The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 18, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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History s Spanish War
Editor of (he REVIEW UP REVIEWS,
Over 1,200 Pages and 500 Valuable Illustrations.
Three Beautiful Volumes in Half Morocco.
Sec iecUil offer at lmllom of this atU'crtfrcmcnt.
This Magnificent Edition for only ONE DOLLAR DOWN.
To tlni rciitlern of tills impur wo imikn Hid following proposition to Wotno iiiciii.
borH or tlio Hovlew of Huviuwh llfotnry Oluli, anil olitnln tliu tliruo volumes of
Our War in Two Hemispheres,
I'.illtorof the "American Monthly llcvlrwof llrvtewn" ami author of " Municipal Government
in Great llrltaln, etc., ami a number of prominent contributors.
VKKY American teacher posscxsliiu u lllirnry, iiiul many that ilo not pixm-m one, will bo
Intercti-il In the. nnnniiiiceiuelit of tlio hMory of tlio lulu war with Spain, now piililMit-il
liy the IliiviKWoMlKviKwsCoMi'A.w. Mmhof tlionnrr.itlvowimwilttenbvUr. Albeit
Miaw ilurlnu' tliu iiL'timl llu'litlnu or tin- huiiiiiioc. TUN ban been ruvl-eil and ninilltlel bv
him In tlio llulitof thunniclal reports anil ilointnentH, which li.ivnnnly become available aft c'r
hostilities ci'tieil. A free limitation from the critical (om.'rclciml ilelMteinml otiier public
iiiicr.incesnt cniclal periods aids In niaklntuliM work what It I, tliustainlanl rererenco liUloiy
of this ilecNIveanil micce-sfiil Krmjule. Hut It Is much niiini than a lively anil cnmprchfiislM
uari.itlvc. It kiius li.ick to the, years of Htruuiriu In Cuba which prepared t ho way for the war;
It ilicnes eneru'etlcally all problems which confronted tlio t'nlted htiitcs after tlio war at
to the Philippines Culm, and Porto Ulco j anil asa whole. It forms a broadly conceived plctuio
of the year which has seen America hroimht fucu to fitcu with nuw world ilntles.
The Important special and technical matters of the war period, uenerall v dismissed by the
historian with onlv sllu'ht and often Insutllclent dlcusloii,aro fully mid niithentlcally 'dealt
with In contributed chapters, written by men who had unusual opportunities furhtuih Inu' their
Miblet'ts, Thiix, the Iesons which the war has for us its to the relative eillclency of 'rllles and
machine kuim urn In n carefully written chapter by Meat. John II, Parker, of the I'nlted States
army: tho military movements of the Hantlim'n and Porto Hlriui camii.iluus are analyzed by
thei'dltor of the Armuanil Xaru Journal : the battle with Cervera Is ilescilbed liv the novelist,
Wlnton Chui chill, who Is a uraduateof tho tnlted States S'aval Academy; t delictual condition
of Cuba before the war and the facts which caused the war are described by eye-witnesses,
Mttrnt Halstead and Stephen Honsal.
Tho Illustration of tho book Is especially yalunblo In the hundreds of iwirtralts, pictures of
the navies, photographed scenes of the war, and the entertaining cartoons rcpruduccd from tho
Spanish., French, ftcrman, and KimlMi papers, as well as from the American.
How to obtain the handsome edition by
a payment of only ONE DOLLAR DOWN.
Tho threo beautifully bound laru'e octavo volumes andavcar'.ssubscrlptlnn totlio AMKItirAV
Monthly ItUVlKW ok IIkvikws can bo obtained by any of the readers of this paper by
Joining tho Itovlew of Itevlews Club and pnylim one dollar. Tho volumes will be sent as soon
as ready to thoso who remit tho mm, and the purchase will be completed by the payment of
0110 dollar per month for twelvo mouths. The llrst volume will bo readv early In December.
Tliu subscription to tliu magazine which uocs with tlio offer can bo dated from any mouth.
THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY, 13 Astor Place, New York City.
First political Ion .Inn. 'J8.
tti tlio DlHtrlct Court of Lancaster ('utility. No
S111II0 L Will lor, I'liiintllT, vh. Jeremiah I).
Walker, Dofomlent.
