The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 26, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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;; Dr. 0. 0. Reynold
1W. L. Dayton, M.
Dieaaam ef Kr. Km. v" aa
(Dr. S. E. Cook
f Bye, Bar, Nqm sad Throat
JP "Itw. nn4 is n.11 ( OaVa,ZaarasT Keek (StoMa
r Dr. Ben3.F. Bailey BJ1 vutoM
'see SiL. . ,... IsmWea w.WIC ate mto4
faaili liar iUIimI T sm. a .-.a k. -
aaalaaa. fcr appofartawnt. anaSaj'a
Dr. J. S, Baton, I,
.ml BwaecraaSNarveeaDiieewe. J
I Dr. J. B. Trickey,
J Refraction enly
t.Louls N. WeotcD.D.ajTlrSikj.
1 I eelHbatnet. 1
gMlpr.-FrD. Sberwln ioalStJm"Mkl9 Ma
-'- f OENTWT. liu.MiQrt f I to p.
Charles 0. kittle. Lincoln Infirmery of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building-.
Once our customer always our customer.
If you are not satisfied with your fuel try the Clark Coal
Cokpaay and you will be pleased. Tel. 105. 1009 O St.
: Senad jour waslh dresses
aumd sMfft waists It uiSo
South Twkxbth
BlaaaLaaaamaaalaaaaaBaaaaBBsaaRt' "
jL9JBmmmWwKKM7f "
sBaB&aKaBaar -yJwv
I Tel. 192. 131-133 North
Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty.
mm p.
M-M, tMtett a,m
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izJB tei
Threat ( Im.
ItdS-lS jb
Oato.Zakraav Seek 775
EmUmmIMA ifaMtlti
P to 1 p. aa. mad by aapoiataaeat.
12-to !.
Of fee, 1ST So. Ilth St. -(lla.
Mean IS to
IS toJ2a.sf
VI to 4 p. M.
R)emember Name
la a guarantee that everything ia PURE, FRESH I
ud STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. We have the only
ladies' aad gestleaien'e oyster parlor in the citj. 135 f
Stkcxt. Pbese 68L
k rery iaTitiDf; when the grate ia bJaz
witb our
It baraa free. Ia free from slate aad
dirt Makea a briftbt, glevisg and eco
Boaucal Ire aad does sot burs oat tat
atediately. WE SELL ALL KIND&
Boy what 70a wast aad bay it now.
Ccrurvuxe Block Com. Co.
Yard Pheee, 382. 119 So. Twelfth St.
OSoePhoae,a97. Lincoln, Neb.
Fourteenth Street. Lincoln. 1
AND SEE VS. xx au
CO.. 935 0 STREET. 5
y. .- 4. . ajy.
gociai and PeFonal i
M fe HSr
The teaaea'a ma efdaaeea,reeefUaa,
Keaeiaftoaa aad eachre partiea haa
akokened in apeed, aad peopia hare
stepped again to gather ap the liasa of
family aaian aad faaUlytraditioa. Uai
Teraity atadeata have rathai hoaw to
jeia ia festiTitks ever the tarkey aad
the paaipkiB pie. Mea hare deserted
their claba, aad the claiajs of aodaty
hare yielded to those of faadly. Next
week the gay race will be reaaaMd, to
ooatiaueantil the Caristmaa holiaaya
present aaother check. Ia the ataaa
while this haa been a weak of aaiet
aairth, aad the diveraieas offered are
rather aabataatial thaa gorgeous in
their aatare.
Oae of the daiatieataad saost
fal patties of the aairaraity aoctal
eon waa girea by Kappa Sigaw fra
ternity Tuesday ereaiag ia honor of
OarlL. Shaft! aad Leonard H.Robbina,
two Tiaitiag charter ajeaibers. The
affair waa asodeat aad was the more ea
joyed becaose of its aiaipUdty. The
fraternity roosaa were taatefally deco
rated with palaw aad flowers, aad the
ceilings were festooned with the colore
of the eociety, old geld, bine and ma
roon. Curtained, half ahaded "cosy
corners," designed by a member of the
chapter, proved almost aa attractive ae
the smooth dancing floor. Appropriate
refreshments and excellent music from
Mien WUloBghby'a orchestra aided ma
terially ia the aocceaa of the occasion .
The tollowiag visitors were entertained:
Professor and Mrs. Barboar, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Wilson, Mimes Manning,
Whiting, Coster. Woodward, Woods,
Hammond, Stuart, Haxelwood, May
comer, Stnart, Hammond, Cuaaingham,
Hayes, Bridge, Weiler of Omaha; Messrs.
