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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1898)
i w v RK - ') iS THE COURIER. 3crftc6&Ste4?iCP 3&czfzc&&4ie4?7iei9$r. 4h& ANNUAL III II t Ub Of Linens, Chinaware. Cooking Utensils and Groceries Began Here Dlitiirsclay, Nov. 15 and Olossess Wednesday, Nov. S$. This event has alwaj's created a lively interest among- the discriminating" public. People wait for it; knowing- that it means a not-to-be-overlooked opportunity of procuring the best the markets afford for a remarkably small outlay. This year's values greater than ever. Read the list. I ! -I table cloths 54-inch union da mask, unbleached, per yard 23c. 56-inch all linen mask, per yard 39c. unbleached da- 62-inch all limen unbleached da mask, per yard 43c. 70-inch all linen unbleached damask, per yard 50c. 72-inch union damask, unbleached, per yard 39c. 72-inch extra heavy unbleached twilled damask, per yard 95c. 56-inch all linen bleached damask, per 3rard 40c. 62-inch all linen bleached damask, per 3'ard 50c. 68inch all linen bleached damask, per yard 75c. 20-inch napkins to match, per dozen, $1.69. 70-inch all linen bleached damask, per yard 69c. 21-inch napkins to match, per dozen, $2.39. 72-inch fine bleached damask, per 3'ard, 97c. 3-4 napkins to match, per dozen, $2.87. All our $1.35 and $1.50 fine 72-inch damasks go during this sale, per yard, $1.19. napkins 22-inch bleached union damask nap kins, per dozen, 97c. 19 inch all linen bleached damask napkins, per dozen 97c. 22-inch all linen bleached damask napkins, per dozen S1.83. 24-inch all linen bleached damask napkins, per dozen $2.73. pattern cloth and napkins 8-4 unbleached pattern cloths, each $2.25; 5-8 napkins to match, per dozen, $2.25. 8-10 pattern cloth, unbleached, each $2.75; 3-4 napkins to match, per dozen $3.00. THANKSGIVING SALE Cooking Utensils, Etc Carving sets upward from 97c to 812.00. Christy bread&ake and kitchen knivep, pr set of 3, 23c. White metal knives and forks, per set of 6 knivts and 6 forke.GJc. Covered turkey roasters, 35c Tin covered roasters 19c. Sheet iron bread pans 5c. Crown and Boston raisin seed ers, the seeders that seed, 25c. Sensible food or meat grinder, 81.25. Chopping knives 5c. Fancy shaped cake cutters, 2c. Round jelly cake pans with re movable bottom, 8c. Straight jelly cake pans 2c Scalloped cake pans with tube, 2c. Round angel food pans with lube acd feet, 19c. Square pie pans, 5c. Deep bread pans 5c. Enameled p'e pans 7c. Surprise egg beaters lc. Dover egg beaters 7c. Lyon egg beaters 19c. Wood spoons 3c. Crumb tray and scraper 7c. 1UVI HLHUH 100 piece decorated dinner sets, English semi -porcelain, brown and blue, per set $6.75, 4 piece glass tea sets, regular 50c values, per set 30c. Glass fruit dishes, 8-inch, good imitation of cut glass, each 15c. Plain blown table glasses, per dozen 60c. Glass creamers and spooners, each 5c . Latest patterns in Haviland china dinner sets. The largest and richest showing of real cut glass in Linooln THANKSGIVING SALE--GK0CERIES IO pounds best eratiulotea ausrai or 07o FARINACEOUS GOODS -Wheat- Our "Satin" flour 90c Our"SiIk"flour 81 00 -ic (T. SOAPS-Our celebrated "Velvet" Eoap, 11 bars for White Russian soap, 10 bars ror. . . Joc Diamond C soap, 10 bars for 25c White Cloud soap (float), 9 bars. . .. 25c CANNED GOODS First quality red cherries, per can 10c First quality pears or gage plums per can He 3 lb can grated pineapple, par can. 10c Test canned corn, 4 cans for 25c 3 lb can Van Camp's tomato Boup, per can 3 lb cans Burnhams clam chowder, per can 3 lb cans Cupid brand hulled corn per can Boston Caked Beans (with pork) per can Armour's best potted ham, per can lie 2!c 9c 5c 5c FISH Columbia River Salmon, (blood red) per can 10i Alaska salmon, per can 7c Cove Oysters (best) per can 8c Barataria Shrimp, per can 13c Little neck clams, per can 10c New Star Lobsters, per can 29c ling, 3pkjs 25c Shedded Wheat Biucuit, por pkg.. 10c Farina, ppr pkg 3Jc Full weight Oat Meal, 4 pkga for.. 25c Macaroni, 3 pkgs for 25.: New English walnuts, per lb 10c New large almonds, per lb 17Jc New pecans, per lb 9c PICKLES New,our, medium bZ3 Gcqt; small eiz?,8cqt;new mixed sweet, 18c qt ; sour 13c Queen Olives, bulk, pint 13c Queen Olives, bottle each 10c MEATS-Best No. 1 Hams, per lb. 9c Beat California Ham per lb 0 Best Breakfast Bacon pr lb 9c Best Dry Salt pork, per lb 7c New Smoked Halibut, per lb lie New Pearl Cod Fish, boneless, per lb Gi New Mince Meat, pkg 8c LARD Best kettle rendered, 3 lb pail, 21c; 5 lb pail, 35c; 10 lb pai', 603; 20 lb pill. $1.23; 50 lb can.. S2 90 2100 matches for )0z Wlheffl Ordertog Pleas MefflHtioi&i. TMs Paper eire: Lincoln, Nebraska.