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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1899)
--.1 THE COURIER. II A -i X First publication, Feb. .11 In the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. NOTICE TO NON RESIDENTS. II. . Lau Co., incorporated, plain tiff, vs. Elizabeth IJtirllngame, llattle Clide, Edward Clidc, ot iil.,dofeiidunts. The above natned defendants will take notice that on the 12th day of December, 1808, H. P. Lau Co, plain tilF herein, Hied a petition in the Dis trict Court of Lancaster County, Ne braska, against said defendants, the object and purpose of which are to foreclose certain tax liens for stun of 888.00 and a certain mortgage executed by Elizabeth Uurlingiimo and Sher man, Albert II.. Frank, Edna and Walter lUirlingame to IIuiib P Lau, upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section six, town ship eight, north range live east, In Lancaster County, Nebraska, to secure the pavmentof a certain promissory note, dated October 14th, 1895, for the sum of 8403.48, due and payable in two years from date thereof; that there Is now due and payable upon said note and mortgage the sum of 8554.00 with interest from this date at rate of ten per cent. Plaintiff prays for a decree that defendant be re quired to pay the same, or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount due. and for general relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of March, 1800. II. P Lau Co., Plain titr, By Willaiid E. Stkwaiit, Its Attorney. Dated this 3d day of February, 1899. SEND UNt. DOLLAR iV.-!&Bnss;Bi!iM Sffl ivlli iVi Hn llKiii nr ni o MeSiiir.,J.rfSii,.yJ2l,fct,,r Rmt ,,, "HAMIIkHT HAHUAIft YOU HATS v th " I roau JVent 0UR SPECIAL OFFER PR CE $55.00 reliiht chtirKe4, leu Uie ln,v me rauroau agent w Ono Dollnr 4ont With ord.r. $16.00 fjagSlBB , BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN OHICAOO, TO 4bMsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV "n ""m,r U"m tllt' tft material money van buy. While 111 'nBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW full m rnn Till ( riitntH... .. r $90.00 Y TflJ ,,,.rii.'?."ll;,."i "f 2l.oq. S2B.7S and $35 i"b T.ct BUGGIES JMm ifwi. fi'-i'.'"? ,0ir"' hf iimi'lilnery dealer, at 4IMX) to At l m H '5("JJ,",'r2l,1''n'f w'l1lyIvcrtlii'ilhy many at 431.00 to 400.00. SURREYS. i -iffraBTTW i -rfiaaaniaBBBBTi it i VyVKdr Vrv7Jv iiiiiv rMB' nnvKU v i- 4L. m?iWP.r.W..,?.,,.luo. ovor oro K lJWt8T NIK K Mill (JIOIMIUS THK llTHHiIV1IUT'AXIIKM!.T. Wo ninlnlaln ourowntlvo tory buuiry tactory for the nolo purpose of bullilltiiraml olllnif a lilCTTltn III Mir Til AN WK CAN HUT kl.SKWIirilR Mil la HAVK OIK First publication Mnrcli 4. 4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Alfred HoKHtadt, plnintllT.JvH. A brum Kotcliiun and Harali Childors. defendants, Tlio dofundaiits, Abrnin Kotcliutn and Sarali Childors, will tako notlco that on tlio 27th day of February, 1891. Alfred HoKatudt, tlio plain tiff, Med bis potition in tho district court ot Lancaster county, Nobrnska, nuainst Abrnin Ketcliain and Sarah ChildorH, tlio object and prayor of which aro to forocloao u certain rnort Kuko exocutod by tho dofondants, A brain Kot chain and Emma J. Kotcliam, tc tlm plaintiff upon lot iiumbor six, in block numborfour, and twenty foot off from tho south sidn of lot num ber five, in block nuinbor four, bnine twenty foot by two hundrod and twenty-four (more or less) in dimension, all in South Park addition to Lincoln, Lancaster county . Nebraska, to se cure, tho vayiuont nf ono tiroinlssory note dated December Bird, 169:1. for tlio sum of $J50 00, and duo nud payable, in five years from the dato thoreof ; that thoro is now duo mid unpaid upon said unto and mortKaKC tho sum of fcWO.OO, for which sum, with interest from this date, the plaintiff' prays for n decroo of foreclosure and sale of said promises. You aro required to un swer said petition on or bo fore tho 15th day ot April, 1899. Dated March 4, 1899. Alfred Hourtadt. By his attorney, D. J. Flaherty, lUMM Mc- Murtry Block. Personally Conducted Excur sions to Leave Chicago every Thursday v ia Coloiado and Scenic Route to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Southern Route leaves Chicago every Tuesday via KansaB City, Ft. Worth and El Paso to Loe Angeles. These Excursions Care are attached to Fast Pasengor trains and their popu larity is evidence that we offer the best. Accompany these