The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 01, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Profeaslonal Directory,
Ofllco 656
Rca 653
Office Hours
lvv r r Du I Ofllco roonw 18-19, HOtoln.m
fLir. O. U. Reynolds Hurr mock.... y 3to' p.m
lRo. 2548Q. dt...., I Hut 3to-
erne jnsiW. L. Dayton, M. D. ionico.izosostroot notoi
f DIcmoi of Eyo, Kai, v-"n and Throat) Boa. 1821 C Btroot 2:30 to
godal and Pergonal
IDr. S. E. Cook
9:30-12:3 am
) Bye, Ear,
Nobo and Throat
1315 O St.
2-5 pm
Jlllce 618
mkU.. i ,.,. ......... ,o .' MI,.?. ? P troot j 2 to 4 p m
..,.....n, ui miiiuiiiiniuun juuuuj buiui p. m. anu iiy appointment.
19 to 12 a. m
1 "Ht T T3 tVrlr1m-rr I
f ' Rofiactionist only Offlco,I035 0 .troet tltolp.m.
co 63o.Louis N. Wente,D.D.S.r",cn;or3!zmo,ar1t
J ( so llth itroot. )
... .656 Dr. ' D- Sherwin J Offlco' n0dmfl1o9orBnrr Blk ! 9 to 12 a m
' DENTI8T. I Rob. 8520Q gtf ) I to p.
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
The Courier would recommend that
you see the
. If you want the best coal for domestic use.
lOOO O St. 11 lOS
JVJWl XYiWiWX v ruu
a fresh line of Gunther's
famous Chicago
Ml Core' Phflffncirv Under Funke
oo4 """WVJ',
Opera House
Jivjatt & Muatt
(Successors to Sutton & Hollowbusb.)
Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681
LWe have the only oyster parlor in the city. Call and see fcr youreelf .
"" " - i n ......
We have just received large lines of
LadieB' Dress Skiitsin up todate shapes
and styles all well made and finished;
values unsurpassed.
BROCADED MOriAIRS-82, $2 50,
82 75, 83.00, 83 50, 83.75 and 84 00 each.
STORM SERGES- 8.00,$G 00, $0 50,
$7.50, 98.00 and 39.00 each.
stripes, plaide, etc., all wodI, a large lot
your choice $3.00 each.
SATIN AND SILK-Plan or trim-med-87.00,
18.00, $9.00, 810, 111, 812,
813, 915 and up to 82G each.
' ! itmtimi ii
Married on Wednesday March 22nd,
at the Virginia in Chicago, at eight
o'clock in the eveniDg, Miss Bertha
Laura Clark to Mr. Thomas Lyttleton
Lyon or the agricultural college of the
State university, Dr. Edward H. Curtis
The wedding ceremony was pro
nounced in the rooms at the Virginia,
which were decorated with American
beauty roses in tall glass vases, roses
with such long stems that they might
have reached the bride's shoulder. After
the beautiful ceremony pronounced very
solemnly and tendprly by Dr. Curtis,
the doors into the banquetting hal
were opened and the weddirg party of
fifteen sat down around a large round
table illuminated by American beauty
roses and candelabra. The elaborate
dinner consisting of the usual courses
of shell fish, soup, flsh, game, punch,
lamb and the salad and desert courses,
served ekillfully and attractively was a
mcdel of the caterer's art and nothing
occurred to mar the wedding feast.
Though as at every wedding when a
beloved daughter loaves home, tears
are near the surface and it is only un
usually happy arrangements and a habit
of self control in the bead of the
family that keeps the company gay.
Jhe bride and gro6m were preceded
ijHbrlbe drawing rtfbm by the bride's
sister Margaret, dressed in an extremely
becoming gown of pink net over pink
silk. Miss Charlotte Clark played the
Lohengrin wedding march then and
through the service. The bride's gown
was of white liberty satin, made with a
very long train and trimmed in duch
esse lace. She wore a handsome dia
mond ornament in her hair, the wed
ding gift of her mother. Mrs. Clark
waB gowned in black net over silk with a
long train, She wore diamonds and an
American beauty rose. Around the
dinner table sat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Lyttleton Lyon, Mr. C. A. Henna, Mr.
George Lyon and Mien Lyon, brother
and sister oi the groom, from Pittsburg.
