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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1899)
THE COURIER. -( ( - - jolly good timo. InvitatiocB woro sent to all the dilTeront fraternities nnd a number from each ono responded with tboioBult that ft vory toicodinco whs on joyod by all. Mr. Burton W. Wilson arrived in the city last Sunday to attend the funeral oi his father, Mr. Don A. WilBon. Mr. Wilson is attending Columbia university at Washington, D. C. Ho is a graduato of the Stato university, and ma momber uf the Phi Kappa Pal fraternity. Ho will remain in the city for some timo on account of the illness of his mother, A party was given Tuesday evening at the home of Min3 Daisy Skinner at 31st and Fair streets. The gathering was for Mr. Blanchard who will soon remove with bis parents to Macksburg, la. The ovoning was spent with games anu re freshments. Those prasont wero: Mis ses Daisy and Jessie Skinner, Nora and Rhoda Bancroft, Graham, Forburger, Elliott, Dowd. Johnson; Messrs. Kemble, Blanchard, Cosner. Witmer, Badgoly, Murphy, Irving and Victor Skinner. Mr. Robert Burdotte, the famous hu niotous lecturer was the guest of the members of tho Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at their houEO on G Btrost, Thursday ovoning after tho locturo at tho Punko. Mr. Burdette is a member of tho fra ternity and he was welcomed heartily by the members of the local chapter. He entertained the men with some bright 'stories and tho evening was one of enjoyment to all. Senator F. M. Cur rie and Rev. W. H. Manss, members of tbe fraternity woro present. Rov. t owis Gregory arrivod in tho city Thursday, after an absence since last May in eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory will make their home in this city it is understood, and the fact is good news to a large circle of friends. Mr. Gregory resided In Lincoln for many years and was indentitied with the growth of tco city. H's long connection with tho First Congregatioral church has made him well known throughout the city and stato. Mrs. Elizabeth Hawloy Bowen was married to Mr, Franc'iB D. Everett of Chicago, Thursday nfternoon attheriBij denco of Mr. W. C. Hawley. The cere mony was performed by Rev. A. A. Pfanstiobl of Chicago. Mre. Bowen is a well known educator, having been Buperintendent of tho public schools at Highland Pai'k near Chicago. Mr. Everett is a business man of Chicago and resides in a beautiful home in tbe suburbs on the north side. Mr. and Mrs. Everett have gone on a wedding tour that will comprise a trip west to the coast, south to Florida, and then return to Chicago to reside. Messrs'Edward and FritzFunke enter tained a jolly company of young people last night at their home. It was called a "po'erty party," and no ond of fun wua occaBionod by some of the costumes worn. The rag-bags had been ransack ed and every one appeared in strange costumes. The evening was spent with gamoB and refreshm nts in keeping with tho party were not tho least enjoyable part of tho evening's enjoyment. The joung men demonstrated that they were very goodeutortainere. Tho patrons of the Bryan4, Bchool wore treatod to a nice reception on Tuesday afternoon, by the teachers of tho build ing. About 150 guests enjoyed a good program and refreshments. MiesoB Ray mond and Trtag gave some pretty vocal boIob, and Prof. Luckey ottbeuniversity qave a lecture on "Homo bb a Teacher." Mr. Martin siag a tenor solo and tho program was cloBed with a talk by Prof. Sayloron phases of school work. The members of tho Nebraska Folk Loieiosioty had a happy meeting on Wednesday evening at tho homo of Dr. and Mre. Edgron, at 1110 Q rtreot. Dr. m mi 1 The Great Disolution Sale J3eissixiit Here IVIonclay JVEaroli Otli m Owing to a dissolution of partnership in the firm it is necessary for us to raise a large sum or money at once. To do this speedily and successfully we have inaugurated a DISSOLUTION SAL This is not an ordinary special sale but a event instituted for a purpose for the purpose of turning merchandise into cash with all possible speed. It is tliereforefjunnecessary to say that profit is not considered, that regular price is not considered, nor that any thing but the fact that we want a very laige sum of money in a very short space of time is taken into consideration. Every department is m represented ana every unmerciful sactifice. line o( merchandise has been subjected to an Wntoh icntei.s for furtlior ctmiounoetxienta pj il Edgren was on the program for a met a- New York on Friday. Mr. Scudder has vorsity enjoyed jolly sleigh rides TueB- morphosie of an eastern talo, "King Rob- made many friends hero who are anxious day evening. About twenty-five young ert of Sicily," and Mr. Randolph gave a to secure a copy of a novel ho wrote people were in each party and tbe even, reading from Joel Chandler Harm to Beveral years ago, but they have been ing was full of enjoyment to all illustrate tho folk lore of Georgia. There persistently thwarted by tho author. Mr R L was muBic also and every one bad a good w fi returnod frQm Mutto Mundorf in teaching f.nnv !... the east where he has been gone for stage dancing, fencing, etc. Children's known Bome timo. He attonded several very class. 