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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1899)
fti J TfJ 1 v av" 'V f - . . -J-- w- - -'-r :".,:, i j I 'fw v 12 THE COURIER or thoy are, and tho moro valuablo tholr Betting, tho moro anxious tho modistes aro to ilnd thotn. Ono collector of an tlques brought over from Paris 700 Bpocimen buttons about n month ago and ho haB not ono loft. Tho moBt. ox pensivo button in tho lot was $7. But one quickly loams not to think twice of 87 when ono is shopping with n woBtorn hoiroes. Thoy aro going to wear gowns of two Bhndesof cloth a good doal, bo I hear. It is rather n protty idea. Accordoon plnitod blouBOB of liborty satin or soft satin foulurdH aroanothor now and likely to bo popular mode. Tho newest coat for practical wear is in cloth, with a full, loose straight back and looso and double broastod in the front; tho eloevcs ap parontly aro plain, small coat sleeves. This coat is cut in the most extraor dinary fashion. It hue no yoke yot tho bIoovob and it aro all in one piece! That is, tho Bhouldor seam gontly ex pands into a eloevo without tho aid of an arnvholo. It 1b really most extraor dinary! It is quito long, this wonder ful garmont, and is finished about tho bottom in doop waves outlined with wido bandB of Btitchod cloth. Stitchod cloth is to bo much worn on overything, and it can bo mado tho smartest thing imaginablo. "Mies Loch invar"has hor coat in rod cloth buttoned with hugo whito pearl buttons. An other good frock my buying friend haB ordered is in tho new soft black taffeta, ombroidorod in fine cut beads and che nillo in an indescribable design that ia very good. There !b very little chenille, just enough to accentuate the design, and cut jot beads are in profusion. The design is hoavy about the bottom of the tunic and underskirt and thou spreads out and trails all ovor the gown. "Miss Lochinvar' has an endless num ber of black evening frocks, for I havo convincod her that black ia the smartest , thing a woman can wear at the average ovoning function, especially when Bho haB a Lochinvar jewol case to scatter ovor it. Black-and-stoel dinner gowns are very good style, too, and thorc are some stun ning stuffs that have juBt arrived in black-and-stoel. Wo aro to see them to day at one of tho constructors of "our" trousseau. Laces aro much in vogue this year, and of course indispensable to "Miss Lochinvar's" trousseru. I found a won derful window full of them at Altaian's. Rarely has there been seen in New York as exquieito and valuable an importa tion. Town Topics. The Nebraska Sanitarium. Mrs. Bicker Before we were married you thought me an angel. Mr. Bicker Yes. I soon found out you were not. But (hopefully) I am praying daily that you may be, Boon. Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following- inducements to the tired and suffering" public who are seeking Health, Rest and Comfort: T HE institution is Bituated on an olo- vatod sito, overlooking tho city of Lincoln, which lies throo miles to tho northwest, and with which it is connected by an oloctrlc Btreot rail way. Ono of tho moat healthy locations bo tweon tho Mississippi River and tho Rocky Mountains. A woll-regulated institution for tho troatmont of all chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. Baths of ovory description, including ho Electric-light bath. Scientifically classified dietary. Laboratory of hygiene foribacteriologi cal and microscopical investigation. Stomach fluids analyzed for dyspep tics. Aseptic operating rooms and surgical wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with largo experience in sanitarium medical work. Trained nurscB of both sexes. Skillful attention given to the treat ment of Diseases of the Stomach and Digestive System. Diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and Luncrs. Diseases peculiar to women. Best of advantages for the treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur ablo and offensive patients not received. This institution also has recently op ened a city branch ofHce and treatment rooms in the Halter block, southeast corner 13th and P streets, Lincoln. A fine new electric light bath cabinet in city ofllco rooms. For circulars giving rateB and further information, address, College View, Nebraska. BEST 3 oiacl 3.50 Shoes on Earth. IMMIMMMMlMMMMHtHMMMOMIHMMMIMMMMIMHMIM PlyETCHER' Grocery and Feed. Store Makes a Specialty of Pine Country BUTTER and FRESH EGGS. Try me 229 South Nintii Street. 'Phone 497. )00MMOO0COMe00Md000flMM0MO0MIMM CUSHION SHOE. Sole agents for Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoe. Hello 738. 930 P Street. Pays highest prices for good second hand furni ture and stoves and will give you in exchange any thing new for your old. WEBSTER I 0 1043 O Street. DR. IVEONHARDT'S fT-PNui Ourea Constipation, Billiousness, nervousness and the pill habit. Action not followed by costive nees, Doubt it? Try it. Sample free. Druggists. 25c, or address ANTI-PILL CO , Lincoln, Neb QUICKEST TIME EVER MADE. Commencing January 15th the Great Rock Island's "Colorado Flyer" leaving Lincoln at 8:20 daily, will make connec tions at Colorado Springs with new fast trains to Salt Lake City and Portland. Oregon, arriving at Northwest Pacific Coast points thirteen (13) hours quicker and earlier than ever bofore. Only 70 hours to Portland, Oregon from Lincoln now. Think of it! Don't forget that the freshest fruits and vegetables are the healthiest, especially at this time of the year. Al ways to be had at ?. m. mtxz GOOD LUCK GROCERY TELEPHONE 626, 1107 O STREET. x$?$ex&sxix I XTEVRP A fiTT A WWQT.VATVT TTATTTn?T QTrp V i 1JJ7XIX1MJ.1.X1. II XJKJXJ X XXXI UllXT XJXlkJXX. X CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC II Cyg ifflbJ.lkf3 BE GOOD TO YOUR HOME-BUY A NEW LINCOLN STEEL BANGE and please your dear wife and family. Warranted the most perfect cooking Btove mado. Wo ubo the very best cold rolled patent leveled steel, and line every Range with asbestos and steel, which makes it impos sible to set fire to your floor. They aro handsome, at tractive, up-to-dato in pattern and design, full nickel trimmed, will burn any kind of fuel will last a lifot'me. Mado on honor, sold on merit. This is why wo call them the "best on earth." If your dealer does not handle them he makes a great mistake Write to us and wo will provide a way for you to buy ono at a reasonable price. ONE OP THE LARGEST SCHOOLS OP MUSIC IN THE WEST AND THE NUMBER OP PUPILS CONSTANT INCREASING. ONE REA SON FOR THIS LARGE INCREASE IS THAT THE METHODS OP M STRUOTION IN USE HERE ARE THOSE OP THE BEST EUROPEAN CONSERVATORIES, BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCED IN THE MOST THOROUGH AND RAPID MANNER POSSIBLE, AND aRE NEVER OBLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SEVERAL TIMES, AS IS OFTEN THE CASE BECAUSE OP IM ROPER IN STRUCTION. EVERY BRANCH OP MUSIC, VOCAL, INSTRUMENTAL AND THE ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES. SEND FOR CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFORMATION TO 0REN E. LOCKE, Director, University Place. Nebr. ft! Bran M LINCOLN, NEB., MAKERS. Patronize home industry. Made in Nebraska. We refer you to State Ofll core, Banks and Express companies of Lincoln, and thousands using our Ranges. Special attention given hotel and restaurant outfits. H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards I TIME IS MONEY. Whonyou are traveling, due con Bideratinn snould be given to the amount of time spent in making your journey. The Union Pacific is tho beet lino and makes the fastest time by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cali fornia points. For time tables, folders, illustrated 197 ; ElPVPnth ;rrpr X bookB PamPWets descriptive of the tor 1Z 5. Bieventn Street. 5 ritorv traversed, call at City Office, 1044 PHONE 68 Ost. KlxKK tii(Kiruni E. B. Slosson, Qen, Agent. i (Y- V ,&?'..