To .larnininli I), 'A'alkor:
Yoti arc lioreliy not Hied t lint on tliu ifltli tiny
of Jiiiiiiury, ihl'li, Siiilin li. Walker llluil a peti
tion iiKaiiiHt yon in the District Court of Lnn
oitHtor County, Nelirmikii.tlio object uuil prayer
of which is to obtain a ilivorcu from you anil to
ho irivoti tlio miHtoily of . ornlco Walker, Iva
Walker, Catherine Walker, Lucy Wnlkor ami
loHcpli H. Wnlkor, on tlio Kroumlx that you
liuvo wilfully itlmmlnnnil tlio pluintilT without
cauaufor tlio term of two yen r pust.
You aro rcipiiroil to ntiHwer mild petition on
or buforotliu l'Jtli day of March, iMrU.
Haiiii: L, Wai,ki:ii.
Ky 1). J Fi,Ain:itTY, liur iittornuy.
le, new lorn wuy. c
We have just put in a complete stock of Mrs. Gervaiso Graham's excollon
preparations, including her celebrated Huir Kestoror, Cactic's Hair Grower, Ou
cumber and Elder Flour Creum.nnd various facial remedies. Visit tho DEM
ONSTRATION thore this week. Free treatments and freo applications Riven
also fre sampleB and booklet "How to Be Beautiful" Special exhibit of Mrs
Graham's Hydro Vacu, tho latest and most scientific 'invention for treating tho
Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th
Steamship tickets to Europe sold.
Steamship tickets from Europe sold.
If you are going to the old country or
intend bringing friends from thore to
this country, please call on me for
figures, information, etc, Best linos re
presented. ,i m
A. S. Fielding, O. T. A
Korthwostorn line.
All Coal Well Screened at
Give us a trial order. Tel
ephones 240 and 234. Office
109 South Eleventh.
First publication Jan. UK. 5.
Notico is hereby givon, that by virtuo
of an order of sale ipstied by tho Clerk
of tho District Court of the Third Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within and
for LuncHuLor County, in an action
whoruin Charles White, ot nl, aro plain
tin's, and Tillio May, et al, dufundantB, I
will, at 2 o'clock p. in., on the '28th day
of February, A. D., 18W), at ttio oaBt
door of the court house, in the City of
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
offer for eulo at public auction the fol
lowing described lands and tenomonts,
The north half of tho northwoet quar
ter of Eoction eight 8), township nine
()), range seven 7), east of tho sixth P.
M., except five (ft) acres thoroof con
voyed to F. W. Little, as appears of
record in tho ofllco of tho register of
deods, also tho south half of tho north
west quarter of section live (ft), in town
ship nine (!) north of range Boven (7),
t'UBt of tho sixth P. M., except tho south
half of tbo southeast quarter of tho eaicl
northwest quarter of Bitid section iivo
(5). AIbo the south half of tbo south
east quarter of tho northwest quarter of
section five (0), township nine (9), range
seven 7), caBt of tho sixth P. M., and a
portion of tho southwest quarter (8. w.
lx), of section live (5), township nino (0),
north range seven (7), east of tho sixth
P.M., in Lancaster County, Nebraska,
described as beginning at a point ninety
(00) rods west of tho contor of said boc
tion Hvo (ft), running tbonco south to tho
south lino of said eoction, thence west
along tho south lino of said section
seventy (70) rods to tho wost lino of taid
soction, thence north along tbo west lino
of said section to tho north lino of said
southwebt quarter (s. w. ), thoncooast
along tho north lino of said quarter
seventy (70) rods to the place ot begin
ning, being that portion of said quarter
section remaining after the reloaso from
a mortgage thereon of two strips aggre
gating ninety (00) rods in width off the
east side thereof, all of said described
lands and tenements being in Lancaster
County, Nebraeka.
Given under my baud tbie 2Gth day
of January, A. O., 1809.
John J. Trompkn,
Special Master Commissioner.
First publication, Feb. .'11
In the District Court of Lancaster
Counoy, Nebraska.
II. P. Lau Co., incorporated, nlain
tiir, vs. Elizabeth Burlingaine, Ilattlo
Glide, Edward Clide, ot al. .defendants.