excursion and save money for the lowest rate tickets are available in these popular Pullman Tourist cars. For full description of this service and the benefits given its patrons, see your local ticket agent or address JOHN 8EBABTIAN. G. P. A. Ch'go, Il. FRANK H. Barnes. G. P. A., Uth,and U Streota, Lincoln, Nebr. CLHrilKKIIH RNlAITI IIUIM.niOflT. Every Buggy We Malta la Guaranteed Five Veara and They Will out wear Flva Ordinary Factory Riga THE MATERIAL AND lalOt IM BUS ACUr nutty 'cost iorf lhn doubt that In the ordinary factory ""KKJ "" "" V'.v.r t-llfflliuu UIOlll. aOlllf 110 90ccntweuca4l.Ohcadllnlnir.auinouaolOreiit, wo uao J4 teal leather, tome una I cent) Weinman, Ml coloraand varnlalica.HoiueuauJlccnt andtl.UO WE PAY ALMOST DOUBLE the price moat nuikeri ACME QUEEN. (OUR OWN MAKE.) KWWftViWaSSnuSJVla bodies are In rl.llo OUR ACME QUEEN, wil4,l"a. S35. 00 BARELY COVERS COST of mateiiuland labor, leaving ua theamalleat profit Imairnml le, but we are building 70bu.fiKioa adnyancl to atlvortlso our buggy factory wo aro wllllm: toMKM.fllKMON l.ooi'UOriTKAUI. Wo know 470.00 dully protlton 70buitgte4 will aatl.ry ua, advertlio ua oven w hero and build up the LAROE8TBUQQYBUBINEBB IN THE WORLD. ' THE ACME QUEEN e build In narrow or wide track, cloth or leather trimmed, end spring, Imired leather quarter top. mIi panel back, prln(rnllilincl-,lrillirr rotrrrd Hems and Null, HUpt, Vflifl r.rprl, body. 21x31 Indict, No 1 Sarven' patent screwed rim wheel ptlnlrd In 10 coal, body black, trrarilarl. Rreen with very delicate modet attlpina. complete with aim ft, able and back curtain boot atoitn union and anil miller amdahafts. Polr, Nrdtfokr and WhinirlrrMla plare of hnfl.. fl.ti etra. Ill KIV WKIIIIIN 40(1 1'Ol'flim and Hit fralakl will attract for 1100 aillti, 42.001 100 tailra, 4'J.lll 400 mllr. 3, III 400 mllra, M.IIOi 1,000 nllrt, 48.00. SpajK ONP BOLLAIt wltl y(M,r "r,lor' nR "I '"IK i "" u r Voa H.f,lT and qBITI' IC iyvtja4,W if Rntlaractory. pay tho railroad aireut balance. 4a.oii ami frilfhltbariri, otherwise pav not iilnir and the aiten twill return buiruv at our eipencc and we will return you i II flu DON'T BUY A CHEAP FACTORY BUOOY now oT nlmo-t excliiMvely by all Machinery Denlera and Catalogue Houea BUY THE BEST BUCCV MONEY CAN BUM-P' direct from tho Mnkor at tho LOWEHT PRICE EVER KNOWN. ORDER TO DAY. DOrTT DELAY . WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCV, CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CATALOGUE. Adare..S EARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). CHICAGO, ILL. We nave just put in a complete Btock of Mrs. Oorvaieo Gralmm's excollon preparations, including her celebrated Hair Restorer, Cactic's Hair Grower, Cu cumber and Elder Flour (Jroum.Hnd variouj facial remedies. Visit tho DEM ONSTRATION there this week. Free treatmentB and froo applications givon also fre samples and booklet "How to Be Beautiful'" Special exhibit of Mrs Graham's Hydro Vacu, tho latest and most eclentitic Invention for treating the face. PALACE BEAUTIFUL Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th 40 .aH BL!aaBBBWjV 4bbbbbbbb1 afaaBBBBBBBaiaBBaBW4BBt I ' 4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK aBBBBBBBBBBBVjam I aBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBa 4aaaaaalll4aaaBI I. JaBBBaBBBaVlll. taWV' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafaMJtVf iaaaaaNllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSSHaV KBBBBaf Wl 7k BBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBKafalpW YBiI- SBaaHLWBilllllVillllllBlLn -W laBBBBBBBBBBBW aBBat1 aatftVOR BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT atfCTTTTaBBBBBBBBBBBBBkBBK News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SVlH Alone Contains Both. Daily, by mail $6 a yeai Daily and Sunday by mail $9 a year T SUttoM SVlH is the greatest daily newspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun, New York. SEND US ONE DOLLAR .fflff aw lalttt allera hlfli-arada HKHKKVUIH III4L AND WUOU t (Mia HloYK, by frelKlit CO.!"