THE COURIER. ttfE OuWIW r f t ! 1 ) tJlf )f ) L. I CRAWFORD AND F. Z. ZEHRUN6. Corner Thirtoonth and P. Phono 746. Feb. 7 and 8 10 1 MATINEE WEDNESDAY. Tle SeaonM Dramatic Event ! Blanche Walsh, Melbourne flacDowell and the Melbourne MacDowell Co. In Fanny Davenport's Production of Sardou's Great Plays J TUESDAY IGHT AND 4 A TpQ A )1 J WEDNESDAY MATINEE I-M I VUVli WEDNESDAY NIGHT f Seats on sale Saturday, February 4. "FEDORA. 1) '98. -SECOND SEASON '99. IDA Aug. Hfflgeffiuow, Co2idmsltoir Xtouix'tla Concert XTxrldar, v SOLOIST LMES GOWPER THE EMINENT LYRIC TENOR FROM CHICAGO. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1. Seats on sale Thursday, February 9. Orders for seats from parties out of town promptly attended to. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF L. I. CRAWFORD AND F. G. ZEHRUN6. COB. O AND TWELFTH. PHONE 391. TOE. WVmX. Ill Millie Freeman, with the Frank Redick Denver Stock Oo. ONE SOLID WEEK. Gotntnenolne Monday feto. O HZ HR SI Presenting Three Great Plays. Special Scenery for Each One. Monday and Tuesday Around the World in 80 Days WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ''Count of Monte Cristo." IaVnd MAZEPPAo Ladies free Monday on one paid 30 or 50 cent cents ticket if reserved before 7 p. m. Seats on sale Saturday at 9 a. m. Gallery 10c, balcony 20c, dress circle 30c, parquet and boxes 50c. New and pleasing specialties. The wonderful child actress La Petite Reina. Ladies' and children's matinee Saturday 10 and 25" cents. THE THEATRE The attraction at The Funke all next week, commencing Monday February, Gtb, will be the Dearer Stock company, headed by the young romantic actor, Mr. Frank Redick. The opening bill will be the great scenic production, made famous by J. F. Little, and never before played at popular prices, "Around the World in 80 Days." All the special scenery is carried for this play, ae it is for the other ones. Wednesday and Thursday "The Count of Monte Cristo." and Friday and Saturday and Saturday matinee, the beautiful play, the first time here, "Mazeppa," introducing the beautiful white horse, carried for this play only. Don't fail to see the wonder ful child actress, '-La Petite Reina." The price will be 10.20, 30 and 50 cents, and the matinee 10 and 25 cents. Ladies free Monday night under usual condi tions. Sale of seats opens Saturday 9 a. ra. The Denver News of December. 25th, 1898 says of this company: The presentation of the big spectacu lar play, "Around the World in Eighty Days," by the new and strengthened stock company, was a bold stroke of managerial ability, entailing a tremen dous expenditure of time and money. Many people take part in the perform ance, and brand new and magnificent scenery had to be provided. No better show could have been seen regardless of price. Mr. Readick is alwajs the big part of any play in which ho takes part, and during his short btny in Denver he has shown himself to bo, not only a finished actor, but a managor who I knows how to get up a moBt enjoyable entertainment every week at a nrico that is in the reach of all . Among the specialties of more than ordinary merit is La Petite Reina, the child dancer and tragedienne, who is a wonder, al though only six years old, and has al ready met with groat success in Europe, New York and Chicago. is eure to excite pleasurable anticipa tion. When a new star appears in the dra matic firmatrent, the event is far too important to be treated otherwise than in a spirit of fervent thankfulness. "La ToBca" may be regarded as -a typical modern Faench play and a notable example of the work of Dumas. "Fe dora" is remarkable for its dramatic force. Sardou employs the imagination of his audience to picture scenes that could not be presented, with the result that the play, from the opening of the first act, becomes one of absorbing in terest. Miss Walsh is well known on the American stage. She has successfully appeared in many pieces and has played a wide diversity of characters, but up to the present time has never b tarred. But the very training she has been through has fitted tier for the work-she is-now to ably performing. When it was decided that through ill health Miss Fanny Davenport was unable to go on with her work, of all the leading women oo the American stage, Miss Walsh was select ed. It was no easy task to follow In the footsteps of so distinguished an actress as Miss Davenport. For years she has been regarded as the leading actress in America and her productions stood fat beyond those of any other manager in this country. But Miss Walsh haa proved herself a worthy successor. An excellent company has bees st pecially choson with the view of making the cast bb nearly perfect as possible. On Tuesday night and at the Wednes day matinee "La Toaca" will be present. ed. ''Fedora'' will receive a eingle . per formanco on Wednesday night. Seats now on Bale at box ofllce, hi i To that portion of tho community who still retain some appreciation for good plays and good acting, tho announco mentof tho uppoaranco of Melbourne MacDowell and Blancho Walsh, in Fun ny Davenport's production of Sardou's great plajs, "La Toaca" nnd "Fedora," at Tho Olivor noxt Tueeduy and Wed nesday nights and Wedneeday matinee, The many friends and patrons of the Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts are more than pleaeed that Mr. Holmes Cowper, the young tenor from .Chicago is to bo the holoiet for the next conceit at Tho Oliver, Friday, February 10th. Mr. Cowper will sing once with full or, chestra accompaniment, once with piano and alao.Suhubert's Serenade with string quartet accompaniment. The orches tra will play in addition to the Moiart' symphony, works by Mendelssohn, BrahraB, Meyerbeer and Adaaj. Seats reserved Thursday morninjr, February" 9th. Prices 25c, GOo, 75c and 11.00. V ' . 1 1 v r r