The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 04, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    the coir; c
l3iof ecBsioiictl Dli'eotoiy.
Ron CM
It - - t ij I OIIIco rooms 18-19, 1 10 to 13 n.
Tr. O. O. Reynolds imrr moeic at5p.i
I lt. S5I8Q dt ) Suii.UU
omco mft IW. L. Dayton, M. D. I onico.iaroo at no to 1
I Digrasoii of Eyo, Km, w-i null Tliront j Koh. 181 0 Btroot J2:30 toSp
gocial and Pergonal
! Dr. 8. E. Cook
f Eyo, Eur, Nobo nnd Thront
1 2-fi p in
II mn
121R O St.
Jlllco 018
co 018 J t t j -n t n I O
mi Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey
07i. i " He
Olllco, ZolirutiK Ulock V to 10 a in
nulllmirp. 1M:i C, atrnnl ' to 1 .. ...
KvonliiRB, by nppolntiuont. Stindny'a 12 to 1 p, in, anil liy appointment.
IDr. J.B. Triokey,
f Rofractioniflt only
OfTico, 1035 O stroot.
10 to 12 a.
I to 4 p. in.
ico Kw.lLouls N. Wente3.D.S.Rr1rfJloJJkS
) ( bo lltli stroot. )
0WJjDr. F. D. Sherwin
I Ofllco, room 10 Hurr Hlk ) 0 to 12 a in
Hob. 8.12(1 Q at j I
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
to p.
The Courier would recommend that
you see the
If you want the best coal for domestic use.
1OO0 O St. TN-1 105
Just Received a Fresh Line of
Guixtlieir's Famous Otii'
Chocolates and BonBons
(Under Funke Opera House)
l . 4.i. Jl. 11 . . 1L
j ivjcui u livjcm .
(SuccesBorB to Sutton & Hollowbueh.)
Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681
LWo have the only oyster parlor in tho city. Call and boo for yourself .
""" 0 W W0O0ft I
f 0 00 IH0000 OOWOOWm 0CO00
.U"Ji 1
' II I
f li ;(, ,
!"1'i . J.'
:..i -i-.v
Today we will place on sale
in our linen department one
case of large size white cro
cheted quilts, worth 85c each,
all of them have sliirht imnpr-
PROPWP'nirn fc.cti"ns' but ;irc 110t damaged
CIvOCHE-TfcD to affect their wearing- quali
ties; winie they last your choice
for 59c each.
At the same time we will
offer excellent values at $1.00,
SI. 25 and $1.50. A superior
line of fringed crocheted quilts
$1.25 to $5.00.
lu. i
'III t
-Hi t.Ir,.,
fllid li ni'il in 'il'fVI li' lip I I
X I .v Mi. '! t-iv i ,
lllll I.J ".Mil - - T I i I
now y. ii'.'ii'i.n
nu ni'ioi ) ..
ii m: II-jiM'ijI ". i
Ziyu ioi( l in t
j -
Lent certainly econn to have fallen
upon Lincoln socioty this week, for thoro
has been a dearth of entertaining, and
parties have buen almost unknown. Tho
cdUI. too, has had its effect, and it has
kopt many in doors. Thoro have been
many little inconsequential gatherings,
but tho larger functions havo not beon
hold. A few things havo boon promul
gated for now next week, and furthor in
thofu'ure are more parties. But this
week well it has been insufferably dull.
Liko a knot, of gay ribbon was tho
party given in this gray week at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates. Tues
day evening. It wjib in honor of Lieu
tonant Ilalsey YateB, who is homo on a
short furlough, and tho guostB wore all
of tho married 6ot. Tho houso was
beautiful with a profusion of carnations
that spilled fragranco and beauty every
where. Tho guests wero seated in tho
lower parlors for four handed eucbro
and spirited games woro played, MrB.
A. S. Raymond showing the most skill
among tho ladies, and Mr. E. E. Drown
among tho gentlemen. After cards tho
company adjourned to the billiard room
on tbo second iloor, whoro refreshments
of an elaborate order wero served. Tiny
table?, beautifully decorated, were Beat
tored through tho room and tho room
was lighted with candelabra. Tho
guests found their places at the tables
by little cards with their names printod
thoreon. Thoro woro fifty-eight guests
present to enjoy tho cordial hospitality
of Mr. and Mrs. Yates and to greet again
their young friend, Lleutonant Yates,
who hae a groat many friends in tho
Miss Florenco Putnam gave u very gay
little party Wednesday evening at her
beautiful homo. The young people woro
ushered into rooms fragrant with cut
(lowers and brilliant with lights whoro
they spent an evening of much enjoy
ment. The amusement for tho evening
was progressive oufchre, and when tho
games were ovor it was found that Miss
Hollowbueh had won tho prize for the
ladies and Mr. Sawyer that for the
gentlemen. The guests wero then seat
ed at the dining table whoro a dainty
luncheon was sorvod. The guests woro:
Misses Mulry of New York, Hand, Oak
ley, Hollowbush, Welch, Cochrane, Ray
mond, Grogory, Harrison. Hargroavos;
Messrs. Ed and John Butler, Gregory,
Walsh, Edmiston, Bartlott, Sawyer, Tu
koy, Baldwin, Yates, Wbito, Raymond,
Joyce, Honeywell, Hurlbut, Hayes, Sher
man, Smith.
