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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1899)
8 THE COURIER. torney and politician of Plattitnouth. has boon in the city this week on legal business. A company of young murrled people met at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Ayera, 1030 K strcot, Fob. 20th, and organized t.lic T. A. M. Croklnole club with the following olllcors: Mrs. P. A. Soiimiorliul, president; Mrs. A. C. TowiiboiuI, vice-president; Mrs. E. 11. Ransom, secretary and treasurer. Af ter the constitution and bylaws had been adopted, the boards were brought out and a merry contest ensued. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers were the winners of the royal prizes, and Mrs. Townsend and Mr. Ilotsillng received the conso lation Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Members present were Messs. and Mesdamcs Jlotallng, Townsend, Sommcrlad, Hansom, Violet and Ayers. The T. A. M. Croklnole club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sommcrlad 403 South 25th Thursday evening. The contestants for the royal wero Mrs. Ayers and Mr. Spencer, and the consolations were Mrs. Violet and Mr. Ayers. Elegant refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Miss Hyde. Members present were Messrs. and Mesdamcs Violet, Ayers, Townsend, Hansom, Hotallng,Spencer, Sommcrlad and Millar. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0. Goating nre the happy parents ot a daughter, Ex-Oovornor Grounae and Ex-Governor Furnas were in the city this week looking over ;he senatorial situation. Electric wiring, gas and electric fix tures and lamps a specialty. Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heating Co., 215 South Eleventh street. CALIFORNIA. Lou Angeles, Cat., Feb. 20. Upon our arrival at this famous south ern resort (after a quick trip on the new train, The Owl) we immediately made ourselves comfortablo in a Bunny cornor ot Bollevue Terrace. Tb'iB long lino ot turrsted buildings, surrounded by smooth lawns an1 gardens of great beauty, occupies a prominent corner of the city, yet is so located that its quint and natural beauty enable noe to feel quito suburban. One of our first trips was a trolley car ride ot forty two mile?, during which we saw Paeadena, Sn Gabriel mission and winery, "Lucky" Baldwin's ranch of 50,000 acres and the famous ostrich farm. Pasadena, the nrietocratic suburb of Los Angeles, boasts of somo of the hitndBom-trit homes to ba found in Caii fo.nia, an I th ir beuutiful efTout is un broken, owing to tbe small mi m lor of sho;B. In almost tll tl.ojod C .liforniu coun try hmies there is ti -h, the vny lung drive between htdg'H or tuilittnt bor ders. The lawn is kept hh Finooth hb a drawing room ciupet, reminding one constantly ot that familiar simile. Both within Bnd without the green houses h what seems to ub a perfect paradise of flowers, and tho palms of the gardon are almost tropical. One of California's great pleasures is the suburban life, and no one can picturo its charm, The beauty of tho houses with thoir hand' Eocno stablee and their parks, and their clear little lakes on which tho swan sail, or tho drives, the hunt, the "paper chaeV' the golfing and the po!o; with out viewing ail these intimately. .Baldwin's famous Santa Anita ranch furnished us with much to murvel at. Its broad acres lie in the midst of tho ideal valley of San Gabriel. Tho bril liancy of tbe vast orange groves, tbe werlth of wonderful flowers, tho miles of tnagnliicont avenues, were delightful to see from tho top of our rumbling coach on a day like early Juno ut home, Tho wiso tourist will not loavo Cali fornia without inspecting tho ostrich farm noar Pfleoduna. Tho entrance is through tho salesroom, where aro ex hibited ubowildoring profusion of foath orB in evory form, from tho plume to tho elegant full capo or boa, ull to bo had at a roducod figure. On tho grounds ron dored beuutiful liko