The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 11, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Sol Smith RuhboII played to 11 mag
nillccnt houHO on Thursday nilit. All
tho Iioxcb oontainod brilliant theiitro
purtioB 11 ml tho body of trio liouso spar
kled and ehono with tho bust people in
thoir bcBt gowns. Hut tho play was a
diHftppointmont. Tho Hon. John Griggs
by !b a very good examplo of tho typo of
horoMr. RubboII likoB to onaot; hoiiio
thing imposBibly magnanimous, virtuoiiH
and unworldly. Not a livo man at all,
lonBt of all a lawyer, just a combination
martyr and Haint. Mr. UubsoII will not
oxcopt a play in which tho hero is not
othorializcd to i; prunes and prisma
young m?n, and doodorizod and expur
gated until ho resembles tho ordinary
man as closely ub tho Mrs. Holmes' spot
Iobb tonor roBombloa thono who sing to
ub with a mortal method occasionally.
It ia well known among actors that Mr.
Russell iB never extravagant. A very or
dinary company if it is choap enough
will suit him. Yot I havo never scon
him in a play in which tho horn's scorn
of mero monoy and his supernatural
goncrosity was not insisted upon ovor
and ovor again, and this is funny too bo
caueo ho hiiB a deep affection for that
which BuitBhim to play ho it indilToront
Tho Hon. John Griggsby as a play is
deadly dull. In spito ot tho ropoatedly
manifested affection of Lincoln peoplo
for Mr. RubboII tho applause was epirit
Icbb and contained a touching noto of
diBappointmont. The action took placo
iu a lawyer's olllco with not a chango of
econo or properties from first to third ex
cept a fow flowers and a new sign for
tho second scene. I looked eagerly for
Mies Bertha Cioighton who was Mr.
Russell's leading lady laBt season in "A
Bachelor's Romanco." But Bho was too
good to last. Her placo was taken by
an uninteresting young lady who was
unablo, in spito of her greater youth, to
keep tho audion zo from wondoring why
tho Hon. Griggsby preferred her to tho
widow, who was Miss Fannie Addison
Pitt a very original and clover actress,
whoso inspiration was the redeeming
feature of tho evening. Geo. W. Don
ham as the lawyer's clork "with thirty
years experience" is also a clover actor.
Mr. Lackayo was a repulsive villain and
succeeded in making his role lifolike.
Criticism of so popular an actor as Mr.
RuBsell is unpopular, but wo treat him
so well hero that when ho does not re
ciprocate we ought to havo tho prive
lege of speaking our minds.
double contributes his full share Mrs.
Ray as Mre. Goneral Stonewall Hhror,
is what tho gallery would call a "wholo
team." Tho two Rays- husband and
wifo- aro two of tho best stars of farco
comedy on tho stage. The nuiBic, sing
ing and dancing, tho funny, not to say
ridiculous situations, tho original and
unique vein of humor mnko "A Hot Old
Timo"ono of tho most umueing shovvB
on tho road. Tho cake walk exhibition
by Mr. Gonaroand Miss Hailoy at the
cloeo of tho second act is olwajs heartily
oncored. Many popular songs aro in
troduced and tho patriotic eong by Miss
Hailoy, accompanied by a lightning
crayon artist who painted portraits of
President McKinloy, HobBon and Dewey
on cuuviB whilo tho singing is in pro
gress is a hit.
Tho samo cast will appear horo.
Prices 23, .1H, 50 and 7.") e nts, Seats
on salo Thursday 1) a. m.
Tho fifth and last of tbie season's series
of Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts
will bo given March 20 at tho Oliver. So
many requests havo como in for repeti
tion of numbers, that tho program will
consist of these largely. Tho E flat
Mozart Symphony is ono of tho num
bers. Mr. Bicknoll Young, tho famous
Chicago baritone, will mako his first
appoaranco in Lincoln, accompanied by
his wife. The press noticcB speak for
Mr. Young is tho possessor of a good
compaEB and power, and his delivery is
distinct and dignified. In many ways
ho reminds ono of Ludwig. He iB an
acquisition to the concert stage Now
York World.
Mr. B. Bicknoll Young sang Gounod's
''Ring out Wild Bells'' magnificently.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Mr. Young was heard in contrasting
numbers, "O loving heart trust on," dis
playing rare purity of tono and artistic
feeling, and tho "Toreador's Song,"
from Carmon, rolling forth with a Bwing
and vigor quite irresistible. Jersey City
Evening Journal.
