THE COURIER HarpeksBazar IW r -T -. ' - ratCcwtls S , I FrinklirpMatthewt W. D. HoweUs Henry James aj Rudyard Kipling Z!S $w Jm Caspu Wminey Edmund Cosse 2,..C0.DIJ?infi.l K'" W"k by wfk darinF ,8" m"ns '"wtraiioni and teit, all the important news of the world in a dear and concise manner POLITICS Independent o parties, devoted to good government, it will not hesitate to approve or disapprove, whatever the situation may be. ART The leading artists of the country will contribute to the pages o( the WEEKLY, as heretofore, making It the foremost illustrated weekly Cuba and the Philippines Hawaii and Porto Rico Special articles will appear on these two countries by Messrs. Phil. Roblruon and F. D. Millet, both of whom made special journeys to the islands. These places will be similarly treated by Caspar Whitney and W Dinwiddle, who bkewu: made a study oi the places ...THE BEST... PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR is what HARPER'S WEEKLY has been in the past and will be in the future. The great work accomplished in the late Spanish-American war is characteristic of the WEEKLY'S live and energetic policy. SERIAL STORIES WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES. By H. Q. Well WITH SWORD AND CRUCIFIX. By E. S. Van Zilt THE CONSPIRATORS By R. W. Chambers Some Short-Story Contributors W. E. Norrls Owen Hall F. J. McCarthy H. S. Herri man E. F. Benson H. S. Williams John Corbln M. S. Briscoe THE WEST and its industries will be treated in a series of articles by Franklin Matthews. The London Letter will be written by Arnold White, and will be full of timely matter. ALASKA and its resources will be the subject oi a series of papers by Edward J. Spurr. This Busy World by E. S. Martin, will continue to amuse and instruct its readers AMATEUR ATHLETICS will be continued weekly by its well-known editor, Mr. Caspar Whitney 10 Cent! a Copy Subscription. S4 00 a Yta Address HARPER & BROTHERS. Publishers. New Vork. 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