Mrs. II. II. Wheeler gave a luncheon
Monday, which is spoken of as boing un
usually elegant, in honor, of her guost,
Mies Emma Van Sickle. Tho decora
tions wore asparagus feniB and tho pur
plo nnd yellow Mowers of spring. Thoso
present wero Mesdamoa BeoBon, Groon,
Greono, Burr and Burr, Stunrt, Leonard,
Dorr; Misses Irwin and Van Sickle.
Miss Van Sickle loaves tomorrow for
Omaha where Bhe is visiting hor eistor,
Mrs. Duvid Uaum.
Monday night the boxes woro filled at
tho Oliver with parties to boo tho pre
sentation of "Ruy Bias," by momburs of
the Nebraska nchool of oratory. Tho
following occupied boxes: Governor
and Mrs. Pov titer, Eon and daughter;
Dr. and Mrs. Wharton; Mesdamas Til-
ton, Taylor, Briggs and Master Briggs;
Dr. and MrB. Dorris; Dr. Paine; Chan
cellor and Mrs. MncLean; Dr. nnd Mrs.
Link; Mrs. Maggi, Mr. and Mrs. Gates,
Adjutant General Barry; Dr. and Mrs.
Rowlands; Dr nnd Mrs. Hindman; Mr.
and Mrs. Proscott and family; Mr. and
Mrs. BuckBtnff entertained Mrs. Love
land of Saginaw, Mich , Lieut. Townley.
MotsrB. and Mesdames Wilson, Hirdy,
Stovone, Holm, Munger and Mrs. Prank
Chaplain and Mrs. Henry Masterman
celebrated tho fifty fourth anniverjary
of their wedding day last Sunday by
giving a dinner to members of their
family. Thoro woro four generations of
MastormatiB proaont, nnd the old couple
woro very happy, surrounded by their, grand children and great-grund-childron.
Chaplain Masterman is
widly known in G. A. R. circles, whete
he is a familiar figure at all Gatherings
of old eoldiors. Ho has officiated at a
very largo number cf funeralB or Grand
Army men within tho period of his office
as chaplain. Both Mr. and Mrs. Master
man havo a very wide circle or friends
who feol for them a hoarty affection.
Mr. O. A. Mohronstecher who has for
some years been in busineB9 as a part of
tho firm of Herpolshoimor & Co., has
withdrawn from the firm by mutual
consent and will go oast soon. Ho haB
not yet determined whether he will go
to New York, whoro he has Borne very
Uattoring offers, or to Quincy, III., whoro
his brother in-law and father-in-law are
in business. The departure of Mr. and
Mrs, MohrenBlochor is very deeply re
gretted by Lincoln society, which appro
ciates their unusual charm very jeal
ously. Mr. N. N. Hawley of Lincoln, and
MIfb Ida May Reynolds wero married at
Raymond, February 21st, at tha home
of Mr. C. S. Cadwallader. The bride
was attended by Miss Madgo Cadwalla
der. Rev. S. W. Embroo of Lincoln, of
ficiated. Tho bride wore whito silk ' and
carried brido roseB. Artor tho ceremony
the guests enjoyed a delightful wedding
dinnor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hawley will re
sldo on Walmut Grove farm, five milea
south of Lincoln.
Miss Mario Hoover has returned from
a live month's visit in Denver where her
playing wnB much appreciated. All the
Denver papers gave her very flattering
notices. This from tho Denver Repub
licun is selected:
Tho concert of tho TueBday Musical
dub on Tuesday, for its associate mom
borB, was one of tho events or tho week
in musical circles. The nroeram ntwi
od a delightful poop IntSTe mStaS
tho period from 1800 to 1850. "charm
ing foaturo was tho nlavlni nf mi
Marie Hoover of Lincoln, Nobr who
since her arrival in Denver a row months
ago, sooms at onco to havn fn.,r.,i i i
tilled a place in tho club "'sho has been
a great ravor to and tho Tsday Musi
cal club was loath to part with her do
ing bo only in tho hope that 8he 'nfav'
soon return to Denver to LT y
aw1? wub & ss;Ln a;
Jorth 1 altering comment from oil who
have tho pleasuro of heurinv W JLtlt
club is anxious to havo "S u ZTl
Phinist come into tho regular member8
Thoro wan a delightful dance last
night at Turpi dancing aZ?mylR
which tho members of the different fra
torn.tiosof tho university mingled in a