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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1898)
3M 8 THE COURIER. - fen srr. 5? !-; c- : W. C. Wileon, W. B. Wileon, Oorgan, D. D. Muir.Marehall, Carl Funke, Yatee, Outcalt, C. L. Burr. L. O. Burr, D. A. Campbell, R. H. Oakley, Badgers, Baker, J. W. McDowell, A. E. Kennaid, Mrs. Robinson, of Chicago; Mre. Jennings, of Chicago; Mrs. Loveland, of Michigan; Mrs. F. W. Griffith, Miss Mie Burr, Miss Maude Oakley and Miss Fanny Outcalt. Mrs. Angle Newman entertained very pleasantly on Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Jane Creighton of Wash ington, D. C, who is president of the National White Cross of America. A programme was rendered which was en thusiastically received.Lora Holmes sang a pleasing solo. Mre. Crampton then favored them with a zither solo. Then Mrs. Newman introduced Mrs. Creigh ton who spoke of the work of the White Cross. The movement was started in Washington, September 10th. Mrs. Creighton has a most pleating way of talking to her audience and the ladies thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of hearing her. Miss Silence Dales closed the programme with two solos. She played in her usual pleasing way, the ladies demanding an encore. Light re freshments were served by Mines Wini fred Hill and Mamie Hartley. Mrs. C. Jones and Mrs. Morris Turner entertained most delightfully on Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jones. The house was decorated with meteor roses and chrysanthemums. The enter tainmnat was very novel. Each lady was given a card with the name of a song written upon it. They had to illestrate the song by a drawing on the other aide of the card. After all were through the cards were pinned upon the wall and the name of the song had to be gaeased from the drawing. Two beau tifal books were given for prizes. One for the beet drawing and one for the lady who guessed the mo6t Eongs. A dainty luncheon was served at the close. Mrs. Mark Tilton presided in the dining room. Mrs. H. S. Freeman gave a novel Kensington on Thursday afternoon. Each lady was requested to make a batton-hole and the one who made the best received the prize. The house was decorated with chrysanthemums. A aainty iwo course luncheon was served. Mrs. Freeman's guests were: Mesdames Ladd, Orr, Yates, Marshall, Muir.R, B. Muir, Morrill, Limbertson, Campbell, F. Smith. O. Lacey, Wright, W. Wilson, W. Hardy, Dorgan, Coffrotb, E. P. Brojrn, Ogden, Watson, of Friend, Car son, Branch, L. C. Burr, Mohrenstecker, Crancer, Harwood, F. IToutz, G. Woods, Wilson, Everts, Pitcher, Holden, Misses Mae Burr, Binehart, of Lafayette, Ird.f Letts Lowe, Sarah Harris, Dena Looniis, Clan Walsh, Anna Barr, Winifred Hill and Rose Carson. A beautiful wedding occured Wednes day in Beatrice at the home of the bride's mother. The groom was Prof. G. C Menzendorf of Lincoln, and the bride, Miss Boxy Lynch. The ceremony was performed by Bev. F. A. Bright and the weddicg march was played by Miss Silence Dales of" Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Menzendorf left for Lincoln on the 2f45 train where they will make their future home. Some of those in attendance were Messrs and Mesdames S. W. Grin stead, Chester Pawer, Thomas Lynch; Misses Nannie Sbawban of Humbolt; Zoe Matthews of Peru; Silence Dales, Lewi Deweese, Bev. Cochran of Lincoln; aadJ.M. Deweese. This afternoon Mrs. H. S. Freeman will give Kensington. A delicious two eoetse laacheoj will be 'served. The iavited gaeeta are: Mesdames Preston, F. W. Kelley, McClure, Babcock, Webster, Armstrong, A. A. Scott, J. E. Hill, Ererete, Lacy, Peterson, Chapin, AHkis, Van Brunt, B. T. VanBrunt, D. W. Camp, Barr, Manahan, Turner, Philips, Lahr, McCreery. Cowdrey, Latta, Burnham, Billmeyer, A. S. Tib bets, E. P. Brown, C. I. Jones, Bodgere, Kirker. H. L. Mayer, Misses Lucinda Lcomis, Ida Young, Eleanor Young, Cora Hardy, .Anna Tibbote, Jennie Smith, Gertrude Mareland. A chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, one of the great national fraternities of the United States, was established here on last Saturday night. They received a great many gifts from other fraternities and friends as a token of welcome. The chapter house is at 1301 H street. The initiation was conducted by Clement A. Lawlor, of Kansas City, Prof. T. L. Lyon, A. H. Sheldon, B. E. Moore, G. W. Burton and C. L Sovereign. The charter members are A. H. Sheldon, A. E.Harvey, A. C. Pancaast, Flojd Van Valin, C. E. Barber, F. M. Saunders, Lester C. Mudge, Claire B. Mudge, Eugene A. Rose, James P. Bockafellow. Walter M. Hopewell, Winifred C.France and Boy Adams. On Tuesday, at four o'clock, occurred the marriage of Miss Ethel M. English to Mr. William Dobbins. