The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 19, 1898, Page 6, Image 7

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gotial and Pergonal
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The ladies of Lincolojhpve been doing
a great deal for society this week.
Parties both large and small bare con
sumed the afternoons and two large card
parties have been given in the evenings.
Two brilliant receptions, a number of
pleasant Kensingtons and several card
parties, eucbre being the favorite game
for the latter gathering, and two unique
guessing parties were a feature of the
week's festivities.
Soroeis banqueted for the ninth time
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Sawyer on last Friday night. These
once a year banquets are a feature of
Soroeis which unlike-moet limited clubs
does not eat between meal?. One of the
first celebrations, if not the first one.
was made very memorable by Mrs.
Bryan. The occasion was a farewell to
Miss Sarah Wool Moore, one of the
members of the club. When Mrs.
Bryan's turn came after the cafe
noir she solemnly arose while
an accompanist sat down before a
doleful melodion and played a few bars
of our national hymn. Then Mir. Bryan
said she had written a farewell ode to
Miss Moore and would read it two lines
at a time and asked the company to join
in singing it. So far as laughter
allowed the company complied with her
request All the Bpeeches which suc
ceeded were affectionately funny and
frothy and the impression that remains
after many years has never been dis
placed by another equally successful.
Yet the ninth annual. banquet was
crowned with witty speeches and spon
taneous laughter and good feeling. The
program committee, Mrs. Summers and
Mrs. Tibbitts, bad surreptitiously
collected the ancient-photographs of the
members of Soroais and encircled by
wreaths of amaranth they hung upon
the Iare curtains .labeled the Three
graces, the nine muses, the three furies,
the three harpies and the three gorgons
Every man received a card of the myth
ological being selected by the committee
as best for him and he was obliged to
identify her by the ancient likeness
impaled upon the wall. Not a man
failed which shows that he does possess
the lightning intuitions and unreason
ing instincts denied him by gifted but
unreliable novelists and psychologists.
The elaborate menu was arranged by a
committee of which Mrs. Atkinson was
chairman, assisted by Mrs. Snell and
Mrs Campbell. Four noiseless young
ladies very deftly and very kindly served
the courses. They were Misses Mc
Oahey, Thomas, Custer and Miller, with
Miss Ena Ricketts as director of the
The secretary Mrs. Burlingim began
the after dinner fun making by calling
the roll in rbymed couplets which eo
ingeniously and when necessity required,
tortuously matched that it was very
amusing. Miss Turner sang very sweet
ly and Mrs. Campbell and Miss Miller
aang and played to a very appreciative
audience as per program which follows:
The Roll Call Mrs. W. E. Burlingim
Manola Bourgeois
Miss Turner.
The Midway Mr. T. C. Munger
Havaoera Bizet
Mrs. D. Campbell.
Our Heroes. . . . Mrs. Langworthy Taylor
Scherzo Haydn
Andante .Schubert
Miss Miller.
The Two Maids Mr.W.Q.Bell
Creole Love Song Smith
? Mrs. D. A. Campbell.
Paragraphs Mrs. J. E. Miller
Life's Lullaby Gerald Lane
Mies Turner.
Expansion Mr. N. Z. Snell
Mrs. C. H. Morrill received in honor
of her sister, Mrs. Richardson, of Frank'
lin, New Hampshire, yesterday after
noon. The parlor was lighted by gas
shaded by pink shades. Large vases of
pink chrysauthe sums and piuk carna
tions were placed in the room. Mrs.
Morrill was assisted in the parlor by
Mrs. J. M. Bartlett, Mrs. George Mc
Lean, Mrs. A. E. Uargreaves, Mrs. Lahr,
and Mrs. McCreery. The back parlor
was decorated in violet and white the
flowers being English violets and white
chrysanthemums. Here in the bay
window ices were served by Mrs. Wil
lard Kimball who was assisted by
Misses Daisy Miner,Theresa Reagan and
Minnie Morrill. The library was all in
yellow. The dining room was done in
red, the shaded lights reflecting a beau
tiful color upon all. American beauties
and red chrysanthemums were used
profusely in the decorating. Mrs. D. D.
Muir presided over the cofTeo urn and
Mrs. W. B- Kiroy Berved the chocolate?
These ladies were assisted by the Misses
Bessie Turner, Lulu West. Mae Lansing
and Hazel wood. Sweet strains, of
Hagenow's orchestra tioatnd through
the rooms during the receiving hour.
Mrs. W. B. Kirby entertained most
charmingly on Tuesday afternoon in the
parlors of Hotel Lincoln at six handed
euchre. The rooms were beautifully
decorated with motcor roses and chrys
anthemums. Colored waiters served
delicious refreshments. Mrs. D. D.
Muir and Mrs. J. A. Buckstaff carried
off the prize?. Those present were:
Mesdames Holden, Fred Howe, Frank
Irvine, C. J. Jones, Kier, Latta, R. E,
Moore, Mc .'urtry, Winger, E.E. Brown,
C. H. Morrill, D. D. Muir, Patrick,
Preston, Ode Rector, Strode, R. M.
Turner, Bailey, Ellas Baker, Barbour.
Billmeyer, Coffro.b, Crandall, Cowdery,
Crancer, Crate, Will Dorgan. Bert
Davis, Garten, F. M. Hall, W. B. Har-
greaves, Van Brunt, Ya'es, H. B.
