Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1899)
Icu:23l 12 THE COURIER. I; U k t p SCJRIBNER'S MAGA ZINE FOR 1899. Governor Roowvelt'i "THE ROUGH RIDERS" (illustrated serial), and all his other war writings. ROBERR LOUIS STEVENSON'S LETTERS inever before published), edited by Sidney CoMn. RICHARD HARDING DAVIS: Stories and special articles, RUDYARD KIPLING - HENRY VAN DYKE WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE and many others: Short stories. GEOREE W. CABLE'S NEW SERIAL story of New Orleans, "The Entomologist" Illustrated by Herter. The Nebraska Sanitaruim. T Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following- inducements to the tired and suffering public who are seeking Health, Rest and Comfort: Scientifically classified dietary. Dieoasesof the Stomach and Digestive System. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and Luntrs. Diseasos peculiar to women. SENATOR HOAR'S Illustrated. Reminiscences MRS. JOHN DREW'S Stage Reminis cences Illustrated. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS' new col lection of stories, "The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann." CS SHORT SERIAL, "A Ship of Stars." ROBERT GRANT'S Search-Light Let tersCommon Sense Essays. SIDNEY LANlrVSMgsical Impres sions. C. D. GIBSON'S The Seven Ages of American Women -and other notable Art Features by others artists. The full, illustrated prospectus, including descriptions of the above, sent free to any address. The Magazine is 83.00 a year; 25c. a number. Charles Scribner's Sons, 153-157 Fifth avenue, New York. SWIPI'EST RAGING EAST AND WEST If you would travel rapidly, and with comfort and oiibc, ploaso note that the North Wostorn lino and its connections provido tho fastest sorvico to eastern cities, and many hours tho fastest to westorn points named below; To Buf falo .'J'J hourB, Now York -15, Boston -18, Ogdon III, Salt Luko XI, San Francisco O'J, Portland (50. Why not savo your solt weary hours of traveling by getting tickets via tho North Westorn? A.S., C. T. A., 117 South 10th street. 'HE institution is situated on an elo- yatod eito, overlooking ttio c ty or Labratory of hygiene for bacteriologi Lincoln, which lies throo miles to Cal and microscopical investigation. is connected by an' electric street rail- titomach ,luldfl analyzod ,or dyBpop "&. the most healthy locations be- Aseptic operating rooms and surgical tTtoSitSS- twoon the Mississippi River and tho wards. able and offensive patientB not received. Rocky Mountains. Four physicians, welMrainod, with ,rhta infi.,tn i. u .,i A woU-regulated institution for the large experience in sanitarium medical an2WadTSti2i treatment of all chronic diseases. woric. roomB in tho Halter bIockt B0Utheast Water of unusual purity. Trained nursoB of both soxes. corner 13th and P streetB, Lincoln. Baths of every description, including Skillful attention given to the treat- A fine now electric light bath cabinet ho Electric-light bath. roent of in city office rooms. For circulars giving ratos and further information, addresB, NEBRASKA SANITARIUM, College View, Nebraska. BEST W& and qiS.&O Shoes on Earth. 0PtMeo00C0MMt0OOC0MOOIOMM00O09QH0MfloH PlyETCHBR' Mlnoe Meot Bulk Home AdcicJe Absolutely Pure. r FM5TCH15R'S GROCERY U South Ninth Street. 'Phone 497. OOCOOO0OOOOMOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOO9oooooooeoO m p Soh CUSHION SHOE. agents for Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoe. J. II. TRJDJVHOIvM. Hello 73S. 930 P Street. Pays highest prices for good second hand furni ture and stoves and will give you in exchange any thing new for your old. I HI I OR 1043 O Street. XR. IlSONIIARDT'S fl$tt-PMi HEART J3ISI5ASB And nervous ailments are as curable as ffiUBfSln Neb" other diseases. I treat nothing else. CO , Lincoln. Neb- Cures Constipation BilliouBness, nervousness and tho pill habit. Action not followed by costivo nosB, Doubt it? Try it. Samplo froo. Druggists. 25c. or address a-nxim-hju J. S. Xeoiicii?cl.t:9 AdT.Df Office 1427 O SrM Lincoln, Neur. QUICKEST TIME EVER MADE. Commencing January 15th tho Great " .. : Rock Island's "Colorado Flyer" leaving jrjrwt rss- sk "2L rz reacumg aan ivrancisco Sunday and "" uiu,uu iB - --- Los Angeles Monday. Porter with each trains to Salt Lake City and Portland car. Excursion manager with each party. Oregon, arriving at Northwest Pacific For foUlor giving : full information call at nnaat nnlnta thirtnnn tin hours ouicker 'sxsXsXSa Don't forget that the freshest fruits and vegetables are the healthiest, especially at this time of the year. Al ways to be had at GOOD LUCK GROCERY TELEPHONE 626, 1107 O STREET. sx?sxxaixfi(i& . I NEBRASKA WESLYAN UNIVERSITY 1 B & M depot or City ticket otllce. cornor 10th and 0 streets. G. W. Bonnell, O. P. &, T. A and earlier than over before. Only 70 hoursto Portlaud, Oregon from Lincoln now. Think of it! BE GOOD TO YOUR HOME BUY A NEW LINCOLN STEEL RANGE and plcuso your dear wife and family. Warranted the most perfect cooking Btovo made. Wo use the very best cold rolled patont leveled steel, and lino every Rango with asbestos and steel, which makes it impos sible to set tiro to your lloor. xuey aro Handsome, ai trativo, up-todato in pattern and design, full nickel trimmed, win uurn any Kinuonuoi win last a lifet'mo. Mado on honor, sold on merit. ThiB is why wo call thorn tho"nEST on KAttTii." If your dealer does not handle them ho makoa a great mistake Writo to us and wo will provido a way for you to buy ono at a reasonable price. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ONE OF THE LARGEST SCHOOLS OF MUSIC IN THE WEST AND THE NUMBER OF PUPILS CONSTANT INCREASING. ONE REA SON FOR THIS LARGE INCREASE IS THAT THE METHODS OF M STRUCTION IN USE HERE ARE THOSE OF THE BEST EUROPEAN CONSERVATORIES, BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCED IN THE MOST THOROUGH AND RAPID MANNER POSSIBLE, AND aRE NEVER OBLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SEVERAL TIMES, AS IS OFTEN THE CASE BECAUSE OF I& .'RoPEJt iN STRUCTION. urwrL.nxn EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC, VOCAL, INSTRUMENTAL AND THE ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES. SEND FOR CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFORMATION TO 0KEN E. LOCKE, Director, University Place. Nebr. &XS)iXs)S5 HUH IH LINCOLN, NEB., MAKERS. Patronizo homo industry. Made in Nobraska. Wo refer you to State Ofli core, Banks and Express companies of Lincoln, and thousands using our Rangos. Special attention given hotel and rostuurant outfits. J. wr. orav-;for;d, H ano Groceries, Kto. Tel. 192. 131-133 North Fourteenth Street. Lincoln. Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty. 3 2 nv y- E