Hsllett, Elliott, Kisgabary aad Beh
lander. The PJeaeaat Hoar Club nve their
opening party of the year, Friday even
iag at the Lincoln hotel. It has been
the custom in times past to extend the
first party sa a reception to aay of the
yoang members who have bssa married
daring the past year. Oa this occasion
the function waa to be in honor of Mr.
aad Mrs John Iottridge, bat in conse
quence of aa accident to that lady,
making it. impossible for her to attend,
the custom wss fortgoae. The atten
dance was about forty couples, among
whom were expected the foUowisg out-of-town
guests: Miss Anderson vieitiag
Miss Mss Barr, Miss Rhisehart visiting
Mrs. George Woods, Miss Weiler of
Omsha visiUas: Mrs, Lottndge, Mr.
WU1 Hsywsrd snd sister of Nebraska
City. Hageaow's orchestra furnished
music for the evening.
The Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity
entertained ia a most happy manner
Wednesday eveaiag for Miss Jsas
Douglas, of St Joseph. They rigged ap
the band wagon for a sleigh rids by
moonlight through the town aad after
the frolic repaired to the asms of Miss
Jsae McFarland where hot -coffee aad
sandwiches were served. Aftsrwsrda
dancing was iadalged ia to a lata hoar.
These were present: Misses Rath Wilsoa
Emily Weeks, Ella Wert, Frances Caa
awghsm, Hsrper, Foster, Low, Eageaia
Getner, Edqwin. McFarland. Jessie Mc
land, HOI; Messrs. Paul Weeks, Crsa.
dsll, Lakmsr, CoUet, Brewa,
Vaa VilUn, Harvey, Bsisey, Davidees,
Las, Hill, Sherman. Mr: aad Mrs. Will
Hardy chaperored the crowd. t
Mr. aad Mrs. Kimball gave a recsp
tiea Moaday sveaisg ia honor of Mr.
aad Mrs. Henry Eames of Chicsgo. A
small aumbsr of the hundred aad sevea
tyive invited guests fronted the savsgs
storm that blew, aad the oecasloa de
veloped into a charmingly informal af
fair. Mr. Eames, who will iathsfBtara
preside over the piano department of
the coasarvetory, aatertaiaed those prss
sat by a lecture oa Norwsgisa folk
songs, which he illustrated attractively
with music. Ices were served ia Mr.
Eames' stadio by Misses Emily Perkina
aad Eleanor Raymond, both of whom
were gowned ia pink. The decorations
were pink and white chrysaathemams.
John C. Cox and Miss Katherine Mer
aa were married Wedsecday at Have
lock with the moat graceful wedding
ceremoaiefc. Rer. Father Albert of St.
Patricks Catholic church, united tha
two. MkaLuIa Krone ac'iag as brides,
maid, and James P. Cox, brother of the
groom, as best man. The bride wss
gowaed ia a ehsrmiag little travelling
costume for the weddiog trip which will
be extended for two weeks through the
esst After the ceremony, .breakfast;
wss served to sbout sixty gueata at the
home of the bride's mother. -Oa -their
raters, the two will be at home to their
friends at 1042 C street.
A very dainty reception will be given"
this evening st ths home of Mr. aad
Mrs. W. A. Selleck. The hoase will
be decorated with palms sod chrysaa
themnme. The reigBing tones of the
dining room being a delicate blending
of green and white. Coffee will be'
served by Mrs. A. W. Lane, icea by Mrs:
Braner. They will be assisted by Misses'
Elixsheth Wing, Joy Webster aad Belle
Upton. Miss Alice Wing will help itf
receiving the guests. One of the ex
pected guests is Mr. Jamas Woolworth,
of Ohio, the ancle of Mis Selleck.
Mr. Jacob Maxwell aad Miss Mas
Hawkins wers married on Wednesday
morning at the home of Mr. aad Mrs.
Benjamin, Father Nugent conducting
the ceremonies that united the happy
pair. The hoaee waa profanely, de
corated with palms and chrysanthem
um, the dining room with carnations
sad roses. A delicioas little wedding
bIrfsst wss ssrved after the cers
sway. Mr. Maxwell in ths son snd pri
nts secretary of Ooagressmsa Samael
Maxwell. Thsysaagcoaple will spend
ths winter in Washington, D. C.
Mrs. M. Wylie, of North Fourth teenth
street, gave a joint birthday party ia
Jo of her daaghter, Mrs. Nellie
8mith.sadMr.Will Wollst,ot Quicy,
III., who is visiting ia Liacola, last Sat
ardsy evsaiBg, their birthdays oceariag
upon the same day. Delicious refresh
msats wan aarmrt m k. jii
which was artistically decorated with
nasaimt! mJ3
Mr. George Hamlin, who ia ths soloist
for ths second PhilhanBeeic orchestra
eoacsrt, a few weeks ago gave an' entire
rseitsl of Strauss soaga at ths Grand
TtiT fa Cklca?'.W isawasd
by his father. Ths work of ths artist
received the highest commendation
fraat ths critiss. Uasala people m,
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