The above named defendants will
take notice that on the 12th day of
December, 1808, H. P. Lau Co, plain
till herein, Hied a petition in tlio Dis
trict Court of Lancaster County, Ne
braska, against said defendants, the
object and purpose of which are to
foreclose certain tax liens for sum of
888.00 and a certain mortgage executed
by Elizabeth Burlingame and Sher
man, Albert II., Frank, Edna and
Walter Burlingamo to Hans P'Lau.
upon tlio following described real
estate, to-wit: The east half of the
southeast quarter of section six, town
ship eight, north range live east, in
Lancaster County, Nebraska, tosecuro
tlie payment of a certain promissory
note, dated October 14th, 1803, for tlio
sum of 8403.48, due and payable in
two years from date thereof; that
there is now due and payable upon
said note and mortgage the sum of
8oft4.00 with interest from this date at
rate of ten per cent. Plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendant be re
quired to pay tlio same, or that said
premises be sold to satisfy tho amount
due, and for general relief.
You are required to answer said
Sitition on or before the 27th day of
arch, 1800.
II. P Lau Co.,
By Willakd E. Stkwaut,
Its Attorney.
Dated this 3d day of February, 1809.
First publication Fob 4. 4.
In the District Court of LancitHter
County, Nebraska.
In tho mutter of tho estatoof John C.
Rickotts, deceased.
This cauBo came on for hearing upon
tho potition of Andrew D. Klckotts, ex
ecutor of tho estatoof John C. RickottB,
docotiBod, praying for licouso to sell the
following dcsciibod proporty belonging
to said estate: All of blocks one, 1, two,
2, three, .'), tour, 4, iivo, ft, nino, 9, and
ton, 10; lotH one, 1, to four, 4, inclusive,
thirteen, l.'i, and fourteon, 14,ninotoon,
li), to twenty-four, 21, inclusive, and
twonty-llvo, 25, to forty-two, 42, inclu
sive, all in block six, (i; lots 0110, 1, to
twenty-nine, 29, inclusive, thirty-four.
:il, to forty-three, 4.'i, inclusive, all
in block seven, 7, lots one
1 to twenty-four 24, inclusive, thirty
three, M, to thirty-seven, .'17, inclusive,
and forty-two, 42, to forty-four, 44, in
clusive, all in block eight, 8; all of said
property being in Highland Park, an ad
dition to tho City of Lincoln, Lancaster
County, Nobraska, iih shown by the re
corded plat of eaid addition. Also lots
"A." "B," "U." "D," "E," "F," "G," "H,"
"1," "J," "K," "L," "M." "N,'' "O," "P,"
and "Qj," comprising eigiity acrcaof land
described as tho Eouthwest quartor, s. w.
Y, of tho eouthwoNt quartor, b. w, )$, of
section twenty sovon, 27, town ten, 10.
range bLy, 0, and tlio southeast quarter,
b. 0. J.j, of tho southeast quarter of sec
tion twonty-oight,28, town ton, 10, range
six, 0, all in Lancaster County, Ne
braska, which subdivision in known as
Cochrane Place; or a BUllicinnt amount
of tho same to bring tho sum of 81,000
for tho payment of dobts allowed against
said CBtato and tho costs ot administra
tion, thoro not boing Buulcient porsonal
proporty to pay said dobts and oxponsoB.
It is therefore ordered that all porsooB
interested in said cstato appoar boforo
mo at tho equity court room on Satur
day, tho 18th day of March, 1899, at 11
o'clock a. m.,to show cauBo why a li
cense should not bo grantod to said ex
ecutor to soil so much of tho above de
scribed real eetato of said deceased as
shall bo nocoesary to pay said debts and
expenses, and that this order bo pub
lished in tho Courier for four successive
Dated this let day of Fobruary, A. D.,
Judge of tho District Court.
Pe.sonally Conducted Excur
sions to
Leave Chicago every Thursday v ia
Coloiado and Scenic Route to San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Southern Route leaves Chicago every
Tuesday via Kansas City, Ft. Worth and
El Pubo to Loe Angeles.
These Excursions Care aro attached to
FaBt Passenger trains and their popu
larity is ovidenco that we offer the beet.
Accompany thoso excursion and save
monoy for the lowest rate tickets are
available in thoso popular Pullman
Tourist care.
For full descripfion of this service and
tho benefits given its patronB, see your
local ticket agent or address
Gbugo, III.
FRANK H. Barnes. G. P. A.,
11th and O Streeta, Lincoln, Nobr.
The Rock Island playing cards are
tho slickest you ever handled. One
pack will be sent by mail on receipt of
lft cents in stamps, A money order or
draft for 60 cents or same in stamps will
secure 4 packs. They will be sent by
express, charges prepaid. Address,
John Seiiastian, G. P. A
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y,