8 THE COURIER. Sheldon, Kirkor, Graham, Getnor, Cow dory, Whitmoro, Richurdp, Douglus, Wirt, Marfan, Vanell, Doweo3e. Mue fnrhnd and Muofurland; MosBrs Marlay, Rcod, RiokottB, Konnard, Saunders.Tur pin, DavidBon, Paino, Folsom, Sheldon, Whitmoro, Whipple, Pound, Mnttson, Smith and Smith, O. and W. Clark. Mrs. C. W. Chambers ontortainod vory delightfully Tuesday afternoon at a bundle- party. Tho Iioubo was lighted with lumps and candles with red bIih'Jch which gave a mollow and pleasing light. In a room decoratod with American bouti ty roseH, violets and tiny rod hoarte. Mies Grilllth sorvod toa to tho guoBtB ub thoy arrived. Meteor tobcb and rod hoartfl adorned tho parlor and tho back purlor had carnationB for adornment. Each lady whb proaonted a small ho'irt with n: numbcrB on it. A tablo with a largo numbor of bundles on it whb plac ed whoro ouch one of tho gueBta hud to toll what tho bundles contulnod by fool ing of them. Mrs. Campboll and Mrs. Parker gucEbcd tho largest numbor and woro givon tho royal prios, whilo Mtb. Pro3ton and Mrs. Wobstor wort consoled with tho loBBor prizes. An olaborato 5 o'clock luncheon wub sorvod whero ovorything was in heart ehnpo. Ench of tho guostB woro presented with heart ehupod cards as souvonirB. Mrs. Cham bora was assisted by Missos Ashman, Dalby, Polk, Chambers, Spoars and Spears. Tho guoBts wero: Mosdames Uabeock, Hillmoyer, Cundy, Cook, Dal by, Grainger, Grifllth, Hull, Hindman, Hodgmun, Howell, Jonee, JVlcCreery, Mungor, Parker, Plummor, Polk, Row ick, Scott, Van Brunt, Ward, Webator. Wilkinson, Munger, Pitcbor, Patrick, Yates, MucLean. Clark, ReeBo, Spoars, MohrenBtecher, Brown, Link, Preston, Wooacor, Saylor, Cumpbell, Campboll, Richards, Richarde, Turner, Tumor, Work of Soward, Foss of Croto. and Kespobl of Quincy, III. Mies Rose Carson was initiated into Kappa Alpha Thota last Saturday after noon ut ho homo of Mi6B Emily Weeks. In tho evening tho third unnual banquet of the sorority wub givon at tho samo place Misses Dement, Bonnoll und Bail of Chicago, woro guests of honor. Miss Getnor was toast mistress and her witty introductions brought forth witty responcoH. The toaBtB wero, "Tho girls of 70," Mias Randall; "Wo, as wo were," Misa Weeks; "We, hb wo are," Miss Har por; "Wo, ar wo ought to bo," Misa Van cil; "We, as wo will be," Miss Douglas; "We, KB our alumnao wish us to bo," Mrs. Ansloy; "Our Seniors,' Mi6s Wig gonhorn; "Two points of view, within, without," Miss Brown; "Myself, tho lat OBt," MieB Carson"Ono later etill Miss Wirt; "Tho appenduro," MiBa Morgan. Mrs. Tobias Castor entertained a com puny ot ladies very delightfully Wed nesday iifternron. Th guests wero asked to draw tho picttiro of u monkoy upon a card anil mould from gum a fe line quadruped. Mrp. FgIboiii was finally awurded tho prize for mouU ing, ui d Mrs. Johnson for drawing CurdB wero in dulged in by Romo of tho ladies and others played games. Tho inviti d guests woro Meadamea Strelo and IIan;on of Fairbury, Munn of Wilbur, Whiting, Hammond, Stonebrakur, Ackermun, Fol fom, Gund, Scott, Biglor, Gribbon, Now brandt, Johnson, Christie, Humphrey, Bartrutr, Field, Luhr, Cnrter, Ilurlbut, Brown; Misses Franck, Crowley, Carter, Elliott and Van Buskirk. Mrs. Angio F. Nowman will Bturt for Manila next week. Any gifts that frionds of tho 6oldiors wish to send thorn eho will take froo. Sho goes ub un agont sent by tho war department at Wash ington to inspect the hospital service in charge of tho Whito Cross Eouiety in the Philippines. Tho preaidont of tho Whito Cross society accompanies her. Mrs. Nowman hua boon sent on several Biich missions and has boon vory suc cessful. She