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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1899)
10 THE COURIER. MUSICAL MENTION, John Rvfrnou'ii. f On MontlHy, Mr. 'Hurry Kiiiiiob mado what whb practicnlly his Becond public HppoHranco in Linjooln, being hoard at tho Matinco Musiealo rooms ami under the niipplccA of that organization. Mr. EumeH whb heard with ardent pleasure by an audienco which included nearly all tho prominent musicians of thin city. The topic of tho lecture whb tho niiifiic of Russii;; it was somewhat informal in character and was ilhifltrntod at tho piano forto by tho lecturer himpclf. I found tho lecture both informing and agreeable, calculated to awako an in toreflt in a Held of knowledge but littlo tilled. It ia a pity that it whb not heard by a larger number of atudentB, for it would undoubtedly havo boon UBoful to them. The average studont of music ia too often satislicd with aix hours of piano forto technique when ho may need a broador acquaintnnco with tho litera ture of tho art he striveB to lcain. Pur haps tho most delightful foaturo of tho program of piano forto music given by Mr. Eamen during and after hid re marks wqb its almost uniquo froshncBs. ThobluBO concert goer has lenrnod to anticipate just bo many pieces of Ohopin, a sonata of Beethoven and tho inevi table Liezt "Hungurian llhat.eody." It waa refreshing to Bcotho unfamiliar names (Jlazounow, Ualakirow and others. Moreover tho compositions are evidently well worthy of study, although at flrat bearing it ia most obvious that Peter Ilyitch TecbaikowBky stands bead and shoulders above the rest in almost every reepoct. NovertheloEs the prelude in 0 sharp minor of Rachmani noff, previously played hero by Mr. Eamea, awakened a now interest and an impassioned and dignified composition. Moreover the preludo in D flat by Glazounow with its ultra Wagnerian hBraionies is a most impressive compo sition. Of course Rubinstein whb re presented on a program given over to "Russian Music." Throe fumiliar pieces of this matter woro played after a sym pathetic review of his life and work. As encores Mr. Eames ropiated the Glazounow prelude and played the well known "Melody in F"' of Rubinstein. It 6e ma to mo that tho music of tho concert waa well adapted to display Mr. Eamea at hia best. His capacity for the expression of emotion iB great, emo tion of the intense and tragic variety as well as pathos and the varing shades of passion. It is ceedleEB to bay that his technique was equal to all demands made upon it. I append tho progtnm as usurtlas a matter of record: Folk songs, hurmoniz'U by Bidakirew, Rimsky Koradkow. Glazounow (18(5.')) Piel-ide Dilat. Rachmaninoff (1872) 1'rjiudeC sharp minor. Tschaikowsky (1810 189.'!) -VnNe Op 10 Mo. 0; Romance, Op. 5; Humo-i-ske, Op. 10, No. 2; Andante, (Fifth Sym phony); Mazurka, Op. 0, No. .'1. Rubinstein (1820-1894), Rumanzn E flat; Kamonnoi OstroAt, No. 22; Stac cato Etude. AT THE l'UN'KB. "Bartlett's Road to Sollzorvillo," is a woll known locality in a cortain western state and is omhodiod aB tho title of John Dillon's now four act play in which ho ia appearing with great success this season. It telle an interesting story of contemporaneous lifo, and while tho happenings aro very oxcitintr thoy are entirely probable. It is not best to givo the story in detail as surprises in tho developement of the plot and to tho auditor's enjoyment. Tho end of un certainly ie the death of interest. Hir am Jolly, a gentleman farmer, is blessed with a loveable optimistic naturo, and is called "Uncle Jolly," -by all who know him. IIo is spoken of as "Jolly Undo Jolly" becaiiflo of hia boyishness and unfniling good humor. The ago of sixty finda him unmarried. IIo Iihb brought up and cducatod tho daughter of a widow friend, and loving each other, they havo hecomo ongagod. Tho play contains tho iccidents of their wedding day, which, Buffice to say, aro varied and humorous. Wednesday, February 15. Prices 25, 50 and 75 cents SeatB on nalo Tuesday, 9 a. in. One of tho most interesting legitimate amusements of tho season is tho ap pearand at tho Funko opora houso on Thursday ovoning, Fob. 10, of Mr. Walter Whiteside, assisted by Lolin