THE COU.-i.- &?' ia s UKr BJ.. &. wall look forward with aatkratioa to Mr. Hamlia'a appearaace ia eoaesrt here. The Matinee Musicals will bold their Beat meeting oa Monday atteroooB at the rooaw of the club, Fifteenth and O treat. The program', which commences promptly at 4 o'dosk, will consist of compositions by members of the clab, and will doubtleaa prove very attrac tive.. Mrs. Herzog and Miaaea Hollow bash, Miller and Hay ward are among thoae whose compositions will be rea dered. Word from the Wesley an quartette, now on the road, relates that it ia sing lag to good houses ia spite of the bad weather. The tour waa begun last Monday. Mr. Dunroy, who accom panies the quartette as a reader, reports cheerful progress. His letter oa an other page is an interesting account of the trip to date. Raymond D.Kingsbury was conducted through the mystic lites and incanta tion of Kappa Sigma fraternity at a laa hour Tuesday night and appeared wearing the fraternity pin the follow iog day. Mr. Kingsbury enjoys consid erable local glory from his excellent playing on the university football team. Mr. Leonard H. Bobbins, late of Princeton, now of Philadelphia, has been visiting his fraternity, the Kappa Sigma, and other friends. He has ac cepted a position on the Philadelphia Press, of which, since the football sea son began, he has been the Princeton correspondent. The rapid recognition of Mr. Bobbin's ability is very gratify, iog to bis many friends here. The officers for the Pleasant Hour club, elected for the following year are as follows: Oliver Bodgera, president; J. H. Mallalieur vice preeident;-Guy B. Hurlburt, secretary and treasurer; B. M. Joyce, master of ceremonies; George J. Woods, John F. Oorgan, Homer Honey well, executive committee. The Union-Commercial club gave an old fashioned New England dinner for its members on Thanksgiving day. Every gentleman was urged to escort a feminine friend to the feast, which waa served in the club rooms and univer sally enjoyed. A Silhouette party was given Thurs day night in the new rooms of the Y. W. O. A. A musical program waa delivered and the guests made merry during the evening over popped corn. Manager Frank C. Zehrung has been to New York booking shows and adding to his already large list of acquaintances in the profession. Miss Anne Rivett, hairdreeeing and shampooing, moved from Burr Blk to Emporium, Hi South Twelfth. Mrs. J. W. MacDonald left Tuesday for Washington, where she will rejoin her husband. She waa accompanied by her little son and Miss Begna Mac Donald. Electric wiring, gas and electric fix tures and lamps a specialty. Kprameyer Plumbing and Heating Uo 215 South Jleventh street. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Rollins, of Columbia. Mo., spent the week with their mother and sister, Mrs. Carson and Miss Carson at the Lincoln hotel. They returned to their home yesterday. DeLoes T. Smith watches, jewelry and repairing 1110 O street. Mrs. Join Dorgan and Mrs. Alexan der Wilaon are visiting, shopping and eight aeeingin Chicago. Dentist Hill, over Miller & Paine. Miss Bert Clark is visiting her aunt, Mrs. PJummer and other friends. The Lincoln Light Infantry company gave party last night at their hall. Next Friday the DelU Tau Deltas will give dancing party in Turpin a hall. Rev. Percy Sflvera baa had a call to Iadiaaapolis. gpecial goffespondeirce. Hanover, Kaa., Nov. 22ad.-The tall tenor, the short second teaor, the fat basso and the medium sized baritone with your lean humble servant, plunged into bleeding Kaasaa last aight through the storm. The wind blew saow baaka into our faces as we left the train, and the committee at the train to meet ua threw cold water in our open coaatsa ancee, figuratively apeakiag, whea they aaaoaaced that there ao con cert. They said that there weeld not be enough audience to catch a pig oa such a sight, and so we were hustled off through the straggling streets of ths lit tle German village, and lodged in divers places. As force. I drew a prize. I aaa bundled into the front end of a lumber man'a office, but the cheer looked slim at the first glance, the clouds soon clear ed, for the aoand of rattling plates, the bum of a singing tea kettle and the gen tle aroma of tea and good things soon greeted my nostrils, and when the glist ening snow was well shaken from my clothing, I was taken into a back room where waa light and cheer and a dainty little housewife smilingly await. It ao happened that th lumberman and his wife had taught school in days gone by, and they were right good talk ers. The hours slipped by till bedtime with talks oo literature and school an