The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 31, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. 13. NO. 52.
jfcgy fails- Under the so-called Gage cur- wliere walks are so far worn out or Ie- candidacy of Mr. Thompson is a true
$2&C' rency bill nendinir in comrress the stroved as not to be worth repairing, indication of the sentiments of the
government proposes to guarantee the he entirely remove tlie same. That at best people. The editors are- poor
redemption of certain circulating each regular meeting of the council men. They belong to the poorest paid
...w ,f r...twi....i i,...,!-;- i,, ,,. ... ..!-., i. -.... :.. ...-;;..., ilnmr tvlint. iinrl tnnst, l.'iliorinns nrofcssiou of all.
itself secure it taxes such circulating streets he has inspected the walks and yet their editorials are written with a
Entered is tiik postoffice at Lincoln as notes two per cent per annum for the where and to what extent he has made single regard tothe real interests of thu
second class matter. purpose of creating a safety fund to repairs, the city council will adopt communities in which their pacrscir-
indemnify it against loss. Why not that recommendation and doubtless culate. Such men and newspapers are
PUBLISHED EVERY satoruay tax the circulating notes of the banks will permit the city attorney to desig- an often unrecognized element of the
bi for the purpose of creating a safety nate the person to be employed and if vitality or a state, and the nearly
TUC PAIIDIID DDIiTIIP. IVn PIIRIISHINB fid fund for depositors. that is done the man selected will be unanimous expression of such men
lift oOUKItK PKIHIIRIl WW FUDLIouInU bU ono who is a faithful employee. and newspapers cannot be disregarded
Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. Judgments aggregating thousands If in the same report the cityattor- without danger 10 the state and death
TeleDhone 384. of dollars are accumulating against ney will recommend that the ordi- to the party through which such an
1 c F the city on account of personal in- nances relating to the construction of olfense comes.
sarah B. HARRIS. - Editor juries sustained by reason of defective sidewalks be amended so as to pre- .
sidewalks. To satisfy these judg- vent the construction or ahy walks on It ,,as (lffen been urged that Mr.
Subscription Kate In Advance. me nts taxes must be levied and col- the streets of any material save stone, Thompson succeeds iu what he at
Per annum 12? lected. The labor of defending the brick, cement, cinders or sand, that tenipts. y argument for success bet
Six months i? actions resulting in these judgments recommendation will also be adopted. tcr tjiail 5ts accomplishment. It is
Three months OQ fails upon the city attorney and his As is indicated above all that is neces- not quite true of Mr. Thompson, how-
5-DeiTcoDie"s" 05 deputy and these, more than any other sary is to direct the attention or the evor His inlluencc was not suflicient
g P public officers, appreciate the neces- council to these matters and it will be to keep George Woods from being the
' sity of removing, as far as possible- prompt to act in the premises and onjy republican defeated about a year
ThbCocbikrwUI not be responsible for jni. the cause of ijal)1ity 0 the part or that in such an elTectivc way that in .,,, Qlite the contrary, it was his
StamK nS 3aCC the municipality. A present remedy the future, actions for damages will support which exasperated the rcpub-
Co.mmni,n,sf & nTme'oAhewViferTSot which does not require an amendment not be commenced and judgments for Ucan citizens itt this county into
merrfjM a guarantee of good faith, ijut for to tiie city charter is within the reach personal injuries will be matters of voting for the democratic candidate
pnblication it advisable. 0f the city attorney If lie is inclined memory only. General Webster will for register of deeds. In the last city
' to apply it. reader a public service by early action eiCction, n0b Fi'nlay. a republican can-
:&&OQ'W'''V KGeneral Webster will, in a written as herein indicated. didatc for councilman in the first
O report to the city council state what ward, was debated, though Mr.
