The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 25, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
OHIco 050
,Jf,0iDr. 0. 0. Reynolds
.055 )
Ofllco Hours
i Ofllco rooms 18-19, 1 10 to 1
! Hurr Mock 3 to'
Kos. WISQdt ) But
oiiico .lW L Dayton, M. D. onico, 12050 stroot notoi
iDisrasotof Kyo,lni, v-"i nnd Throntf Rob. 1821 0 Stroot (2:30 to5p
!Dr. S. E. Cook
f Eyo, Eur, Nobo and Throat
1315 O St.
0:110-12:3 am
1 2-5 p m
co 018) . . t, ., I Ofllco, Zohrung Hlock lUtolOnm
, Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey ,,, t ,hW2::K)
671.1 f Rosldoncp, 1313 O stroot J 2 to 4 p ni
KvoiiIiirb, by nppointmont. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m, nnd by appointment.
!Dr. J. B. Triokey,
) RoftactionlBt only
9 to 12 n. m
Ofllco, 1035 O stroot VI to 4 p.m.
Mfr H
Social and personal
am m trm
i , I Olllcn, rooms 26, 27 and I
uico R3o.Louis N. Wente.D.D.S.i i.iirownoii inoek,m
) (so lltli stroot. )
I I 'IIWI I- - . - . II I - I I I .. I -
, 656IDr. F. D. Sherwin Jomco'a?nrrBiT to 12a m
i i to p.
I Rob. 2!
520 Q Bt.
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
The Courier would recommend that
you see the
If you want the best coal for domestic use.
1009 O t.
Ofel 10S
( O8 0H0M00eO0ftMM00
a fresh line of Gunther's
famous Chicago
! Riggs' Pharmacy, 8K5SSS
I .....; i
U..ti U..-U. I
(Successors to Sutton & Hollowbusb.)
; Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681
i ... . ,. .... .. ..
9 wo navo me owy oyster parlor in tne city. Call and see fcr yourself.
ooooomoooooooototooooOMoot) "AfTftriiniiMinMiooioouMii
I Ladies'
; Dress
1 Skirts
Wo have jiiBt received largo lines of'
Ladies' Drees Skirts in up to date shapes
und styles all well made and finished;
values unsurpassed.
BROCADED MOtiAlRS-82, 82 50,
82 75. 83.00, 83 50, 83.75 and 84 00 each.
STORM SERGES- 8'.00,$G 00, $G 50,
$7.50, 88.00 and 89 00 each.
stripes, plaids, etc., all wojI, a large lot
your choice $3.00 eech.
SATIN AND SILK-Plan or trim
med 87.00, 8&.00, $9.00, 810, 811, 812,
813, 815 and up to 82G each.
nnrtniitun trtTAAf 'ttmmtniitHMiH iinHMiimtiuuint
On Saturday evening the Delta Gam
ma fraternity gave their annual banquet
and twenty-sixth (.nniversary of the
founding of the national fraternity. The
affair was elaborate, and well appointed,
andthoguestB especially enjoyed such
an occasion as it brings together many
of those old school friends who see very
littlo of each other at other timeB. Mrs.
L. A. Sherman was initiated into the
mysteries of th j fraternity as an honor
ary member earlier in the afternoon.
The nine course banquet was served in
the dining room which was decorated
profusely tvith red and white ro6es. Mies
Alice Wing acted as toast mistress and
responses were mude by Misses Gregory,
Harwood, Welch, WoodB, Cole, Polk,
JaynBe. Covers were laid for Mesdames
Sherman, Woods and King; Misses Bess
and Alice Wing, Kel!ey, Polk, Webster,
Gregory, Harwood, Walton, Cole, Tu
key, Welch, Jackson, Jay nee, McMen
enry, Johnson, Lewis, Davis, Starrott,
Rice, Haggard, Miner, Mullen, Haecker,
Prontis6, Cochrane, Laura and Nora
Bridge, Maud and Gertrude Macomber,
Woods and Woods.
The third party of the series of fra
ternity dances given during Lent was
held at Turpi n's dancing academy Fri
day evening of last week. These par
ties are delightfully informal and highly
nnjoyj'ble. Those present were the
Misses Atexandor of Omaha, Walton of
Blair, Welch, Cole, Tukey, Richards,
Benne t. Wilson, Andrews, Douglas,
Jackson, Wattles, Getner, Holbrook,
Wirger, Jaynes, Macomber, McMen
nomy, Loomis, Hazelwood, JohoGon.
Wirt, Bnrnham, Minor, Honeywell, Du
Toil, Thonas, La Salle, Hoover, Macom
ber, Houtz; Messrs. Ricketts, Sawyer,
Hurlbut, Leibmao, Watkins, Morrill,
Paine, To iters, Leibman, Raymond,
Rainey, Tukey, Hansen, Price, Yateo,
Sumner, King, Fisher, Mansfleld, Sber
man, Rainey, Whipple, Lau, Shelden.
