The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 28, 1899, Page 8, Image 10

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THE COU?v.t.
tlon. When tho govornor wbb told c f
tho occurronco ho laughed heartily, but
announced that ho would not nccopt
any more InvMationB to private dinnora,
Mrs. Pruyu has long boon tho lendor
of Albany Bocioty. Sho is about fifty
years of age and wealthy.
The Oliver thoatro will pasB under tho
control of L. M. Crawford of Topokit,
FobruHry 1st. F. C. Zobrung who Iihb
managed tho Funko for tho last Hvo
years bo successfully, will inunago both
hoUBoa. Mr. Dowdon, whoso managorial
ability ban made th 3 Oliver one of tho
boat known play Iiourob in tho wes; will
bo rotuinod by Mr. Crawford. Tho
change bringB both thoatres in Mr.
Crawford's circuit, und it iB said will bo
to tho advantogo of Lincoln theatregoers.
Tho largo number of frionds made by
Mr. Zehrung in tho profession aB well ap
among tho theatro going public nro con
gratulating Mr. Zehrung on hisonlarged
The ladies' missionary socioty of the
First Presbyterian church hold a pleas
ant reception Wednosday afternoon at
tho homo of Mrs. W. M. Hindman.
About one hundred womon were prcB
ent and tho afternoon was made on
joyablo by songs from Mrs. E. Lewis
Baker and Mrs. A. Campboll. Mrs.
Ilinman gavo an intensoly interesting
talk on Turkey and the Armenians,
based upon knowledge sho had gained
through having resided in Constanti
noplo in her early life.
It is announced that Miss Sadio
Richter, r. aught er of Mr. and Mrs. Si
ll th and J strneta Tuesday evening.
The young peopjo, about forty in uum
bor camo in from University Placo in a
special car. Tho evening was spont
joyously with vocal and instrumental
muBic. Tho house was adornod with
ropes of smilax and boquots of carna
tioiiB. Tho many frionds of Mr. Dan and
Mr. Tom Wing wero glad togrcot them
tho first of tbo week as they stopped for
aflhort timo to visit their old home.
Tho former is travelling for tho treasury
dopartmont at Washington, 'and Tom,
the youngor brother,' is now a resi
dent of Now York whoro ho is practic
ing law.
Mies Anna and Mr. S. D. Mayer, en
tertained tho B'nai B'rith card club on ;
Tuesday evening. Mrs. Sara Wessel
won tho ladioB' prize and Carl Weil won
that for the gentlemen Refreshments !
weroBorved. Tho guests wore: Messrs ;
and Mesdames Mayer, Speier, Herzog, '
Mrs. WcBsel; Mieees Friend, Schlegen- ;
ger; Messrs Blum, Weil, Oppenheimer j
and Speier.
Tho celebrated E Minor Symphony
by Mozart will be played at the next
Philharmonic Orchestra Concert Friday
February 10th at tho Funko.
Miss Eugenia Getner gavo a small in
formal party for Miss Sheldon on Friday
evening. The gueBtB wero: Misses
Sheldon, Loomis, Ricketts.Vancil.Clark;
Messrs. Charles and Will Clark, Shel
don, Marlay, Sanders, Turpin. Whipple.
Percales in the most attac
tive patterns ever produced in
light, medium and dark colors
are now on our counters at
8 l-3c and 12 l-2c a yard.
Ginghams in choice styles
and colors we are showing at
10c, 15c, 20c and 25c a yard.
R. L.Metcalf, managing editor of the
Omaha World-Herald, was in the city
the first of the weok.
First publication Jan. 2ft. 5.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the Clerk
of the District Court of the Third Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within and
iur uituunBiur uoumy, id an action
Miss Margaret Cuater has gone to wherein Charles White, et al, are plain
Falls City to remain for a few days. tiffs, and 'llie May, et al, defendants. I
will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 28th dav
E. P. Ewing has gone to Chicago to of February, A. D., 1899, at the east
meet Mre. Ewing, who has been visiting door ?f the court house, in the City of
iu the east for some timo. 7: ' "i" Cfruul' -Nebraska,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook of Chicago,
aro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
M. E. Jowett of Keokuk. la., snnnt
mon Richter, will wed Mr. Edwin M. Inst Sunday with the members of Kaona ' tf fr B'e at P" bite auction the fol-
Friend of this city. The nuptials will Sigma fraternity. He is an alumnus of Mr' and Mrf W' R Archer havo re" St de8cribod ,ands and tenements,
inne p.auu id v,mcago wBunesuny, roD- ttie iraternity at Champaign, III., and """" lw u,w.,wu0i.i,.w The north half of t
ruary 8, and in the evening a reception was making his first visit to the chanter as taken a good P08ltl0D- tor of section eight
will be given at the Unity club. A
number of Mr. Friend's acquaintances
from this city will attend the wedding.