2 OBSERVATIONS. O is generally known to be a Tact, but or With one-hair or the republican Thompson told Jie committee that
6 t which the members or the council are papers or the state openly opposed to lie would attend to that ward hlin-
i'00' ignorant, that the present incumbent the candidacy or Mr. Thompson and seir. There have been several other
I the proposed currency legislation or the office or street commissioner is the remainder in favor of any one of men defeated by nothing so much as
" " neress why is there not provided wholly and totally inefficient as a pub- the other candidates, it is difficult to the popular conviction that they were
mCfetv fund for the benefit of deposi- lie servant; that the services which he believe that the legislature will poll tools of Mr. Thorn pson,-who would use
sa, f t, national banking act renders the city are not worth a dol- any considerable vote for him. Po- the official power to which his crect
hS Id I made to provide for the lar a year; that the office should be ntical disputants claim that the pco- ures were elected to advance the in
shouia tax ot one lisxlf of one per declared vacant because of the inefii- pie want a business man in the senate forests of his own business. Whether
levying circulating notes of the ciency of the incumbent as a public and that Mr. Tliompson is a business is it easier, to elect one or fourteen
cent on t0 be paid into the employe and because it isa fraud upon man par excellence who will let no couucilnien and a register of deeds or
banks, the invested in govern- the taxpayers to pay him a salary out scruples interfere with the accom- to attract the votes of a hundred or
treasury an he djrecti0n of the of the public treasury, the council will pHshment or plans for the develop- more representatives, many or whose
ment bonas . fund t0 be applied act upon the report and dispense with mentor the commercial possibilities constituents have already vigorously
proper oB-cer, i national the presence in buildings heated at in Lincoln and Nebraska. It is quite objected W such a candidate, Tor the
to paying tne l fjure of the "bank; public expense or a person who, Tor an easy matter to say what the people office or United States senator? A
banks in case o within several years, has drawn a salary from want. It is quite another thing to ward is easier to organize than a state,
such payme"trbank' pasScs into the city without any compensatingad- prove that the people want this or and ward politicians are Ies fastid i
thirty days after i government, vantage to the municipalityThe mem- that before election day. In this case, ous than senators and representatives,
the possession k ics bersofthecouncilarebusinesamenand if the papers or the state express the Having failed to hypnotize the former,
there would be "o i ' e n the as soon as their attention is, by the opinions or the people or the state it is it is not flattering tosuppose thatsuc-
People would nac d j thelr report or the city attorney, directed to apparent that ir the legislators are cess will attend efforts to organize the
banks and inBt ' t, would the fact of the general worthlessness true representatives they will not vote state,
money out of the u ai ih gafe an einnloyee of the person now for Mr. Thompson as United States
keep it there because i ' ntce drawing the salary of street commis senator. A publisher whose paper is At last we are permitted to know
The government woman h ' . t,at itein of expense will be read and whose opinion is of any con- the identity or Ruth Ashmore the
the deposits but l w. a ., JJ, would cutoff. sequence at all, crystallizes the best author of Side Talks With Girls, in
tee for all the banks nnd in if jn the same report the city attor- sentiments or the best part or the the Ladies' Home Journal. She was
guarantee their own aei ent . will recommend that the city community. Not the richest or the Mrs. Mallon and she lived in New-
case of a bank failure tne h the employ an honest and industrious car- most exclusive, but that part which York. The public has always suspect-
would see to the appiicat of nler wi,0 wants to work and who has kept a tender conscience and has ed that Ruth Ashmore was the "liter-
trust fund and the remimi - family dependent upon him for not allowed commerce and competi- ary" name for Mr. Hok himself, so
the fund from the assets oi SUnnort at the compensation of ?2 per tion to affect childhood's clear vision well did he keep Mrs. Mallon's secret,
bank. The government rurnis.. da" 'ply illiu with a hammer, saw of right and wrong. It is such as "who would die" before she would
people with a banking sjsicn . .. thus equipped require these who support a paper morally acknowledge '-Kutli Ashmore" She
vitcsthe peoP,c t0 t, jL "cre. him to devote ten hours of each day in and financially and no editor can died on Tuesday -ind for the first time
such banks as it authorizes to walkingover and inspecting the side afford to ignore them. The vicious it is known that Rab, who wrote
ated but. the government win waiksof the citj, making it his duty cannotsupportapaper whoseeditorial witty comments on social foibles;
posit its own money in suci " r go far as posslbie with the paga is for sale because the moment Iluth Ashmore, the compiler of the
unless the banks secure eucu aejiij . , oleinent8 i,e carries, walks 'which thBeditor sells becomes of no dictionary of proprieties, and Isaliel
with government bonds or oiner ou Jdefectjve. where hecan at a'foalO&bj&.'to the purchaser. Only good Mallon. who wrote or the fashions,
quate security. A national oanw .. e for new niatcri!l, repairlks -fcwirih buying and this particular were one and the same person with
not become a depository or govcr -v - & f.iixta'nnot 1)0. sold. Therefore the three pen names. If the girls who
ment money unless it furnishes isecur n.ake such repdn'ofB&ld this state which h:is expressed wrote to her for advice about how to
Ity whereby the government is sure w be supplied bv tlflr;ciijfs1rn unequivocally against the treat their beaux had known that she
obtain its money in case - ? ,- -