Thompson, Aitken, II. T. Folsom, Kirk,
I. M. Thompson, Mitchell, Curtice, Ken
nard. Manahan, John Dorgan, W. B.
Wilson, Van Di'sen, Harry Evans, A. S.
Raymond, R. H. Oakley, Buckstaff,
Wolcolt, Lottridge, F. W. Brown and
Putnam; Misses Bailey, Saunders, Oak
ley, Griffith, Farwell-Holmes, Cochran,
Price, Garten, Alice Cowdery, Kittie
Cowdery, Hollowbush, Rector, Oeweeec.
Putnam and Wellcr of Omaha.
Mrs. A. K. Day and Mrs. J. W. Bow
man give a reception this afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Day. The house
is decorated with palms and chrysan
themums. The shades will be drawn
and thegas light softened by dainty
blue and yellow shades. The hostesses
will be assisted by Mesdames F. M.
Campbell, Hyde, A. W. Lane and Candy.
The dining room will be done in yellow
and white. The linen ou the table is
the work of Mrs. Bowman. Yellow rib
bon is festooned around the sides of the
table and held in place by white chrys
anthemums. The room is lighted by
candelabra with yellow shades and a
Office 656
Sm 6S5
Professional Directory.
Office Hours
Dr. O. O. Reynolds j
Office roomi 1S-19 1 10 toll a.m
Burr Bloc r JMJap.
Be. 2M8Q tit 1 San. 3 to
oa IW. L. Dayton, M.D. 1 0ffl". streot l10to1
j Disease of Ere, Kai.v-w, and Throat J Re. 1821 C Street 12:30 to5pm
I Dr. 8. E. Cook
f Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
1215 O St.
19:30-12:3 am
..618 1 . ., I Office, Zehrnna- Block I to 10 am
VDr. Ben j. F. Bailey nunt&
.671. f ".! J- -i"jr Residence. 1313 C street j 2 to 4 p m
Evening, by appointment. Sunday' 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment.
fl" IDr. J.S, Eaton,
Beidence 362) Surgery ana Kerrous Dieaes,
1 (2to 4p.m
VOffiee.137 So. Ilth St. -i 12 a.m.
J Hours 10 to
JDr. J. B. Triokey,
I Refractionist only
9 to 12 a. m
Office, 1035 O street..... VI to 4 p.m.
1 -r- , m.-r ... -. -. I Office, room 26, 27 and l
(Bee 530.J-Louis N. Wente.D.D.S-l l.Brownell Block, 137 J-
) (so 11th street. I
Dr. P. D. Sherwin
(Office, room 19 BurrBlklS to 12a m
2nd floor
t Bes. 2520 Q St . ) I to p.
Charles O. foittle. Lincoln Infirmery of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
Once our customer always our customer.
If you are not satisfied with 3Tour fuel try the Clark Coal
Company and you will be pleased. Tel. 105. 1009 O St.
Smd jsnr wrnslh dr
y and sMnt waists to i.
Remember Pame
Is a guarantee that everything is PURE, FRESH
and STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. We have the odIv
ladies1 and gentlemen's oyster parlor in the city. 13a X
South Twelith street. I'uone 681.
1 ii m II i
.( - - Ccna"i
is very inviting when the grate is blaz
with our
It burns freely. Is free from slate and
dirt Makes a bright, glowing and eco
nomical fire and does nof burn out im
mediately. WE SELL ALL KINDS.
Buy what you want and buy it now.
Centekville Block Coal Co.
Yard Phone, 382. 119 So. Twelfth Sf.
Office Phone, 397. Lincoln, Neb.
large boquet of yellow and white chrys
anthemums stands in the centre of the
table. Mrs. Teeters and Miss Abbie
Beardsley preside over the table. They
will be assisted by Misses Winifred
Nicholson, Lida Miller, Edna Harpham,
Nelia Cochran, Lulu Wondir and Wini
fred Hyde. The refreshments will be
served in two courses. Stationed in the
hall and screened by palms a mandolin
club will pla) during the receiving hours.
On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Will Leonard entertained at cards in
bonor of Mrs. Frank Ba'lentine of Seat
tle, Washington. The house was beauti
fully decorated for the occasion with
roses and chrysanthemums. Light
refreshments were served at the close of
the evening. Those enjoying the pleas
ant evening with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard
were: Messrs. and Mesdames G. H.
Clark, I. M. Raymond, A. S. Raymond,
A. E. Hargreaves, J. H. Harley, Henry
Lewis, S. H. Burnham, Will Green, Ed
Green, S. G. Dorr, W. B. Ogden, George
Woods, E. P. Ewing, II. H. Harley, C.
H. Imhoff, Henry Branch, Charle3
Branch, E. P. Holmes, Frank Hall,
French, G.M. Lambertson, H. F. Kelly,
B. F. Bailey, Ross Curtice, Fred Houtz,
Myron Wheeler, John Lottridge, Ed
Fitzgerald and Miss Rinehart of La
fayette, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Leonard gave a
charming euchre party on Thursday
evening in honor of Mrs. Frank Ballen
tine of Seattle, Washington. The ele
gant home was artistically decorated
with roses and chrysanthemums. A
dainty luncheon was served in two
courses. The guests were: Messrs. and
Mesdames Beeson, Green, Irvine,
Thompson. Wright, W. B. Hargreaves.
Tilton, Ladd, BuckBtaff, F. W. Brown,
'4 1