The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 26, 1898, Image 12

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    B r-rr-r
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8auire Timberson, recently elected to
administer justice in oce of the outly
iar townships of a short-grass county in
. Kansas, is an excellent type of the fron
tier juatice of the peace. A few weeks
after he bad assumed the judicial er
atiae, figuratively speaking, a horse"
thief waa captured in the squire's baili
wick and waa brought before him for
hearing, with the expectation a fore-.
gose conclusion, by the way in the
aaiad of the prosecuting attorney, that
the prisoner would be bound over to the
district court in proper form without a
The day of trial came and the squire's
better-half had cleared the commodious
kitchen for the assembling of court,
evtn giving the floor a good scrubbing
that it might ba as f reo from stains as
the escutcheon of the great state her
husband locally represented.
The prosecuting attorney was first to
arrive, followed in a few moments by
the prisoner, safe in the grasp of a burly
country constable, and trooping behind
theaa came a score or more of suspicious
looking individuals who were clearly the
frieads of the accused. The defendant's
attorney strode in a moment later.
Squire Timberson wore a look of dig
nity befitting his responsible position,
though down in -his heart he felt a sick
eaiag aaalm as to just what the occasion
called f or oa his part and his lower
limbs wobbled suspiciously when he
arose frost behind the kitchen table, a
temporary judicial bench.
Now It happened that the squire
knew nothing of legal lore or judicial
fecat, his sole knowledge along the lines
t authority having been dermxHrom a
worn copy of Robert's -Bales of Order"
aad a study ia boyhood days -of Cash
lag's "Maaaal." Bis experience had"
acaaktd in debating the where
i aad whys la a country lyaeuai. '
The abseaee of any thing ia the nature
t a law Itfcwary waa particularly aotice
aUa ia ilk kitchen "court of justice."
Iks familiar sheep-covered blaekVoaa
waa aewkera (e be area.
The court coavened promptly at 10 a.
i at., tolas; rapped to order by the burly
aoa.tatilt who ofkaated ia the capacity
a bailiff, the whie ha kept his eye ea the
priseat-raad his right hand op his pistol
ia Us hip packet. The stake, with the
of tke prosecuting attorney.
inspecting the papers ia the case,
lasiadiag the warrant with the coa
ataMe'a ratara thereon.
The ntteraey tor the defeadaat had
haaa holJiag a wkiepersd eaasaltatioa
with lh prisoner and his frieads, aad
aave far aa occaainaal resounding
' as aa extra large ejection of
jaiee waa emitted from betweea
tke lips of the burly constable aad'
aa the newly scrubbed floor,
The Nebraska Sanitarium.
Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following' inducements to the
tired and suffering- public who are seeking Health, Rest arid Comfort:
THE institution is situated on an ele
vated site, overlooking the city of
Lincoln, which lies three miles to
the northwest, and with which it
ia connected by an electric street rail
way. One of the most healthy locations be
tween the Mississippi River and the
Rocky Mountains.
A well regulated institution for the
treatment of all chronic diseases.
Water of unusual purity.
Baths of every description, including
the Electric-light bath.
ScientiBrfJ'y classified dietary.
Labratory of hygiene for bacteriologi
cal and microscopical investigation.
Stomach fluids analysed for dyspep
tics. Aseptic operating rooma and surgical
Four physicians, well-trained, with
large experience in sanitarium medical
Trained nurses of both sexes.
Skillful attention given to the treat
ment of
Diseases of the Stomach and Digestive
Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat,
aDd Lunps.
Diseases peculiar to women.
Best of advantages for the treatment
of all form of chronic diseases. Incur
able and offensive patients not received.
This institution also has recently op
ened a city branch office and treatment
rooms in the Halter block, southeast
corner 13th and P streets, Lincoln.
A fine new electric light bath cabinet
in city office rooms.
For circulars giving rates and further information, address,
College View, Nebraska.
all was quiet iu the courtroom.
Suddenly, and without previous warn
ing, the defense, in the person of the
prisoner's attorney, made an unexpected
move, which, however it affected the
equanimity of the state's attorney, at
least took the squire off his guard.