moBt California grounds, by tho landscapo gardener's skillful iiBoof its natural charniB one is shown tho birda in ovory ago and con dition, from tho toddling babies up to tho mugnificont adults, the mothers strutting in jealous alarm about tho curious noxts with thoir onormoiiB eggs. It was mo3t interesting to oomo foc9 to fHce, at lust, with the groat bird to which comfort, beauty and fashion owo so much. Tho ostrich was imparted into this stato twolvo years ago, during which time tho industry has steadily thrived. IncubutorB aro now largely used. How we did enjoy waudoring among tho ruins of the missions, observing the signs of tho old Jesuits' religious devo tion. One of tho most famous of these century-old Pacific coast missions iB San Gabriel Archangol, nino miles from Lob Angeles. Tho purity of its long lines and low pillard urches is at once inspir ing and effective. Many of the most ar tistic homos hore aro no built in this samo low mission Btylo, even to tho con tral court and tbo gallery. Ab everybody knows there was little to teach thoso old Spanish padreB about the making of brandy and sweot wines. Tho art brought with thom from Bunny Spain was put into uso at once, but of the orig'nal twenty-two wineries, only two have kept up the industry; tho mis sions now are monuments ot a past age. Tho church of San Gabriel being built of stone mostly, has nobly resented the efforts of time, but many years ago rev oral thousands of its valuable acres wero sold to J. de Barth Sbarb, who continued and enlarged tho wine industry thereon. It was this very ranch that inspired ono of our most bo-iutiful American storieB, Ramona, and in this sumo beautiful val ley is found tbe original Ramona cot tage. Many do not know that tho gen tle Indian maiden of the storv was named after one of Sharb's daughters. We bave enjoyed tho horso show very greatly, but as thia institution is no Bpecial peculiarity of California, I shall not intrude a description of either horses or people. Jeannktte Dohuan. The Rock Island playing cards are the slickest you over handled. One paclc will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stampp. A money order or draft for GO cents or same in stamps will st-cure 4 packs. Thoy will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Seiiastian, G. P. A., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicago. Stoumahip tickets to Europe sold. Steamship tickets from Europe sold. If you are going to tho old country or inloud bringing friends from there to th'iB country, plouBo call on mo for tiuurog, information, etc. BeBt lines re presented. A. S. Fikldino, C. T. A., Northwestern lino. THE WAY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA is in a tourist slooping car, personally conducted, via of tho Burlington route. You don't chungo curs. You mako fust timo. You soo tho finest scenery on the globe Your car is not so expensively finished nor 6o lino to look ut as a palaco sleeper, but it is just us clean, just as comfortable, just as good to ride in, and nearly 820 c!.eapor. All Coal Well Screened at k aaaa aa aaakk aaa k amaai at akaiaan &a? miru van lint. KkTMIl Mil milMhi V "MR M" P""Pi. K H K Hsr hh aB- B1WB1 av VI Ha b..o m. . uu. iiu cut out iiu tend to UK. and wo will tend you OUR HIGH-GRADE BURDICK SEWING MACHINE brrrtiht r. . 11., -iiji 10 niwiinuon. ou can oxamuioii nv juarnir ft freight drput nuil If found prfrcllf ULfatlorr. exactly aa reproncnicu, ritual 10 marniut-, omrra Mil man a vau.uu, and TIIK UllKmHT IUIKUI1 KOI! KVKIt IIKAIIII Of, par jour rrrijiiiKri.i Our Special Offer Price Slfi.RO and frelttlitclmrcoii. Tlioiimclilno wolulis 120 w pound and tliofrnllit vlllnveinit7' cents forcncli6W iiillcx. GIVE IT.THREE MONTHS TRIAL In your own iiotiio, nml wo will irtiirii your I15.D0 any day yotiaio iiotrntlxllcd. ITckell illflVrrnt maW. and arad.tof Hdiln Jfnfhliic. nt I8.W),IIO.OO.U.OO, 112.00 ami tin. all or which nln fllllv