ecdotes and the history of the little town. When the clock struck ten we retired and I remembered no more until the coffee mill sounded a home sick strain in my ears this 'morning. It haa been many a weary year since I have heard the sound of a coffee mill in the morn ing, and the sound took me away back into the realm of childhood, where I saw my mother, young and happy, with a group of laughing boys around her. Such a little thing will sometimes un lock the doors of memory and let out the ghosts that have been hidden away sacredly for years! The trip from Lincoln waa a merry one. The driving storm seemed to set every one's nerves to tingling. The members of the quartet acted like frisky colts let loose from the irksome stall, and joke acd laughter and brilliant re partee sounded through the car. There were Interludes of weary waiting on ac count of the storm, and it seemed some times aa if the train would never start again, but after stopping innumerable times we got into Wymore. I don't say that Wymore ia a pretty town, nor a cheerful town under any circumstances, but oa a day like yester day it is one of the most desolate places that ever waa made, and I actually be lieve that the wind can blow harder and colder around some of the corners in that town than any place I ever had the misfortune to get into. We left the train with appetites that would drive us through any thing for a bite to eat. With the mirage of a rare beefsteak with horseradish ever before us, we ran through the streets of the little town in search of an eating place. I saw a restaurant sign across the street and the baritone spied a cafe. He being of a high toned nature, suggested that we give the cafe a trial. In we plunged all covered with snow and the others of our party followed. The landlord near ly had heart failure when he saw five customers piling in on him at once and he rushed tremblingly to the kitchen to tell the cook that a klondike had struck his cafe. By that time our olfactory nerves had sufficiently thawed to per ceive that the cafe was filled with divers and sundry odors that were Corbett like in their strength, and with the re mark that something had crawled in there and died, 1 bolted for the door and the others followed after. So at last we got into the restaurant j&Kfec4t&h?zei9&r i i i i i i i t i : f ff Grocery Economy ftme Pu-reaavt of Pure Food Fox Ieaa. Than ia Usually- Paid fox Inferior Goods. Best California granulated sugar 19 pounds for $1.00 Our celebrated "Satin" flour, per sack 89c Sugar drip syrup, full 2 gallons, per pail 35c White clover syrup, 1 gallon cans, per cau 30c Best Japan tea siftings, r pound 15c Best package coffee 10c Lewis lye, per can ?. . .j.-. . ... 7c 2,400 parlor matches for . . 10c Gloss Starch, per pound 3 c Mail Pouch tobacco 30c The sale of our 'Velvet" soap will be continued next week, we offer 11 bars of this celebrated soap for 25c New white hoop herring (Holland) pei kit 70c WHEN ORDERING PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER. exfe4&&diei7Zsev9i& and a good woman got us a dinner of home made food that waa just what we wanted. After the dinner was over the quartet sat down and began staging. Then it waa that I saw a sight that I hall not forget for many a day. Aa the organ-like tonea of the voices swell ed out, the poor, hard worked woman who had cooked our dinner came into the room and dropped like one dead in to a chair. She wore her work aproa and her hair waa halt down. Her eyes were hollow and lines of care marked her face and brow. She was a typical woman of the small Nebraska town. Her life waa aa dead a level aa the prairies that atretch endlessly out from the little town, and as dreary as the stormy day. On the walls of the room were ghastly crayon picture? of her dead children, the shrine before which, she, like devout catholics before the image of Our Blessed Lady, performed her devotions. As the heart break of the songs filled the little room the woman was taken out of the dreary world, away from the dull prairies, from the flat graves and hateful present to the land of dreams. The tears gathered in. the sunken eyes and ahe smiled through them a wan smile, like the sun smiling through a mist of rain. But the song ended. William Reed Dosbot, with the Wesleyan Quartet. Tom I see by the papers that the Queea of England saya that ahe like American girls. Dick Indeed? Well there are others. Our ' FALL SHOES of ARE THE BEST. Try them. Ill 1043 O Street. wm H. W. BftOWN Druggist and 5 Bookseller. -Wtmlttxas Fine Stationery and 'Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. j -1 rnvnt wo -j t