Wilfred Smith entertained a company
of young people at progressive crokinole
at his home, 1631 F street, Wednesday
evening, in honor of Miss Richardson of
Seward. Miss Lillian White won the
prize for getting the largest number of
games. ThoBe present were Misses Jes
sie and Lillian White, Richardson, De
Lashmutt and Messrs. Charles Caldwell,
Leon Crandall and Arthur Kempet.
Secretary and Mrs. W. F. Porter gave
a party Monday eveaing to the members
or the office force in Mr. Porter's depart
ment at the the capitol, to hear the
Philharmonic concert. Those present
were Messrs and Mesdames Porter,
Weesner, Schrader, Mann, Miss Nellie
Purcell, Messrs Sheldon and Starrett.
Raymond G. Hancock, a talented
young reader and impersonator of Lin
coln, will leave the first of noxt month
for a tour of several Nebraska towns
where he will give recitals. Mr. Man
cock has natural talent which ho has
developed by study under tho direction
of Prof. EJward Muggi, and whore ever
he has appeared ho has won apprecia
tion and created a favorablo impression
.Chancellor and Mrs. D. W. C. Hunt
ington, entortained the senior clu6s of
the Wesleyan university Thursday even
ing at dinner. The decorations were
nurple, tho clasB color, and violets wero
tbo flowers usod in decoration on the
tables. The menu curds wero in old
gold and brown, tho colore of tho uni
versity. Those present wero: MIbbpb
Brown, DanioUon, Don Carlos, Hill,
Knight, McPherrino and Fuller; Messrs
Abbott, Keck, Roberts, Stephenson and
Mr. Holmes Cowper, who has become
a great favorite with Lincoln people,
will be heard here again at tho fourth
Philharmonic Orchestra Concert Friday
February 10th at tho Funko,
The senior anu junior Orophilian so
cieties of Wesley un university wero
entortained by Dr. and Mrs. Tucker at
Mr. E, L. Richeson is assisted by Miss
Mattie Mundorf in teaching fancy steps,
Btage diincing, fencing, etc. Children's
class, 2 to 4 o'clock, 12 for eight lessons.
Richeson's Dancing academy, 141 South
Twelfth street,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berlot aro re
joiced over tho arrival of a daughter.
Mr. Berlet is a representative from
JohnBon county and he and Mrs. Berlot
aro living at the Lindell hotel.
Mr. Stuhr, a sophomoro at the Btato
university, was initiated into the Sigrai
Chi fraternity with all tho attendant
horrible rites last Wednesday night.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity gavo
a delightful dance last night at Turpin's
dancing academy. About twenty couple
were present and enjoyed a long danc
ing program.,
The fourth Philharmonic Orchestra
Concert at the Funke, Friday February
tho Tenth.
Mrs. R. M. Turner entertained in
formally at cards Wednesday evening;
Mre. Jaraoo Heaton haB gone to Rock
ville, Ind., to remain for a short time.
avJ a nA m k mu l a m n a m A bmi
mutcu iv luunuu, v., wuuiu iur. ntuuer rru .il ui .
.. luo uunnweei quar
r of section eight (8). towimhln nin.
even (7), east'of the sixth P,
tlVe (5) HCrPR thni-nnf .
veyed to F. W. Little, as appears of
record in the office of the register of
deeds, also the south half of the north
west quarter of section rive (5), in town-
H.E. Gingery spent a part of the .SolTfiiffi
weok with friends in Crete.
Harry Culver is home from a visit at
ami or me soutneaBt quarter of the said
northweBt auarter of nniri DOi- 1.
(5). Also the south half of the south
oast quarter of tho northwest quarter of
section five (B), township nine (9), "anee
seven 1,, east of the sixth P. M. and a
portion of tho southwest quarter (s w
X), of section five (0), township nine '(9)'
north ranee seven (1. not . k -ilii!