Mr. Young roused his genial audience
to a high pitch of enthusiasm by hiB ex
cellent and enjoyable singing, both of
his two numbers being heartily encored.
Chicago Figaro.
Mr. '. Bickneli Young sang "Eri tu,'
from Verdi's "Ballo in Maschora," with
flno intelligence and artistic finish.
Chicago Tribuno.
Mr, Young sang several songs, chow
ing a clear and powerful baritone voice
Mr. John Ray, in "A Hot Old Time."
Tho Rays in their funny f.rco "A Hot
Old Time" will play an engagement ot
one mntineo and night at tho Funko on
March 17th. Tho Bofcton Traveler in
Bpeaking of it sbjb: "A Hot Old Time,"
a violent musical farco, was given last
night by Tho Rajs. Mr. Ray as Larry
Moonoy, an eccentric oxpiessman is
very funny, whilo Mr. Lalor as his
Corner Thirteenth audi'. Phono 740
of eplondid proportions. Tho American
Art Journal.
Mr. Young' voico is tho realization of
sonorousness; it is full, doop and round.
Salt Lake Herald.
Fifth and last concert of this season's series
Monday, March 20th
Bickneli Young, Baritone.
Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and 81.00. Seats on sale Saturday
morning-, March 18.
THE ?ilHt
One Night and St. Patrick's
Day Matinee, March 17.
The Blazing Lights of Laughter
in their howling success
Assisted by their own talented company. Johnny Ray as
"Larry Mooney." The show with a million laughs. You
can't help laughing. See for yourselves. Prices 25c, 35c, 50c
and 75c. Seats on sale Thuisday 9 a. m.
Eugonio Blair has probably played a9
wido a range of tragic und emotional
rolos as any actress on tho American
stage, therefore the announcement that
she will soon be seen as Clorinda Wil
dairs in "A Lady of Quality' is one that
will be of particular interest to her in
numerable admirers, because of the fact
that it will not only present her in anew
role, but in one which has been attract
ing a great deal of attention both as the
heroine of a popular novel and a very
successful play.
The character has naturally created
even more of a sensation in dramatic
form tbar it did in the book. Zang
well in speaking of the character in the
Critic eaye:
"It appears to me the most interesting
and remarkable thing Mrs. Burnett has
done. Oloriuda as vixen, mistress and
murderess, yet remaining withal the
matchless Clorindtf, and finding her
womanhood through all thiB stress and
storm, is indeed a bold conception al
ways radiant, beautiful, witty, triumph
ant, rosecrowned, the toast of the beaux,
and tho envy of tho bells, inimitable
whether iu conversation or equitation,
half angel, aud half demon, and all a
wonder und a wild desire."
Miss Blair's tour in "A Lady of
Quality" under the direction of W. M.
Wilkinson, opens January .10th. She
will bo seen in an elaborate production
of tho pjuy from tho brush of Ernest
Albert of tho Fifth Avenue Theatre,
New York. Negotiations are pondidg
for an engagement in this city during
tho present season.
If you would travel rapidly, and with
comfort and easo, please noto that tho
North Western lino and its connections
provide tho fastest sorvico to eastern
cities, and many hours thp fastest to
westorn points named below: To Buf
falo 33 hours, New York 45, Boston 48,
Ogdon HI, Salt Lako .13, San Francisco
G2, Portland GO. Why not savo your
self weary hours of traveling by getting
tickets via the North Western?
A. S. Fielding, O. T. A.,
117 South 10th street.
Personally Conducted Excur
sions to
Leave Chicago every Thursday v ia
Colo. ado and Scenic Route to San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Southern Route leaves Chicago every
Tuesday via KansaB C.ty, Ft. Worth and
EIFuso to Loe Angeles.
TheE Excursions Cars aro attached to
Fast Paa engor trains and thoir popu
larity is evidence that we offer the best.
Accompany thoso excursion and save
monoy for tho lowest rate ticl ets are
available in these popular Pullman
Tourist cars.
For full descripfion of this service and
tho benefits given its patrons, see your
local ticket agent or address
Ch'-sgo, III.
FRANK H. Barnes. G. P. A
11th and U Streeta, Lincoln, Nebr.
Trade, romarked tho auctioneer us ho I
hung up his red emblem, always followB
tho flag.
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