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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1899)
10 THE COURIER. traction, and rango from 'Jfiu to 82. Soutn now on huIo. The greatest romantio piny, "Tho PriBonor of Zonda," will bo prceontod at the Olivor theatre by a Frohman com pany on Thursday evening, Fubruary '2.' J. Tho piny was first given at Mr. Frohman's thou tro, with 10. If. Sothern in tho titlo rolo, and ho was followed by Howard Gould, who haa played it cvor Finco and will play it horo. Tho dra matization who mado for Mr. Frohman by E. E. Koso. The airy atmosphere of romanco !b not ite least charm. A ilno company and a cnrlond of Bpocial Bconory !b carried. Mr. Howard Gould hoadB tho liet. and ho ifl aeBiatcd by McBsru. II. F. Mcdannin, Vailghan Gin ger, Albert Perry, Duncan IlarriB, Hob oi t ConncBH, tho Miescs Mnrgarot Ful tar, Nollio Strickland, Amy Iticard and others. PricoB $1.50, 81, 75, 50 and ffiie. Seats on bhIo Wednesday morning at I) sharp. Secure your soatB early. Souga euj'B of popular tnuBic: "In a general way, I should eiy thai popular inupic bocomcB such whon at ita first hearing it attractB, oither through it rhj thin, oddity or intervals, or through all three, tho attention of tho auditor and crcatcB a desiro for a Eccond hear ing. It then becotuea contagiouB and rages with moro or Ices violenco. If tho composition is based on natural laws it stnndB a chance of living after tho opidomic ia 6ubdued, but if it is ephemeral in character, it dies after running its brief course." According to thia ptatemont tho oar iB the slowest of tho flenses to adopt anything now. It repels etrnngo sounds and consequently, Mr. Sousa EayB, tho inventor of new combinations of musical sounds niUBt work assiduously . Sousa's latest com positions show tho Bamo freshness and fertility of melodic invention that have always distinguished bis work and when lits great band roaches this city in the courso of his present transcontinental concert tour "Tho March King's" local admirers will have an opportunity of hearing his latest compositions played as only Sousa's band can play them, Sousa and his wonderful band comes to tho Olivor theator Friday bvening, Feb ruary 24, ior ono concert only. Prices $1.50, $1, 75c and 50s. Seats on sale Thursday morning at 0 sharp. Tho ropertoiro of tho Chase-Lister Theator company, which opens a week's nngagoment at the Fun (to next Monday night is a decided departure from the cIueb of plays presented by tho usual popular priced companies. The com pany contains an exceptional number of clever specialty members besides tho regular members, Each night special ties will bo given between the acta, do ing awny with the usual tiresome waits, On Monday night Angie, a beautiful pastoral comedy in four acts, presented with beautiful sconory and wardrobe, including eight specialty acts and over twolvo musical numbers of a high order. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Ludies ad mitted freo on Monday evening if ac companied by one 30 cont paid tickot. Special matinoo Washington's birthday, Feb. 22. PricoB lOand 25 cents. Seats on Biilo this morning at 0 a m. MUSICAL MENTION. John Randou-h. Tho Philharmonic Orohehtra con tinues to improve I boliovo that upon ono occasion I pointod out certain de fects in tho personnol of our orchostra and a rcBtiltant weakness in tho artistic effoct produced. I am glad to bo able to say that many of tho blemishes in u porfect oiiBotnhlo noted at that time woro consplciouB at tho fourth concort only by their absence. 1 am of tho opinion, howovor, that a porfoctly frank recognitinn of tho defects aB woll as of tho good qualities of a porformanco iB tho only way for tho humble critic of artietic matters to bo of any value. In this caso I am fortunate, for tho good qualities bo largoly predominated that tho disngroablo task of enumerating minor failures in dotail may woll bo omitted altogether. In tho first placo tho orcheBtra has vastly improved in material. A judiciouB weeding out of uselosB material with tho beneficial ef fects of constant rohoarsal has made tho band a moro compact and homogenoous body. Thoir attack is moro nearly eimultaneouB, they bond moro rnpidly to tho will of tho director. There ib moro roudineBs in securing changes in dynamic forco and is nccelorandos nnd rallontondos, thoy aro moro in tho graep of tho conductor. Tho first violins as usual played with precision