The prisoner's council arose, beaming
pleasantly; and evidently "with malice
aforethought and evil intent," said:
"May it please the court, I move that
this case be dismissed and the prisoner
discharged from custody."
The squire was all alert, and whatever
had been the clouded state of his judi
cial mind as to what to do before, it was
perfectly clear now. All the rules- de
fined and laid down by Roberts came
fresh to memory, and he roared in a
deep bass voice:
"Do you make that there as a motion,
"I do," replied the prisoner's counsel.
The squire glanced expectantly over
the courtroom and failing by hia glance
titfelicit that which ahould he thought
ahould be forthcoming, he gravely in
quired: "Do I hear a second to that motion?"
A friend of the prisoner promptly
seconded tke motion, and the squire
swelled with importance as he looked
over the kitchen table and put the ques
tion. "It has been moved an' seconded that
this 'era case be dismissed an' the pris
oner be discharged. Are ye rejdy tor
tee question?'
"Question," "question,' came from a
doasa throats.
The squire, in all solemnity, looking
over the head of the prosecuting attor
ney, who waa trying to gain his atten
tion, repeated slowly:
'All tase who air in favor of the
moUoa signify by sajing 'AyeT
A chorus of "Ayes" came in response
from the lips of the prisoners friends, ia
which chorus defendant's counsel led.
"All those that air opposed say 'coT
Only the prosecuting attorney and the
burly constable voted in the negative
and the squire firmly decided: "The
'Ayes' have it an' the prisoner's dis
charged!" All efforts of the state's attorney to
show error in tha proceedings proved
futile, for the squire insisted that the
"Ayes'' had it, and "I wouldn't be on
fair it every dog-blasted hossthief in the
state got free!"
Owing to the squire's sense of honor
in this respect the constable stalked oat
of the court room without a prisoner.
The Court-Crier.
Aad nervous ailments are as curable as
other dawaats. I treat nothing eke
J 3 XeonlaeLirca.'ty 3d.I.
Office 1427 O Sr., Lmcolh, Nebr.
Bulla: Home Made Mlnoe Ade-eat:
Atiolly Pcaxre.
T9 South Nikth Street.
'Pboe497. f
(Directly Opposite the Campus.)
Is the most thoroughly equipped Conservatory in
the west. It offers the most complete cousses in
all branches af music. Special attention, given -to
the training of children. Fall term began Sep
tember 5. Pupils may enter at any time. Send
for catalogue,
PJ '' l'S n
bisbbI laimPfLBiaaaiB lHD
sLssssml SaTm TY
LmmmmammmmmmB amMLmmmmmmV
JTtWaWvsaW flvfMHv 4bbbmSsMC7
aWaaaa. Mesial anaatiaa
aad p'eaee your dear wife and family. Warrant) the
most perfect coking stove made. We ore the very
b-st c-lri ro'led patent lev. led ate!, and line every
Range with abea!os and steel, which makes it impos
sib a to set ftre to your floor. They are handsome, at
trative. up-to-date in pattern and design, full nickel
trimmed, will barn any kind of fuel will
last a lifetime. Made on honor, sold on
merit. IBM is wny we call thm the "best
on earth." It your dealer does not
handle I hem he make a gnat mistake
Write to as sad we will provide a way for
yna to buyoae at a reasonable price.
Private Hospital
givaa te all DISEASES OF WOMEN.
Every Cnn saiiai i for Pelvic aad Aiaseniaal Surgery.
Tarkish, Electric aa Mia-age. Baths fee ladies- The Swede Mnim..,
ia their asost iscaat dcwlnaanaw, by the tniasi ar utmt ia caaigeTTTt
Graduate Narse at inies'iarr. Gsrasr Eleven th aad K Streets.
Made la Nebraska. Wa refer yoa to State Oaf.
Krsrsas esaipaaies af Inaeola, aad thoaaaada aaiag oar
givaa hotel aad restaaraat eatlts.
Hello 738. 930 P Street.
Pays highest prices for good second hand furni
ture and stoves and will give you in exchange any
thing new for your old
' i
Jk. '
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