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's father, Mr. W. W. English; Bey. F. L. Wharton, officiating. The simple ring service was used. Only relatives of the contracting parties were present. Both people are well known in Lincoln and all their friends wish them much happi ness. A presidential party was given by Mrs.C. I Jones and Mrs. R.M. Turner on Friday afternoon at the home of the former. Pictures of all the presidents were pinned on the wall and the ladies had to guess who they were. The lady who guessed the most received a dainty book entitled "The Lives of the Presi dents." Mrs. Mark Tilton assisted the hostesses in serving a delicious lunch eon. Mrs. W. C. Wilson entertained de lightfully at euchre on Wednesday after noon. A great many flowers were placed throughout the house. The prizes were given the one winning the most games and for the lone bands. Mrs. Alexander Wilson captured both the prizes. Mrs. D. A. Campbell and Miss Maud Oakley sang after the games. A merry crowd of young people from Havelock came in to Lincoln on Monday evening and gave Mrs. Katherine Boop a pleasant surprise in her rooms in the Kitchen block. Various amusement were furnished and a jolly time was re ported. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Dr. Scott. Light refreshments were served. The party took the 1050 car for Havelock. Cards have been received announcing the approaching marriage of Miss Bertha Evelyn Williams, of Grand Island, to Mr. Thomas Emmons McMeans, of Lin coln. The ceremony will take place in Grand Island, November 30. Mr. and Mrs. McMeans will be at home to their friends at Waverly Terrace. Mrs. James Winger entertained in formally on Tuesday morning for the Topeka ladies and the board of the Matinee Mudcale. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Baker and Miss Maude Oakley. The Topeka quartet sang for the last time to the Lincoln ladies. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morrill entertained in honor of the Phi Beta Phi fraternity i and their gentleman friends on Friday J evening. Progressive hearts was played. The housa was profusely decorated with roses and chrysanthemums. Light re- , treshments were served. De Loss T. Smith watches, jewelry and repairing 1U0 O street. On Motdsy evening ne ladies from Topeka, Kan., gave a recital in the Mat inee Musicale rooms. After the concert ilMMMIMI Mill MIIMMIIIIIIIIMIMMMIMIMMMIMIIMMMMI -rv Wa An family wash bv I LPiHaHKSE: awWaLimws.:"BiBBmKwawawaMr flSflPreflHHi? aasBaWBrXBiBBsEnBm:S mtWaJMXs-BBSBBSBBBSBSSBslBSrAff "i kv-T-VawHlBmaiBSBBBsmissv WaSBBSBBBkL flfiE JBSeBSeamaW hB)asYaBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBBwA IBrJIW - 19ILV awaiBBBBBBBBBBBBPCJv VJBBBBBBBBnaKawlL't FJPr jrmrJ LHh 'i ftaT I -' BpyPgpW Laundry x?"?wvr We do family wash by the pound, ii per pound X to rough dry your fam- i ilywasb. All flat good S ironed. Keturned lo X you on the second day after we get it ready to dampen and iron. We also make special rate on "tin ished" family i work if gotten on Satur- i day to be returned fol lowing Tuesday- Evars I w lllHIIIHIMMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIlUt Go, Tl 1 QQ 11. iv MMIIIIIIIIIIllHIM I MIMIIIHlim IMIIHMIIIIMMmKIIIIIIIMIMIMlHIIMMIM'MIIMIIIIIMIMIIIIII m- . j A NEW LINE OF LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS. We have just placed on sale about one hundred ladies cloth jackets, black and colors, the very latest shapes and styles, all popular priced goods, ranging from 15.00 to $18.00; some of them ex ceptional values. This is a good time to buy a jacket if you will need one this winter. MlbbER & PAINE lllllllMIMMIIIIHHIHmilllIHIIIIIMIIMMIIIIIIIIIMMIIIMIIIIICI X' NEBRASKA WESLYAN UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ONE OF THE LARGEST SCHOOLS OF MUSIC IN THE WEST AND THE NUMBER OF PUPTLS CONSTANT, INCREASING. ONE REA SON FOR THIS LARGE DECREASE IS THAT THE METHODS OF IS- 8 STRUCTIOa IN USE HERE ARE THOSE OF THE BEST EUROPEAN 8 CONSERVATORIES, BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCED IN THE MOST THOROUGH AND RAPD3 MANNER POSSD3LE, AND aRE NEVER OBLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SEVERAL TIMES, AS IS OFTEN THE CASE BECAUSE OF II? .'ROPER IN STRUCTION. EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC, VOCAL, INSTRUMENTAL AND THE ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES. SEND FOR CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFORMATION TO 0REN E. LOCKE, Director, University Place. Nebr. HMHHIHINHfimiHNIINmiHUHIIHHHHIN I : s : 8 Fancy Groceries, I$te. 2 J Tel. 192. 131-133 North Fourteenth Street. Lincoln. 2 : J . Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty. -4 9 2 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS. SHOES, MITTENS AND GLOVES. COME AND SEE US. WM. POTTHARST & CO.. 935 0 STREET. ftftftftftfttftftftftftftft) X s '1 '4