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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1898)
&53 'l THE COURIER. 'JS3 N -IE. w s" ' ti . a fi' P' i- m 3 a V- m $ - 4J kC fe4l t-M F- Pjrof eaiaiioxmal Directory. Tone. (Mn.. Km.... Dr. O. C. Beynolds Office Hours (Office room 18-19 110 to 11 a.n Barr Block 3to5p.m JBea. 2M8Q St 1 Sun. 3to' o ro I W. L. Dayton, M.D. J " 1205 ostwl l10tol f Diaeaaaa of Bye, Km. ., Md Throat I Bea. 1821 C Street J230 toSpm I Dr. S. E. Cook f Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1215 0 St. 19:30-12:3 am J2-5pm I Office, Zebrong Block 19 to 10 a m JAaa. .....SIb faa... . -.871. Ereaiaga, by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and fay appointment. TOr. Beni. F. Bailev 1 Vvzuko " " Evidence. 1313 C street ) 2 to 4 p m oa- MIIDr. J. S. Eaton. Beidenc. 362 1 Burgery and Nerrons Diea? e , j i 1 2" to 4 p. m VOSice.137 So. llth St. Bi.b. Hours 10 to .Dr. J. B. Trickey, f Befiactionist only Office, 1035 O street. 19 to 12 a. m 4 p. m. 19 to VIto4 DENTISTS. I , ( Office, rooms 26, 27 and J . VLOUlS N. Wente,D.D.S. I. Brownell Block, 137 ) f so llth street. I ....6M V Dr. F. D. Sherwin DENTIST. ( Office, room 19 Burr Blk 1 9 to 12 a m I lto p. 1 Res. 2520 Q st Lincoln Infirmery of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. Once our customer always our customer. If you are not satisfied with your fuel try the Clark Coal Company and you will be pleased. Tel. 105. 1009 O St. t Semid v(DMf waislhi dhr&& (? ami. sMirft waists ft m0 5 I CLARKSOM I m IT A TTTRCrwnD'W TftTMTO A "KTftr t 1 atMMIHMIf I MtHIMIIIHIMIHII 1 1 iyatt & Hyatt (Successors to Sutton k. Hollowbush.) I Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681 . wenaveineoniy oysierparior m tne city, can ana see ior youreeu. MlllinaMllMMIIMIMMIM IMIMIMIIIMIII IMIMUMIII lit mmmmmmmmn JUST ONE SAMPLE will prove the superiority of our GENUINE VALNUT BLOCK COAL over all oher coal of SIMILAR PRICE when you test it foryour OVEN, HEAT ER or FURNACE. You don't get up in the morning and find your beater or furnace has consumed all their contents. IT BURNS LONGER WITHOUT CLINKERING than any other coal sold. $450 de livered. Centebville Block Coal Co. Yard Phone, 382. 119 So. Twelfth St. Office Phone, 397. Lincoln, Neb. IIIMIIIIII III II III Mllim IIIIIIIIIIIHIIlHIIIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIli 1 w i OJmTSTT.rAS SPF.f,TAT,S harry stuff, prop. w -r -w i w rw. aa yajijiy ' IHMIIIHIilllHHHMMIIlillllimii 100 ESraved cards, a copper plate lvvf and a morocco card case $1.50. Ti- ;: le : QA Sheets superfine note paper (with TV) Jv envelopes to match) stamped in I V V " gold with any I or 2 letter monogram, : : a fe r i: Press TT TOnr ; A Print 8rop X t for $3.00. 1QA Sheets same with special mono- lvf gram engraved in brass to your order lor $7.00. The latest and correct forms in so ciety printing. II I Mil I27N. 1 2TH STREET r waPFa''w ri'wPwsBiwBr gotial and Pergonal ' ill d i W Amid blue wreaths of smoke the mem bers of Phi Delta Theta and a few in vited guests enjoyed last Saturday son Mrs. HoIIingehead, Crete; Mrs Wheeler, R. D. Stearns, U. I, Jones. Casebeer, Everts, G. H. Clark. P. a evening at 1522 S street. The rooms Brown, F. E. Lahr, A. W. Field, M. H Garten, bewell, Latta, M. J. States, W. E. Kirker, Miss Kirker, MisB Baldwin. Nebraska Chapter of Delta Upsilon was instituted a week ago last night in the Brace Block. George F. Andrews nresident of the exarnitivA munnil f.m the fraternity Brown ULivereityf and Arthur H Jame son of Chicago officiated at the installs tion. A sumptuous banquet was a part of the celebration and a list of eloquent toasts supplemented the menu. Greet- tings from many other chapters were re- were decorated with a melange of na tional colors characteristicamong them, being a few signB in which the magic word "Schlitz"' loomed America nically into view. Each guest was, Dresented durine the evening with a pipe tied with colors. Light refreshments were Eerved during the evening. The smoker wasiinformsl and for that reason and for the reason that it was a typical fraternity gathering, was of unalloyed 1a.a A m amIia 9 tkn An 4kra I lift Ftcurc. u cv.uu ui mo .uUD.... eed during the evening. The char was given in Eome impromptu dances and ter members of this new fraternity are burlesque cake walks, and a little rag a8 follows: P. H. Thompson, R. D. El time music fitted into the evening like a ,iotf p H Kn8glef ulinton fi w L mosaic. The members of