is an ideal voyagoure. Sho particularly requests that tha soldier presents be sent to her house early in tho week. Mrs. A. R. Talbot gave two housing tons this week for her sister, Mrs. Ham bloton. Tuesday and Wednesday after, noons she had about thirty guests. Tho decorations woro in honor of good old St, Valentino, and hearts woro tn bo Been everywhere. Motcor roBes were UBod to splendid advantage through tho rooms, and tho games woro concerning hearts. Tuesday afternoon Mesdiimefl Wheeler and Stearns won prizes, and on Wednesday MeBdamos lloutz and Gar ton woro winners. Dainty roftoahmontB wero served at each party and tho guests had a delightful time. MibB Nellie LaSello of Beatrice, was initiated into Kappa Kappa Gamma last Saturday mot ning at the homo of Miss Outcalt. In tho evening a banquet was enjoyed ut tho Lincoln hotel. Tho col ors of tho eorority woro used in decora tion with tho addition of American beauty roses. Tho present wero Mre. Wilson; MiEfleB Outcalt, Hargreaves, Raymond. HayoB, CropBoy, Whodon, Holbronk, Hammond, Houtz, RichardB, LaSollo, Bradt, Whiting. Lau, and Lau. M'ieb Mabel Barrick entertained a de lightful company lust Saturday ovon ing. Phonographic music Borved for amusement during tho evening and later progressive hearts was playod. Miss Armstrong won tho moBt gameB und MiaB Anthony tho fewest. Tho guoBts wore: Misses Edloman, Loeeo, Biltgon, WIIeou, Anthony, SbaetTor, Mo Greor, Armstrong, Doyle, I lowland, Er ford, Graham, Watson and Winterstoon of Fromont. Tlin Phi Gamma Doltu fraternity gavo a chafing dish party last Saturday even ing ut tho fraternity houso on Thir teenth and II streot. Curds und dune ing furnished amusement for the guests. Tho chiding dishes woro presided ovor by Mrs. Crancer, Misses Wattles and Burbor. Members of tho Haydon Art club lind it convenient to pay their unnual dues ami receive a season ticket for the ex hibition whicn is now boing held at tho university. Those who neglect this duty are forgetting tho object for which thoy joined tho club and tho valuub'o Borvico which this organization has ren dered tho community. Tho club as sumed tho maintenance of tho art de partment in tho university and depends upon tho exhibition to meet its en gagements. Mrs. Phillips entortttined tho mem bers of chapter K, P. E. O., Tuesday evening. Tho yellow and whito of tho club wero used in decoration and pro gressive hearts was pluyed. Tho part ners wero obiuLcd by shooting arrows nt valentines placed upon tho wall. Mrs. O'Connell and Mrp. Skidmoro won royal prices. Refreshments wero sorved dur ing tho evening. Mr. E. L. Richoson is assisted by Miss Mattio Mundorf in teaching fancy steps, btago dancing, fencing, otc. Children's clnB3, 2 to 4 o'clock, 82 for eight lessonB. Richeson'B Dancing academy, 1-11 South Twelfth Btreet, Mr Ed. Butler guvo u dinner ut tho tho Lincoln hotel Monday evoning in honor of George Floury, his guest from Milwaukee. The dinner whs solved in tho ordinary and ovory uppointmont wub elrgunt. Covers woro laid for Missos Oakley, Putnam, Burnham Hand; MeBarB. Fleury, Ruymond, C. v! Smith, Butler. After tho dinner tho compuuy occupiod u box to hoar tho Cameron concert. MiBB lone Molaon grvo u party Tuob duy ovoning in honor of St. Valentino's duy. Guessing gameB wore played and tho prizes woro won by MIbb Wolford m m m m m m 9 m m m 9 m m 9 m 9 m 9 m 9 9 9 9 m m m 9 m 9 m m m 9 m m m 9 9 9 m 9 9 m 9 m 9 m 9 i 9 9 a m m m m 9 m m m a a a m m 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Fitzgerald Dry Qoods Go. 1015:3-10120 O JSt. Unooln, Nebr. Spring is Here and We are Ready for It. A Cordial In vitation is