THE COURIER. blue and gold. A diamond, folded in the center, to form the "Delta" ef the initial letters of the fraternity, with a letter U in gold, formed tto covers of the menu. Clinton Barr was toast master and he called upon the mom bore in turn to respond to informal toasts. The evening was one of ex treme enjoyment to all present. A sil ver loving cup was one of the decora tions and was passed from hand to hand in good fellowship. The Sunday World -Herald contained the following item concerning the wed ding of Mies Mae Bartlett, a cousin of Miss Alice Righter of this city: Monday afternoon tho wedding was celebrated of Miss Mae In Vere Bart lett, daughter o? Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bartlett, to Mr. Charles L. Dundy, the Rev. T. S. Mackay ofliciating. The interesting ceremony was - witnessed by the immediate relatives aud a few in--T timate frionds. A unique feature of the event was that the bride was array ed in her mother's wedding costume a gown of handeome design, with Vcii and orange blossoms. The bride is a gradu ate of tho Omaha high school. She is popular in society circles, and has been very active in charitable work in the Sunday schools. The groom is a nephew of the late Judge Dundy. He is a graduate of the high school at Nauvoo, III., bnd of tte Ann Arbor law school, cla?s of '01. He was the young ob; man that ever graduated from that law school, and the supreme courts of Michigan and Illinois set aside the age limit in his case in order to admit him to practice. In addition to his other accomplishments, he is quite a finished musician, and is well versed in litera ' ture. Mr. and Mrs. Dundy will spend their honeymoon on the Pacific coast, intending to be absent about a month. A successful card party was given on Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. - Gerhart and Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Cbapin. The score cards were cut in the shape of diamonds; hearts, spades aid clubs. In addition to the customary rules for six handed euchre, the following ori ginal ones were given' Trumps Hobson's choice. If you get euchred don't beet (em balmed.) Signal to your partners on the "Schley." The Maine object is to win, but don't blow up your partner if you Luzon a hand. It's a Cervera thing to trump your partner's ace. A lone hand is a Terror, but play it if you Havana. In playing a Lone Hand don't expect your partner to take any tricks. Those invited were: Messrs. and Mesdames Laws, Turner and Turner, Billmeyer, FreBton, Jones, Clark, Arm strong, Humphrey, Foster, Kennard, DaviB anJ Davip. Crandall, Hutcbins, Fawell, Aitken, Van Brunt, Robinette, Campbell, Hardy, Garoutte, Everett, Hayes, Rudgo, Seacrest and Gibbs; MeadaraeB Pitcher, Thompson and Cook of Chicago; Dr. and Mrs. Hill, Dr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, Dr. and Mrs. Casebeor; MisseB Tibbotts, Haye:?, La Salle, Cbapin of Crete and Davies of (Jtica; Messrs. Larimer, Kennard and Hajea. Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean gave ou English tea Wednesday from 5 to G o'clock in honor of Dr. and Mrs. John Watson. The parlors and diuing room were beautified with spring blossoms, principally jonquils and resurrection fillies. Those invited to meet these distinguished gunets were the headB of departments in the university and their wiveB. Governor and Mrs. Poynter, the regents of the univeraitj who ara in 'T the city and their wives, Major and Mrs. Pound, Dr. and Mrs. Hindman, Dr. and Mrs. Wharton, Rev, and Mrs, Manas, Miss Allen sister of Mrs. Manas, Dr. and Mrs. Rowlands, Dr. and Mrs. Greg, ory, Dr. and Mrs. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Gere, Dr. Lowry, Mrs. Will Owen JoneB, Mrs. Taylor, sister-in law of Mrs. MacLean, and Mrfl. BriggB, mother of Mra. Taylor. Tea was poured by Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Al Hood, aaBiated by Mrs. H. M. Scott, gave tho first of a series of parties Friday evening, March 2ith. The rooms were beautifully decorated with palms and potted plants. The evenirg was Bpent in progressive cards and other games. The royal prizes were carried off by Mrfl. James Martin and Mr. Eugene Harding. After a sumptu ous menu of aix courses the guests de parted, giving the hosteEB many thanks for her hospitality. The invited guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames Scott, Reynolds. Towne. Carter, Hood, Blade, Box, Safford, Martin, Parks, Hammond, Morris, Welch, White, Harding; Misses Kelly, Hindman, McPherson; Messrs. Parks, Chevront, Koontz, Hoed and Towner. Several notably pleasant events in the social world occurred on Friday and Sat urday of last week. On Friday evening Miss Cochrane eutertained the alumni and active chapters of Delta Gamma in compliment to Mrs. A. L. Sherman, tho new honorary member of that fraternity. Those present were: Mesdamep Woods, Lottridgeand Silver; Misses Harwood, Mullen, Rice, Polk. Gregory, Deweese, Wing and Wing, Righter, Welch, Lans ing, Watkins, Tukey, Cole, Jaynes, Johnson, Macomber and Macomber, Bridge and Bridge, Mulliken, McMen ery, Davis, Woods, Haecker, Lewis, PrentiB, Webster, Miner and Fuller. The many Lincoln friends of Dr. and Mrs. Curtis will be glad toknow they are in excellent health. Miss Bessie Curtis who wbh not a very strong little girl has developed a strong physique and i a very beautiful young lady just finishing the high school. The Doctor has found that the Chicago climate is beneficial to his health and Mrs. Curtis Beems very well indeed. Mrs. John R. Clark and Miss Clark, who are very much missed by their Lincoln friends are well and intend spending the sum mer on the Atlantic coast. The Tuesday club met one Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. E. Morse. The time was devoted to the making of aprons to be disposed of at a sale late this spring. Light refresh ments were served. Those present were: Mesdames Marple, Burnstead, Baldwin, Cooper, Bishop, Fletcher, Flansburg, Garoutte, Laflin, Perkins, Stevenson, Stout, Snyder, Longstreet, Hutchins, Wilson and Wilson and Rip ley of Hastings. The following persons attended the weekly dance given the patients at the hospital for the insane on Tuesday evenintr: Senator and Mrs. Morgan Senator and. Mrs. Fowler, Representa tive and Mra. Morrison, Representative Peck, Mr. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. White of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Haynie, Mrs, Burnham and nieces, Miss Ruth Bryan, Dr. Booth and Dr. Davis of Fremont. The Y.P. S. 0. E.of the First Pres byterian church gave a shingle party Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Canie Reed, 1201 E street. A guessing game written upon shingles contributed to the pleasure of the company. Ices were sorved by Mrs. W. M. Hindman. Forty Ave younj people were present, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Waugh enter tained La Veta whist club on Tuesday evening. Chicago whist was played and light refreshments were .served. The players were Messrs. and Mes dames Kirker, Bogga and Boggs, Weir, Hallett, Davie, Lansing, Judge Field; Misses Boggs and Caffyn. Xttttt i i i t i i i i Easter MiHinery'r ful hats have arrived since the formal opening day and are now displayed on our counters. We won't attempt to describe them but ask you to come and sec them. This will do more than anything we could say here to convince you that more correct styles, more dainty richness or more real beauty in millinery are not to be found anywhere. Violets upward from 3c a bunch; roses upward rom 9c a bunch, lilacs upward from 19c a bunch, foliage upward from 25c a bunch, ribbons and fancy trimmings of all kinds, handsome line of children's trimmed and uatrimmed hats. Easter Gloves All the dainty shades that will be r popular tnis spring are included in all the grades of gloves we carry l-'and we carry none but reliable grades and makes. The glove we offer for $1 this season is without exception the best value we have ever offered for that price. Then for $1.25 we have a value that has never brought less that $1.50. and at $1.50 we show a line superior to any $1.50 glove we have ever seen. t J&erfd4ii4l4h?t9rf&. Mrs. Jane L. Creighton of Wabbing ton, D. C, president general of the White Cross society, and Mrs. Laura. Schwichtenberg, hospital inspector, are in the city, gupsts of Mrs. A. F. New man, 1724 L street. They sail for Ma nila on the eteamship Arizona, April 15th, from San Francisoo, The ladies will be at home to callers at Mrs. New man's on Thurdday, Friday and Satur day afternoons and on Thursday and Friday evenings. On Wednesday, Lieutenant Halsey Yates, Messrs. McCreery and Sherman went to Omaha to attend a theatre party given by Mr. Paul Hoagland, at the performance of "The Meddler," by Stuart Robson. The ladies of the party were: Misses Cole, Jackson, Tukey and Tukey, all well known in university circles here. After the play, a luncheon was given to the party by Dr. and Mrs, Summers at the Omaha club. Tuesday evening will long be remem bered by the cleiks in Miller & Paine's dress goods department, as one of the pleasant resting places in their lives, and for this thny are indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hale, who entertained them at a Bumptuous dinner on that evening. Carnations and smilax were used for table decoration. After dinner music and recitations were enjoyed un til a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin gave a picture party Saturday night at 013 H street. About forty American history students were present. Prof. Caldwell gave a talk on "Reminiscences of Har vard." Mrs. Caldwell and Miss Parker assisted the hostess in receiving. Miss Lillie Yont and Miss Jean Hamilton served chocolate and frappe. TheQ, A. T. club met on Monday evening at the home of Miss Alta Wil son. MIbb Marie Raphael was initiated into full membership. A lovely lunch eon was served by the hostesi. Those present were: Misses Raphael, How land, Watson, Shaffer, Loose, Anthony, McGreer, Wilson, Erford and Erford. Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean enter. tained Dr. and .Mrs. John Watson and Major and Mrs, Pond at dinner on Wed nesday, evening. The Chancellor and Dr. Watson are old friends and both were delighted with the opportunity of meeting on.e again. Mrs. Thomas Marsland gave a one o'clock luncheon on Wednesday for Mrs. C. M. Sheldon of Holdredgs. The table was decorated with scarlet and cream carnations Mrs. Marsland's guests were: Mesdames Sheldon, Per kins, Yates, Welch, Scott, Brown and Miss Young. Miss Cowdery entertained at cards on Monday afternoon in honor of Mis Collins, who is in Lincoln visiting her sister of the state library. The players were: Mesdames Coffroth, Ewing, ThomaB and Howe; Misses Collins, Hol lowbush, Griffith and Harrison. The marriage of Miss Frances Rsctor daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Rector, to Mr. Elmer O. Merrill, will be solem nized Wednesday evening April 5th, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joerger, 1931 R street, entertained the Owl club pleasantly on Friday evening, and the same evening was chosen by Mr. aod Mrs. Al Hood for a card party which was pronounced a success by their gueBts. Mrs. E. II. Barbour will entertain Sorosls this afternoon at a chestnut party. Each guest will tell a story. The one telling the oldest chestnut will receive a prize. Mis3 Marguerite Winger will give a large card party on Friday evening. MiBBos Ellen and Frances Gere and