The latest thing OUt, that ? My. in, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
new coke for the furnace &1$2
at GreOgOry'S, Cheap and tion five (5), running thence Bouth to the
clean, I044Ostreet. Phone fig" the6 sLTSZ' SLfLJfi
seventy (7U) rods to the west line of said
section, thence north along the west line
of said section to the nnV 11... !5l "?f
southwest quarter (s. w. U)t thence east
along the north line of said I ouiJKr
seventy (70) rods to the plafe o?Kgi
A pretty table decoration recently n'" oi Portion of said quarter
mm I.. M.u.d with fnmi TSSSlSSSlshs
farnB. The center nienn was of orrnwincr uratincr ninntv nn ,j ; u.r "Jf10'
Mr. Frank W. Martineau, business ferns, and strewn in careleps, but artistic fast aide thereof, all of said described
manager of the Melbourne MacDowell profusion about the cloth, were pressed a"dnfanitunem,entB bein ln ancaiter
VjU,. UHb uoen in IDO CltV for noof 4.1 - mL.i u -"-7i""ono,
" -w r" ducuiuichb uv tun Dttuio uioou. xuuirrau
iew aayB.
Tho Wesleyan quartet loft on Monday
for a trip through the state. Roy Israel
has gone with the quartet ir tho ca
pacity of reader.
Electric wiring, gas and electric fix
tures and lamps a specialty. Koremeyer
Plumbing and Heating Co., 215 South
liMovonth street.
DontiBt Hill, over Miller & Paine.
Leonard H. Robbine, the brilliant
young reporter on the Philadelphia Press
is reported as lying critically ill in a
Philadelphia hospital.
The members of camp No. 22GG, M. W.
A., enjoyed a delightful dance and so
cial Wednesday night at Odd Follow's
hall. '
e green. Tnerresn Given under mv hnn .t- ., ,
feme cannot be so well used for this of January, A. D 1899. y
purpose, as the leaves would turn and John J. Tbomppv
... .... .. Rnnnlul 1 .. rt . . "i
wrinKie. xne pressea variety is obtain
able at a florist's and may be ueed more
than once if properly put away in fiat
boxes or between the leaves of a
special MaBter Commissioner.
rim publication Jn -a
book. nbStrlCt CUrt of Lncter County, Ne-
THE WAY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA '$ Jowmioli D. '.vnikor:
is in a tourist sleeping car, personally oit,CiSt'lf
onnrlnnfArl vin nf ttia nnrlinrfnn M,,f tlon OgaillSt VOU in tho Ml.ll,t "l0.a P-
wwUw.w, .. ,M Uw...U(,VwU .uufc. castor M)unty. Nebrniikn ."'i':r"u" or tia
,...MbUv,.. Uui,. castor i ounty, Nebrankn thn,ii.i-u .or Uaa'
Ynu mkn fuot of which is to '.,hti I "'"""Joot and prayor
. n . ..... .uu . . -.," --" uirurC0 Trom vnn ...f .:
time. You see tho finest sconery on tho Waft" "c ufm80 ' .'' ffialkw. Uk
- T I. -i ... " 'iinur, Ajlinv l.V..ll.n-
You don't change cars.
Kqoal to th OocmIou.
First Boy (with bundle) You atop
licking that dog at m; or I'll I'll give
aim this meat.
Second Boy He, he I Wot food'il
that do?
Wii-nf Ttnv Whlla tioa .oftr. tUf .
MIbs Rose Carson haB been pledged to m lick you.
the Kappa Alpha Theta eorority. fhcond Boy Here, Tigol
jiiory uu mo nniKor. t;utlurino VViilWnr i " tV,"!rnr.
iv. v.. 4 !..i. .insoni 11. VnNinr ... 41-V""'' ."amor and
Kivuo. ium id uui bu uatJ0UHivoiy have wilfully iihii;i.. iV' Krc.anu that you
finished nor so fine to look at as a a7orTO wlthSJt
palace sleeper, but it is just as clean, otMotloffWltioaoa
just as comfortable. JuBt as good to ride ByD.j. pum, ,10r .tgSSL-Walkee.
in, and nearly $20 cheaper. "rnoy.
Subscribn tnr T n
"" ""uniKv tl a year
Miss Anne Rivett, hairdreeeing and
shampooing, moved from Burr Blk to
Emporium, 143 South Twelfth .
xawsou-l've aeen dir- - a
t9 b BHtM.
nd btay undtr water an hour.
uHwson-i'oohj I've heen ,m. -o
flown stay an hour and a half and
mioke all the time.
DamonI mw on go down a v
xgo and ho ha. not coai up 22J