2 to 4 o'clock, 12 for eisht Innnnna fc . - --WMW teacher of this city, has boon selected by important political gatherings while ho tvicneson s dancing academy, 141 South the school board of Wymore, to take tho was away, and was tho guest of honor at Twelfth street. place made vacant by the resignation of several banquets where he made m, ... - Mr. E. D. Banuhart. also well known in speeches. . 7 ' " ""'UD"1 '" union merary time. Miss Helena Redford, a well Lincoln. MIbb Redford will leave soon to take up ner dutieB. Mr. Banghart has gono to Crete to take a good posi tion in the schools there. society will entertain tbe vouno i,it. xuo uiemuoru ui lur. niigauuw o biriug oi tne 1'uiiHUlao and Delian societies ti Miss Helen Gregory who has boon in New York for the past year or ho taking studies in a prominent institution, has quartet arrived in Lincoln tbe first of afternoon the week from a trip through South Wileon. Dakota and Nebraska, where they gave very successful concerts, Mr. Bert Langwortby of Seward, was tbe truest of the members of Sigma Chi returned to this city and will make her frHternitv last Sundav. He its n crudu- home with her brother, Mr. Cba?. B. at0 0f th gtute university and ia now in t,,e Lincoln with typhoid fever ia re- Gregory. MiBS Gregory is well Known his father's bank at Seward. covering ana will soon be able to be out. in Lincoln society, and her return will . ' tB T p w-.k. l . ... u u 1 a ui. j.i Lmu iD-. nm Mies Lisaa Squires came down from . " a ?. Weeks baa issued in- be hailed with deiight by a large uum- ol..-.. -.i u. v tat ona for .. rAnRnMn . m. . .. ODwnra last uaiuiun; iu uiiiuuu IUU -.,... . mm, iUHTBO, graduation exercises of the Lincoln busi- wlto o' the new Unitarian minister, for at tho homo of Mrs. H. H. Miss Helen Harwood has returned from Chicago where she baa been visit ing for sometime. T I ... . ujuu parson wno baa been ill at ber of friends. J. H. Miller haB returned from Co lumbus, O , where ho attended a division of the National Educational association. Ho met President James II. Cantield while he was away and reports that Mrs. Canfiold and her daughter Dorothy are preparing to spend a year or so in Europe Quito a number of out of town people attended tho Sousa concert at tho Oliver last Friday niht. Among them wero: Mrs. C. S. Shermun of Crete. Mr. Har ry B. Groves of Plattsmouth, Messrs. J. J. Thomas and Goroke of Seward. Mayor EtiBor of South Omaha, was in tho city a part of tho week. Ho came hero to attend tho sessions of tho legis lature and endeavor to dofeat tbo bill that proposes to annex South Omaha to her larger sister on tbe north, Tbe news from tho Philippines con cerning Lieutenant Burt Whedon's con valescence is very incouraging, Tbo shot he received was in the Heshy part of the thigh and as he is of strong phiiique, tbe wound is healing rapidly. Mr. Mobob L. Scudder arrived from this afternoon. ness collegn Mr. H. E. Gingery, haB resigned his position, and will go to Valpa raiso Boon to engage in business. Mr. Gingery has a host of friaada who are averse to his leaving the city. Mre. II. Percy Silver is visiting her friends in the city. mother, Mrs. So wall. Mr. and Mrs. Sil- yt anij jrB vor win mawe ineir nome in umana, whore Mr. Silver haB been called to tbe rectorship of tho church of the Good Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Ferris have re moved to Ashland, where Mr. Ferris Mr. Burr Latta left Tuesday for bis home in Tekamah, where he will visit for a fow days. Lieut. Townley left Tuesday noon for " xorKaner spending a week with Edward Macori will leave for the east soon to mako a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller have re' turned from a visit of a month's dura tion on the Pacltic coast. ,, Mre. Margaret L. Sabin hiB trono K 1 . 1 . ' wll occupy tho pulpit in tho BaptiBt nica8o to remain for a short time. church. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris have been Mrs. S. M. Walker, State president of diligent workers in the First Baptist the W. O. T. U , is quite ill. cnurcn or mis city ana meir removal will be felt severely. Mayor EnBor of South Omaha headed a delegation of prominent business men this week and cama to Lincoln to protest against legislation that has in view the consolidation of South Omaha with Omaha. Tho members of the Palladian aud Union literary societies of the state uni- Dtntist Hill, over Miller & Paine. The members of Alpha Theta Chi fra ternity have issued invitations for a dance this evening at Walsh's halli It is to be an informal affair. , Will Hay ward came up from Nebraska City Wednesday and spent the day and evening in the city. K Mathew Gering, the well known at-