ilt-KCrlhrtl III llnr t'rra Nw la a.hlanfat- alnitup, hut $13.30 for Ihlt 7-DRAWER BUHDICK la tho Kroatost vnluo over offorod by any bouse- THE BURDICK "T, "?,i'ffra,!r"l!Hlh "I?n iimdc, with the dcfcclH of none. Jladohr lha lint maker la Aairrlra. MIMIIOIKI'AIIIXKT. IIKVrCOVKK. Lnlnl I H0 Harltlaa fraur, piano polish, fluent nickel drawer tmlla. rrittxnn 4 cnatcni. hall hetrlnK nljuitnlilo treadle, ccnuliio Stnjth Iron Ktand. flneat laruo IiIrIi aiinheadiiinde, poMtlvo fotiMiiotlon frtil. fclf tliroartlnix vlhrat inir shuttle, automatic hohhln winder, adjustahlo IwarlnRS, pat ent tonqlon llhei-ntor. Improved loooo wheel, adjuatablo pressor iooi, iinprovcii Minnie carrier, pnicui uceuio oar, pitcnt drcM Ktiai d. GUARANTEED Ihrllddrtl raaalnc, moot dor ittla anil nfarfRl nuUrlf in machine made, kferj kaowa lllnchnicnt l fumUhrd and our Frco Instruction Oook tcllnjut howanyono can I tin It nml tlo either plain or any Mini of fancy work. A SO-YEAR OUARANTEE In Kent with mcry machine. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING toxeo and oxamlnc this ..tnchlno, comparo It with tlioso your ntorokcepcr Belli at g ' S40.00 to $0O.OO. and then ir convinced you nro savint? $80.00 to $33.00, pny yourlroltfbtuironttlio 310.00. UK Ttl IIKTLIIX VOL'lt flJ.MI If at an? time nlthln Ihrra monlha 70a aty N arenntaniUnrd. OltllKU TO-IIAV. IIOS'T IIELAt. SearK. ltoehtlcl:.CCo. nro thorotmhly rollablc-lMltor.) WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO, ILL. abdxliAMRo mr-ino 1MB V Jlil ! an 1 inefl f i $M(cii JbHMilJBjUiYftH TTTTUKf '''riBHlHlialLasDlaaaKiTSI TT Mian "'aaaaWlBaayli The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which THE CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, alone of all American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe, SOKIBNER'S MAGA ZINE FOR 1899. Governor Roosevelt's "THE ROUGH RIDERS" (illustrated serial), and all his other war writings. ROBERR LOUIS STEVENSON'S LETTERS (.never before published), edited by Sidney Col vin. RICHARD HARDING DAVIS: Stories and special articles. RUDYARD KIPLING HENRY VAN DYKE WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE and many others: Short stories. GEOREE W. CABLE'S NEW SERIAL story of New Orleans, "The Entomologist" Illustrated by Herter. SENATOR HOARDS" Reminiscences Illustrated. MRS. JOHN DREW'S Stage Reminis cences Illustrated. SWIFTEST RACING EAST AND WEST If you would travel rapidly, and with comfort and ease, pleaeo note that tbe North Western line and its connections provide the fastest service to eastern cities, and many hours the faste3t to western points named below: To Buf falo 33 hours, New York 45, Boston 48, 0den 31, Salt Lake 33, San Francisco 62, Portland 60. Why not save your self weary hours of traveling by getting tickets via the North Western? A. S. Fielding, C. T. A., 117 South 10th street. Give us a trial order. Tel ephones 240 and 234. Office 109 South Eleventh. IOEL CHANDLER HARRIS' n mi- lection of stories, "The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann." QS SHORT SERIAL, "A Ship of Stars." ROBERT GRANT'S Search-Light Let ters Common Sense Essays. SIDNEY LANIER'S Mgslcal Impres sions. C D. GIBSON'S The Seven Ages of American Women -and other notable Art Features by others artists. The full, illustrated prospectus, including descriptions of the above, sent free to any address. The Magazine is 83.00 a year) 25c. a number. Charles Scribner's Sons, J53-J57 Fifth avenue, New York. And nervous ailments are as curable as other diseases. I treat nothing else. J. . IyorxtCmrcit, Itd.D. Office 1427 O Sr.f Lincoln, Nebr. OO000O000O0O00O0OO DOOOOO ) IS) CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS I ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS fj HOTOO APHS OFDABIES uui uuitArtia ujr UROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street, DOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooo V-' '! ;' v( 'V Y