Mrs. John R. Clark, Mr. George Lyon
and Miss Lyon of Chicago, cousins of
the groom, Dr. and Mrs. Curtis, Miss
Margaret Clark, Miss Charlotte Clark of
Lincoln, cousin of the btide. Mrs. W.
B, Ogden. Miss Dorrance Harwood and
Miss Harris of Lincoln. The presents
were numerous and costly. Mr. and
MrB. Lyon left for New York and Pitts
burg to visit the gaoom'a father nnd
sister. They are expected in Lincoln
today or the first part of next week.
A joyful occasion was the banquet
given last Saturday evening at the Lin
coin hotel. The alumni members of
the Delta Tau Delta fraternity from
over the state gathered to the number
of about fifty and spent the evening
around the festal board with toasts.rem
iniscences, stories and songs. The
meeting was one long to be remembered
as it brought to mind the former school
days of men now in busy life. Besides
the members of the local chapter
alumni 'from all over the state were
present to exchange ideas and enjoy the
enthusiasm of tne younger members of
the fraternity. The alumni present
were: Messrs. N. S. Harwood, W. C
Wilson, D.L.Love, M.I.Aitken, J,L
II. G. Whitmoro, P. L. Summers, C. C
Marlay, J. F. Baylor, W.T.Stevens, of
Lincoln; E.J. Cornish, J. L. Pierce, H.
A. Meyers, R H. Olmstead, of Omaha;
J. E. Cobbey or Beatrice; O. S. Miller
Fairmont; O. H. Sloan of Geneva, G. H.
Thomas or Harvard; W. W. Wilson of
Nebraska City; J. B. BarneB.jr.of Nor
rolk;G. F. Kenower of Wisner; A.J.
Weaver and J. C. Graham of Falls
City; W. T. Thompson of Central City;
R. i. Manley of Fremont; L. A. Wilson
of Seward. The active members pres
ent were: Messrs. A. K. Barnes and G .
C. Barnes, J. L. Kind, W. A. Christ
son, R. A. Drain, O. G. Whipple, W. W.
Burt, B. A. Yoder, J. P. Cleland. F. R.
Woodland, B. K. King, E. J. Bauman,
V. A. Henderson, L. M. Weaver, A. L.
Brown, O. W. Weeks, D. H. Atwood, A.
Watkine, jr. and A. E. Parmelee.
The members of the Wednesday after
noon club gave a banquet last evening
in the Brace building, in .compliment
to their husbands. .This is a delightful
little club composed of thirteen ladies.
It was organized a short, time before
the holidays and meets fortnightly t
the homes of the members. The ladies
assure their husbands and friends that
the afternoons spent together are per
fectly delightful, but refuse to reveal '
any secrets concerning tbem. The
members of the club are: MesdameB '
Beeson, Brown, Buckstaff, Coffroth,
Green, Hargreaves,- Irvine, Leonard!
Funke, Tilton, Wright, Wilson and
Thompson. At the banquet last night
covers were laid for twenty-four. The
table was gorgeously decorated with
meteor roses and lightsd with red can
dies under flame colored shaden. The
dinner was a sumptuous one served in
ten courses. At the conclusion of the
meal cards and dancing were enjoyed. .
The Woman's club rooms on Twelfth .'
and M streets were the scene of a large-
sanded and brilliant reception on
Tuesday afternoon, given in honor of
the wives of the Nebraska legislator
and of the state officers. The hostesses
were the members of the Parliamentary
department, Mrs. Nellie M. Richardson
leade, auhted by the officers, leadera
of the departments and members of the
club The guests were graciously
received by Mrs. Richardson Vd Mrs
A. W. Field, president or the club The
rooms were pronely decorated with
palms and flowers conspicuous among
the later being those of violet hue, the
club color. Cosey corners and pleasant
eating piaeeB were arraDg0(J faPf J
here, tempting the callerB to linger and
hBten to the music of an orcheatL
stationed behind the palms, or S v ft'
over the ices which were daintily served
mn I?""168 nC0Dne"' "
raan, Henry, Castor and Miss Yuung.
It was a. pretty thought, this reception
and the guests or honor responded at
most unanimously among those present
g M?;ynter' wife of the Gov
dining hall at the university conserva.
ary of music to the members of DeUa
we Lfraternity Th9 Hr.MoM
were palms and crimson carnations
Covero were .Id for sixteen Z the
banquet was served faultily The
menu cards were dainty creaUons L