r pqfajQ3jW5- THE COURIER. 8 - -T- nr- M It !- N 1 - ' -7 V- ns green and white, and places were set for Sfiaea guests. Two handsome candela bra held green and white candles which cast a softeoed glow. Great silvery chrjsantheaiBms and glossy green of the holly formed the decorations of the rooms. The luncheon was ma-ie most delightful by the graciousneca of the hottest. Lieut. Edwin R. Morrison who is home from the Third regiment on farlough, entertained the members of the Alpha Tau Omega, Wednesday evening at 1631 F. street Whta was the amus aaent of the evening. Sidney Mumau woo the royal prize and Harry FoIImer obtained the consolation. An elegant supper was sandwiched between the cards and a short dance. Lieut. Morri son is very popular amen? the membars of his fraternity and in the university where he obtained his military educa tion. His eick leave was extended twenty days recently and he will re main in the city until the last part of the montn. Mr. Frank Parks has returned from Washington. He is convales:ing from an attack of typhoid fever -acquired by a residsace in Washington during the hot aaoatbs of the summer.. Mr. Parks was assistant paymaster to Mr. Jas, W, Dawes and helpsd to make the brilliant record for accuracy and promptness fairly earned by the Nebraska paymas ter. Mr. Parks was accompanied by his mother Mrs. Parks, who several weeks ago went to Washington on re ceiving news of ber son's illness. Mr. Parks' friends are of the tried and true variety that Polonius reccommends and are grappled with that same tempered steel his seasoned judgment advised. They are very glad indeed to welcome him home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans chaperoned a dancing party at Torptn's Academy Taesday evening and the occasion was made the inception of a new club to meet fortnightly. Those present were: Misses Bertie Clark. Billing, LaSelle, LeUnd, Hollowbush, Graham, Thomas, Polk. Woods, Wighenhorn, Charlotte Clark, Andrews, Ricketts, Houtz, Put nam, Getner, Yansil.and Custer: Messrs. Marlay Whipple, Kennard, Folsom, Honeywell, Butler, Ricketts, Charles Clark, Will Clark, C. Barber, Vergil Berber, Sheldon, Pancoast, Kind, Reel, Sanders, Thomas, Whitmore, Wehn, and Lyons. Mrs .O. N.Humphrey gave a keneing ton Thursday afternoon to about forty ladies in the parlors of the Lincoln hotel. The rooms were prettily adorned with a profusion of chrysanthemums, carna tions, palms and greenery. Pretty Bat te&burg lace patterns aleo adorned the tables scattered about the rooms. The amusement for the afternoon was dif ferent guessing games that afforded much amusement. Colored waiters serv ed the guests with elegant refresh ments in the ordinary. The hours were 2:30 to 4:30. Mrs. C. D. Pitcher, Mrs. A. G. Bill meyer, Mrs. Fawell, Mrs. C. I. Jones, Mrs. w T. Van Brunt. Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. Chapin, Mrs. F. E. Campbell, Mrs. W. J. Turner. Mrs. W. A. Preston, Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. H. B. Patrick 'were the guests of Mrs. A. D. Wilkinson Monday afternoon at a meeting of the L. A. G.F. Kensington club. A daintily served luncheon was a part of the en tainment of the afternoon. The Lindell card club was delightful entertained by F. W. Bartruff Tuesday evening. A luncheon delicately ar ranged was a part of the enjoyment of the evening. Those taking hands at cards were: Mesdames Perrine. Grand Island; De Pew, Woodward, Humphrey, Harrison, Zalin, Hoover, Londfield, Hershberger, Miss Steele and Miss Schute. Mm. John Dorgan entertained the cheese and cracker club Taesday after noon. The afternoon was enjoyably spent by the following guests: Mesdames Ode Rector, Mallalieu, George Woods. Lew. Marshall, Mohrensteeher, C. L. Burr. Fred Howe, Ross Curtice; Misses Mae Burr, Fay Marshall and Miss Rioc hart of Lafayette, Ind. "Satin" Erwin, the big, flaxen haired, good natured full back of the foot ball team left for his home in Dubois, this state, the first of the wi ek where he will take a position in the bank. Mr. Erwin is deservedly popular, and will be missed not only in the Kappa Sigma fraternity, but also among the students of the uni versity. During Christmas week we give 20 per cent discount on all our fine Fur nishing Goods and Hats; also 20 per cent discount on all men's, boys' and children's Suits, Overcoats and Reefers at the Armstrong Clothing Co. Rev. Henry JL Dunning, who