., aubject to examination. r.xamuiH 11 ai your freight deHt ond If round perfect ly aatlataetory .4 lki arraU.t Ht., BAK. UAI.H you ever raw or heanl tho fKdlUHT AUKNT our timui. fHIlK, $13,00 lens the 41, n'lit (th(' tier or SIS ml freluht charuea. KKxlRxll. toiiia4-.'x2Si iiiuUb from beat ulir Iron, extra latue fluea, heavy cover, heavy llnlnira and urate., lartte oven alielf, heavy tin-lined oven door, handaoine nickel-plated omainentatlon and trlminlnifx, extra lante deep, ttenulim 8laa4Ua rt lala HbmI rarrwr. baud aunio lartre ornamented bane. Htl eaal karaer mUt, and we rurnlali fKHK an extra wood irrate, maklnic It a per feet m4 aanMT. TK ihsi'K A HIROIXUUI'AKAaTKkV with every atove and (fiiaranteo aafe delivery to your rail road itation. Your local dealar would cuartro you 4V5.O0 for auch a atovr, the frclitht la only about 41.40 for each Ml mile, a. w atn m al Uart IU.HO. Addreaa. EARS, ROEBUCK A CO.(INC.)CHIC00,llL (1 f,aaitaaU. 4w14nriMalyr.ll1.U1. I4Mar.) Half the world does not know bow the other halt lives. Well it is not because they do not try to Hod out. 4Wa4a"gaaBBBBBBBBBy SSpgHT ACME yiwr J bird. W V WHITKJ-OK OUR 1)1(1 FREE Vi STOVE CATALOGUE. Thla atove It .lie No. S.ovenW BKETOUES OF City LIFE- THE SALVATION ARMY. WII.MAM itKKDDUNltOYJ The meeting wuh hold in an old storo room. Tho wall paper waB discolored and cob webs hung in gr'iy fostoonsfrom ho ceiling. The gas lights flickered and cast dark shadows in tho corners and brought out tho Boddon and pallid faccB of the pooplo in tho room. On tho wuIIh wore brilliantly colorod plcturea showing Shadrach Moachac and Abed nego in tho llery furnuco, and other Uiblo scones in grotesque coloring. Thoro woro iliigB on tho walls and paper chainB hung from tho gasoliors. On tho platform sat tho soldiers. Thoro woro 11 vo women in blue uniforms and ono man with straps on his shoul ders, also Unused in tho blue uniform of tho army. They had banjoB and gui turB which they norvouBly thrummed whilo tho pooplo wore gathoring into tho hall. They all woro fanatical expres sions on tboir facoB and seemed alwaya nervously engaged in moving their foot up and down or toHbing their heads. At last tho room was about filled with a motley crowd of men, women and children. Thoro woro drunkards and gamblers; womon with bold and bruzon faces, and children with tho marks of vico already written anroEB thoir faces in unmistakable letters. Girls with cheap gowns and hats in gaudy colors; men with colorod collars and soiled linen, women in calico gowns; and all the faces were marked with vico and ovor all wan tho shadow of poverty like a pall, bar ring out from their lives all hope and all happiness, In ono teat sat a joung man with tho silly leer of a drunkard on biB faco. He looked boldly into tho faces of tho girls present, and every once in a while made Borne remark in a muttered tone which made those Bitting near him laugh do tiantly during the service. Before tho service began, a' party of young ladies who were out Hlumming came in acd occupied seats in a body. They were from an organization which has a Chris tian aim, but they carried an air of patronagoas they came into the room and held their dainty skirtB aloof from contact with the audience, their noses tilted in the air ready to laugh sljly at any outre remark or peculiar circum stance. When the audience was finally settled down, the leader gave a signal, and to the accompaniament of guitais out of tune, the whole assembly broke into a doggerel eoog to the tune of, "riot Time in the Old Town Tonight." The words were supposed to bereligioua in charac ter. However that may be the song went with a swing and a flourish that seemed to warm the very hearts of those present and the room was full of dis cordant sounds and the smell of beery breaths. The leader began to pray. He lifted his voice on high In a tremendous effort to make himself heard all over the sur sounding country. He pleaded and beg ged that the Lord would save the miser able sinnera before him. He cried aloud and became almost frenzied in bis peti tions before be closed. He said In bis prayer that there wene lost souls before him plunging down to hell; that they would leave this world and never have a chance to repent. He cried out ' that they might all turn and escape,the tires of hell. At the close of his prayer bis voice waa sounding through the room like the roar of a lion and the walla fair ly snook with his vehemence. When be closed there waa a moment of intense eilence, and then a small boy on one of the back seats cried out, "Hooray!" and there was a ripple of laughter in the hall. The preacher of the evening then mounted the platform. He waa 4 Swede newly converted, and full of the fire of enthusiasm, He wanted to convert the whole world at once. He aaid in his Si VaI n if. ' ft', V ', v r n