f Jfc 1 z'?&9M'0l!ii'sh-'iA THE jCOUKUML. ek-- sr-: iV ' it&V ' .v feT. 1 t.. o - i - . - -T- --i. I'l'I I ll H ""i ht 'rcrcna v I!InJIvI".3v. lM.,ll, V -CI, rtll t lkl. .-- a stiW .- . V . T.'i'ii. '. 5 JN. W9EN. J. Maw I I LJ II I .1 ,M ii i i-ji. -i ii ii ... . . lmAY 10 D lllllllUll V VIIV mi & V i (Second Season.) ugust Jfagciiow tonductdy Sfecbhd Concert Monday Eve- ' ning, Dedo J, at 8:15. QIST: (Eeorg Hfflffllto, Tiblif. .' : , sSTu on sale Saturday, Dec. 3. Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, fi. - SOLOIST: j& ? ONE NIGHT ONLY - Special engagement of the guaranteed attraction, the sue- - js cess of three seasons. iri-MKironcrtn i-a nrMicn ?l EH IN CODEC o rMnuiNsn ? J Twc delightful comedy drama, suggested by Bret Harte's ex quisite romance, prentea Dy v jpTHEBC. AISTOFS POWERFUL COMPANY Iatading" Harry Mainhall. Estha "Williams, Jane Corcoran, -Percy Pluaket, Aanie Mortimer, Walter Rider, Fannie Cur- , ti Frank M. Kelly, Theo. Westman, J. W. Kilduff, Charles PWell, Thomas Stubbs, George Mansfield, the Golden Nug ttr quartet, and all of last season's favorites. Magnificent - atSauc effects. A great play. A great company. Prices $1, 75i 50c and 25c. - Seats on sale Frsday morning. j- r ;i --t )NE niht 'E JpSfgS; JpYTH & RICE PRESENTING THE QUAINT COMEDIAN WlbblE s-Wi-5 H in tea COLLIER . .- A In the funniest farce of the age ''The Man From Mexico" SBy H. A. Dm Souchet, Author of "My Friend From India." j Made famous by Willie Collier during a run of six months at -JHsyt's theatre, New York City. Seats on sale Monday a. m. mm HAL REID'S BEAUTIFUL PLAY THi THEATRE U . A EATHOS: COMIDY. TEARS; f EXCELLENT CAST. ! SPECIAL SCENERY. - Pindar prices: 75c, 50c! 35c and 25c. Seats on sale WL' --' oiown wuxum. , Mr. Gorg HuaUa, Um wnimt tM fron Chicago, will betteaolokt for the mzi PhiUwnMBie orobttra eeacert o Moaday t if , Dccwbf 5, at th Oiiwr thtre. Mr. Hmhi kM tokM Ike wmical world by awjtwi. fariaf oa tto program with waH kaowa aad aatiHiahwa artista,aai air waya carryiag oaT tha hoaora. A few of hia iaaaaMrabla praaa aotieea are ap Beaded: ' .If the work ef aa arhwtia arorea ia aa iauBergeaey .theo aarelr oar Aauricaa teaor. Ueorga Haailia.akewed hiaMetf aa iadjeaeaaable artiet, whea with oaly a few 80818 aotice he aaag the rolea allotted to Eraa WUUaaw at the Apollo dab coacert. Mr. HaaKa recei-ed word at 3 o'clock oa the day of the per fonaaace that it waa aeeeaaary to com plete the caat for the "Dream of jabal" aad alao for the "S waa aad Skylark Haviag aa aaliadted repertory, Mr. Haaslia coaaeated to take the place of WilUaaw, althoagh he had Berereaag pabUdy iDHTheDreaai of JabaV aad JahaTaarrieda Oearier.AprU 1IN. The kdiridual bite were awde by David JHephaat aad George Haaekav af Chieago. Biephaai waa kaowa ham, bat the aierita of the Ckicage teaor aar prieed ladiaaapoUa. Ohicego Tribaae, May 6, 1808. ; . So ferae general excellence' jrae cea ceraed, the pain waa eaeily bone off by Mr.Baatlio.who haa a Toice at aaaaly timbre, which he ueee with taete aad whoae ameical.iBatiaetaare evidently of the brat Oneof the awet deUgLtfalfeatareaof hiaaiBgiag ie the vavavyiag parity 9t kia iatoaatiea. New York Tribaae, Sept 22, 18T7. Mr. Hamlia baa a Mee, riagiag, ayat pataetieToics,aadaeea it adaiirmbJy. Boetoa IVaaacripr, April 11,1888. '. Mr. George HaatKa prerad. hiajaeK a teaar, ef aaaaaal quality. Pittabarg Leader, Jaaaary 1, 1 Ja the Ikw ef good ooawdy draaia Digby BeU iaoneof the very few gaud eeaiedlaaeBOW before taapablicaad of thoaa otbere perhape then ia bat oaa other esaetiy ia haa with hint thie aak aoa the ever acceptable Stuart Bobaoa, wke will aow kave to look to kia karela for Digby Bell bide fair to paahhiai kard ia the winning of pablic favor.. It ia rather peculiar that these eterliag coaiediane ehould each have a play from the pen of. the aelf-aaaw author witk which, to vie for pablic jadgajeat, however, accordiag to the. autropoUtaa preat it ia aaid that Mir. BeU'a play. "The Hooeier Doctor," ie decidedly the better, ie f ull of hueaor, fanny iaeideate, aad that each character haa pleaty to do. Ooesee to the Oliver theatre Satur day evening, Nov. 26. Pricea II, 75a, 50c and 35c oflke. Seata bow ob aale at bor aaable at that lata hoar to obtaia a lofaayhiad. Aad to hia great credit the work he did waa the eaeeeai of the evening. He fairly aatoakked ae with hie powerf al Interpretation aad in epleadid Btaaaer tkroagkoat. Everyeae. knew George Haaelfaia capa biUtiea after adef uate rehtareal aad etudy; few aaopeetci the kweat powera wkiahkeiinmanil. Hiaaiagiagof the "Siekle Soag," u weU aa the reaiaiader of the teaor maefe. ia tke-Dreaaaef Oa Friday evening, December 2, the BuoageaieBt of the Oliver theatre offera another atandard pity at popular pricea, whea will be preaeated Hal Beid'a beautiful play, -Raman Hearts." The play ia well kaowa here, ia a etiong pic ture of life ia the kajfa, Arkaaaae aboandiag io realiem of the beet type. The part of Tom Logan, the atardy bUckemitk of tte kUla, ia" played thie aeaaoB bv.ThamkJnMa.. : vjui. ml . -.Tr JtiTC3ir J. '? xiaaaevuiei . . - - i - . . . . Ci TL LUbbbbI f DIGBT BELL. I ?- . R i j .-.-- 1 I 1