Given to All to Call and Examine the New Spring- Goods. Dress Goods Dep't. Great care has been taken in selecting- the most choice fabrics shown bv American and foreign manufacturers. Never before have we shown as larg-c assortment of Crepons, Suitings, Mohairs, Poplins, Silk Warp Novel ties, Venetian cloths, Coverts, Cords, Etc. The many ladies who have had the opportunity of seeing- our enorm ous line of dress goods pronounce it the finest shown in the city, Come, look them over while the line is com plete and judge for yourself, it will cost you nothing-. We will save the earl' buyers money. That means you. New Dress Goods. 44 huh Tailor's Suitings, a beautiful new cloth for dresses and tailor-made suits in the new green, new grey, new brown, new blue, new castor, $1.35 a yard. 44 inch Fancy Cord in plain colors, a g-ood servicable cloth in navy blue and new green, $1.25 a yard. 40 inch Silk Warp Novelties, the handsomest line of fancy spring- goods ever shown. They are beauties, $1.25 a yard. 52 inch Venetian Suitings, a new plain cloth well fin ished, in new blue, new brown and New Grey, 9Sc a yard. 46 inch silk mixed suiting's for fancy spring- dresses, a large assortment of styles and colors, 98c a yard. 45 inch imported coverts, a real new cloth, in the very newest colors, ()8c a yard. 48 inch French Poplins, a good wcig'ht and serviceable fabric, a special value, 98c a yard. 46 inch Engdisl: Coverts, a splendid suiting- in blue and green mixed, blue and grey mixed, brown and tan mixed. This is a ba-igntin, 75c a yard. 40 inch Venetian, a handsome satin finished fabric, made from a fine quality of wool. We call your atten tion to this in particular. Colors, castor, new blue, new blue, new garnet, new brown and new green, 75c a yard. 44 inch English Covert, an all wool cloth at a great bargain. Colors, grey, brown, blue and tan, 49c a yard. 38-inch EngTish Covert, a different style cloth than the above. Colors the same, 49c a yard. 36 inch American Covert with the same effect of an ex p nsive cloth in good new colors, 25c a yard. NEW SILKS. ZEPI I ER GINGHAMS. nu wajst wi day. of our now idea will he pleased to 25 piecos .'i2 inch fine Zephor ging know that wo will show a largo num- hump, good quality, lfio a yard. bcr or fancy biw waist patterns, no two alike. Kememt coniainB oniy lour jams, tnnio piame, cnecKs, stripes, pluin,18c u yd. rimy muiiuiij uiuiiiui uuw j'ji wint choico. BLACK CREPONS. Tho largest URBortmeiit now com pleto, coiibiMh of everything that iB LINEN DEPARTMENT. Best cambric, a yard. .ic. infc solicia, a jard, 8joc. iuu couon canvaB, a yurd, fie. ; that jb 20c all linen cunvim. u vnri ir. now and Btliflh. Do not buy until 11 inch electric Hkirtimr nnmnH,'i.. i: i.i ...I :.. .. .!. .:. -ri "-"!, yiiu buu uui mi", j-jvi'ij jiuu in a eiiureij now, a yarn, J,)j, bargain. Prices from 10c to ftlfiO a J1 inch hair cloth, Alii yni. uiacturo, a yard, Jlsic. ing iiioncan man ic it it 5 ft 1 it J St it It it it it it it it It it it it it it y it it it it Wo tako this way to inform tho Madress and Cards HO newstilo iny ladies that tho row fancy eilk pattern?, Toil DoNord'aZenher innir. 5 patterns havo just an ived and uhidb, 10c a yard. 2 II boflhown for tho first tuno Mon 2.") pioceB .'2 inch MadroBH clnili Those that havo not learned 12Jr,c a yard. waiBt patterns, no 2." pioceB .'J2 inch lino Zopher, lino 2 nhor each peace MadreES CordB, a largo m-Bortmont of 5 nr ards. Como pluide, checks, stripes, pluin,18cu yd DON'T LEAVE THE STORE WITHOUT VISIT ING OUR LINEN DEPARTMENT. it it it it it it it v h y i Y ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftJIJUmjmH