THE com j, i. HAYDON: ART i Ob" UB I State University. SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBIT Oliilrtiren IOc Season or Meinbei' liii3 T iolcetas fl.OO. IholnrKornivcrHuliflt church with tho then sang a charming little Bong called logea for women existed, Elmira and i.-muuitlm.r. .y wriKiu ouwon in wwoothcart in rcsf.onso to un insistent Vaesar, Mount uiu cniiir. wkiiur iiicith en uio oriruni encore. Tim )i encore. The president intrndunnrl thn zation woro procont, including Rev. speaker of tho afternoon, saying that Anna II. Shaw of Philadelphia, Louisa oiron tho wouthor had shown its appro- Barnum RobbiriB of Adrian, Mich., Han- ciation of her proBnnco by its bright nah J. Bailey of Maine, and Helen Fin- wolcomo. Tho "two womon" of whom ioy Bristol of IllinoiB. Tho anti-Roborts she talked woro Maria Mitchell and liar- resolution was tho leading question of riot Il'isinor. dilTorenoo before tho council. A largo In tho opening eentoncos Mrs. Stouten delegation of tho best known mormon borough said that tho gooJ use of op women of Utah woro sent for tho avowed portunitieB is tho Becret of success, and purpoBo of (liscueeing this measure and that failure is too often tho rcBult of not if possiblo to defeat it. While tho anti making good uso of tho opportunities at Roberts faction waB determined to hand. Tho leBBon eonvoyod bv theso Holyoko being then only a seminary. Elmira's first gradua ting cluss numbered Eovontoen, whilo Vasaar's could boast only four learned young bachelors of art. Today a singlo class of ViiFsar numbers over 200 stu dents, and, notwithstanding tho erection in 189;i of Strong hall, and in 1897 of Raymond hall, both largo dormitories, also tho additional accomodations pro vided in the main building by tho re cont erection of Rockefeller recitation hall, and the president's and several pro fessors houses, another now dormitory achieve the defeat of tho polygamist two lives is that continuity of purpoBe, must bo built at onco to make room for membors-eloct from Utah. industry, and determination can over- tho candidates constantly applying for como Boominiilv unstirinmintnhln nti. a.l..,.'oa;nr. ai i,: ..-, i,:.. " w --- - auilIlDDIUIJt llJU IU1H DLULU UL UI1Q11D one. All tho the fourth annual convention of staclos and that careful, thorough prep- does not exist at Vassar al Federated Woman's clubs of tho aration is necessary tn nniiin rrn n .-n: At tho 14th Illinois district which was hold at Pekin, 111., last Tuesday, strong resolu tions wero adopted calling upon legisla tors to BupresB tho uso or the pictures of womon iiB advertisements. Tho follow ing IB a portion of tho resolution: "Re solved, That all publishers, public ontor tainors, manufacturers and tradesmen of ovory kind shall bo forbidden to uso tbo face, form or any portion of tho fig uration is necessary to acinovn preat. rosults and oven though it may take yoarB of preparations as it did in these two lives, yet those years aro well ppent if thoy prepare one for successful lifo work. Maria Mitchell was for twenty years librarian of tho villugo library in tho littlo town of Nantucket, whero sbo was her father's assistant in tho obser vatory used for tho coast survey, but those twenty years woro her vnnra of women's colleges aro telling tho samo tale. Smith College was founded twenty-throe vearB ago, oponing with only twelvo studontB. It now enrolls 1000 and is tho largest women's college in existence, although its entrance require ments are severe. It began with one or two buildings; it now numbers twenty two, with threo more about to go up, and still there is not enough dormitory room for the army of young collegians. clubs to formally influence tho passago of said bill. Tho subject for tho after noon wiib tho Orthodox church or tho Grook Church of Russia. Mrs. linhoff road a carefully prepared paper from tho following outline: Introduction of Christianity into Hub sia by Vladimir in 097. Period of depoudonco on tho eeo of Constantinople. Transition period. Full independence and tho Patriarch ate. Nikon, and culmination of church power. Tho Holy Synod. The High Procurator. Attitude of tho Tsar towards the church. Tho "Black" cleigy Monks, monas teries, hermits. Tho "white" or Eecular clergy. The rural priest. Church doctrines. Rites and ceremonies. The peasant and religion. Fast and feast days. Pilgrims. Tho Raskolniks and other socts. tiro of woman Tor advertising purposes preparation, her yearB of study for her Mount Holyoke, which passed through in cither a suggestive or an immo'Jest or chosen work. Tho discovery of a comet various educational stages, rose like the 'immoral manner. "Resolved, That upon all manufac turors or doaleiB in liquors, beers, malts or tobacco, in whatsoever shape pro duced, theso restrictions shall b) mado absolute, they being debarred tho ubo of woman's likeness by any manner or method whatever to introduce or laud their wares." Action was aleo taker relativo to tho BUppreeBion of tho sale of cigarottes; for tho improvement of schools and libraries, and against cor ruption in politics. Tho women of tho State federation of Illinois also have a truant school bill before the 'legislature. This is ono of the moat aggtessivo and cnorgetic federations in tho G. F which gave her world wido fame closed theso years of probation, theso yearB of Bteady devotion to ono idea. Harriot Hosmor gave, up homo and friends that bIic mitrht pursuo her chosen work as a sculptor under GibBon in Paris. When a friend asked as she was preparing to go abroad, "How can you boar to leave this beautiful homo, this studio built expressly for you (by her adoring father) and go so far away?" She roplied, "O I can bo happy any where with haalth and a piece of mar ble." Her fun loving "Puck" first made her narao famous and brought to tho womrn who was then poor in worldlv phoenix from tho ashes of its disastrous fire two years ago. Five now and hand somo dormitories built last season aro now occupied, but, although no new The Deborah Avery chapter of the D. A. R. will be well represented at the national convention held in Washington tho last of this month. Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Harpham will go as delegates and two or possibly four alternates will also attend. WaBhincrton in n n.'f.. w. j. goods tho ploaBing sum of 830,000. Mrs. atoutonborough said she had recently candidates have been accepted sinco luct a-;i i,nnnan t inoi, i -TO uBuiuBion ib a u u -ij- ii t n - ' conventions thiB month, for during thin these buildings aro full to overflowing, -.: thn , ,, . fcU,UI """og tnis and two moro halls could easily have ! " ""'" ".. u"UODHI organiza- been Oiled by the rejected students. Wollesley, with its immense body of un dergraduates and score of fine struc tures, cannot houso its girls, many of whom live in the village and walk to chapel and lectures every day. Tho latest bulletins from Bryn Mawr an nounces that tho five halls of tho resi dence, Merion, Radnor, Denbigh and remoroKO, uast ana west, are over- tions Will moot thorn; Mntt....' n gross; National Council of Womon; D. A. R.; Womon's International PreBB Union. Lincoln should have sent at least ono representative to each of these conventions. SoroB.B was in groat luck this week, tho subject waB "Pictures" and the leader, Mrs. T. M. Hndrrmun ..,.. w K "" u- tiuwuuuj uuu iwu inrge uuusea, uoigeuy . " "" U1D i" uuu me meet longed to clubs. Maria Mitchell wbb and Cartreff, belonging to tho college, IDB in tho art Kory of tbe university a member of tho New England club and havo been thrown open for the under- where tho Haydon art exhibit is hung'. uubiuer is a memDer or a club graduates. And theso aro only a few of "" v ' M' "m Rnvo a ehort explana Hauto, Ind. In closing thiB :ho leading feminine colleges; tho Worn- tlon of tho Pictures on exhibition and TiikCoumer has received this letter discovered that both these women bo- crowded; and two large houses, Doigelly fortunatas to be able to call the meet irOIII UUU Ul lUU uiuni iiuuiiucut nuu gifted club womon in the state, Wo are receiving these letters all the time. Wo Harriet Hosmer print it uot to exalt our