Must Jesus Bear the
vgggpPr me
This itoTe It tlce No. (. OTen It
lent the II 00
cut with or
der or 112 00
and freight chargei.
lOHxllxil, top It Uxi3 mude from bent pig iron, extra
large fluet, heavy coven, heavy llnlngt and gratet,
large oven thelf, heavy tin-lined oven door, haadionie
nickel piatea ornamentations and trimming, extra
largo deep, genuine HludUk ptretltl. Ilai4 rntnttr, band
tome large ornamented bate. Hrtt eatl karatr atatt, and
we furnUh flUK an extra wood gratu, making It a per
fect wtod karatr. WK KtSlk A HlSDISlJui'AHANTlk with
every ttovu and guarantee tafe delivery to your rail
road ttatlon. Your local dealtr would charge yimRi 00
for auch a ttovr, the freight it only about 1 00 for
each MM lullet, t. wt taitjrtu at Itul SIO.OO. Adriret.
(tart, Bttkatk (a, art IkarMfkl rtllikk,. Mwar.)'-
Musicians all over the country are
greatly interested in the meeting of the
national federation of tnusicial clubs to
be held in St. Louis May 3rd to 6th
inclusive. The business meetings of
the organization will be Interspersed
with social functions and most attrac
tive musical programe. The Kneisel
quartet of Boston will give two concerts
at one of which Mrs. Katherine Fisk
will assist. Other musicales will be
given by the St. Louis musicians, and
representatives from clubs in different
parts of the United States. Members of
all musical clubs, whether federated or
not, are invited through a circular let
ter, to be present at all meetings.
They may take part in discussions upon
all measures brought forward, but, un
less otherwise entitled, shall not intro
duce motions or vote.
A federated club is entitled to send
its president and one delegate, both of
whom will be entertained at private
homes. The Lincoln Matinee Musi
cale will be represented by its presi
dent, Mrs. J. W. Winger, and either
Mrs. E. Lewis Baker, who was chosen
delegate, or her alternate, Miss Annie
L. Miller. Mrs. D. A. Campbell will
also go, but in her official capacity as
librarian and director of the national
society. Several members of the
Matinee Musicals expect to attend as
vieitors. So large a gathering of musi
cians cannot fail to be a source of profit,
and inspiration. Any Lincoln musi
cian desiring to be present at the meet
ings can obtain all necessary informa
tion from Mrs. D. A. Campbell, who
asks that such names be sent her this
week. The board of managers has
requested that the names of visitors as
well as delegates, be forwarded to St.
Louis by April 1st.
As stated in the articles of incorpor
ation, "the chief purpose of the feder
ation is the mutual helpfulness of
musical clubs, by bringing them into
communication with one another and
thereby advancing musical art in this
country." The plans already under
taken to further these ends have been
somewhat tentative in their nature.
Some practical developments are ex
pected from this important meeting.
The recmlar mnntino n ti u.n
-a " mo lutttiuee
Musicale will be held at 4 o'cloak next
Monday afternoon at the club rooms on
15th and O streets. The program will
consist of telections from the Easter
music of the different churches rendered
by those members of the club who are
to sing in the several choirs on Sunday.
Uke a sword flashed from a velvet sheath,
Thy glance shines out inrxwildertaeflre. '
To fill my soul with a mad desire. '
Aa i to " fame ot thy
And though it be death to linger near, 7
The glamour hath robbed mjwuufcear.
William Reed Dunroy.
"What your husband needs madam is
rest. He ought to go the mountains for
a monthjor two.'' '
"But bt go Doctor."
"H'tri. -Then suppose you go."
.L.i.j.if; ,