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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1899)
inm : fP.&&!mVSmswvm-tL BP. 11! THE COURIER. broken Swedish that he folt like kick ing himself ovory timo ho tried to apeak in English, hut ho was determined to BpoakforGod. ''I urn willing to ho a fool for Christ.a eako," was tho speaker's oxclamatlon. "I wub rescued as a brand from tho burning' continued tho speak er; "I was saved and I thank God for it. 1 waH tho most wicked man on earth. I hated my father and would have mur dered him if God had not saved mo from it. Now I am all changed and I am bo happy. I shall do all I can to convert othors. Over in Sweden whoro I wub born thoro woro Methodists who proach ed and ray father wont to hoar them, flo used to whip us children in every corner and was cross and ugly to us. But ho got converted and then he was good to us. Wo had a church over thoro with seventy membors and ovory ono of them wont to church overy Sunday and also wont to prayer meeting. I tell you we had hot tunes then. Somo people say I am crazy," oxclaimod tho speaker with a vicious blow ut the tablo noar him, "but I am not; I am converted and I want alt of you sinners to come up and foe convortod too!1' and with this the air was filled with anions, hallolujauB and glory to Gods from tho soldiers on the platform. Boforo ho had reached his seat tho nudionio was singing a hymn to a popular air and ovory ono wub bwuj' ing back and forth in oxcitomont. Some woro clapping thoir hands to keop timo with tho music. The wan who bad presided over tho meeting again took tho tloor and ex horted tho people to (loo from the wrath to come. Ho depicted tho horrors of hell yawning before them and cried out that there wbb a through train to heaven and tickots could be obtained there by all who wanted to go. He callod upon all those present to "testify" and ono man got up to talk. He said he was .not a Christian but wanted to bo. Ho said he was a gambler and had boon for seven years. He wanted the prayers of those present to aid him in breaking away from hiH ovil habits. This called forth volleyB of anions and blosB tho Lords, and ho But down as a hero might, tho center of attraction for tho rest of tho evening. Others rolatod their experiences. Somo wero "on tho way,' somo had boon "back Bliding" and all wanted to go to hoavon. The leader prayod again that "the dumb Christians might have their mouthB opened," and one of the sisters interpolated "yes Lord, let them get thoir long clothes otf and get to work." There was more singing and then the meeting broke up. Tho miserable audience straggled out into the wintry night. There wero a few curses heard about the door; titters from girls as they heard the harsh word and then there wrb silence. One of tho soldiers remaining behind, closed the stove, turned out toe gaB and locked the door, and tho meeting was over. The Nebraska Sanitarium. T Located at College View, Ncbr., offers the following- inducements to the tired and suffering- public who are seeking- Health, Rest and Comfort: HE institution is situated on an olo vatod site, overlooking tho city of Lincoln, which lies throe miles to tho northwest, and with which it is connected by an electric etroot rail way. Ono of tho moBt houltby locations bo twoon tho Mississippi River and tho Rocky Mountains. A well-regulated institution for tho treatment of all chronic disoasoB. Water of unusual purity. BathB of every desctiption, including tho ElectriC'light batb. Scientifically classified dietary. Laboratory of hygiene for bacteriologi cal and microscopical investigation. Stomach fluids analyzed for dyspep tics. Asoptic operating rooms and surgical wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with large oxperionce in sanitarium medical work. Trained nurses of both sexes. Skillful attention given to the treat ment of Diseases of tho Stomach and Digestive System. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and Lun?B. Diseases peculiar to women. BeBt of advantages for tho treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur able and offensive pationtB not rocoived. ThiB Institution also has recently op oned a city branch ofllce and treatmen roomB in the Halter block, southeast corner 13th and P streets, Lincoln. A fine new electric light bath cabinet in city ofllce rooms. For circulars giving rates and further information, addresB, NEBRASKA SANITARIUM, Colleoe View, Nebraska. BEST 3 and Shoes on Earth. Sole CUSHION SHOE. for Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoe. ag-ents IB I 0 1043 O Street. DR. LBONHARDT'S Cures Constlpatioti, Billiousncss, nervousness and the pih habit. Action not followed by costive nose, Doubt it? Try it. Sample free. Druggists, 23c, or address ANTI-PILL CO , Lincoln, Neb QUICKEST TIME EVER MADE. fl mww It 9?nl 'JJLW tSJJt H llH.P tfflQB Mr BUR BROS M LINCOLN, NEB., MAKERS. Patronize home industry. Made in Nebraska. We refer you to State 081 a, Banks and Express companies of Lincoln, and thousands using our Ranges. Special attention given hotel and restaurant outfits. I MMMMMMMMIMMMMMMMMMMttMMMMMMMMHMMIIMMMIM P1ETCHER, O Mitioe Adcc&t 13 1 lie Home Adacle A.l3aol1rt.ol3r Ptaxe I 1 0 Souo moommm FMTCHKR'S GROCERY South Ninth Street. 'Phone 497. MIMMMMMMMMMMIMtmMHIMeOHMMHIMHIMIMCM J. H. RKHOrvM. Hello 738. 930 P Street. Pays highest prices for good second hand furni ture and stoves and will give you in exchange any thing new for your old. Commencing January 15th the Great Rock Island's "Colorado Flyer" having Lincoln at 8:20 daily, will make connec tions at Colorado Springs with new fast trains to Salt Lake City and Portland. Oregon, arriving at Northwest Pacific Coast points thirteen (13) hours quicker and earlier than ever before. Only 70 hours to Portlaud, Oregon from Lincoln now. Think of it! BE GOOD TO YOUR HOME-BUY A NEW LINCOLN STEEL RANGE and please your dear wife and family. Warranted the . most perfect cooking stove made. We use the very best cold rollod patent leveled steel, and line every Rango with asbestos and steel, which makes it impos sible to set tiro to your tloor. They are handsome, at tractive, up-to-dato in pattorn and design, full nickel trimmed, will burn any Klna oiruel will last a lifet'me. Made on honor, sold on merit. This b why we call them the "best on kahth." It your dealer does not handle them he makes a great mistake Write to us and we will provide a way for you to buy ono at a reasonable price. wxsssaot i TV jl a.iljji.r i . r .. i ... W xjoii x iorge. mat tne iresnest iruits ana vegetables are the healthiest, especially at this time of the year. Al ways to be had at ?. m. sir ixz GOOD LUCK GROCERY TELEPHONE 626, 1107 O STREET. X&iXB&B 8IXSXi?X5XX X3X4&&S--X93 NEBRASKA WE8LYAN UNIVERSITY I CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ONE OP THE LARGEST SCHOOLS OP MUSIC IN THE WEST AND THE NUMBER OP PUPILS CONSTANTS INCREASING. ONE SEA SON FOR THIS LARGE INCREASE IS THAT THE METHODS OPjS STRUCTION IN USE HERE ARE THOSE OP THE BEST EUROPEAN CONSERVATORIES, BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCED IN THE MOST THOROUGH AND RAPID MANNER POSSIBLE. AND iftE NEVER ObLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SEVERAL TIMES. AS IS OFTEN THE CASE BECAUSE OF I 'RoPERijE STRUCTION. -"wjuk i- EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC, VOCAL, INSTRUMENTAL AND THE ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES SEND FOR CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFORMATION TO 0REN E. LOCKE, Director, University Place. Nebr. 5 I NCX H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Wtiltlns'a Fine Stationery and Calling Cards C ? TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due con. Bideration (mould bo given to the amount of time spent in making your journey. Tho Union Pacific is the beet line and makes the fastest timo by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cali fornia points. i' or time tables, folders. ll.trt.r - ww -.-,, j. .....w ..U1UD, lumens, wuBiraiec 127 S. Eleventh Street I .. B' PamPh,etB descriptive of the ter Zlrll -o ' rltory trve'Bd. call at City Ofllce, 10 J UBl- E. B. Blossom, Gen, Agent. PHONE 68 mKMM ' v. 1 X K M ju !$ & f