Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1899)
iRI "r & Tl 12 fhE COURIER ? TRAVELING LIBRARIES. An earnest effort It boing madedur ng the preeoDt session of tbo legislature ccuro tho passago of a! hill establish ing in NobiHflka u system of travoling libiarics, similar to that which is now in BUCCOBBful operation in many other BtutoB. Such a bill known na Houbo Roll 210 hub been introduend mid recom mended for passago by tho houso com. mitteo on libraries unci there in roiiBon to bollovo that it will moot with fnvorablo action. This will, it it bocomn u law, The Nebraska Sanitarium. T Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following inducements tothe tired and suffering- public who are seeking Health, Rest and Comfort: HE institution is BitnaWl n tin elo- Sciontifically claBsifiod dietary, yated fiito, overlooking i h H I ty of Labratory of hygiene for bactoriologi I .inf.. tin ttflti.ill Una thrni m Lj it .1 . " " i .... " ..........., ...v.. uo ....., r, cn, anu microscopical investigation. the nnrthwwt, and with which it ..i i i i j b connected by nn electric atreet rai WBy. Ono of tho moat houlthy locations bo tween the MiBHiEsippi Rivur and the ttocky MountHlnB. A urnll unnilln lrl t no X 11 rt 9r f lt moan a groat doal to tho women's clubs troHtmont 0f nil chronic diseases. in Nebraska. U will BUpplomont tho system of traveling libraries which havo boon oporaled for four years by tho State federation and which has bo often boon unablo to supply tho demand for books noodod in the work in Bmaller communi ties. Tho N. P. W. C. haB. blawod tho way for the new bill and tho sentiment which tho Federation libraries haB ere ted is now asking that the state taku up the matter and offer to its peoplo who are remote from reading privileges good books. The women's clubs will, in tho nature of things bo large users of travel ing libraries and it is hoped tbnt tho .3500 club women in Nebraska will Bpare no effort to bring this matter to the favorable notico of their members of tho legislature and to urgo upon them tho hearty support of bo distinctly an educa tional measure designed to reach the thousands of our peoplo who have prac ticully no opportunities for good and free reading such as ono afforded in the cities by the free public libraries. Water of untiBual purity. Baths of every desciiptioii, including ho ElectriC'liyht bath. Stomach fluids analyzed for dyepen- tlCB. Aseptic operating rooms and surgical wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with largo oxporionco in eanitarium modical work. Trained nurses of both sexes. Skillful attontinn given to the treat ment of Diseases of the Stomach and Digestive System. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and Lunie. Diseases peculiar to women. Best of advantages for tho treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur ablo and otlonsive patients not rocoived. This institution alpo has recently op ened a city branch olllco and treatment rooms in tho Halter block, southeast cornor 13th and P streots, Lincoln. A flao now electric light bath cabinet in city office rooms. For circulars giving rutos and further information, address, NEBRASKA (SASTI'X'ARIIJAft, Collkoe Vikw, Nebraska. BEST 3 omlc! Shoes on Earth. ! IMIWMMllllHIIlIIMIIIlHMIMmot00MlHIHiMHOlMMHl PlyETCHBR'S 53 utile Home Made Mlnoe 2Mbfccrt FLETCHER'S GROCERY X Q Qrtrmtt Twm Ctiiinrm - j- j uvuxu xixxn uxnar.x. trilOXE M I . A T-T--fTtttttmiIIIUHHIJtHuf Sol. CUSHION SHOE. i agents for Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoe. in 8 ROGERS 1043 O Street. THE WAY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA b in a tourist sleeping car, personally conducted, via of the Burlington route. You don't change cars. You make faBt time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively finished nor bo tine to look at as a palaco Eleeper, but it is just bb clean, just bb comfortable, just as good to ride in; aud nearly 120 cheaper. " TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due con sideration enould be given to the amount of time spont in making your journey. The Union Pacific is tho beet line and makes the fastest time by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cali fornia points. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of tho ter ritory traversed, call at City Office, 1044 Lincoln at 8:20 daily, will make connec- O st. E. B. Slosson, tionB at Colorado Springs with now fast Gen. Agont. trains to Salt Lake City and Portland. Oregon, arriving at Northwest Pacific Bacon Your daughter is attending a Coast points thirteen (l.'J) hourB quicker boarding school, is she not? nd earlier than over before. Only 70 Wyld I have planked down enough hurB to Portland, Oregon from Lincoln to nako it ono. now. Think of itl Hello 738. 930 P Street. Pays highest prices for good second hand furni ture and stoves and will give you in exchange any thing new for your old. --" - v i DR. LEONHARDT'8 f?li Cure Conatipatiotif BilliouBnoBB, nervousness and the pilt habit. Action not followed by costive ness, Doubt it? Try it. Samplo free. Druggists. 25c. or address ANTI-PILL CO , Lincoln, Neb QUICKEST TIME EVER MADE. 'a nM'4. ( i.ui. i.i r i j. r.. '4i . . . ,vuu-i.iwj-ci -luvj.-ic ircsucsii iruus ana vegetables are f uuu iicaiuncst, especially at tiiis time ot the year. Al ways to be had at ?. M. SFITZ GOOD LUCK GROCERY riSLlSPHONE 626, 1107 O STREET. Commencing January ICth the Great a) Rock Island's "Colorado Flyer" having Xi'SASSXsX NEBRASKA WE8LYAN UNIVERSITY 1 CONSERVATORY 0E MUSIC ONE OF THE LARGEST SCHOOL OF MUSIC IN THE WEST AND 1 I TUB NUMBER OP PUPILS CONSTANT,. INCREASING ONE E? P SON FOR THIS LARGE INCREASE IS THAT THE METRO S OP W I I STRUCTION IN USE HERE ARE THOSE OF THE BIST ' EUROPFAN I I CONSERVATORIES, BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCES ixS&S I B3 iTT ESS fz4cr ' rr r H Sfeef - -iny tT A I T A Wfiun TkT rnrrM MOST THOROUGH AND RAPID MANNER POSSIBLE, AND A i P NEVER OLLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SFVFR A stutopion'8 FrJ2N THE CASE BECAUS of 5 rSpbr1 EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC, VOCAL, INSTRUMENTAL AND THF ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES SEND FOR CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFORMATION TO (YR.liWR T.nrvirTC Hirp.-tnr iinuou,. di-. m-,... nt leveled steel, and line every $ "-' -" -"vv., -.v,. un.vuouy i late. INeCf. ind steel, which makes it impos- g&&smHSm3mWk iloor. They are handsome, at- ls,'xxs BE GOOD TO YOUR HOME-BUY A NEW LINCOLN STEEL RANGE and please your dear wife and family. Warranted the most perfect cooking stovo mado. We use the vory best cold rolled pate Kanco with a6bbs:os an Bible to set fire to your trativo, up-to-date in pattern and design, full nickel trimmed, will burn any Kind oliuol will last a lifot;me. Mado on honor, sold on merit. This is why wo call them the"iiEST IF on kaiitu." it your dealer does not handle them ho makes a great mistako' Write to ub and we will provido a way for you to buy one at a reasonable price. BUA 0 MG LINCOLN, NEB., MAKERS. Patronize home industry. Made in Nebraska. We refer you to State Offl cere, Banks and Express companies of Lincoln, and thousands using our Ranges. Special attention givsn hotel and restaurant outfits. J. W. CRAWFORD, Fano Groceries, Ejto. Tel. 192. ' 131-133 North Fourteenth Street. Lincoln. Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty. ' h V v- V