horn but as an in Torro -..:,1, tlmt tha wnrlr nnnn l.v litir ntinrminr nntu-A f- Oi..i i . ... . ... ihnn Hf tt..i bvhidiii.Ii . w "- - -" -"- t, -.u.o .x.o. ciuuiouuorougn en's UolJego or Baltimore, tho Sophie ",uu "" ""gman took up the gon- Coubieb stall is appreciated by the club said: "I havo failed in my purpose if I Newcomb of Now Orleans, Wells Col- oral Principles' underlying tho study of women of the atate. havo not loft with you tho thought that lege, which is Mrs. Grover Cleveland's PictureB- It is not often a club can Teaumaeh, Feb. 8, 1809. it is through tho telescope of opportunity alma mator;lthe Western Reserve and a havo ju8t at hal the material to dem- Editor Courier: that we should survey tho horizon of dozen others, all founded within tho on8trftt tLo subject under discusBion Pnrinil inn In OUV thllt I llKO tho Stand life find rhllt ita rrntntvnvn .. ... .... ITnnnil. ..... ..I . . 'uu' " "' ... " : -'-"--"'-"- 'v "iou lu met iweniy-nvo years, aie so end d miv mways rota in enmirrh f an uch M, .....!. .l " " """" man Kussia undoubtedly has her oar to tho """"" '" moro slowly acting brain, ground and hearing the encouraging MrBi IIotlBian is to bo congratulated tramp, tramp of progress is not willing upon hor choice of a subjoct which I to bo left out of tho nroceBsion. Nnwn prnsuino was mado montha .. i ' . l -----w UkW. UU1U1I1 aim inn... i . r you have taken for purer politics. Good noble thoughts and faithful adherence proofs of tho progrees and popularity of chidd days to bo pleased with a EngliBh, "pure and undeUlod, ia so rare tnduty." At tbo close of tho meeting a college course for girls." ocular demonstration. It is so muc in newBiiapordom. 1 wish you would an informal roception was hold that tho easior to "take in" Uimn.,1, !, It . i. ...t. :n:. .... .i:i. i i: .:..u i i -... . i.i . .. wrougu tno eye tha start a crusade acainBt illiterato editors Can't you urge a bill compelling would bo editors to patB an examination beforo assuming tho editorial chair? Why should wo spend so much on our chil dren's English in school and thon allow constant contamination from the county paporB? ladies might have the privilege of meet ing Mrs. Strutonborough. Tho Mother's Congress is in Bossion this week in Washington, also National Council of Womon. Wo hopo to give some dotailB of theso conventions in succeeding issues. Tho College Woman's club of Now York, has undertaken a laudablo work. Tfr ore waB a very largo attondanco at tho Woman's club last Monday to greet our loved ex president, MrB. btouton- in its offorts to secure tho reinstatement borough, who gave a most interesting of Evelyn Collogo, tho annox to Princ- lecturo on "Two American Women." ton, which for lack of funds closod its Tho meeting was called to order by tho doom moro than a yoar ago. Tho Chi- president, Mrs. A. W. Field, and tho cago Record sayB: 'Ama.omont may secretary, Mrs O. Connol, read tho min- well bo felt at tho rapidly increasing de- utes of tho last mooting, wieb uessio manu among womon for higher oduca comes today that she has established a journal called Woman's Work which makes its first appearanco with Febru ary. Though many such journals aro published in Europe, England and Amorica and ovon ono in Finland, Wo man's work will bo tho first publication of its kind to appear in Russia. art ,iT T WU,d b " ""-winter art exhibit Sorosis expressed itself as c" fU:VOr . H locul council of women. U.u01H w, ,,,eot jn twQ trn.o. v. Harris, 1010 K faa-i (I.. ... "uo' "arwoou will road pared by Mrs. Hull. weeks with street, when paper pre- Tho Fortnightly afternoon with MrB met last "So Dyer didn't go to war?" a travoling library waB disciiBsod and Mm nrnHldnnt nnnnintnil n nr.i...:.. i Tumor sang "Asthoro" delightfully, and tion. Thirty yoarB ago only two col- act with similar ones appointed by other i'ridiiy "Nn. buk , 1....1 A. W. Field. Thn o '.-u , . a" on6agemont with bill boforo tho legislature nrovidimr for ' Thn Pja.. mm . The Sinn, m . U you worship? Iho Smner-Nowhoro at present, flor father has forbidden mo tho house V V y y