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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1899)
"JF! rrfr ", j: ,i w . l ilJkVS: L - -4 tf ft. ..Wi&SlitfS7 i w. - i l- 71V . . A 4J THE COURIER. 9&sam&&BB&Bil thoir smart togs, with a stunning color on thoir checks that healthful exercise nlono ctin givo. It is oafo to predict that this io ono fail at least that has come lo stay. Spring huta booiu Bcarcely apropos of sleet and Htiow and true winter wualhur, yet they are horn. I inspected a whole batch of thorn tho other day aa they camo out of thoir foreign cases. Thoro is nothing startling now about them iih ycl. TurbaiiH are much in ovidonco; osprey ib to bo in vogue again. Vivid coloringe will be much worn if ono follows tho French module, and all tho email bon ncta and somo of tho largo hatB have tho long stringB of mull, chiffon or ribbon . Now that it has at last bocomo bad form to wear a hat except at day func tions, woman'b intoreet in being bien cnilTun is constantly on tho increase. I suppose this is why I havo boon con tinually of Into receiving communications hb to what is the smartost way of doing the hair, and who is tho cleverest coif four to do it. In a general reply to all such queries, I should say that Simonson, who has the hair shop at Broadway and '21st streots, knows hotter than any ouo olsn in this country how to givo tho right look to a woman's head. Ho has any amount of dilTeront stylos of arranging tho hair tho Nowport, tho Mario Antoinette, and so on, ho calls thorn. Thoy aro all Biuart in thoir ditToront ways, and as for hair omamonts, if ono fancies such things, thoy aro to bo found at Simonson's in all Bhapos and forms, butterflies, dainty combinations in guuzo and maraboot, all made in Paris and imported ex clusively by Simonson. I have heard and on good authority, too that the wotnon in Paris and Lon don havo takon to wigs for everyday wear. 1 muat say that I can't quite credit that statement. Of course the paBt thre$ yearB or more of continuous ondulationB have played sad havoc with women's hair. We all know that by a sad and bittor ex perience; and when summer comes wo have onduloea many of us twice a day, in place of once. So wigs, all nicely dressed in perfect waves, roady to clap upon one's head at a moment's notice, would certainly bo a blessing in many ways. Yet yet I don't think I can quite see a wig on Lady Modish. The Nebraska Sanitarium. Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following inducements to the tired and suffering- public who are seeking Health, Rest and Comfort: T HE institution is situated on an olo- vatod site, ovei looking tho city of Lincoln, which lies throo miles to tho northwcFt, and with which it is connected by an electric stroot rail way. One of tho most honlthy locations bo twoon tho MissiEsippi River and tho Rocky Mountains. A woll-regulotcd institution for tho treatment of all chronic diseases. Wator of unusual purity. Baths of every dcsciiption, including ho Electric-light bath. Scientifically classified dietary. Laboratory of hygiene forbactoriologi cal and microscopical investigation. Stomach lluids analyzed for dyspep tics. Asoptic operating roomB and surgical wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with largo oxporionco in sanitarium modical work. Trainod nurses of both boxcb. Skillful attention given to tho treat ment of Diseases of tho Stomach and DigoBtivo SyBtom. Diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Noso, Throat, and Lunis. Disoases peculiar to womon. Host of advantages for tbo treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur ablo and ufTonsivo pationts not received. This institution alpo has recontly op ened a city branch oflico and troatmont rooms in tho Halter block, southeast corner 13th and P streets, Lincoln. A fiao novv electric light bath cabinet in city oflico rooms. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, College View, Nebraska. BEST H3 and 3.