nnd finish; thoy are still tbo most admiiablo portion of tho hand. Rut it would bo invidious to draw comparisons whon so much wns good. The program given below was tho best of tho present winter's series, interesting to student and musician aliko. I am glad to note tho improve ment to the orchestra in accompanying a singer, which has heretofore not been its strongest point. Tho soloist of tho ovening, Mr. Holmes Cowper, was liberal both in eong and in tho granting of en cores. Ho repeated his successes of Inst winter and spring in thiB state, singing with taste and smoothness and adequate emotional and'intellectual interpretation. Ho gave Lincoln concort goers an op portunity to hear tho beautiful Bee thoven "Adolpido" as well as tho well known "Seronado" of Schubert, besides a group of English songs. As oncores ho sang a WelBh Folk Song, and a bal lad entitled "To Mary," I believe, and of no especial musical value. Nevertheless tho singer gave it with appropriato ex pression. The concert ended with tho beautiful Mozart Symphony, one of tho moBt perfect examples in existence of c'assical sonata form. Tho fifth and laat concert of the present serieo will bo given undor tbo baton of Mr. August Hugonow, Monday March 20th, at tho Oliver. On that occasion Mr. Bicknoll Young a woll known baritone of Chi cago, will appear. eO333333333033?9333O00000 MJ IS) CYCLF PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS g I PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS () () (S) (3) (S) ooooc NO- ooooo H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Wliltinic'a Fine Stationery and Calling Cards THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street, OOOOOOCOOO 00000000000005 J THE WAY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA 127 S. Eleventh Street. ? PHONE 68 n Subscribo for Tup. Cuukikk II a year. !b in a tourist Bleeping car, porsonally conducted, via of tho Burlington route. You don't chango cars. You mako fast timo. You 800 tho finest sconory on tho globo. Your car is not bo expensively finished nor eo lino to look at aB a palaco Blooper, but it is juBt as nlean, juBt as comfortable, juBt as good to rido in, and nearly 820 cheaper. SOUSA'S BAND. r 0 v9OOOO00Ofr m4H & I A BARGAIN IN WHITE CROCHETED Today we will place on sale in our linen department one case of large size white cro cheted quilts, worth 85c each, all of them have slight imper fections, but are not damaged to affect their wearing quali ties; while they last your choice QUILTS. for 59c each. At the same time we will offer excellent values at $1.00, Si. 25 and $1.50. A superior line of fringed crocheted quilts $1.25 to $5.00. MlbfeER & PAINB I Moowwooooooowoioqmooac J Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf cf Cf cf mwvmmmwmmwvvmmmmm NEBRASKA CLUB WOMEN Jke Gourier AND Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Tke Glub Womar FOR contains reports from every club in 0 the state except twcJM.Mfc,jM THE COURIER THE CLUB WOMAN is the best club magazine pub- -r IJ.h.J lliliiadJJJJJj.i.ij 9 iUlltuVWbvu1'! A QUARTER more than Jhe price of one will secure both for a year. Address either magAzineJJjjJtJtjtjj THE COURIER, Lincoln, Nebf. THE CLUB WOMAN, Btston, Massachusettswyl $1.25 ttttttiiiibtttttttttti'. mm "ittitutttam News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SVlH Alone Contains Both. TIME IS MONEY. Whon you uro traveling, duo con sidoration snould bo givon to tho amount of timo spont in making your journey. Tho Union Pacific is tho be6t lino and makes tho fastest timo by many hours to Salt Lako City, Portlaud and Cali fornia points. For timo tabloB, folders, illustrated books, pamphlots doscriptivo of tho tor ritory traversed, call ot City Oflico, 1014 0 Bt- E. B. Sujsson, . Gon. Agont. JKWKUtV HATIS1WCTIO.N OUAUANTEIII) Oil MO.NKV Ur.PUNDKi), Tttt SUHViW SWH J?w,elry . of lour anurncturo war- 1l1,JWlwr1 V1 ranted to gi vo tho wearer satisfaction or iiiuuuy ruiuuuou. Wo raanufacturo a coraploto lino in rolled gold plate, gold filled, gold front unci solid gold. A comploto lino of jewelry of our manufacture is for salo by Braddon & ilaBsman, of Wavorly Nob. Call at tho storo and examine tho lino. PricoB low and goods first clase. W. F. Main 0 Manufacturing Jewelers, Iowa Uity, Daily, by mail $6 a yeai Daily and Sunday by mail '. $9 a year is the greatest daily newspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun, New York. V K ft r y- y