has been pastor ot the Second Presbyterian church in this city for the past two years, has received a call from the Pres byterian church at Watcrton, N. Y. This church is an influential body and the call is a flattering one to a man of so few years as Mr. Dunning. This is jour time to 6elect holiday goods at E. Fleming's. 1211 O St. Just received latest styles in everything in jewelry line and all kinds of silver novel ties. Cheap, will pay you to calL Mrs. C. D. Pitcher gava a party Tues day night for her father Mr. T. P. Ken nard to celebrate his seventieth birthday anniversary. The house was made attrac tive with blush roses and palms. Six handed euchre furnished amasment until a late hour. Mrs. R. M, Turner and Mr. H. B. Patrick obtained the prizes. Buy your Christmas Furnishing Goods of the Armstrong Clothing Co. Largest stock, best assortment, besides you get 20 per cent discount from former loa prices. Friday night Dec. 9 the members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon gave an informal dance at Turpin's hall after the vaude ville show at the university. The mem bers of the fraternity and a few invited guests enjoyed a short dancing program. See the beautiful display of fine Neck wear at the Armstrong Clothing Co. Mr. Charles Hawley Keefer, a pupil of the pianist Mr. Joseph Cahn ot Omaha, spent a few days of this week in the city. Mr. Keefer is a musician of much ability and those who were privileged to hear him during bis s!ay, were given a treat. Mr. Keefer may locate in Lin coln later in the year. Miss Anne Rivett, hairdreseing and shampooing, moved from Burr Blk to Emporium, 143 South Twelfth. James G. Miller will leave today for his home in Wayne where he will remain during the remainder of the year. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega and is in his third year at the university. He leaves a host of friends behind him. Dents' and Dempster & Place's fine drees and business Gloves, ask to see them at Armstrong Clothing Co. Mr. and Mrs. McMeanB returned the first ot the week from Ohio, where they spent ten days of their honeymoon. Mr. McMeans is the cashier at tbe Union Pacific freight office, and is a pop ular official. Mr. and Mrs. McMeans will reside in Waverly Terrace. Elegant line ot Smoking Coats at the Armstrong Clothing Co. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Humphrey enter tained about ninety ladies and gentle men Thursday evening in the Lincoln I IMMMHMHMMIMMI'1, '1 FINE- LEATHER GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS Gentlemen's, trayelinbagrs, $1.75 to $12.00. Ladies' shoppirg- bags, 25c to $5. Ladies' card cases, 50c to $5.00. Fine purses for ladies or gentlemen, 25c to $5. ! MIfofoER & PAINE MIMHIIIMIimHIMIIIIIIlM'IIIIIMlllMMt MIIIIHIMIMMIIIHIIIIlMll NEBRASKA WESLYAN UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ONE OF THE LARGEST SCHOOLS OF MUSIC IN THE WEST AND THE NUMBER OF PUPILS CONSTANT INCREASING. ONE REA SON FOR THIS LARGE INCREASE IS THAT THE METHODS OF IS- STRUCTION IN USE HERE ARE THOSE OP THE BEST ErTROPEAX CONSERVATORIES, BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCED IN THE .MUST THOROUGH, AND RAPID MANNER POSSIBLE, AND aRE NEVER OBLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SEVERAL TIMES, AS IS OFTEN THE CASE BECAUSE OF n?-'RoPER IN STRUCTION. EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC, VOCAL, INSTRUMENTAL AND THE ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES. SEND FOR CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFORMATION TO 0REN E. LOCKE, Director', University Place. Nebr. r Sr 1r ymmmmmnmmmmmnmmm NEBRASKA CLUB WOMEN Jke Gourier AND o- The Glub Womarv SUr 3r TOR T THE COURIER contains reports from, every club in J the state except twoJMJMJJ. - THE CLUB WOMAN k the best dub magazine pub-lhixdJtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt A QUARTER more than ue price of one will secure both for a year. Address either nuga2raeAAj,A,A J THE COURIER, Lincoln, Nebr. THE CLUB VOMAN, Boston, tfosuchmetbJJJJJJJJj r $1.25 utuuuututttttuutuuutuuttuutitutt 9 J. XT. CRAITFORD, JEanojr Groceries, Etc. Tel. 192. 131-133 North- Fourteenth Street. Lincoln Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty. tti DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHOES. MITTENS AND GLOVES. COME AND SEE US. WM. POTTHARST & CO.. 935 0 STREET. MattftftftftftftftftMftlft