The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 25, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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This sale is remarkable for many things, chief among which is the utter absence of
unworthy goods. Every garment shown is as reliable as good material and honest
work can make it. We have been particularly careful in the selection of these goods
and offer none that we cannot recommend as the very best in the grade they repre
sent. The prices sneak for themselves.
ladies' plain muslin corset covers, finished
seams, button fxrxcX ouLtton. holes, all sisses, tlals
sale, each
LADIES' GOWNS Many pretty styles in E111--XT
pire gowns, low square neck, etc, all sizes, eachd""
Ladies' Empire gowns, insertion trimming", ruffle collar
each 29, 50, 65 and 75c.
Plain tucked yoke gowns, high and V neck, each 29c.
We show many exquisite styles in the the higher grade
goods, prices range upward from 69c to $1.25. Strict
ly high class goods rarge upward from $1.50 to $8.00,
LADIES' CHEMISES Ladies' muslin chemises
trimmed in embroidery, corded, short style, each 2jj)C
Ladies' long chemises, full length, richly trim
med yoke and armholes, finished at bottom
with cambric ruffle, each . . . 5C
Higher grade novelties in exquisite;styles up
ward to .
12 I-2C
quality, plain corset covers, each
Cambric corset covers, French full style, lace
trimmed; also tight fitting styles, with low
and V necks, embroidery trimmed, all sizes 2C
Ladies' cambric corset covers, all the late styles
trimmed at neck and sleeves iu lace insertion
and embroidery, beautiful assortment, eacn 5
LADIES' DRAWERS Ladies'umbrella draw
ers, fine cambric ruffle, also lace edged cam
bric ruffle, all sizes, open and closed, per pair. 2C
Fine cambric umbrella drawers, trimmed with embroid
ery and muslin drawers trimmed with lace and em
broidery cambric ruffle, a pair 50c.
Umbrella drawers, high grade styles, made of muslin,
cambric and nainsook, choicest lace and embroidery
trimming, prices range upward from 69c to $3.26.
LADIES' SKIRTS Muslin skirts with clus
ters of tucks, each . 2C
Muslin skirts trimmed with tucked cambric ruffle, also
full umbrella ruffle with cluster of tucks, each 50c.
Ladies' novelty skirts in the very latest styles, among
them being the 4 'circle flounce," etc. Many beauti
fully trimmed umbrella skirts, prices range $1 to $15.
drawers, best muslin, trimmed in clusters of
tucks, extension bands, upward from a pair IOC
Same as above with fine embroidery edge, up
ward lrom, a pair 20C
Children's gowns, best of muslin, tucked yoke, full sizes
each 37c and 50c. Children's gowns trimmed with
insertion and embroidery, full sizes, each 50c and 65c.
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Yates for tboir eon, Lieut. H. 0. Yates,
of West Point. The bouse was adorned
with an abundance of cut flowers
and other decorations, and the presence
of rauny handsome young ladies and
gentlemen mado the scono one of much
boauty. Tho first part of the evening
was given to ccrds, and tables were
strewn through the rooms for the games.
Afterwards dancing was indulged in by
the young people to music furnished
by a melodious orchostra. Refresh
ments wore served during tho evening.
One of tho greatest pleasures of the
evening was tho greeting by Liout. Yates
of his many friends who have not seen
him for somo time. He has but recently
graduated from West Point, nnd will in
all llkolihood remain in Lincoln but a
week. It is hinted that ho may be call
ed to Santiago shortly.
Mr. J. 0. Soacrost has returned from
Now York where ho wint to attend tho
mooting of tho American Newspnper
PubMehorB' Association, Tho members
of tho association had a hard timo in
reaching the city for tho meeting, on ac
count uf tho storm, then raging. Mr.
Soacrest was compelled to stop over in
Buffalo and tho Buffalo News had the
fallowing to say in regard to tho mat
tor: "With all New England in the
grasp of ice, General Taylor of tho Bos
ton Globe, tho wittiest orator of tho as
Bbciatioo, stays closo to bis pork and
beans, while the Adonis of tho western
delegation, Mr. J. C. Soacre6t was forced
toBtop over in BufTalo to enjoy our lawn
fetoe, moonlight excursions on tho river,
and tho general warmth which prevails
hero, lio read tho newspapers of De
troit, but owing to tho groat frost of the
bicentenary, which chilled him so badly
ho said to tho conductor, 'Put mo off at
Tho members of the Lincoln club en
jojod a novel and amusing party Thurs
day evening at Lincoln Light Infantry
hall. It was called a poverty party and
the guests wero all required to come in
rags and tags. Any ono appearing In
"store clothes," waB flnod if ho or she
tried to dance. Somo of the costumes
were grotesque and very comical. Mr.
Plamondon and Miss Sholdon led tho
grand march. An orchestra furnish
ed the music for tho occasion. Punches
and ices wero served from old crocks in
tin dippers. There were no chairs in
the room and the guests bad to seat
themselves on tho floor. Tho programs
wero printed on pasteboard cigar cases.
About forty couple wore present and on.
joyed the dance thoroughly.
A delightful bauquot was given in tho
ordinary of the Lincoln hotel Thureday
night complimentary to Dr. George II.
Simmons who will leave in a few days
to take tho responsible position of editor
on the Journal of the American Medical
association. Dr. Garten acted as toast
master, introducing the speakers with
witty stories. The speakers wero: Doc
tors Mitchell, Bridges, Christie, Stone,
Winnett, Lowrie, Lord of Omaha; Greon
of University Place; Wilkinson, Holyoko
and Simmons. Dr. Simmons made a
speech of thanks in conclusion
Tho members of chapter K P. E. O.
gave a delightful reception at tho homo
of Mrs. O'Connoll, North 14th street, on
Friday afternoon, for Mrs. Barbor, state
inspector for tho eocioty. Members of
tho society wero the only ones presant;
aftor inspection by the officer the guests
enjoyed tho afternoon greatly. The
rooms wero decorated with tho colors of
the organization, yellow and white, and
cut flowers wero in abundance. Re
freehmentB of a dainty nature were
Dr. and Mre. Edgrea have issued in
vitations for an "at home" for the mem
bere of tho Nebraska Folklore society
for Wednesday evening, March 1st, at
H40 Q street. The program will con
sist of a motamorphopis of an eastern
talo, "King Robert of Sicily," by Dr A
F. Edgren; "Folklore of the Georgia
Negro," and readings from Joel Chand
lor Harris, by Mr. John Randolph.
The announcement cards have been
recoived in this city of the wedding of
Mr. Joseph Grainger of Lincoln, to Miss
Elsie, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Webster at Hoaton Moor, Stockport'
England . The wedding took place Febl