&0 Shoes on Earth. CUSHION SHOE. Sole agents for Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoe. HER I 1043 O Street. Tho Burlington excursions loave Lin coln at 0:10 p. m. ovory Thursday, reaching San Francisco Sunday and Los Angeles Monday. Porter with each car. Excursion manager with each party. For folder giving full information call at B & M depot or City ticket oflico, corner 10th and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, 0. P. & T. A Commencing January 15th tho Great Rock Island's "Colorado Flyer" leaving Lincoln at 8:20 daily, willmako connec tions at Colorado Springs with now fast trains to Salt Lake City and Portland. Oregon, arriving at Northwest Pacific Coast points thirteen (13) hours quicker and earlier than ever before. Only 70 hours to Portland, Oregon from Lincoln now. Think of it! 11 " MvSv IJ ElSjaIi n TTil- BE GOOD TO YOUR HOME-BUY A NEW LINCOLN STEEL RANGE mm IH LINCOLN, NEB., MAKERS. Patronize home industry. Made in Nebraska. Wo refer you to State Ofli core, Banks and Express companies of Lincolu, and thousands using our Ranges. Special attention given hotel and restaurant outfits. MM0MMO00 0O0M0MO( ooooMooomoooo PIvETCHBR' (S Oxalic Home Made Mlnoe JVTt-ctt Abtaoltatelr Pure. 1? 113X0 HEIR'S GROCERY 1 0 South Ninth Street. 'Phone 197. 8000 QIC MMOO0 0OOMMUOOO08MeM'M0000POMtOO000OMoo 'J J. H. TRBNHOIyM. Hello 738. 930 P Street. Pays highest prices for good second hand furni ture and stoves and will give you in exchange any thing new for your old. IR. LEONHARDT'S Cures Ooxi&tlxnt:ioxi9 BilliousnoBB, nervousness and the pill hahit. Action not followed by costive ness, Doubt it? Try it. Sample free. Druggists, 25c, or address ANTI-PILL CO , Lincoln, Nebr QUICKEST TIME EVER MADE. a X Don't forget that the freshest fruits and vegetables are Lnc neaitmesi, especially at tins time or the year. Al ways to be had at e m. sfitz GOOD LUCK GROCERY TELEPHONE 626, 1107 O STREET. SXS)(L!X(XIX (sxaX? I W.W&XV 5) NEBRASKA WESLYAN UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ONE OF THE LARGEST SCHOOLS OP MUSIC IN THE WEST AND 23SFJJMBER 0P PUPILS CONSTANT INCREASING. ONE HEA SON FOR THIS LARGE INCREASE IS THAT THE METHODS OFll "11UJI 1JN USiS HJ3UB AHE THOSE OF THE BEST EUROPFAW CONSERVATORIES, BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCED IN THF MOST THOROUGH XND RAPID MANNER POSSIBLE? AND tSe NEVER OBLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SEVERAV STOnTwnv" " " vo xm,Auaja UF LM.'KOPER Wi J.W VliVil IN- and please your dear wifo and family. Warranted the most perfect cooking stove made. We use the very boat cold rolled patent leveled steel, and line every Rango with asbestos and steel, which makes it impos Biblo to set lire to your floor. Thoy aro handsome, at tractive, up-to-date in pattern and design, full nickel trimmed, will burn any Kind olluel will last a lifetime. Mado on honor, sold on merit. ThiB is why wo call them tho "best on KAttTii." If your dealer does not handle them he makos a great mistake Write to us and we will provido a way for you to buy ono at a reasonable price. EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC. VOCAL. INRTRmrRiWAT. at mDn ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES SEND FOR CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFORMATION TO 0REN E. LOCKE, Director, University Place. Nebr. H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. -WlnitlnsK Fine Stationery and Galling Cards. i 6 TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, duo con Bidoratinn snould bn ! . 7 amount of time spent in making your 3 journey, i The Union Pacific is tho best, linn n,i makes tho fastest time by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cali fornia points. cor iime tab ob. fo rlnm in. ...,.. ,i v ' " ""'" "oi tumors, illustrated 12.7 S. Eleventh Street, t b.foka'PamPhI descriptive of tho ter- '111" uccu ? ritory traversed, call at City Office. 1044 E, B. Slosson, Qon, Agent. PHONE 08 ? Ost. 1 W P? r . -.j-M -i-Ai. -jkJr- .IM