Hallett, Erwin, Bowebie, Hill, Turpin,
McOreary, Killiao, Grant, Home, Sher
man, Watkins.
Senator F. M. Currie or Custer Coun
ty gave a delightful supper to a num
ber of his friends at the Lindell hotel
Wednesday. There was plenty of good
cheer and good tbiogs to eat, after
which many witty speeches were made
by the guests. Those present were:
Governor and Mrs. W. A. Poynter,
Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. E. A.
Gilbert of York; Senator and Mrs. J. II.
Vun Dusen of South Omaha; Messrs.
and Mesdames Alpha Morgan, Charles
Gutterton and J. A. Reneau of Broken
Bow; Mr. and Mrs. Mair of Callaway;
Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Muher of Chadron;
Mies Linda Spacht or Sargent; Mr. John
Wall of Aacadij; Mr. Harry O'Neill of
Omaha; Messrs. and Mesdames A. L.
Bixby, D. H. Bradley, F. A. Harrison,
J. M. Thomp3on, G. F. Fisher, H. T.
Dobbins, II. E. Newbranch, Miss Maud
RisBer, Messrs. Fritz Korsmeyer and
Ralph Johnson.
Professor Ea-terday entertained his
class at a mubical Saturday afternoon in
a very pleasant way. The program in
which various-members of the class ap
peared and which was supplemented by
Prof. Easterday wbb much enjoyed by
all present. The program was followed
by refreshments. The performers snd
members of tho class are: Misses Mur-
ry, Hathaway, Barber. Golden, Shatzel,
Rivett, Nash, Wolf, Woodworth, Al
bright, Taylor, Johnson, Pierce, Auke,
Humphery, Dierk?, Craig, Emerson,
Shank. Holcomb, King and King, Helen
and Ruth Easterday; Messrs. Casebeer,
Campbell, Murry, Barber, Gabel, Paul,
Easterday, Frank and George Wolf.
Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Hill gave a the it re
party Monday evening at the Philhar
monic concert. The ladies they enter
tained were: Mesdames Robbins, Met
calf, Pitcher; Mieses Tibbetts, Poynter,
Cole, Kirker ard Hardy. Messrs. and
Mesdames J. P. Dorr and .Harry Har
ley, Dr. and Mist Lowery were noticed
in one of the boxes. Mr. and M.s. D.
A. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Judge
Irvine occupied a box.
Miss Robinson entertained the East
Lincoln Social club Saturday evening
very pleasantly. A literary program
and the enchanting game of crokinole
made the evening pass very quickly.
Those present, were: Misses Barber,
CroBby, Heperlin, Davit, Field, Taylor,
Badger, Sickafooee, Trumble; Messrs.
Brooks, McMasters, Barrett, Voss, Bell,
Hoy, Hoag and Robinson.
Ernest Julian, the handsome young
ediior of the Dawes County Journal,
was in the city this week meeting
friends and takirg a look at the law
makers at the capitol. Mr. Julian is
one of the brightest young newspaper
men in the state, as a perusal of his
paper will evidence. He wbb for some
time in the Black Hills country, where
he obtained his experience. He is very
popular in society on account of easy
manners and graceful address.
Mrs. E. C. Hardy gave a delightful
luncheon Saturday at 1 o'clock. Covers
were laid for twelve at the table in the
dining room. The room was decorated
in pink, and lighted with lamps that
were shaded with pink. Those at the
table were: MisseeRicketts.MarielGere'
Llndley, Griggs, Whedon, Gregory!
Webster, Sniveley, Gere and Gere.
On Tuesday evening of every week
there is a dance given at the aeylum
assembly room for the more placid in
mates. Those parties are well attended
often by guests from the city. At the
party this week there was a car load of
people from the city, among whom were
Majoi and Mrs. Mapes, Mr. and Mr
McCallan and Miss Davis of Nebraska
City. The inmates had the privilege
of the floor until 9:30, and after that the
guests dance until time for the last car.
The Lindell card club was entertained
by Mise Steele Tuesday evening at the
home or Mrs. BartrufT on L street. The
club was composed originally of the
Lindell hotel, but now a few other ladies
are members. The evening was spent
with cards and refreshments. The
ladies present were: Meadaraee Under
wood, Humphrey, Zah0, Hoover, Bar
truff Hoover, Miss Shute atd Mrs.
Strickler of Omaha.
Professor and Mrs. Richards enter
tained a few friends at dinner on Friday
evening at their cozy home on Noith
Sixteenth street. After dinner the
evening was spent at whist by Messrs.
and Mesdames Holm, Teeters, Stevens,
Wilson, Hinman and Munger.
Tuesday evening a party of friends of