the frat pre- e-ii Enwna Rmoklin R w nr.J sent were: G M. Lambertjon, O. F, Ren0 M , E M ' ; uoiuucudmu,u,h. "tuslc'l ". - J-, RhnilM R D nlinfnn Ct T. t7... A T. Stratton, J. E. Lester; absent mem bers Oliver Chambers; Alumni T. D. Lunn (diseased), H. B. Noyes, A. A, Miller, R. Pollard, Charles Peterson. Newell, McDonald, Sumner, Lau, Sher man, Stebbins, Mansfelde, Abbott, Tu key, Hastie, Hill, C. Sumner, Sabin Pryce, Mueller, Stone, True, Rcddy Paine, Raymond, Lyman, Webb, Hag gard, Shears of Omaha and McCreary, From other fraternities weie: Pearee. Samuel Musser, Luther Mumstead, and Earnest C. Folsom were taken into ChristieHaecker, Richards, Carscadden, the Beta Theta Pi fraternity last Satur Weeks, Clsland, Whipple, Peter Lau, da Buch appropriate ceremonies Watkins, Cramb, Adams, Harmon. Da- tnat 'eternity knows so well how to vidson, Bartlett, Rainey, Bischoff, Mel- conduct. Carl Begbtol was toast mas ford, Mudge, VanVaUn, Blies, Numan, ter and ne waxed eloquent as he called Dales, Town, Turner, Rob'nson, Thorn- uPn Messrs. Phillip F. Greene, Dr as, Ike Raymond, Clarkson, Prof. White, John White, Edgar M. Cramb.Gov. H. B. Ward, Professors Taylor, Lyon s Schick. John McDermott and Earnest and Richards. Last night Miss Sue Aehman and Misa Vera Wattler were initiated into Folsom who gave toasts appropriate to the occasion. Those who enjoyed the festivities were Messrs. Ames, Ricketts, Chacdeler, White, McDermott, Beth- Pi Beta Phi at the home of Miss Ada any; Greene, Cramb, Raine, Schick, Her- waugn at ww soum iieventn street, gcheg, Beghtol, Gillespie, Adams, Mc The evening was made enjoyable by the Rillip, Williams, Simms, Blackmann adjunct of a banquet after the ordeal of Webster, Buckstaff, Lau, Robinson, mitiatioH. A lavish display of flowers Hyde, Barnes, and Cooley. covered the banquet table and the menu cards contained the artistic work of Mf" nd Mrs. W, C. Wilson entertained members of the fraternity that made moet baPPuy Wednesday evening for them valuable as souvenirs. During Mr-andMrs. Ralph Loveland of Sgi the even ng several boxes of beautiful naw Mich- Carda ani music furnished flowers, gifts of fraternity men, were the Pl9asure ' the evening. Miss brought to the house to the delight of Maude Oakley sang selections from the young ladies. After the banquet UTho Gei8ha" that were eems. The and initiation, there mysteriously ap- VirBnia reeI waa a unique and thor peared a -number of young gentlemen ouB1y enjoyable part of the entertain who invaded the house and took part in ment for tbe eveniD8- Not the least a dance that brought the evening to a attractive Par of the pleasure was tho close. Those present besides active chafin& dish supper served at a lato members of the chapter were Mrs. Har- hour Welsh rarebit and panned oys rison and Miss Carscadden of York, Miss tera for,ed a part of the menu. The Branch, Omaha, Miss Lacey and the 8ueetB were: Judge and Mrs. Irvine Mioses Mae Lansine. Jennie Barbnr anil Messrs. and Madames Leonard, Rodgers nargreaves, Tilton, Buckstaff, WngM. Coffrotb, Muir, Beeson, Green, Oaklo Griffith, Misses Price and Oakley. The B'nai B'rith card club enjo-.l Tuesday evening with Mr. and iMrs Charles Mayer. Mrs. Sam (Vessel anJ Mr. Schleeinger obtained tbe prizes. BeEsie Turner. Last Saturday evening Mrs. 0. C White invited a number of ladies to her home and entertained them most pleas antly. Six at a time the guests were UBhered into the library where they were asKed to guess the names of muBic al intrnmnt0 n,w.. u .:., " refreshments were served by the hostess. arranged arrounfl th m w.- m The PIayere wer Messrs, and Mesdames C w WW1M. Mrs. My ron Wheeler and Miss Stella Kirker Spier, Herzog, Ackerman, Weasel, Ksen- sky, Mrs. Katz ef Omaha, Misses Mayer, were equally successful in guessing and " "J. , 77 "LT , ' they were compelled to draw for the Jranck, Fnend, Seligsohn, Sehelsinger. i rieuu. .meters. neiiKsuuii. - prizes. Miss Kirker carried awav tha first prize and Mre. Wheeler obtained the secend. An elegant supper served faultlessly, tame as a pretty climax to an evening of extreme pleasure. Mrs. White s guests were: Mrs. D. R. Hop kins, Mrs. W; H. Morris. Mrs. A. T French, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. A. L, John- b'e was beautifully adorned in f'esh Mrs. M. Mayer, Blum, Greenbaum, Oppenhei- mer, and Slick. Mrs. L. J. Herzog gave an elaborate luncheon Monday in honor of her sister, Mrs. Samuel Katz, of Omaha, who has been visiting her for a few days. Tho