Wol Bton and a capnblo support, preBonting "Tho Red Cockado.' It is a romantic comedy drama from the French, founded on M. Poneard's groat play, "Lion Amoureax," which has boon considered tho test play at tho Thoatro Francaip, Paris, for some years. Tho scones of tho new play aro laid in Franco during tho Napoleonic ora and depict many of tho thrilling incidents of tho revolution of 1795, known aB the "Reign of Terror," when tho pooplo of Franco wore writhing in tho throes of civil eruption: When tho lily refused the nourishment Of tho sunbeam and tho rain, And bowed its head on its mother's breast In Eorrow and guiltless Bhame. Mr. Whiteside as Captain Martol, a young officer in tho revolutionary army, is exceptionally happy in a part that is especially adapted to his groat genius and versatility. Steamship tickets to Europe sold. Stoamship tickets from Europe sold. If you are going to tho old country or intend bringing friends from thoro to this country, please call on me for figures, information, etc. Rest lines ro presented. A. S. Fielding. C. T. A., Northwestern lino. 2 If you want the J : MOST FOR your : : MONLY 0 You want the 0 W Clean, well vontilatd cars, w 9 Cool in summer. Warm in Q winter. Elegant diners. Pay A A only for what you order. Ele- A a Rant chair cars. Attentivo 7 2 porters. Everything tho best J w by the Burlington. w G. W. BONNEfoL, J C. P. &T. A First publication, Feb.Mll In the District Court of Lancaster Comity, Nebraska. NOTICE TO NON RESIDENTS. li1, l nif".0?.' ''P'fPorated, plain r M,.vs,liza,le,'I J"r'inganie, Ilattie CMide, hdward Glide, ot al .defendant. I lie above named defendants will take notice that on the 12th dav of December, 188 H. P. Lau Co, plain- 11T herein, tiled a petition in the DIb- trlct Court of Lancaster County, No THE FVlflKE ITedtiesday, Eeturtaiairy ! And Now Comes the Popular Comedian, MR0 JOHN DILLON And his excellent company in Daircll Macklin's comic play, a whimsical, quizzical, four-act creation, entitled '8 li "WHY IS IT?" "We have seen John Dillon many times, each time with increasing expectancy and greater satisfac tion, but last night's 4 Bartlett's Road to Seltzerville ' was an eclipse of the Dillon we formerly knew." Chicago Trib- une. Prices 25, 50 and 75 cents. A SPECIAL DRAMATIC EVENT Thursday, Feb. 16. MR. WALKER WHITESIDE Assisted by Miss Lelia Wolstan a Selected Company of players presenting "THE RED COCKADE." A romantic comedy drama of the Napoleonic era, an adapta tion from the French of "Lion Amoureaux," by M. Ponsard. Note. The minuet introduced in the second act is arranged and conducted by Mine. Malvina of Augustin Daly's theatre, New York. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1. Sale of seats opens Wednesday 9 a. m. i -! ii WALKER braska, against said defendants, the object and purpose of which are to foreclose certain tax liens for sum of 888.00 and a certain mortgage executed by Elizabeth Uurlingamo and Sher man. Albert II.. Frank. Edna and Walter Uurlingamo to Hans P Lau, upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section six, town ship eight, north range five east, In Lancaster County, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note, dated October 14th, 181).), for the sum of 840:U8. due and payable in two years from date thereof; that there is now due and payable upon said note and mortgage the sum of 8.')54.00 wiili interest from this date at rate of ten per cent. Plaintiir prays for a decree that defendant be re quired to pay the same, or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount due. and for general relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of Murch, 181)0. II. P L. ir Co., r, r Plaintiir, liy WillahiiE. Stkwaut, , Its Attorney. Dated this 3d day of February, 1800.' UNDER THE DIRECTION OF L. M. CRAWFORD AND F. C. ZEHRUNG. COR. O AND TWELFTH. PHONE 35. II SELTZE Seats on sale Tuesday 9 A. M. WHITESIDE. News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SVlH Alone Contains Both. Daily, by mail $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mail $9 a year Tflfc SVJflDM SV1H is the greatest daily newspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun, New York. ) v- - y